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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. I honestly thought about this when watching the last ep of Moon Knight.
  2. Secret cam footage from one of these on the compound.
  3. Yeah anyone that said it was boring is full of it.
  4. Saw the leak yesterday. It's cool for novelty, but so many figures do a lot more for less. Add that to the lack of knees . . . easiest pass ever.
  5. This was more of the "icing on the cake" variety as issues go. I wanted more, but I didn't need Rambo to show up 😂
  6. In these situations, GoFundMe's should only be used if it's needed. I thought about taking donations for my Dad's funeral expenses. We had it, so all was good.
  7. Maybe it's just me, but I really liked the first film. Part of that was its score. Elfman is good, but Giacchino bested him overall. That said, like you, I don't think the movie pushed the multiverse line as far as it could have. Time was likely the constraint, but still.
  8. Starting to round out that S1 Autobot shelf (officially)
  9. Agreed. The physical capacity is one part, the other is learning how to do one. Then it's just repeating the task at hand.
  10. If it is, sure. If not sure. They cam pretty much do whatever as long as the narrative allows for it.
  11. Dude pulled the asshole card from the deck quite often . . . but I don't think he was some vile retch spewing hate. People really need to chill.
  12. That was a ha huge mistake on their part. Lupita or Letitia?
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