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Everything posted by YourFavGrandpa

  1. So, I finally did it. Never have played these games, so it's past time I know what's up.
  2. I made the decision earlier to pull an @iStu Xand make the Switch my primary console with a couple of exceptions (MLB The Show will be played on PS5 and only on PS5, and my PC has enough games on it to last the rest of my life). Oh, and I bought NMH 1 and 2 from Limited Run (couldn't afford the Santa Destroys bundle), so now I have even more games to play.
  3. My wife has a Samsung S20+, and Bixby just gets brought up during conversation all the time. That's when I tell her she's a piece of shit, and she (Bixby) replies not to treat her that way. 😂
  4. I started winding down at 8pm last night, and went to bed around 9:30. Now my ass is wide fucking awake. That being said, outside of playing Destiny 2 last night for about 10-15 minutes; I don't think I've touched a game so far all month.
  5. What's worse is that one of my long-time friends is none other than Kyle Bennett (formerly ran HardOCP, now is at Intel). He's part of all this shit for the current Intel processors, and I just wanna reach all the way back and slap the shit outta him.
  6. I still need to decide whether or not I want to buy the collectors box from LRG for No More Heroes 1&2. I'm already planning on getting the Republic Commando collector's box when it goes on sale, because that game holds a special place in my heart.
  7. Apparently, JerryRigEverything broke his sample phone 😂
  8. I had my first shot two-ish weeks ago. Was supposed to get my second shot next week on Wednesday, but I'll be out of town the day of; so I have to reschedule the shot appointment.
  9. Work's been kicking my fucking ass, plus my wife is in the hospital again with pneumonia. Oh, and it was apparently the best time ever for my insomnia to come back
  10. She's the person behind that Best Friend song ... I'll edit in a few with a YT link to the audio. Otherwise, she's known as Quavo's gf edit:
  11. They probably never will. At least 8BitDo has done the original button colors justice on the SN30 Pro+, the Pro 2 though doesn't have a SNES/Super Famicom colorway yet that I've seen.
  12. Been extra busy with work lately, we just had two new classes graduate and hit production. It's also getting close to contract renewal time, which will be this time next month. I'm considering another shmup buy from Amazon Japan if I get a Q2 contract.
  13. I have one of the new Chromecasts as well, but I don't have a HDMI port to plug it into currently. Eventually, I would like a third monitor to go above the two monitors I have now for this exact purpose, but the walls in this place are paper fucking thin; and the weight of the monitor would rip the poor wall to shreds.
  14. newest shipment from LRG came in yesterday. Pictures forthcoming. late day update: been having a shit day, so to be able to play Animal Crossing and relax has done wonders for me. Will be getting up early in the morning for the Sanrio packs.
  15. Newest OnePlus phones have been released, it looks like. Linking the MKBHD videos below. OnePlus 9 Pro: OnePlus 9:
  16. Whoever thought of the idea of business meetings before 8am local time should be shot. In the face. Repeatedly.
  17. Sorry for having been away for the past couple of weeks. Formally accepted the new contract earlier this month, and have been working my ass off to make the bosses happy, I'm on a 45-day probationary period, which should turn into a full quarterly contract next month if I play my cards right. It also felt so good to tell the advisor over my entry-level contract to basically piss off, and that after the 5th I was letting the contract go in lieu of this new one.
  18. I don't know if this would change it, but Etherium is moving from a mining focus to a stake focus. It's supposed to happen at some point this year, and more than likely when it happens; we'll see the drought end.
  19. It was a joke anyway ... although, I'm not sure why a search for Sylvanas is turning to Pornhub of all places.
  20. instructions not clear, sent dik pic to Grandma
  21. Remember when I said this ... looks like I called it, based on the showcase Microsoft did recently.
  22. I'm gonna play devil's advocate here and say nah, Bethsoft games are PC/XBox going forward. Stuff like Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, and Deathloop will be supported through their respective roadmaps.
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