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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. I watched that and cringed at "Search Action" but that could easily have been an involuntary reaction to the term. I dont like it but i like it better then Metroidvania.
  2. Its a 1 hour flight to whoop yo ass, and you'll unbind that second arm if you know what is good for you. Gonna give Martian a hug he wont forget. Edit: Ok my link ends in .gif, still wont let me embed so ya'll just getting a lazy ass link. Everything about this forum rocks except embedding gifs. Its really difficulty for some reason. I wish i could just upload images off my computer. I have a huge folder just for gifs on my computer, can I just upload from there or something?
  3. Yea man, Colorado isn't that far from where Im at. Dont think you safe just cuz you live in another state lol. I do need to make it out to NM sometime to hit up you and Chad tho.
  4. If I lose my job because you gotta post titties the only casualty will be you son.
  5. So how long till Preppy corelates pancreatic cancer to the death of an internet forum i wonder
  6. Hey its hard to tell with you sometimes bro. With that said no, Its a 2D Open World Action RPG. Metroidvania's aren't a real thing. 😁
  7. @MARTIAN Its all fun and games till you get friend fired fucko!!!! lmao Fuck that was close.
  8. Pertho still doesnt realize he is the only one on this crusade.
  9. SOTN is literally Metroid in a gothic setting with RPG mechanics like loot and stats bolted on.
  10. I just want to thank the Academy of SRK Rejects for this opporunity. Won't let you down!! Can't wait to race down the road while standing out the sun roof with two hands full it tittays. Like two scoops of raisins yo.
  11. YES! More Hestu! Lol legit one of my new favorite characters from botw and Zelda character in general. Also I refuse to believe that glider can hold up Daruke lol.
  12. Chalk up another one for an LOS fan. I really liked LOS1 and liked LOS2 enough. We just rarely got to talk about it on SRK because every time someone mentioned LOS, Po would have a fucking annurism and piss all over the page.
  13. It is one of the best of its kind. That's why fans love them so much.
  14. Man can d3v eat a massive dick. "Fires" the only GD mod then doesn't mod the forum at all in their absence. What a piece of shit.
  15. That he lost to Squirrel Girl. Point seemed obvious.
  16. Its one of the sodas Marty tries to order in 1955 but the clerk chews him out for wanting to open a tab lol.
  17. Yea was some image website. I think it said .gif at the end but i dont remember. I'll pay more attention next time.
  18. I cant ever seem to get gifs to be added to a post through the insert image button. Weird. Anyway thanks Odin. You dont get a thumbs up gif today unfortunately.
  19. Tab was still a thing? Man that sig is obnoxious lol.
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