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Everything posted by HeavensCloud

  1. I think a lot of that stems from Aris's comments about the game. He doesn't like the guns, explosions, focus on offense with nothing shown about defensive options. He obviously knows that sidestep is in the game but people take it as literal fact when he complains about something when he's usually half joking.
  2. Had a blast watching Frosty Faustings this weekend. Didn't even watch much of SFV. Mainly watched Samsho and Granblue but also a bunch of Strive, +R, Blazblue, 3rd Strike and KOF XV. Didn't realize how much I missed offline tournaments.
  3. @JustBoomingIf it helps, I use a TE2 PS4 stick with the PS5 and it works.
  4. Finally someone with some sense. Got SF4 in there and above 3rd Strike. @EvilCanadianyou going to get in on this trend?
  5. I used to enjoy fighting Ryu until they made his VT2 stupid. Why in the world is he allowed to mash that thing at any moment and fucking end you? If he has super stocked say goodbye to half your life for basically zero commitment. That shit is worse to deal with than Alex's VT1 parry!
  6. Fiinnally ... GBVS - the last hold out - gets rollback and cross play. Gonna have to buy a whole new game but I'm in. Looks like they've added a bunch of new content as well, characters and stages. Wonder when it drops and at what price point.
  7. Nah, I didn't like season 1 at all. Mika flailing with her Irish whip that was impossible to whiff punish so she'd just do it again and hit you leading into a mid screen wallbounce, Nash all over the screen with his impossible to see dashes, Chun with her plus on block air lightning legs? All this in 8 frames of input lag, fun stuff. Season 3 was where it was at. The game should have launched with Arcade Edition.
  8. I had the same struggle when I was playing it a lot last March. The only answer is grinding away in training mode until you have the muscle memory. Trying doing 10 regular hops in a row and then try 10 hyper hops, then try doing 10 hops into a short combo, etc. The hardest part about going from SF to KOF is the neutral, it really isn't similar at all and will feel very chaotic until you get better.
  9. SF4 is perhaps even more flawed than SF5 and yet somehow is more fun. I could play it for hours without getting burnt out. In V, I have diminishing returns after playing for more than an hour. That could be because I'm older, but I've also heard the same from other players younger than me. I really hope in SF6 we get back to having individual player expression. "oh this guy's Kimberly plays like this and this one does this so well...". etc.
  10. The SFV netcode is weird for me. I have to stick to ranked/casual - battle lounge connections are usually terrible. I can't even play my friend who I used to fight all the time in SF4 endless mode. And that was with crap delay netcode.
  11. Yeah, you don't notice how much you improve, have to go back and dig up old videos. I think we kind of take it for granted sometimes. Sajam looked through his old stuff when he just started playing +R and was laughing at how bad he was at the beginning. Now he's legit good.
  12. Is it that gavthethanos guy? I'm terrible against Nash too with either Karin or Cody. I can see why he's not a great character but in an online environment I feel like it's so hard to react to all his nonsense - and he's got a ton of it.
  13. Yeah not buying this. With how good online is in Strive the whole online doesn't matter excuse kinda gets thrown out the window. All the actual good players I've watched in Strive are at celestial not 8th floor.
  14. Happy New Year Megashock! Here are my two favourite FGC related tweets of 2022:
  15. Wong recently travelled to Japan and took on the best 3rd Strike Urien:
  16. It's a loong ass wait. On the bright side at least there's some stuff to look forward to in the meantime. Zangief, Lily and Cammy announcements plus maybe a third beta test/open beta.
  17. Fair enough. The game was fun out of the gate but I agree the TOD combos got tiresome. I think Brian_F put it best that long ass combos are cool in games like Hokuto No Ken and Marvel where they're difficult to pull off. The problem with DNF is everybody is doing them day 2. Ah well, in the end it probably just pushed more players back into Melty and Strive.
  18. Why do you say that? I'm out of the loop on DNF, haven't played since the summer.
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