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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. Companies will continue to put something out if it continues to make money. This is why the subscription model keeps gaining traction. We keep paying for it, so they have no incentive to change things.
  2. As with everything, you get more of what you pay for.
  3. Needs a drop test from orbit to confirm if it's as resilient as its predecessor.
  4. I bought the game last year during Black Friday and still haven't touched it. The Steelbook case was $2 at Best Buy so figured I'd grab it for reasons. It'll at least give me a reason to open the game LOL
  5. Does anyone here play (or has played) Borderlands 3?
  6. Since reading screengrabs/headlines are sensationalized, here's the article referenced:
  7. Just finished Astral Chain. I was pleasantly surprised at how deep the combat can get once you let your imagination run with it. For what ever reason, I kept thinking that I could only use one Legion at once. Then remember that the Platinum-Based Gods don't give players limits 🤣. Note - To whoever is doing the soundtracks on Platinum's titles, please keep it up. I was impressed.
  8. I literally read the story earlier yesterday AM that he was taking a medical leave of absence. I was shocked to hear he passed later that afternoon.
  9. If she doesn't know that a condom came off INSIDE, then . . . This look sound more like the the "bathroom" laws. Not saying that it can't happen, but under most circumstances, it's not a thing. There are far more indicators before people get to that point. This is the about protecting nonconsensual practice.
  10. No sir. . . because the gays can be white. This was pretty much the point in Chappelle's special(s). Exactly. You KNOW the difference. Either restrap or your get the green light.
  11. One of my friends sent me a link about Superman (Jon Kent) coming out and the agenda. I immediately said: It's not Clark You haven't read a single comic book since 1999 Don't be mad about something you never planned on buying.
  12. The edited versions of the Cash Money songs back in the 99 and the 2000 were superior.
  13. The fact that a law had to be passed is crazy. It's the one time where I had to think about the best reaction. . . 👍 or 🤣.
  14. This. He's got a ton more interesting things in his body of work. In the same vein, I'm waiting for Bill Burr to achieve his final form.
  15. Watched "The Closer". People are again mad about something that they haven't seen. I do think he had a point to prove and made it very clear in the special regarding the whole "movement". His points were solid for the most part. I did think that he oversimplified a few things in order to make his point work (e.g., gender being a fact). That Space "joke" landed like a ton of bricks. He tried to make it work the second go and still didn't work out. People should have taken notice that he always address the person in the topic as they meant to be addressed or that it was always from a stance of empathy. People are making a mountain out of a mole hill for ad revenue.
  16. Canceling has become a "process" that no one really has any idea how it works. It's only appears to be relevant on things you don't like or share the same values with. Both sides try to run this ball every three months.
  17. So this happened . . . . The Rock is just doing entertainment victory laps 🤣
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