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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. Crazy thing is that I preordered it on the 19th. From what I have read, the camera, screen refresh rate, and the 4GB RAM difference isn't really that much of an improvement. That's why I ultimately settled for the 6 with a the additional storage space.
  2. Looks like I am gonna be waiting for the Pixel 6. I went with the 256GB model in Stormy Black and apparently Best Buy is still awaiting inventory.
  3. My man thought getting 15 seconds of fame tearing up a Subway was worth it
  4. I swear that whine never gets old. The J-Turn through the tire smoke . . .
  5. They can feel that way if they want. We aren't a monolith.
  6. Not liking a show due to your personal taste is different than I don't like it because of the WOKEPOCALYPSE.
  7. and when you get a seat at the table, always opt to bring a bench.
  8. You see material through whatever lens fits your worldview. Nowadays, it just seems like people are just looking looking for something to complain about. Thumb thugging seems to bring out the worst in people.
  9. My wife lost her father back in August. The entire process has been a cluster. Not only is the grief there, but you have to actively sort through their life to make sense of where things are.
  10. My parents are going to be their 70s in a couple years and I've been urging them to take care of this stuff. Really sorry to hear about this.
  11. It's insanely hard to fight what you can't see. Also, let's be real, time stop was DIO's greatest weapon and also how he was beaten.
  12. Nope. While Optimus Primal is my fave TF character, I didn't really feel the need for Chalk's signature. I did get the chance to briefly speak to him. Really nice guy.
  13. TFCon was a blast. The time spent with fellow fans outweighs the lack of sleep. I'll proudly go back in a couple years (location dependent). I'll post this over in the lounge thread, but here's the weekend haul. The Hot Rod/Akira homage was done by a guy by the name of Deacon Shaw (IG handle Minyung_Draws). There were so many layers to that piece. I say his Star Convoy print, but that took the cake. The Grimlock Tea Rex one is by Casey Coller (one of the IDW line artists).
  14. Outside of Laser Prime, I doubt there will be anything else I'd grab from the set. Also, any of you guys at TFCon? I made the trip and so far so good. The Comic and Beast Wars panels are gonna be packed. So many people are here to speak with Budiansky.
  15. I think it's practically guaranteed that there is a repaint of this mold coming. Scourge may be the more popular version. Also TFCon is this weekend. I took the plunge and made the trip. It feels great to geek completely the hell out.
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