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Everything posted by YourFavGrandpa

  1. I'm sure I saved it to the mouse. I'll look at it again tomorrow after coming back from the doc, but more than likely the Model D order is going through; with me relegating the G502 to laptop duty.
  2. The Tag mode is probably PS5 exclusive, with a potential mod coming for PC after launch. I really want to support Strive and buy it before launch, but since they announced a season pass and a $85 deluxe edition before state tax here, If I buy it; I'll buy it only once for whichever platform I end up buying it for (PS4/PC). I'm also considering buying the regular edition on PC and just buying the characters piecemeal if ASW does that this time. Granblue made me very wary about buying ASW games that aren't considered "mainstream" (Guilty Gear and DBFZ are probably the two main examples of that I can think of). Also am curious as to how long the PC playerbase will last once the game comes out, also because of Granblue.
  3. hey, whoever linked to ezgif earlier ... thanks! I was able to edit a suitable animated avatar for use.
  4. The company I use for my contract work requires a secure desktop environment for some of their clients. In Windows, by default I use 800dpi for desktop use and other general stuff; along with most games. The aforementioned environment is Linux based and does not give a FUCK about dpi settings. Was actually doing client work this past weekend, and I got a QA score back of very close to zero because of these issues. Also in said environment, I do not have access to change DPI settings; or do anything in terminal. If I was able to open a terminal window and use a sudo prompt, I would have changed out about half the software installed as a security precaution.
  5. I was a terrible child, so I was spanked with everything from belts to wooden spoons to tree switches.
  6. Placed the order about 30 minutes ago for a Glorious Model D in Matte Black. Expecting it next week sometime, since I opted for the cheapest shipping available.
  7. I have a suggestion as well, if it hasn't been implemented already by the existing quote system. Could bbCode be enabled somewhere down the line; whether it be a full implementation or a limited one (quoting posts from elsewhere as a example)?
  8. I have had a G502 Hero for the better part of the last year or so, but recently I've been having issues with it inside of client systems during live calls; which is absolutely no bueno. I'm probably placing a order today for a Glorious Model O or O- and yeeting this G502 straight into the garbage.
  9. Let him know I'm fine, and I'm sorry about what happened to his moms. Losing a parent is always a rough situation all around.
  10. Compressed to hell (which if compressed too much can harm the quality of the gif)
  11. I'm formerly MikeOHara on SRK, chose the new tag for something completely different.
  12. Hey, thanks! I went back to the flaming dumpster fire before making my previous post (in order to find the inspiration as to why I changed tags on here), and boy, it's gone south real fast.
  13. Initially last night, I signed up for the website on my phone ... so typical of who I am now. also congrats @DoctaMario! So, you're wondering how I picked my current tag and didn't carry over my SRK tag? blame it all on this particular post over at the dumpster fire (who ever dab00g is here on the forum, thanks for that):
  14. So, the other place is imploding onto itself. I don't remember who asked me to make an account here, but here you go.
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