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Everything posted by YourFavGrandpa

  1. Sorry for the rough postings earlier ... we've been going round and round with Fidelity surrounding this money for the better part of the past week. What's worse is that I know the check is here, and it has been tracked to the UPS hub down the road (which also is a forward-facing location for customers). After their utter refusal to bring a member of management on the line this morning, I already have a claim put in to UPS to have the parcel found; and the number to their (Fidelity's) corporate office; presumably to navigate endless amounts of menus to attempt to get ahold of a executive. I plan on visiting tomorrow before work to inquire about the claim directly, if they don't magically find it and deliver it.
  2. Is it finally time to admit they're making HL3? Wouldn't be surprised, plus it'd totally break the internet and drive a lot of my friends absolutely nuts
  3. As promised, here are the links to the keynote videos from Apple yesterday: WWDC Keynote: Or, if you don't want to sit through nearly two hours of the keynote; Apple released a Day One video that summarizes everything in the keynote, in less than three mins: I'm still trying to find the video regarding the introduction of Spatial Audio to Apple Music, but my Apple search-fu isn't up to par just yet. Will post when I've found the video. Edit: They never pulled the trigger on the Spatial Audio keynote, so prev point is void.
  4. We've tried to tell you this for quite sometime though, Chad. The only reason I stopped using mine is that I have the Split pads now that I use in handheld mode.
  5. All eyes for me will be on the WWDC Keynote tomorrow afternoon. There was also an announcement of an Apple Music-specific event tomorrow after the Keynote ends, so those two things will take up the vast majority of my afternoon until I go to work. Recaps of the WWDC keynote and the Apple Music event tomorrow will get linked at some point, probably Tuesday morning when I get up.
  6. It is. Not my fault that the keyboard came with those switches pre-installed. They made too much noise for my liking, my Dark Yellows are much better in this regard. So I'm about half-way through testing with the Keychron, and I do like it in both wired and wireless modes. The issue I've had with the wireless mode is that occasionally the connection will stutter for about 2-3 seconds, causing the previous key to be typed nearly all the way across the screen. Other than this issue, the keyboard is fine; outside of the optional numpad I will need to get if I decide to use it going forward; especially with work. Haven't decided whether or not to build my own numpad or go with a prebuilt one. Also, Prime Day is coming up towards the end of the month; and that'll celebrate the 1-yr anniversary of the thread being created. Also, Facebook/IG is Trump-free for 2 more years.
  7. Oh. I guess I need to put my glasses on. 🤣
  8. Cotton Reboot! received an English translation, so that's definitely less money I have to pay out to Amazon Japan. Dariusburst I'm fully comfortable waiting on.
  9. It still amazes me to this fucking day that Yatta was a super-popular song outside of Japan.
  10. There are a lot better news channels/radio shows to listen to than TYT, I will give you that. But yeah, they're considerably outdated; and outclassed by podcasts like Pod Save America.
  11. I had a Young Turks phase, and an incredible crush on Ana Kasparian during said phase ... hooboy, it was something.
  12. Did my quarterly review of contracts for myself and the contractors that work for me. The contract house I work with got rid of the technology agreement that requires the use of wired peripherals all around, so I have a Keychron K6 ordered for testing Bluetooth-to-PC connections. I'm 95% sure I'm retiring my full-size GMMK at this point and going completely wireless, except for instances where I have to be in a conferencing room remotely. There is one bad thing though about the K6 ... it's coming with Gat browns installed 🤮
  13. I would still back up the data and use something like either Parted Magic or DBAN to nuke the drive. Only way to be sure.
  14. Latest pull from LRG for the Switch. Actually looking forward to this, as I've never had a Neo-Geo Pocket Color.
  15. I've thought about going to a concert in the fall, but haven't decided on what band to go see. It doesn't help that Dallas is a hotbed for Indie music, and has been for several years now. Last time I went to a concert pre-pandemic was for a music blog, and they had a indie band I was big into at the time as headliners. I'd have to see if the missus would be okay with me taking an evening away from the house.
  16. Been drawing down my schedule at work. Where I was working 60+ hours a week before in a supervisory capacity, I'm now working 15-20 hours a week, 20 at the absolute most. Reason being ... Got a call from the local examiner handling my disability case on Friday last week, and him and the determination services agent were in absolute agreement; in that my benefits should have never stopped to begin with. They're reinstating my benefits as of June 2019 (two months after leaving the VA as an employee) - and are in the process of calculating backpay, which is prob going to reach in the low five figure range for a lump-sum payment (We're thinking around $16k here). Only problem is that it takes 3-4 months for the paperwork to be filed, and the lump sum to be sent my way.
  17. Watched a vast majority of the Google I/O Keynote earlier ... and there may actually be some competition for Apple in the smartwatch field now that Google, Samsung, and Fitbit are joining forces/have joined forces.
  18. I have a 4TB external drive that I originally bought for my PS4 Pro, when I got my PS5 in early January it was literally as simple as disconnecting it from the Pro, and plugging it into the PS5's USB ports on the back. I have considered updating to something a little higher capacity now that Sony is letting PS5 games be copied to external storage. I may search out one of the newer WD USB drives like an above post and migrate everything over.
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