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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. She's going to awaken to Force Powers by the end of the series man lol. Thats why they did that. Bet you money this Series will actually be about rebuilding Ashokas connections with those teachings and shit. She'll be a Jwdi by the end and Sabine will be force Sensetive in the end to.
  2. I think at this point you have to be flat out delusional to have continued to believe the parity thing was gonna last.
  3. It's been, at the very least, for these people, 15 years since the net has been around, yoyd think they'd get it even a little bit by now.
  4. Cops make gang situations way way worse. Mentoring is one thing we could do that would help a lot yea, I agree with that. Gang activity shouldn't be acceptable in schools but sending in the cops doesn't make it better it usually makes it worse. I'm honestly beginning to suspect Vivek is just there to either test the waters and see how receptive the public is to his bat shit positions, or he's there to make the rest of those goofball looks less insane. He doesn't feel like a legit candidate to me.
  5. All I really know is Beast has been character assassinated and Xavier insists on wearing a really stupid helmet that makes him look like a fucking bobbel head.
  6. Yea it seems to me we'd have a lot more success if we fixed the actual problems we have instead of ignoring them and looking to strong men authoritarianism to fix it when that has never worked. We keep bandaiding our problems when the problems aren't scabs and nicks, it's full blown artery destruction, we're bleeding out and people don't want to address the gaping wound for some reason.
  7. I guess more so for me then for you. The fuck is a black pill? That another shitty Matrix reference the Youtubers don't understand like Red/Blue pill? There was a fight at her school 3 days ago even tho school just started. So much for that assumption of yours. A kid was caught with a knife at her school last year. Notice how m not posting Doom and Gloom fear mongering nonsense about how the school systems are crumbling. I got in fights when I was in school multiple times growing up, I was bullied at every school I went to and the only way to get those fuckers to stop was to Smash their fucking faces in. Frankly I think the lack of fist fighting in society has been something of a cancerous rot. It's why people feel so fucking bold to say the meanest most disgusting shit to and about other people, because they know society has lost its fucking balls and will cry that they got punched in the mouth for the heinous shit they've said or done. A prime example is all the people crying because that dumb ass broad got her face smashed in with chair in Montgomery Alabama. She thought cuz she was a woman she had Cart Blanche to run into a fucking brawl and not get fucked up and it turns out large chunks of society think she should have been able to do that to. Nope, fuck that shit, she learned that day. She'll think twice before inserting herself into a situation she shouldn't be in. Maybe people would think about about the way they carry themselves if they knew they could very well get socked in the mouth for their fuckery. You know maybe if we stopped bandaid fixing with the cops and instead actually addressed our real societal ills people wouldn't be so fucking miserable as to want to fight everyone all the time. Maybe they would be in a position where others can't shit on them constantly and make their lives miserable. I had to bust my fair share of mouths because we lived on food stamps, or my clothes where old and raggedy growing up, or whatever fucking thing about me being poor the kids decided to go pick on that day. And the thing is we've done your suggestions. Therapy, arrests, juvie records, my dad lived 15 minutes from the local Juvie hall where the "trouble" kids got sent to to get the help your talking about. Didn't fix the problem, kids still fought at school pretty regularly. Call it whatever pill take you like, I really don't care, your suggestions have been done for like 40 years and kids are still fighting so it didn't fix the "problem." My hot take is kids being able to fist fight eachother leads to less school murders. Edit: I think Vivek talks an awful game, every time he opens his mouth I'm even more convinced not to vote for fucking ever. He seems like he doesn't understand how anything actually works. I have my doubts he could pass the civics test he's proposing being a requirement to vote.
  8. Two hours from the Mexican Boarder, like I grew up with bloods and crips and the Mexican cartels doing business downtown and shit. So yea like that didn't look so out of pocket as to act like the schools are spiraling out of control. Sounds like real Grade A 90s era fear mongering in fact. Also what are the cops going to do, they've proven themselves to be useless unless they get to shoot people, it's weird to me to ask for them to send cops into schools with how cops have been behaving lately. Say they arrest the kids, then what?
  9. Assuming malice is certainly the simpler option for you I guess. Maybe you did a shitty job making your point if I didn't get it like you are saying. You said she said nothing was being done about the fights. We literally watched adults in the video do something about the fight. So what point are you making? The school isn't doing anything about fighting in general? What do you want them to do? They've already implemented a bunch of punishments for fighting nationwide in schools, they had huge punishments for fighting when I was in HS and people tlstill fought. What do you want them to do about the fighting Mario?
  10. As we watch a bunch of adults in that very video, one of them in unform, breaking up the fight lol.
  11. Yoi should just replace the stick itself, it's like 25 bucks. HORI is still in the game, Qanba looks pretty solid.
  12. Bro Preach accepting their fight challenge is one of the funnest fucking things I've ever seen in my life. Preach just all dead ass "I'll be there."
  13. You mean you dont want to spend a year or more relearning how to talk and eat and everything else involved after you got your tongue forked like a snake for some fucking reason? You can't see it, everyone else barely gets to see it and most of us don't want to see it in the first place lol.
  14. You could just get yourself some blacked out contact lenses. They make them for aesthetic, they don't have a script on them anything. Then you don't have to do anything as risky stupid as have a tatoo artist stab you in the fucking eyeballs 10k times. Probably don't want to get your tongue forked like she did either.
  15. Thats so weird because his post does have the community notes on my end... Fuck did Elon break now?
  16. I think people are divorced from the concept of character growth anymore. Characters have to be perfect now, all the time. No room for flaws.
  17. I don't see why you wouldn't keep expanding your inventory size should yoy have the seeds for it....there is no downside to doing so...and Seeds are fucking everywhere...
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