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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Yes, but only because it would be the 30th sequel to one of those goofy movies. Let it diiiieeeeee!!!!!
  2. No, because you have to be invited inside by the people inside the domicile. Permission by an outside party isn't an invitation. They have to be invited inside.
  3. I wasn't really trying to make a value statement beyond it was a mistake for me to do that. I bounced off Magna Cartas elements system really hard. It just ruined the whole flow and enjoyment of the game, for me. I made the mistake of seeing character art I really loved and buying it based on that alone. If yoy can get past, or better yet if you like that games weirder systems then it's probably a great time over all. It's like I won't ever say Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is a bad game because I don't thi k it is, but I will tell yoy I fucking hate it and the law system can die in a fire as far as I am concerned I hated it and it ruined the game for me. Same general thing happened with Magna Carta. Edit: That photo really doesn't help the "Hips and Ass" comment to land either lol. If that was Brie Larson yall would be talking mad shit lmao.
  4. I fucking hate specifically those kinds of puppets...
  5. The model is amazing, but it sure clashes with the environment, world design, companion desing, enemy design..... Like it's not her specifically, it's the entire visual look, it just feels very Korean to me. Suoer realistic gritty world design and enemy design, like a skinny waif running through rusted out ruins and shit clashes and looks odd. The girl being beautiful isn't the issue, it that she looks like she and many of the other girls, are from different games lol. I once bought a PS2 RPG called Magna Carta purely based on Kim Tae Hyungs art.....was a big mistake unfortunately.
  6. Absolutly but that trailer didn't show any wow combat to me, so all I really see is the rank ooze of Korean videogame design......
  7. Is it just me or does this game It's realistic art style mixed with Abime Waifus all pver the place it looks really...Goofy and dumb.
  8. Yea the NFL cares a lot about Taylor, she's generating them a fuck load of money, social clout, and social awareness just by showing up and fucking the QB or whoever. Taylor Swift is the best thing to happen to the NFL in like 20 years, at least. The numbers are up across the board cuz suddenly Swifties give a fuck about Football lol. You just know the coach hounds him in the locker room. "You bought her flowers right? Valentines day is coming up, what you got planned? That's it? Bitch, come on, do better. Don't fuck this relationship up, will be bad for your career on multiple levels son."
  9. Doesn't even have to be a violence issue or a personal boundary, like maybe I'm watching the girlfriends grandkid and I don't feel like having that conversation with an 8 year old that isn't mine lol. Thanks for the heads up I'll put on Oliver & Company instead or something. It's a 5 second blurb that gives you a little more info to make a decision on, thats all. Like I don't wanna be the guy who sends the kid home terrified as fuck because the cover of The Brave Little Toaster is a fucking LIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE.
  10. These dudes musta gotten bodied by the FBI warnings and the "You wouldn't steal a car" ads at the beginning of tapes and DVDs back in the day. Wonder how he made it through commercials. Smokey the Bear ads must just drive him insane.
  11. That's a perfectly fine and normal image at the start of the Aristocats lol. It's funny watching people whine over really trivial shit like that while acting like everyone else are the snowflakes lol. I have Conan the Barbarian books on tape that start with that exact same message, guess what, doesn't matter, no one cares, it puts the stories writing in a historical context and you can go on enjoying it edit free. That dude is clearly doing just fine if that what's pissing him off lol.
  12. 80 episodes for Season 1. BTAS only got 2 seasons before being reworked into The New Adventures of Batman and Robin, a softer version of the show.
  13. Maybe they've replaced it with a different negative character trait to grow out of... Maybe he's just a generic jerk now instead of a sexist one lol I dunno, I'm spitballin and hoping for yall lol.
  14. Yup. Embraces a clown show. I had little faith theybwhere remotely genuine. Deus Ex is probably forever dead now, and it's certainly at least pit of the hands of the people who made the amazing prequels so whatever story they where going with won't be finished anyway. Shit sucks so fucking hard. I'm playing through DX1 and letting melt keyboard catch my tears.
  15. Its even more mind blowing when you read a show had one season and then it turns out that one season is like 48 episodes. TailSpin had one season at 65 episodes lmao. Show was only active during 1991, after that it's all reruns lol.
  16. What are you talking about? Red Dragon is so original. Fluffy puppy is also super original, and no one's ever made a Sheep before!!!
  17. Yea I'm not raising my eyebrow at all becauee again Pokémon doesn't have as many original designs as people think. Even the original 151 have shit like a Pokeball with a face, and Round Ball that spits gas, A catapillar, hell one of thems just a Duck. A DUCK!!! Like I'm all for protecting artists, but the idea Pokémon Company has all these original designs that aren't just basic kid versions of normal shit everyone draws is kinda silly to me. Edit: Ah yea Hawkingbirds post exactly, you wanna play the ripoff game, I promise it won't go well. Putting leaves on a plant monster doesn't make it a Pokémon ripoff lol. Besides Pokémon stole its entire concept from Atlus anyway *Sarcastic coffee sip*
  18. Cuz Pokémon such original designs lol.
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