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Everything posted by YourFavGrandpa

  1. uhhh ... what in the goddamn fuck? Also of note, I noticed one of my neighbors had one of their bluetooth connections with the combination of characters that if you aren't on the latest version of iOS, you're gonna have a bad time. Top fucking kek right there.
  2. I'm pretty much done with Strive. I haven't felt like playing for the better part of the last 2-3 weeks. It's not that I don't have the resources or the time to play, there's something I can't quite put my finger on that's keeping me from continuing with this game.
  3. I seriously was about to ask if that was a picture of Yggdrasil, for real. But it's a waterfall, with a opening to a bunch of trees.
  4. What's really messed up is that Mike Morhaime was the head of Blizzard when all this shit was going down/on. But the state of California is prob gonna do what we all have wanted to do to Activision (and Blizzard by proxy), and have not been able to do collectively; that being lightening the pockets of one Robert Kotick just a tiny bit. Seriously though, I hope they throw the fucking book at Activision.
  5. So, here's my 36ish-hr review of the Apple Watch SE. Good: Helps me track various workouts I do in-house and at the gym. I started going to the gym again because of the activity rings. Helps me stay more active than before (which is important to, you know, not die/have a stroke or heart attack) Fitness+ has been helpful so far, may consider keeping it past the 3 month trial. They have 10 minute workouts for beginners, which definitely helps out. Bad: Battery life is about what I expected. Apple tax still largely exists for accessories not bought from Amazon/bought from Apple Store. Automatic workout tracking doesn't exist on the SE (and I presume it's available on the Series 6). The charging pucks. Oh well, I guess it could be mini-USB for charging instead (or the wacky ass stuff that Hwawei does for their activity trackers) πŸ˜‚ No Bluetooth handoff from iPhone to Watch. You have to pair your headset/earbuds separately to the watch😠 Okay: Battery is charged enough for the day with an hour on the charger in the morning while I'm waking up and going through emails/normal morning routine. Buttons to remove watch strap are okay, if not a little small. I really had to look for them when I initially put my watch band on the wrong way. Removing watch straps seem to be simple enough, provided you don't miss the small as fuck buttons to remove the damn straps. I have one of the Nike versions of the SE, but haven't tried out Run Club yet. When the time comes, I'll make use of it.
  6. FIRST FUCKING PAGE LESSGO! Video games are so fucking good when done right.
  7. was getting ready to purchase Cris Tales on Switch ... until I read @iStu Xpost about the issues with the game there. Was planning on getting it and Cotton Reboot together, but it would be $100 worth of eShop credit I'd have to get in order to buy both games! I dunno if I'm up for waiting for Cris Tales to be fixed on Switch either ...
  8. You already got dunked on for this, and I agree with you getting dunked on. If you think the weekly contributions are crap, post something that you think isn't crap. Shit isn't that fucking hard.
  9. I never do VGM Fridays either ... might as well start contributing here and there.
  10. the post by J2C regarding the types of GPUs that are dying to New World has me pretty much hard passing on the game. I don't need my 3070 dying because Amazon can't code a game properly, the fuck
  11. People are on that conspiracy bullshit down here when it comes to the COVID vaccine. My daughter-in-law is a frontline worker, and refuses to be vaxxed because of one of these "conspiracies"
  12. I'm actively considering it, but more than likely until my client gives the okay to have us in quality assurance perform the upgrade; I'm staying on Windows 10.
  13. There's definitely racist parts of Alabama, just like there is with most Southern states; or any state for that matter. People like this councilman need a lesson on dropping the hard N, and need to be afraid of dropping it; unless your ass wants to catch a beatdown. That being said, how you guys doin?
  14. I'm now trying to figure out how I plan on getting that Tiger Heli collection. Based on the exchange rates, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if a physical copy costs well over $100 shipped from Amazon Japan. I'm considering trying to get another Yen card for the Japanese eShop, but other than Nippon Yasan I don't really know who sells them
  15. edit: cancelled in-person shopping appointment on Saturday and ordered my Apple Watch SE through the Apple Store app on my phone.
  16. This week's gonna be a heavy Switch week for me ... picking up Cotton Reboot and Cris Tales off the eShop on the 20th, and I have Skyward Sword HD being delivered tomorrow. Also ... It's 7,480 yen for the physical version through Amazon.
  17. So, I ended up having to return the Series 6 Apple Watch on the grounds it was too expensive. As a compromise, my wife agreed to the Apple Watch SE; which I'll pick up this weekend since I'm headed to Dallas on Saturday afternoon. The plan is to reserve a in-store shopping time, that way she can ask all of the questions she wants to a Apple rep.
  18. This happened while I was on vacation in Pensacola. I told my wife that a crap ton of cruisers for the county had passed me while I was out driving on I-10 coming back from my daughter-in-law's hotel. Turns it out they were chasing him.
  19. My apologies. I'm still getting caught up on a week's worth of stuff.
  20. Got back from a week in Mobile and Pensacola at like 1am this morning and slept until 3pm. The vacation was good overall, and the time away from home was well-deserved with the wife, grandkids and their parents.
  21. It's been confirmed by multiple tech outlets that Nintendo has not implemented any fixes for the joycons in the OLED version. I'm not buying this new one, as I have a second rev Switch with the better battery life; but I may pick up the dock once Nintendo puts it up for sale just to get rid of the Ethernet dongle I'm using now.
  22. Title to the thread has been updated. I also have a Series 6 Apple Watch in-house, but since I didn't get the missus' permission before placing the order; there's a chance it may be going back to Apple.
  23. I think I got sucked into the hype around Mario Golf, because I played for a couple of hours yesterday after receiving it from Fedex; and I felt zero interest to return to it after that. I ended up playing Smash online taking a nap.
  24. I had this exact issue (TPM disabled in BIOS), turned it on and all was good.
  25. they should have added an adjustment slider for how much of the screen you want King Bobomb to take πŸ˜‚
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