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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. my motto towards the two parties is liberal dems=dumb republican conservs=crazy. dumb vs crazy. pick your poison. but recently with maga movement+trump. right now dems are the lesser of two evils. i just want trump to disappear into forgotten obscurity. i dont trust how dangerously egomaniacal and narcissistic he is. and his cult that seems unconcerned about maintaining democracy or the 200+ years of the republic, just plain scares me. i wish trumpism had never happened. at all. jan 6th was more than a riot. it couldve ended the republic. no thanks to that. i trust ben franklin. i follow ben, not trump.
  2. why would u ever go to quatar, a muslim country, and expect to b allowed to drink alcohol. dumb as rocks.
  3. women were once caled toots so i wouldnt recommend it considering the woke/cancel culture would use it as an agenda to bitch against trump and trumpet. tootie from facts of life wouldnt mind. as for advice.
  4. he really whipped out the latin. to pretend hes an intellectual. like it hasnt come out that his educational background isnt what he said it it was. that his knowledge was fraudulent . smdh,that nigga crazy. i mean.... quod nigrum insanus.
  5. so whats its value now? only elon knows im guessing. cuz it must have number value if he ever wants to sell or relist it.
  6. i went to check on how much twitter's stock value has plummeted lately, only to be reminded he delisted it from the stock exchange.
  7. luckily for you the liver is an organ that can regenerate itself over time. as long as u dont injure it with drugs and alcohol. takes 3 years to regrow it back to full health.
  8. i know this much. the rumors of him being a reptoid alien from the draco race. planted on earth and into the hierachy of society to bring our civilization down from the inside out is becoming more believable by the minute lol.
  9. @RSG3 was right about Elon. he really was just lucky regarding his rise to riches. oh and dishonest. hes a con man like trump. another dummy claiming to be genius.
  10. if u go to yt comments. everyone is sooo triggered about her calling football the other word only americans use. someone in the comments wrote "she called football the S-word" lmao. i think i should cancel culture her for being so offensive in saying the actual word. omg! #wokenationunite it is weird americans called a game descended from rugby.. football. its a mystery why when its just the punter that kicks it no one else. like why not call it rugball something not already named for another sport?
  11. trump is too unpopular rn for him to ever get nominated by gop. cuz they know hes poison right now. the gop seems to think that, they forget that if u look at population numbers this country is like 75% democrat vs 25% repub. in other words the dems can nominate a far left extremist for the presidency and win without a single republican voter voting blue. but for a republican nominee to win the presidency he needs a ton of dem voters to vote red to win. in 2016 he didnt really represent in the eyes of alotta middle ground moderates or dems..a far right extremist. but more of a earth shaker, or "non politician" or even just a celeb. but 6 years later in the eyes of the moderates and dems, trump=extremist. and no one likes an extremist whether far right or left. so hes done. i just dont see anyone in the higher up of the party touching him with a 10 foot poll. repubs need every vote they can get from independents, moderates, and dems. democrats dont need to flip a single republican voter to vote for a dem president for them to win. but every single time the republican nominee runs he needs millions of democrats to flip to their side to win. every single time. they just dont have the populaton numbers. the only reason why democrats dont win 100% of the time in 75% of the states is because of the electoral. which they benefit greatly from for races to be even sided. theres more people in los angeles and new york city than there are in entire red states. its impossible for a repub nominee to win the presidency without flipping blue voters to red. and trump cant do that anymore since hes seen as a representative of the far right extremists. hes done. its pretty much a auto win for the dems in 2024. he literally sacrificed the 2024 republican party just to save his own ass. not surprising. but they have no one to blame but themselves since they, the republicans failed to ban him for life from politics after jan 6th. trump is like cell after goku and him exploded king kai's planet. the gop let a single brain cell survive, now theyre getting haunted by him. even worse they dont even need gohan to blast him full power to get rid of him. tien can beat him now. not yamcha tho. dems dont fear trump anymore. they actually wanted him to run. and lets be real. they already won 2024 with this announcement.
  12. i understand why he running. to try to avoid the investigation. but from what i remember reading, it cant if he isnt like the rnc nominee. which i doubt he will get nominated. or maybe it was it cant be stopped if he isnt president. cant remember. soooo idk what his plan is regardig avoiding the investigation. cuz i dont think itll work.
  13. i wonder if trump is dumb enough to create his own party, and run as a independent. hes supposed to make his announcement today. doesnt he realize hes incredibly unpopular nowadays? or is he that detached from reality? i cant believe one man could destroy a party like he did.
  14. im gonna state the dummest question + idea ever thought up. if our kitchen and bathroom pipes get clogged up. as they sometimes do. if drain O and sulfuric acid are corrosive to ceramic, metal, etc and eat away at the pipes and destroy them. why not make the damn pipes out of the same exact plastic that house the declogging lye or sulfuric acid? if it cant eat away at the plastic containers that the acid and lye come in.. why the fuck not just use the same plastic to make our pipes with? that way when we do get eventual stuffed up clogged up pipes, we can pour the declogging chemicals without worry. crazy idea right? almost makes freakin logical sense. or is it that, that would put every damn plumber out of business since we wouldnt need them anymore? im starting to believe the ONLY reason why we all have metal pipes is to maintain plumbers in business. BECAUSE WHY ARE WE ALL STUCK WITH METAL PIPES IN OUR KITCHENS AND BATHROOMS???? at the very least we should have metal pipes with inner plastic coating so it protects the pipes when we are ALL eventually forced to use decloggers to melt the clog away. edit. i guess it also keeps the companies that make the damn metal pipes in business since the metal eventually degrades and then we have to buy more useless metal pipes that corrode with time. i doubt they want to make actual plastic pipes that dont corrode and lasts forever. where we dont have to rebuy more damn pipes.
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