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Everything posted by YourFavGrandpa

  1. It was eventually fixed, but it was apparently caused by an issue with changing my main password to use the damn thing to begin with.
  2. Prior to marrying my wife, I had access to this kind of situation. I've seen her maybe once since I moved back to this area in 2019, and that was in the grocery store last year. She was lowkey afraid of her husband, and finally got the "courage" to leave him for a black guy, who started out as their roommate.
  3. I'll update the quote. I meant to tag the original post by @KingTubb.
  4. Here's a pic of the new special edition MH Rise console that Japan is getting: There's also supposed to be a new Pro Controller as well, but that looks kinda ... well, it looks better that the Mario one; but not by much. Pro controller:
  5. I've actually had issues trying to enable my Yubikey to work with Lastpass before. That being said, I'm on the hunt for RTX 3070s at EVGA. Got approved to spend 1k that I can pay back rather easily.
  6. Put a ticket in with Nippon Yasan to cancel that 5k yen eShop card earlier. Waiting to hear back about that, but I already have Esparade PSI and the Darius collection ordered from Amazon Japan. Scheduled delivery date is Feb 3rd to the 5th for those.
  7. I don't know how it happened, but apparently someone got into my LastPass vault and just absolutely wreaked havoc on my passwords. It'll be the end of the week before I have everything back up and working, but I moved off it and went back to BitWarden with a fucking vengeance. My super important stuff was in that LastPass vault, so I'll be calling/visiting banks and all of that over the next couple of days. Edit: with this older info, I was actually able to log into SRK for the first time in a bit. Said peace, and came back here.
  8. Watched the GGST trailer that @Sonichumanlinked ... I'm not sold on the game. If they're going to sell the season pass separately, I might buy the base game and it together. Otherwise, that's a big ol nope.
  9. I hear you. Custom keyboards are especially daunting! Speaking of custom keyboards, the makers of the GMMK keyboard showed off their updated model, the GMMK Pro, on Twitch the other night. From the things I've seen in the custom keyboards community, the reveal didn't go over really well; and the people showing off the Pro were getting roasted left and right. I'm sure this updated model will be fine for gaming though. Moving away from that, I'm coming up on a month that I've had my new iPhone (January 30th will be one month). I've thought about recording a video and possibly posting it to YT. Haven't fully decided on that, but with shorter hours for client work this week; I'll have more time to consider it.
  10. Put in those Hako Trues yesterday afternoon. I really like the feel of these switches! The past couple of times, I would normally take off all of my keycaps before swapping switches. This time, I moved from right to left; starting at the numpad and moving all the way over. In the process, I did kill four switches via bending pins the wrong way. I still have a full bag of 10 switches left, since I bought 120 of them. Don't know what I will use the remainders for yet, either.
  11. I'm planning on doing a system overhaul in Q3 and retiring my RTX 2070 non-super. I've been focused on other things because it's nigh on impossible right now to pick up either a 3k series card or the new AMD 6k series cards. Once those become more readily available, I'll probably come back to gaming on PC; with some stuff put in where I'm not sitting 14-16 hours straight a day in my office.
  12. Update on my keyboard switches: They're not being delivered on Monday. They're being delivered today, like in a couple hours from now if anything. So after I get back from taking our cat to the vet here after while, I'll pull my dark yellows out and put those in. Normally, I pull my keycaps completely off, then put the new switches on. I'll probably replace them a row at a time.
  13. I don't want to sound like @DarkSakulhere, but it was only a matter of time before Microsoft pulled yet another boneheaded move like doubling the cost of XBox Live.
  14. I saw that! After he left CNN, he went and I think he did a infomercial at one point.
  15. One of the things I did towards the end of last year is try to curate my social media platforms a little better. I do have to use FB unfortunately because my daughter-in-law and her spouse use it (by it, I mean mostly Messenger) to contact us regarding stuff with the grandkids. They're also major tech luddites, and I've tried on more than one occasion to get them to stop using it. I like being able to endlessly filter stuff on reddit, and the first developer that can provide RES-like controls to FB, and get rid of the vast majority of the headassery on my wall would definitely be supported for sure!
  16. I must not have had my glasses on last night when I did that quote ...
  17. What switches did you end up going with, if I may ask?
  18. I started getting some exercise in to start 2021, currently doing walking 3x weekly (Mon/Wed/Fri) in a 1 mile loop that starts and stops at my house after work. Next week, I'll have to move it to before work because I'll be working later hours next week.
  19. I have some Hako True switches being delivered soon, can't wait to try them!
  20. So, I've run into insomnia problems yet again. I'll sleep for about 4-5 hours initially after going to bed the first time, be up for 2-3 hours; then sleep the rest of the time. Planning on seeing the doc very soon about this, because this is bullshit.
  21. got the February Switch titles lined up for pre-order. Pre-Ordered Bowser's Fury, Persona 5 Strikers, and Bravely Default II from Amazon. Gonna wait to pick up MH Rise for now, but I'll definitely cop New Pokemon Snap with next month's stuff. Edit: kind of a noob when preordering games from Amazon, but how do you get Walmart to price match?
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