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    Street Fighter 4

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  1. One of my sister wives looks just Charlotte from vampire hunter d blood lust. I should take a picture of her with me
  2. I sometimes wipe my ass with regular alcohol wipes. I did that today after taking a alcohol bath.
  3. I can run 80mph and ride my BMX 200mph
  4. I just got done playing arcade edition at the swap meet I beat the game with one hand
  5. How does Dhalsim, Ryu, and Ken play?
  6. I shit naked sometimes even in public bathrooms. I would make them see me naked in the stall when they look through the crack.
  7. My PS3 username is Haldol616.
  8. I rode my BMX 100 miles in one day. I can bench press 230 pounds. Lat pull down 230 pounds. Dead lift 400. Back extend 300. Shoulder press 125. Curl 110. Triceps extend 75. Do 200 incline sit ups.
  9. As a male I would never fight a human woman. I would fight a reptilian woman though because she will be as strong as me. Humans are really really weak.
  10. I morphed from female to male. I did not have surgery. I just realized I am actually 442 years old and a shapeshifter because I am a reptilian immortal.
  11. Well they can be good anywhere in certain random parts of the world. I am wrong then.
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