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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. It's a month after the Ngannou fight.
  2. I just look him up. I hadn't run into him yet. Not gonna like, he looks kind a cool 😂I'm going to need to do the last chapter a few more times. I didn't realize they were different characters that could show up.
  3. That's our defense in a nutshell. Del Rio is trash. He's carried by our D-line. If they don't have a great game, he's ineptitude is there for the world to see. That said, Lane Johnson constantly false starts. It's not just a this game thing. He does it in every game. In pass pro he leaves just before Kelce hikes the ball. He's not near as blatant about it has Jawaan Taylor but he does it. Side Note: Jalen Carter is a monster. That dude, if he keeps his head on straight, can be the best DT in the league. He has Aaron Donald level talent.
  4. Best of luck to Jade, She has the look and physical tools to excel. However, she's no longer going to be a big fish in a small pond. Hopefully the WWE uses her well. I'm sure all the AEW diehards will thinks she's trash and the WWE diehards that hated her will suddenly love her now. Gotta love the tribalism in our society 😒 As for Edge, how's his health holding up? I really haven't been keeping up with wrestling much as of late.
  5. I'm fine. I'm used not get any calls, Lane Johnson false starting at not getting flagged, and more importantly Jack Del Rio being complete inept as a D-Coordinator. There is a reason we get cooked by mobile QBs. We have DC that thinks man coverage with no spy is an effective strategy. There is a reason we make Daniel Jones look like Michael Vick twice a year. He also loves having his CBs pay 10 yards off the ball when the opposing offense only needs 5 or 6 yards. Okay....maybe I'm not okay 😅
  6. The only real complaint I've heard in regards to Gief's level 2 is the startup being on the slow side. That said it's versatile and good Gief players seem to get utility out of it.
  7. Damn, I was going to say this why living alone is cool....but Keef got that covered ðŸĪĢ
  8. I guess I'll have to squeeze marathoning it in between Football, Cyberpunk, everything else. I pulled myself away from BG3 long enough to get caught by Phantom Liberty. I guess maxing my affinity level to 20 with A.K.I. in SF6 is going to have to wait.
  9. I thought the TV adapter would be no good but apparently analog antennas still work.
  10. That shit is funny for multiple reasons. The most obvious is she groping the Elephant but wants it to stop groping her. Elephant is just practicing the golden rule.
  11. If they give it to me, I'll PM you. AMD does this verification check before they give the code. So I won't be able to get it until my CPU gets here and I install it.
  12. That literally was the plot to some shit I was saw on the Playboy channel at age 12. Ah the good old days. Anyone else have a cable "descrambler" back in the day? We had basic cable but we didn't have basic cable 👀
  13. Vivek fumbled the political bag. Dude was virtual unknown, had surging popularity, and decided that kissing Trumps ass while giving trash takes was the ticket to success. What a fucking goof ball. If I had to sum up Chad in one post 😂
  14. Depends on your sibling man. Outside of when were really young, my brother and I basically never fought. We always covered for each other, so we rarely ever got in trouble. I've had friends with siblings and they'd rat each other out and stay in trouble. I never understood it. It's suppose to be kids vs parents. They didn't understand the assignment at all. I still remember the combination of mad and proud on my dad's face when he'd ask us who did something and we'd both answer "I don't know." A) We were lying but, B) We were doing exactly what he told us to do. "You are brothers. You are supposed to stick together, look out for each other." I was 5 and my bro was 3 when he sat us down to tell us that. We'd be getting each other into trouble at the time and my dad wasn't having it. He'd whip us both. One for doing wrong and the other for snitching. I'm 43 the last time my brother and I fought was 38 years ago. Dads are important.....unintended rant over 😅
  15. Yes, one of the earliest lessons my dad taught my brother and I was to stick together. We used this to our advantage during Christmas time. I'd ask for a SNES and my brother would ask for a Genesis. I'd ask for Game Gear and my brother an Atari Lynx. Given that we weren't exactly rolling in money, my bro and I made out pretty well. We went from getting a 2600 when everyone was getting an NES to having most of our console bases covered. We continued the trend when were teenagers. We went half an have on JVC X'Eye (Genesis/Sega CD combo) that got marked down to $100 at Electronics Boutique. My bro got a TurboXpress for $100 on clearance too. He got a Saturn. I got an N64. When wanted a Playstation the year I got N64, I bought the Saturn off him for $100. Since game rentals were big at the time(8/16 bit era), having the console was most important. We did get a few games here and there but we thrived on rentals until we became teenagers and just started buying our own games. The only systems we never got were the Neo Geo, 3DO, and Jaguar. The first two were just too damned expensive and the latter didn't have any games out side of AvP, Tempest, and the Doom port. Edit: We had two Gameboys prior to getting the Game Gear and Lynx. He was the polar opposite of Shawn Layden. Shawn, despite being a "suit", had very pro gamer tendencies. He would use the profits from hit games to green light new IP. He actually remarked on the importance of new IPs even if they weren't big hits. Jim Ryan was just a bean counting suit. So he's taken an Don Mattrick like, let's milk our hit IPs approach that's just plain off putting. How many times are they going to remake/remaster The Last of Us. He's supposedly green a Horizon Zero Down remake. Not to mention things like upping the cost of the PS5, outside of the US, and the PSN price hikes. Then whole MS/Activison debacle with crying foul about exclusivity while locking down his own exclusives and literally paying developers to keep games off of gamepass. Sony built up significant goodwill under Layden's leadership during the PS4 era that Ryan eroded in a couple of years at the helm. TLDR: Jim Ryan is bean counting suit with no passion for games that milked the Playstation audience for their cash. Unlike Shawn Layden, who was the polar opposite.
  16. Yeah I get your annoyance with them. I saw an A.K.I video yesterday that did like 7200 damage but it took all her drive gauge and all three bars. At least when Desk makes combo videos they look interesting and show you quirks to a combo system that may not be readily apparent.
  17. Good on F.A.N.G, he may be a homicidal assassin that has no problems melting people into goo via poison but even he don' t do that pedo shit. Side Note: Yeah the "Psycho Sakura" vibes I got from A.K.I. pre-release seem to have panned out. Her obsession with F.A.N.G. makes Sakura's infatuation with Ryu and F.A.N.G.'s loyalty to Bison look EXTREMELY mild by comparison.
  18. It's bunch things going on in gaming right now. Things are easy to miss. I hadn't played SF6 in a while because I've been enamored with BG3. So much so that I got late start on my new CP2077 run and I'm not far enough into to go game to start the Phantom Liberty DLC. I burned through the MK1 story quickly at least. TLDR; Too many games out. It's understandable.
  19. As long as they don't sign Wentz. The only team I'd like to see sign him is the Cowboys. I'd call Wentz a bum but I'd lose a defamation case against actual bums. 👀
  20. Netflix is basically 50/50, for me, when it comes to adaptions. For every Castlevania there is Masters of the Universe. There seems to be a shift in their mentality, I hope that's the case. My childhood looks like Martin after he fought Tommy Hearns at this point.
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