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Everything posted by YourFavGrandpa

  1. why does the chick from Battle Axe look like Sylvanas Windrunner post-edgelord turn?
  2. That site didn't have PayPal as an option for payment, so no go there. Ended up tracking down one of the old Bitwit videos and got a copy for $15 using his promotional code.
  3. They used to be. The last couple of ones I've bought have been less than $10 each, but it looks like Kinguin and a couple of other spots along with eBay have spiked the prices a bit for Windows 10 keys. Microsoft seems to have banhammered a lot of the go-to people and sites I know for keys.
  4. Wife's PC is up and running with the B550 board I bought her and her old Ryzen 5 3600. I am gonna have to wait until I get some more revenue though from the new contract in order to get her a Win10 Key. My PC is running pretty damn good with this 5600X in here. I do plan on spending next Sunday working on a overclock for it, since I'm working 6 days a week until the end of Q1 to bank money for our trip next year.
  5. That he did, he started the first waifu war of 2021.
  6. I agree, especially with the Verizon staff in store. They all need IRL shoryukens on the daily.
  7. Bought a highly coveted Ryzen 5 5600X tonight, with some new stuff for the missus at Microcenter. End cost: $710
  8. This is in every industry that uses semiconductors, my dude. Cars, phones, processors, GPUs, you name it. Either one of two things is about to happen, either: a.) Anything computer and semiconductor-related goes sky-high af in price. b.) A major Process/Technology breakthrough hits, and we see prices drop a smidge.
  9. I want to get this so fucking bad. The shipping for it though from Amazon Japan is a fucking boner killer (it was like $30 to have it shipped if I remember the correct listing). Edit: looked up the listing, it's around $20 for either version. I may scoop after all.
  10. Probably not. So I'll either get that or something for PS5 (probably Demon's Souls).
  11. looks like I'll be double-dipping on Persona 5 Strikers and getting it for Switch. The missus seems to have okayed it being bought
  12. Played a little bit of Bravely II, I can potentially see myself binging out on this game!
  13. Persona 5 Strikers is gonna sell gangbusters on Switch, because Nintendo fans haven't had an in-line Tensei game in forever. I haven't bought Royal either, but I have the base Persona 5 experience already.
  14. The older games are, absolutely. The older GG and KOF games require nothing short of absolute godtier execution. As far as SRKs and stuff go on my hitbox, I can do that shit in my sleep on P1 side ... put me on P2 side and uhhh, it's bad.
  15. from what my clanmate told me, I could clear a grand or more if I sold my 1080 and my RTX 2070 on the used market.
  16. Finally picked up my copy of Bravely Default II. That'll be the only Switch game I'll get to have for this month, next month will be MH Rise more than likely. edit: decided to pick up the deluxe edition P5S on PC when I got my pension a couple of days ago.
  17. Welp, it looks like we may know now how Fall Guys was able to get a Switch release. That being said, I'll probably never play the game again.
  18. I was watching that during the weekly news video that Gamers Nexus does. That was messed up that they basically went on vacation when this all went down.
  19. Mine is because I'm old, and over on SRK; I did get called grandpa/gramps quite a few times. I almost pulled out the Happosai (I'm sure I'm spelling this the fuck wrong) nick, just to mess with everyone here.
  20. I checked my switch, and sure enough; I have a copy of XC2. I don't know how I got it, or when I got it; but I have a copy. Had to wait on getting Bravely II because of my pension, but I'll probably pick it up at some point this week; or pick it up this weekend up in Dallas.
  21. gonna have to wait until Monday the 1st to pick up P5S and Bravely Default, and I may have to go to Gamestop to get them. None of the Walmarts I've been to here locally have them, so no chance of paying less than retail, unless Amazon drops the price on both; or they kill it on stocking.
  22. *right-clicks both pictures, selects save as* So, the client I work for has been leading me on about a potential promotion for the past week, but last night before bed I received official confirmation that I'll be moving off the phones; except in very specific circumstances to handle escalations. This literally could not have came at a better time, because I was dreading continuing on my current contract, due to one of the major players switching program APIs to the one I've been assigned to. They fully move over towards the end of March, and once I get the official contract in; I'm signing the hell out of it and terminating my entry-level contract.
  23. I'm personally not seeing where my PS5 has earned it's place yet, especially with the State of Play yesterday. So far, it does get used more than my PS4 Pro; but Sony is going to need to do something fast on the storage front. I think I'm at around 25-30% capacity on the main drive inside the PS5 right now, since the missus has been playing Warzone nightly before bed.
  24. received tracking on my limited edition of Last Blade 2 from Limited Run! It's happening guys!
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