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Everything posted by YourFavGrandpa

  1. When Naruto originally came out ... I watched until around episode 90 then dipped. Also, reading those images of the twitter threads made my fucking head hurt. Back to actual/real life things that matter, it was actually nice to sleep past 7am this morning. Woke up about 30 minutes ago for the day, and I just queued up four of my games to download off the Epic Games Launcher.
  2. the digital only version is a lot harder to find than the disc edition. grats @M A R T I A Non getting the bag.
  3. I ended up loading my gift card balance on Amazon Japan with 10,000 yen, to the tune just shy of $100. Will use this and a $75 visa card I earned as part of a focus group to buy Esparade, and the Darius collection I had previously bought through the site.
  4. When I was making money at the VA, that was one of the first things I bought my wife, was a stand mixer. Her's is used normally for baking cookies at least once a week.
  5. Alright ... because no one asked for it (and I'm fucking bored as shit), here's my iPhone 12 Pro Max review. Good Things: The processor on this phone absolutely is a fucking monster. It doesn't give a shit about what you throw at it, it's like MOAR The camera on it is out of this world, I absolutely dig the ProRAW format. But it's very good at what it does (I have some bad things to say about it though). The frequency of security updates is better than I remember. Services (iCloud et al) are miles ahead compared to Google, based on personal experiences. No Fortnite. Bad Things: To use the camera somewhat decently, I had to invest in Halide Mk 2 and Darkroom (which was $50 for the two apps) right out the gate. Monthly subscriptions for apps/premium features. Whoever thought of this needs to be shot. Fitness+ is not available with the phone by default. You have to buy further into the Apple ecosystem (via purchases of a supported Apple Watch and Apple TV). After 3 years, Apple still uses a proprietary connection where damn near everywhere else has moved onto USB-C. No charger in the box (the charger that's recommended overall is the Anker Nano, I have one of these) Device limitations - you're still allowed a max of 5 computers in a year, and only are allowed to deauthorize all of them once a year. Overall, I'd give the phone a solid B. It works out pretty well for what I use it for, mostly for work and media consumption (YT/Twitch).
  6. lmao, Hugo at the right height to bury his face in the vampire milf's boobs tho 🤣
  7. So, anyone wanna place odds on how long it'll be until we have robot housemaids ala Jetsons?
  8. I also asked that somewhere else online, but there was a TV series back in the day with the same name as well. If I remember right, it's based off that old-ass TV show, not the Denzel movies.
  9. I've had LastPass for about a year, and this recent issue has been the only thing I've had happen with the software. If I could pay for a year at a time like I do with the email service I use for my domain, I'd probably already have loaded enough for another couple of years on there.
  10. I pulled back on ordering Esparade Psi and the Darius collection for now. I'll wait for a little bit until the second collection gets released, and buy them all in one go.
  11. I'm reminded of the scene from Dude, Where's My Car near the end where the giant woman is walking around and the little kid tells his dad "I wanna go on that ride daddy"
  12. I fear what's currently common place now will be used by Nintendo in about 5-10 years.
  13. Was reading a topic on Rock Paper Shotgun about the new Atelier Ryza game. The Atelier series has been around since the 90s, but it got memed the hell out after the lead developer was quoted as working on the thighs of one of the characters. Nothing really gets my attention quicker tbh, than a red background and the words THICC THIGHS EDITION in giant capital letters and script. Link to article: edit: ngl, but when I saw these thumbnails the article has linked about halfway down; I almost went into @MillionXmode.
  14. There's a reason why I've seen both the Bioshock and Borderlands collections renamed to You Need A New MicroSD Card collections by Wario64. You just described them, certain part of the games on the cart, then you have to download the rest.
  15. Got a lucky score from one of my Destiny 2 clan members ... had a extra 3070 he wanted to sell, so of course Grandpa bought the fucking hell out of it.
  16. Welp, we know now if you disappear for days at a time without posting, it's because you're cursing Gandhi because he dropped nukes on you 🤣
  17. On the agenda for next weekend is cleaning out a crapton of things from my office so I can possibly put a shelf in here to start storing games on.
  18. If you ever play any of the Civilization games on PC, let me know so we can find you a support group. 🤣
  19. The Neo-Geo box games I now own is up to three, since I scored a copy of KOF 2k's collector's edition yesterday from Limited Run. The first two (Last Blade 2, Fatal Fury Battle Archives 2) haven't been shipped yet from LRG, and I ordered those last year before the holidays iirc. Also picked up the game's soundtrack as well, so we'll see how that goes. I also jumped all over a couple of deals that Wario64 posted online for AC Valhalla and the new Watch Dogs game. For the price of one retail PS4 game including tax, I picked up both of those for PS5. Those will be here on Monday, with the two Switch games from Amazon Japan coming at the end of the week on Friday.
  20. The original WSB server got shut down for fucking hate speech. I’m in the new server that sprung up in its place, and it’s quite civil for the moment. The subreddit has been deluged with bots though, trying to get people to pump/dump money on all kinds of stocks.
  21. Whenever I pull up the main one on my PC, I typically hide chat straight away. On mobile, I believe you have to fullscreen the stream before chat goes away. At least Twitch on mobile gives you the option to fucking hide chat on their app.
  22. Nah fam, you're alright. Mike still streams infrequently, if my memory is right. Gootecks fell off the special bus with all of the crap he did surrounding COVID.
  23. IMHO, the fun never went away. For me, the "fun" was playing other people, and in some cases interacting with friends at the various regional tournaments I went to. I've been to exactly one national tournament (and it was a Smash tournament), back in the dark times. Before things got a lot better moneywise for the missus and I (and I started my business), we had a general rule that we wouldn't go more than a couple of hours for a tournament, and it'd be for the day typically. But also, yeah, COVID killed all the in-person fun.
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