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Everything posted by YourFavGrandpa

  1. Really? *reads article* And consumers are behind this because they wanna be cheapskates?
  2. There's a roundabout at one of the casinos over across the state line from me in a very popular area. In the same area as the casino, there's outdoor shopping via the Riverwalk and (completely) ironic for here, a Bass Pro Shops. I personally think they're cool, even though I've turned the wrong way out of it more than my fair share of times though. 🤣🤣
  3. I probably would buy it if it ever did come to Switch. That being said, I did the base rare double-game purchase the other day from Gamestop's website. Ended up picking up Raiden IV, and since I had a $100 limit; I ended up getting New Pokemon Snap as well. Figured it'd be a game I could get my grandson to try, if anything.
  4. Moving on to a different topic, this is technology-related (kinda): Trump is banned from Facebook for 6 more months. I'm half-tempted to change the topic name again based on this and the ongoing stuff between Apple and Epic.
  5. Personally, I'm all about choice. Also, Samsung has done something similar to AirTags with their Tile competitor as well (It's locked to/works only with Samsung devices). You aren't seeing Tile tattling to lawmakers because of Samsung, but because of Apple. Tile, I think; is a bunch of salty-ass MFers complaining to Congress because they know with Apple now involved in their industry; they're basically done
  6. So here's my 24 hour review of Airtags. Good: They're inexpensive ($30 is an okay price) Instant pairing with iOS devices running iOS 14.5/iPadOS 14.5 The battery is actually replaceable in the AirTag via gawd-tier CR2032 batteries Bad: Privacy concerns/Anti-stalker detection fails horribly Hermes selling $600 Airtag holders. Seriously, WTF? Right to Repair concerns levied at the company level. Godawful: Limiting the use of the product to one platform (Apple OS) Android users are limited to basic features
  7. Got my E3 plans sorted out. Gonna block off 2 hours of time around each notable conference (Playstation and XBox come to mind here), that way I am not working and can fire up the TV to watch. PC Gaming Show last year was actually good, but I watched it as a VOD.
  8. ended up walking back both the upgraded MicroSD card and NPS from Amazon. I am going to try to decide this week on whether or not to pick up Pokemon Snap from Walmart once bills clear, but first that stuff needs to be taken care of. On a lesser note, I've not really touched my Switch outside of a couple of hours testing my patienc err playing Smash online as of late.
  9. It's that with a couple of additional things. Eventually I'm gonna do a test with another couple of tags to see if it's possible to actively track someone.
  10. @iStu Xmentioned XMen above being a progressive IP. I'd also say that the latest run of Black Panther with Ta-Nehisi Coates writing definitely dipped into politics more than it's fair share of times.
  11. Holy crap ... if you're a Mac user (or even an iPad user); the Apple event a couple of days ago was absolutely nuts! Also, AIRTAGS ARE REAL!
  12. Woke up this morning to a burst PVC pipe underneath the house. Luckily, it's barely underneath the house; so I've got to do a little bit of handyman work today.
  13. I have a few things I'm interested in seeing. I'll list them by console. PS5: Final Fantasy XVI - I want, er need to see gameplay of this one. Also a PC launch simultaneously with the PS5 version would be nice, but probably not happening. Horizon: Forbidden West - same as FFXVI here. Nintendo Switch: Gotta have that Breath of the Wild 2 update. Otherwise you'll have the same situation that's ongoing with Bayonetta 3's development. No More Heroes 3 - I want to see more of this game, since it has a September release date? I also have the first two games incoming via LRG. I want to see more shmups localized for the west, as well. Earthbound on the SNES app - It's bound to happen at some point, why not 2021? And that sets the stage for ... Mother 3. Yes, I know it has been memed on for fucking ever, but with more games from Nintendo's Japanese library being localized (Famicom Detective Club et al); it's fucking time.
  14. The main issue I have is probably gonna be with Animal Crossing. If I have to start the island over, I'm more than likely sleeping outside for the next month.
  15. picked up a 512gb MicroSD card for the Switch, along with a copy of New Pokemon Snap from Amazon. Are there any guidelines to follow regarding moving all of my games over from my 400gb one?
  16. So, we had my wife's cousin staying here with us recently to get his proverbial shit together and get off of drugs. Then like 72 hours ago at like 8pm at night, he asked me to drive his ass two hours down towards fucking Beaumont to meet his girl and go home. Ended up cracking one of the rims on my car coming back from dropping his dumbass off because of his fucking ass, and trying to find a replacement has been a literal bitch so far.
  17. So, a buddy of mine rented out a movie theater for the squad to roll through and watch the new Demon Slayer movie next week. I have absolutely zero clue as to where to start with this show.
  18. I ended up buying some more games on the PS5 to put on the backlog. Other than my one splurge in buying the deluxe edition of MLB The Show, I bought Outriders (which is just gonna sit and not get played until Squeenix fixes the much-talked up character issue), also picked up the Deluxe edtiion of Persona 5 Royal, and Pre-Thicc Woman RPG, er Atelier Ryza 1. I guess I love games way too much.
  19. Okay, so this new Mercedes car that MKBHD is talking up in his latest video is making me want to consider it as an end-game car over either the Tesla Model 3/Tesla Model S. Also changed the main topic of the thread in lieu of the Oracle v Google decision/recent talk about digital vaccine passports.
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