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Everything posted by GreyFoxx

  1. October 10th release in Japan only. No word yet for rest of the world.
  2. Just happy we got a movie where the Earth warriors can handle some things instead of Goku/Vegeta show. Love them too death but let the other cast thrive just a wee bit.
  3. Also finding out Beerus...has a type.
  4. FUCK!!!
  5. Just got caught up with SNW and damn that cliff hanger has me hungering for some more!
  6. Yep in store pre-orders are live. Got mines set aside and now i wait. Maybe i'll replay thru 1-2.
  7. You can pre-order the Bayo 1 physical and LE of Bayo 3 at GS. It shall be done payday Friday for sure!
  8. So how are my fellow OP fans handling the break? Staying hydrated? Catching up on other things? 🙂
  9. What ever you think of Dragon Ball you can honestly say it still keeps expanding in very unique ways.
  10. Expect new Info on July 2nd from Anime Expo Panel!!!
  11. Decent ending ep. Questions on a certain person but not bad. Also Rocks. Lot's of Rocks.
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