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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. never forget how Bethesda was sold for 1/7th of the price that Activision got bought my MS now THAT was a fucking robbery
  2. So have Square Enix gone completely fucking insane or what? They've just sold 3 major studios, two of whom brought their multi million unit projects over the last few years, and now they're left with... Uhh.... Ff7 remake part 2, which we haven't even seen yet (and Nomura is apparently again spread thin by working on Kh4) Ff16, which we haven't gotten any footage of recently (but apparently the development is going smoothly, believe Yoshi P) KH4, which I sure fucking hope people won't have to wait 15 years for Ff14, which more or less kept the company afloat The rumored ff9 remake (prolly similar to Mana remakes) And Dragon Quest 12, for which there was only a teaser Brilliant portfolio right here boys
  3. This is a hopium tier take but I think in addition to already confirmed Ryu and Luke, we're also going to see Ed, Falke, Fang, Kolin, Urien, Rashid, Viper, G, Rose will be in the roster due to lore reasons. For most other characters their story more or less wrapped in V, so unless Capcom comes up with a new arc that will tie into the Illuminati full moving forward with their plans - then they're only bring included doe to popularity and not story relevance (keep in mind the vanilla SFV roster was determined precisely for this reason) Bison will be making a reappearance but he's gonna be like Joker in Injustice 2 - a noncanonical sort of ghost haunting other characters (Cammy, Chun, Ed, or maybe FANG goes batshit insane and starts seeing things including Bison in everybody who he meets)
  4. Menat's mummy wraps costume was truly a gift to mankind
  5. Read about the news about mandatory trial versions of games for PS+ subscribers holy shit, this is actually amazing. I remember how back during PS3 days you had the option of downloading hour-long trials for most AAA projects and if you liked the intro sequences and wanted to continue - all you had to do was go to PS Store, purchase the "unlock key" and boom, the full game is ready to go (since the trials downloaded the entire games, unlike dedicated demos which only had a slice of the content) This will also hopefully help avoid the shit like 2042 being purchased en masse when people can try them out for a hour or two and see how shitty the game is
  6. Some really strange shit going on inside CDPR Witcher 3 nextgen reportdly delayed again Cyberpunk's further fate is in question to put it lightly Witcher 4 confirmed to be in development RED Engine abandoned in favor of UE5 the remaster for Witcher 3 isn't being done in-house but by another smaller studio
  7. oh god the mobile-style stamina yeah this is why you can prepare for the worst if Bandai ever decides to do an F2P model for the next major tekken title
  8. The solution is having a middle-ground between NRS-style blockbuster FG with hella content and the barren wasteland that was vanilla launch SFV obviously nobody should or will make a fully fledged complete package completely free but when a casual boots the game up and all he sees is a generic grid-style main menu with a blue background with the only options being "training", "survival" or "online" - that ain't gonna cut it either, f2p or not
  9. betting it all on purely cosmetics isn't a sure-way to guarantee your game will have a steady flow of cash. Like look at Battlefield V - it was promised years of free content, while DICE assumed they could finance the development through skins for weapons and soldiers. The game was still abandoned even despite the initial 60$ paywall. And here we're talking about an already much nicher genre making a full time switch to F2P, removing that first investment It's why so many F2P projects also abuse practices like paid premium currencies or limited time items, as well as driving up the prices of other content and making the games grindier so people lose patience and open up their wallets regardless Like I said, Namco and NRS would probably be among the first to have the worst practices were Tekken 8 and MK12 to go free-to-play. I mean fuck's sake we've just recently had Bamco unironically sell an essential feature like frame data for 5$, and also NRS redesigning the Krypt that hurt it in the short-to-mid term That's not to mention the complete eradication of unlockable cosmetics if every game in the genre goes full DOA and despite the 10 millon downloads for DOA5 Core that was reported 5 years ago, we don't have the statistics of player retention, even if a couple of whales stayed no mater what and continued to goggle up new waifu clothing does that make my stance clearer?
  10. I'm not opposed to F2P as a concept I just don't trust the modern games industry to do the model correctly without squeezing every single dollar out of you
  11. Yeah sorry but I don't want this genre to turn into a barbie dress up simulator with every game having 1000s of costumes
  12. F2P may be the future of fighting games (as it removes the massive investment barrier of 60$ for titles that die out within months or even weeks) however I don't trust any current FG devs with doing that business model justice and they will just fuck it up with either completely braindead microtransactions schemes that drive you towards opening your wallet, or nickle and dime you at every corner for most basic features and modes *maybe* I could see NRS doing a Mortal Kombat 13 F2P (but then again why would they, their games sell millions as is) just because of the publisher backing Capcom, ArcSys, Namco, Koei Tecmo don't really have any success stories with this business model Sega sent out Virtua Fighter to die (even despite the supposedly 10+ million downloads), VF6 could be years away or not happening at all everybody else is too small so they need to actually sell their original titles to make any kind of profit Project L obviously will lead the charge thanks to the financial security Riot Games have because of the massive playerbase and income from League as well as being owned by Tencent but that's about it
  13. I demand Juri SF6 reveal trailer to be 45 seconds of just showing her toes and nothing else
  14. so from what I'm reading, SFVDU patch makes Karin mains mald? is Capcom finally back to being beyond based?
  15. Big RIP to E3, man ESA really majorly fucked up the event, couldn't even go out with a bang before the Gaming Christmas fades away also we now live in a timeline where Geoff Keighely has THREE MAJOR VIDEOGAME SHOWS ALL IN THE SAME YEAR. WHAT THE FUCK
  16. So forward movement/walking got sped up now they just need to add air dashing and we gucci
  17. W Smith coming through with his 0-frame startup stand fierce
  18. Random question just popped on my head after watching some xTekken highlights - who would you guys remove/add to the roster if Capcom ever announced a new major patch or something along the lines of? Personally I'd get rid of - Cole - Blanka - Dhalsim - Rufus - Megaman - Pacman - the two PS mascots and then add - Gen - T Hawk - Rose - Viper - Feng Wei - Dragunov - Anna - Kunimitsu I also never quite liked the duos between Ibuki/Rolento and Julia/Bob, plus how the hel do you have Nina but not her sister, or bring in Christie over Eddy?
  19. if Blanka-chan isn't in SF6 base roster I will send a strongly worded letter to Capcom CEO and demand Yoshinori Ono to pay reparations
  20. it's barebones, has a bad netcode, somehow only alpha 3 had netplay but not alpha 2, the training mode is nothing special, and the collection is essentially a 40$ romdump and not "arcade perfect" as it was advertised
  21. Good call on EVO to include Melty and Granblue Melty definitely flew under the radar for most people (plus it left a sour taste due to issues with the pc port at launch), so hopefully like UNIST a couple of years ago, it gets noticed by a lot of players who never even heard of the franchise Granblue finally gets its spotlight after being shafted by - corona - lack of offline events - bad netplay - poor business practices - overpriced dlc - questionable balance patches - next to no marketing overseas - and people migrating to games with better netcode in general during the new years stream in December, the devs hinted at delivering a big patch with brand new mechanics/system changes in the summer, as well as a potential 3rd season of DLC characters (some/most of which will be voted in by the public, afaik it's going to be a total of 5), so it'll be a perfect time for GBVS to be featured at EVO in its latest version, though I don't expect it to have a netcode update unless ArcSys/Cygames do a completely new SKU (which they sorta made recently with the Legendary Edition which includes S1+S2) for nextgen platforms It probably won't give that much more life into the game but hey, at least it'll be at a truly massive tournament
  22. you're vastly understating just how much power he has. Age is literally the only thing that can end VP permanently. He's due for a reelection in 2 years, and after that will stay as president for another 12 until 2036 there's so much unknown here but I fear after today, in a few year's time, our country will completely fall apart
  23. honestly nobody fucking knows. I've seen many speculate he's trying to rebuild USSR as he saw its collapse first-hand back in the day, hence the massive consolidation of power, iron grip regime, assault on Georgia, puppet governments in Belarus and Kazakhstan, and now slow annexation of Ukraine the propaganda-fed people in the age of 40 and above are obviously in support. The rest are either protesting on the streets right now or keep it anonymous in inner circles, but naturally aren't in support one thing's for sure is that the entire nation is shocked
  24. I am. My life isn't in danger I have a friend un Ukraine however who lives to the north of Odessa, but for now she's okay. Hopefully it stays that way. It's a split. The brainwashed folk obviously believe everything that the media spits out so they think Ukraine is the aggressor here and we're the heroes protecting fellow Russians against genocide in Donetsk and Lugansk. But regardless it's not like anybody asked us
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