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Posts posted by YagamiFire

  1. 1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

    When a minority person tells you that something is racist, there are two ways you can react to it.

    "Um ackshually, minorities are magical fairy creatures that have the infallible ability to be right about EVERYTHING to do with race and racism even when they're saying it about a race that isn't their own"


    My Chinese sister-in-law said you're being very racist with that sort of "Magical minority" thinking. I say the same thing. That's two to one.


    Please react in your prescribed non-racist way.


    Except you won't. Instead you'll deny her existence and her condemnation of what you've said here just as you'll ignore the fact that I condemn what you said as racist as a minority as well. So...aren't you required to agree with her and me? Or do you get special privilege? How does this nonsense work (especially since you literally denounced the concepts of rationality and morality 😂)? Is there some advanced Minority Math you use? Show your work. I could use the laugh.


    You won't be consistent cuz you're an authoritarian amoral hypocrite with no actual philosophical or even coherent foundation to your thinking because you're a religious nutbar that doesn't even realize they're religious at all who will GLADLY ignore, denounce and erase the existence of any minority that disagrees with you even while OH SO RIGHTEOUSLY claiming to champion them.


    You have no standards. You just want to morally grandstand to show off how "enlightened" you are. You get off on accusing people of things like some Puritanical witch-burner because it gives you a thrill of righteous indignation, consequences and truth be damned. "Oh what a good person I am! I called THREE people racist today! That'll show the world I'm valorous and good!" What a sad, sickening little person.


    Not everyone shares your insane religious convictions. The sooner you realize that the sooner you might be mentally healthy.


    Here's your trope, you walking meme-person



    Be better and stop throwing around slurs, racist (oooh I feel so righteous).

  2. 54 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

    Its like men wants kumplicated females with violent tendencies. Im not judging a certain invidual what I am saying is that those kind of females are popular to the men of today?

    Yeah hard pass on that please. Chun-Li type > Juri type any day of the week. Have never understood the appeal. To each their own I suppose but seems like a way to set yourself up for trouble going after the crazies!

  3. 1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

    Yes, I'm sure not wanting to get punched in the face is a very moral stance for you.

    LMAO Did you just unironically do the "The only reason people don't use slurs is because black people are so violent they'll punch someone in the face for saying words" argument? really sounds like it. This might shock you, but some people refrain from using slurs not because they're afraid of SCAAAARY minorities punching them but, y'know, cuz it's not cool to use slurs. Or do you think someone using a slur in their own house risks someone popping out of the aether to punch them? 🤣We are what we do when no one is watching. Therefore I don't use slurs at all to refer to people. Pretty simple.


    As for you...I guess you just don't use slurs out of fear of reprisal? Damn, man. Talk about telling on yourself. I can only imagine what you get up to saying when you know no one is around to hear.


    1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

    Protip:  The only people who spend paragraphs trying to argue why something isn't actually racist...are racists.


    Protip: This is a REALLY stupid standard. Like astoundingly stupid. Like blithering ardent Flat-Earther stupid. Straight up "If the woman drowns she wasn't really a witch but if she swims she's a witch so we'll burn her to death" level stupid 'logic'.


    1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

    Cool!  Masks off!

    Correct. I do not judge peoples actions based on their race. Cuz I'm not racist. I judge people based on their actions and the intent of those actions regardless of race. Crazy concept I guess?


    You went from 0 to 11 over a BigMex article FAST. Good talk. Stay classy. I particularly liked the part where you said you knowingly called someone a racially charged slur...while accusing someone of being racist. The irony gave me a good chuckle.


    Be less of a racist authoritarian busybody in search of offense, bro. It'll do you good.

  4. 1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    What is up with this Restera level of looking for something to be offended by? Are people really complaining about Chinese stereotypes in Street Fighter like stereotypes are exclusive to Chinese characters. Street Fighter is built on stereo types of mutliple races an nationalities. There are multiple characters of Chinese heritage in Street Fighter most of whom aren't villians. Jamie's whole deal is trying to follow the heroic examples of Yun and Yang. Let's pretend like Chun Li doesn't exit. It's not liek she's one of the faces of the franchise or anything. It's not like she adopted an orphan or helped take down a sinister criminal organization or anything. 

    Seriously. The original SF China rep is the most positive, awesome, morally-upstanding character in the entire it's kind of hard to paint SF as having some sinister anti-Asian Women agenda at work 🤣


    Also there's something SERIOUSLY messed up about conflating Chinese and Korean characters into a blend of "well they're both Asian so they're the same thing".


    SF has always traded on tropes to make characters instantly classically recognizable while also elevating those characters with genuine characterization and originality. AKI...doesn't even particularly fulfill ANY trope unless BigMex is claiming "Asia has had female villains. Period" as some kind of insidious trope pervasive throughout entertainment media which is, frankly, an insane contention for a number of reasons including just the surface level "Bruh..." take of such a blanket stance.


    He can't even invoke the "Dragon lady" trope here because AKI isn't some devious mastermind nor a seductress...she's overtly a 2nd banana AND off-putting and not seductive. She's creepy and weird AF. Also also, it wouldn't even be negative since it's a POSITIVE compliment if you're Chinese that is basically equivalent to calling someone a "boss bitch".

  5. 1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

    JFC dude, FANG is WAY more of an exaggerated stereotype than they are.


    And if you can't tell the difference, you might be a redneck.

    Only in regards to typical SF exaggeration of characters. Also 'redneck' is a  (mostly race based) derogatory term. Also also, it's particularly funny here since FANG was created by Capcom of Japan whom I am pretty sure isn't staffed by 'rednecks' and overtly have FANG shown to be an homage to classics of kung-fu cinema same as Fei Long and several other characters.


    1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

    So you're basically one of those "If it's okay for them to use the N-word, then it should be okay for ME to use the N-word!" people.

    I do believe there is no moral separation between different people using words. The only thing that differentiates word usage is intent of that usage. For instance, singing song lyrics does not magically become morally abhorrent based on someone's race. That's racist thinking.


    Personally, I choose not to use certain words not because of some kind of bizarre racist race-based passkey system but because I don't believe in using words like slurs. I don't find a place for them in my lexicon. They're beneath me. Y'know, an actual MORAL stance.

  6. 2 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

    FANG is ALMOST as racist as the Chinese assassin in Yakuza 0.  AKI isn't as bad as FANG, but she's not without issue.



    Damn Anti-Chinese racist *checks notes* Stephen Chow!



    2 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

    Considering SF only has, like, 3 female villains to begin with, it's not greeeat that 2 of them are Asian.

    Yeah it's genuinely INSANE that in a game about martial arts and martial arts cinema that a lot of the characters are Asian. Did you know the majority of the HEROES are Asian too? Racist AF.

  7. On 9/5/2023 at 8:15 PM, bakfromon said:

    Capcom must have known that between Juri, and A.K.I. the toxic female Asian trope was becoming redundant. I'm not sure why they felt like they had to double-down on this route. The question remained. Was Capcom doing right with character representation? Could this simply be chalked up to an artistic choice, and not a jab at the Chinese villain trope? The studio had done much better with Dhalsim, Blanka, and Rashid in this title. However A.K.I seemed to be a step backwards, at least to me. Street Fighter 6 was doing a lot to address the mistakes in the past. To make up for ugly characters, and ugly design choices. To become more inclusive when it came to ideas of sex, and gender roles.

    This is some legit brain-rot from BigMex.


    Chun-Li, Ibuki, Karin, Maki, Makoto, Mika, Sakura...


    These are all female Asian characters and none of them are villains. 'Doubling down' on 'Asian female that is a villain' being a...what? A negative stereotype of the "Chinese villain trope"? Are you actually for real? Juri isn't even Chinese so how the hell is it even a 'double down'? Also, is it even then POSSIBLE to make a Chinese villain without this somehow fulfilling some 'negative trope'? It's an absurd statement on the face of it because it completely eliminates an entire ethnicity from being a series where the most prominent HERO is also from the same area (and specifically the same country)...and she happens to be the most prominent and influential female in the entire medium.


    Dude has a lot of good takes...this one however is dumpster-tier.

  8. 15 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

    I think if I was trying to design 2 different female villains for a fighting game, I wouldn't make a Harley AND a Punchline.

    In a series where two of the most popular and defining characters for the entire genre are...


    ...Ryu and Ken? 😉


    Also I find it funny (and don't remember if I mentioned this before) but in Andy Seto's wacky (and great) Wave Fighter Z, the Not-Guile character is named "Captain Luke". Bizarre coincidence??



  9. 16 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

    Dude, you're either blind or being intentionally contrarian if this doesn't qualify as contortionist shit to you...

    That's...not contortionist shit.


    That's basically a bridge. Like basically the same thing Darun and Seth do. And Darun ain't no contortionist. I can do bridges too. That's leagues different from AKI's bizarre body contortions and slithering movements. Like way different.



    I'll also note that I watched the trailer for the first time last night alongside my friend who is a big Street Fighter fan but very much a 'normie' in regards to lore.


    He really really liked AKI and did not think she was like Juri. He immediately compared her to FANG and I let him know she was his apprentice. At first he thought she was more similar to Vega cuz of the snake motif and the use of claws as a weapon.

  10. 22 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

    He specifically stated sexual gratification which not what's happening there. She's getting giddy over her cocktail of poisons achieving the desired effect.

    Especially since she seems FAR more interested in the results of her poisons. Hurting people seems almost incidental in a totally insane clinical way. People seem like just test beds for her to see the biological results of her poisons in. For instance, she loves what happens to the avatar character after he's poisoned and has the same kind of deeply obsessed excited reaction...and there was ZERO violence involved in that.

  11. 25 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

    She’s very much like Juri. Both have similar color schemes (Black, Purple, White). They both have a sadistic personality in wanting to torture their opponents in their own way. Her voice is similar to Juri’s too having a hint of playful sultry and conniving bitch. 

    When you look at both Juri and Aki you automatically see they’re based on precursor Chun Li when she was supposed to be Gen’s granddaughter and student assassin. Aki adopted this old concept into her story now with Fang filling the role of Gen as her master. 


    Juri and Aki are both evil counterparts to Chun in design and personality. 

    Black and purple are the quintessential villain colors alongside green. Their sadism is also extremely different with Juri being cruel and playful and AKI being weirdly analytical and obsessive.


    AKI doesn't at all remind me of Chun-Li where-as Juri is clearly Chun-Li + Jolyne. AKI's design is not similar to Chun-li that I can see. Her silhouette is wildly different. Beyond "she's Chinese" I don't see any similar design queues. I mean we have to go WAY back to the barest hints of Chun-Li elements of her being trained by Gen...which NEVER meaningfully entered Chun-Li's actual design in any way whatsoever. She also has nothing to do with Chun's personality and doesn't play off it at all unlike Juri who has clear connections in origin and motivation.


    This AKI stuff seriously seems like a reach.

  12. Actually mentioning two and zero has put me in a math mood so let's prove why Bison is weak


    You know they say that all street fighters are created equal, but you look at Gill and you look at M. Bison and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if Bison goes one on one with another street fighter, Bison's got a 50/50 chance of winning. But Gill's a genetic freak and he's not normal! So Bison's got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat Gill. Then you add J.P. to the mix, Bison's chances of winning drastic go down. See the Street Fighter 6, Bison's got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but Gill, Gill's got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because J.P. KNOWS he can't beat Gill and he's not even gonna try!

    So M. Bison, you take his 33 1/3 chance, minus Gill's 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning Street Fighter 6. But then you take Gill's 75% chance of winning, if they was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, Gill's got 141 2/3 chance of winning against the bosses. See @Daemos, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for Bison in Street Fighter 6.

  13. 1 hour ago, Shakunetsu said:

    Likely eds gonna have a huge revamp and uodate on the way being played.


    I wonder what direction will they take


    More Dictator or Boxer or something more and different?

    True. Ed was kind of a test run for Modern Controls so I expect to see a big revamp for him. I'm very much looking forward to it because his control scheme was my least favorite thing about him

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