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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. Misunderstood song lyrics. Most I knew, but this was a fun thing to revisit.
  2. That's been the thing for me as well. May as well kick it with the devil you know. This is part of why I am afraid to get Dread. Played a bit of the demo and was impressed.
  3. If we are gonna go all out, I need them to include this version of Spidey
  4. No it doesn't. From leading professional organizations, making positive social change, and laying the groundwork for the generation coming after us is tough. . . but Gamestop has B2G1 and I'll be damned if I let dust try to accumulate on my pro-controller 🤣
  5. Watching that trailer implies that there is gonna some really bad sextet action.
  6. Jurassic Park X Transformers set. This is cool more for the fact that it exists. In some ways I regret taking it out of the box. Tyrannocon is based off of the Kingdom Megatron mold. JP93 is a new mold. My sneaking suspicion is that it's a pre-tool for the TF Armada character Red-Alert.
  7. Backlogs with games wasn't a thing 15 years ago for two reasons: Time (more of it) Money (less of it) Now it's the inverse 😂
  8. I've heard really good things about it. I'm likely gonna grab it. The real question is if Avegners will be on sale (and worth it) 🤣
  9. I may consider grabbing this now. I need to stop buying games on sale. I still haven't opened Deathloop yet.
  10. I'm not negating that fact. However, when people talk about representation on the bench, a factor is the pool itself.
  11. We've been taught that aging is a terrible thing and you gotta look the part till you are 120. With all of these enhancements, I fear that we're gonna be a very unique looking set of old people.
  12. Hate to be "that-guy" today, but recently had a talk about this with one of my close friends. Before becoming an attorney, he didn't think skipping jury duty was a thing. Then when he saw that the jury of your "peers" got hampered by people trying to get out of it, his stance on that role has changed. If you can go, do it. You may in fact change someone's life.
  13. I'm all for this. Interesting that the term "qualified" is used when the qualifications are pretty open.
  14. Because relevant Also, props to how well the characters are composited.
  15. Still stands that it was a dickish thing for him to say regardless.
  16. This is gonna be another "thing" for that crowd to complain about . Injecting Borax (a known poison) into your body and gonna claim it was the vaccine that messed you up is the next conspiracy.
  17. Exactly this! People are going to unfortunately see this as a green light to "police" things.
  18. I wish I would have grabbed Battle Convoy on release. I'm gonna wait for a reprint. It was expensive when it came out and it's even more out of reach now.
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