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Everything posted by Mattatsu

  1. I domt know why hat fB didnt hit, but i’ll take it 🤣
  2. Does that fucking thing hit low? 🤣 i swear i blocked that, unkess i released too early in a punish attempt
  3. Do you need it fto be in competitive mode?
  4. I didnt make it kompetive mode, not sure if you have your variations set up
  5. If you want more time, that’s fine. I have it. How about you send me an invite when you’re comfortable? I have a few things i wouldn't mind labbing either
  6. K, just hopping on now. I wanna lab for a bit. If i send an invite in like 15 mins (7:20) is that cool?
  7. @GetTheTablesi’ll be online in a bit if you’re up for games (or anyone else for that matter)
  8. I just realized that’s what LOX stood for, even though someone, somewhere had a line like “living off experience like the lox, i’m hot...” edit: it was 50 for sure, can’t remember the track though. i think it was pre-GRODT. edit 2: ahhh yeah edit 3: i always loved that line “on a scale from 1 to 10, I’m a 9 with two m’s”
  9. @KingTubbmy wife’s actually closer to being Azerbaijan than Persian tbh. Her parents are from Iran, but her Mom’s family is from Turkey and they lived close to the Azerbaijan border in Iran. It’s not Armenian but she kinda has a Kim K look (before the plastic surgery and without an 80 lbs ass).
  10. Yeah, I removed the white bit, as I was generalizing when i shouldn’t have. My white friend across the street got belts and wooden spoons too.
  11. One thing I’m happy about is that my mom spanked me, but never used a weapon. My wife (who’s Persian) and her cousin both got their asses beat by fists, belts, and frying pans. the last time my mom tried anything was when I was like 12. She spanked me as hard as she could and I laughed at her... I moved on to being grounded that day friends
  12. Tbh, GG being a complete movie with no interaction was terrible for someone who doesn’t know anything about GG. I watched that for 5 minutes before having the best nap on my couch I’ve ever had
  13. Awesome. I’m happy to hear from you man. we still play 3S or ST on 30A from time to time (on PC or PS4). If you’re up for those matches, let me know and I can tag you whenever we’re starting a lounge.
  14. I don't think so, he kinda disappeared. I never see him on PSN either. Hope he’s okay actually. I can’t recall if Volt tagged him or not. I don’t think Riley made it over either. I’ll go back to SRk and tag them.
  15. I pretty much only do story modes if it unlocks stuff (but it has to be a game I’m invested in, as I straight up ignored DBFZ’s story even though it had character unlocks). i will always watch MK stories (even if they didn’t have unlocks) just for personal nostalgia reasons. also the MVCI story is great, in that it’s like a C-list action movie that’s so bad and cliche that it’s hilarious.
  16. That’s odd, that twitter account is usually in USD. You got the “Aftermath Kollection” right? edit: i clicked on the amazon link and it took me to the canadian site with the $45 price tag, so i suppose it knew and embedded that version in the tweet for me (which i’ve seen with Steam embedded pages as well). anyways, looking forward to ggs soon.
  17. “On Writing” is a great book. I used to dabble in fictional writing, and while i don’t remember any of it (lol, this was 10+ years ago), I remember taking a lot of good notes that helped my creative process. there was also a good grammar and prose book, something along the lines of “who are you writing for” (though i can’t find this book in a google search) that was helpful too. I’ll try to keep looking for it, but i remember in the introduction, the author wrote about writing honeslty and being yourself. He summarized this thought with saying something like “as you’ll find out later in this book, the title should be ‘whom are you writing for’, not who, but I cannot write that - it’s not me”. That stuck with me as well, and helped me write a bit more concisely, as opposed to trying to fluff everything up, which I was doing based on my own insecurities and not trusting my audience. edit: i cannot find a book with this title, which is odd because i remember it was recommended to me by a few different people and was a really popular book. Maybe the “who are your writing for” was the name of a chapter within it, and that intro wasn’t an intro at all. I was looking for a white and blue cover, which looks a lot like “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser, which I had as well and thought was good. Maybe that’s a part in it, or I’m mixing them up? I can’t remember, which sucks because i highly recommend it, and i’ve searched through a lot of books at this point.
  18. @KingTubbit seems like the Aftermath collection (which im pretty sure is the base game, the first 6 DLC, and aftermath) is $45 on amazon prime for another couple of days
  19. His first variation (i think, the one with all the zoning options) is a huge pain in the ass, just keep back dashing and when you finally get knocked down, then wakeup roll and run away to the other end of the stage lol also, skarlet’s a character I keep wanting to try. She looks fun.
  20. I labbed sub-zero earlier today for a minute and his armor break sucks, but it just randomly occured to me how much i hate this breakaway/armor break systwm. I think i was spoiled by Kitana because her armor break is actually good and i don’t sacrifice too much damage from my BNBs if they don't break. also, i think i’m going to keep kitana as my tournament variation character. i do like her and like that i’m already comfortable with her. I just need to watch better player footage to get new ideas. I would like to start playing you guys more. I had good games with @Hawkingbirdand @Yiceman a while back and am looking forward to games with @GetTheTablesbut for you guys and everyone else, are y’all mostly playing tournament or custom variations these days?
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