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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. Yeah Agito is another that would translate very well into a SF concept... specially if capcom could make a char with double personality a la dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde that have two stances wich show two radical different personality We had Necalli and now Jamie that had something that make them go more "wild" but both seem just an extremization of their normal attitude, while Agito switch from the two opposites, 100% cold technical to 100% wild formless Another i criminally forgot to add is Hatsumi the floating cloud. Damn, he's one that could have been traslated 1:1 and would be an awesome SF char alredy... The whole bored/shabby attitude mixed with his immense aikido skills is something i would love to see, even the fact canon wise he's unreliable as depending on mood he may lose with middle tiers then give Agito an hard af fight is very unique Plus in some way dude remind me one of my fav HnK char Juza, wich likely is'nt even random vibes as Kengan author imho gave Hatsumi the cloud nickname also as wink to Juza. To some extent i think as parallel Hatsumi vs Agito was a much less dramatic version on Juza vs Raoh
  2. Yeah, i think to remember the Sawada thing was discussed already at SF6 launch, it's definitely likely it played a role... plus we know SF is familiar with Kengan, the manga even made one special with the protagonist dreaming about fight Ryu Plus we seen Marisa have many many winks at Baki's Hanayama, so we know SF6 is'nt afraid of go take lot from mangas when developing characters If you could get a SF6 char heavy inspired from Kengan what would be? Saw Paing would be my first pick, Leithwei still missing from SF, but real reason is i love the heavy Joe Higashi (my fav SNK char) vibes they put on the char. Plus a fast light/medium striker that try to land atomic headbutts would be fun Another is Cosmo, the idea of a male small genius submission grappler wearing full grappling gear that rely 100% on technique to win fights in a field where usually we imagine big slow characters would be another cool thing. I know Laura's bjj and Manon's judo broke a bit the trend, but would still be something new, specially if they focus on ground grappling (wifh should have been more a thing in Laura's moveset btw) Another cool thing is that could be of any nationality, as just like MMA submission grappling is modern and take influences from many places Last Naidan, just so cool approach at mongolian wrestler archetype, and mongolian char is something i truly feel missing from SF
  3. Lol SF6 Ed is so far that i should tackle my backlog too... got Ghosts 'n Goblins resurrection,Tails of Iron and Final Fantasy 16 waiting me So far i'm betraying SF6 mostly with Fall guys editor mode lol
  4. @Darc_Requiem Have you bought any of the new items? I took the golden bomber jacket and the white-azure samurai pants There are some other i may be interested in, but i want to wait new Fighting Pass first
  5. The problem is that they could have effortlessly made WTM something that evolve through time without have huge dead time to wait between one char and the other, specially with the weak 4-chars model There's so much already in WTM that is simply locked
  6. Eh tbh there is'nt much new to discuss... unless we count fighting pass ending soon and new one follow up soon after Next big new is Ed in 2024 lol For what's worth story/speculation wise, next update (Ed) we will likely find the last three pieces of NS uniform (jacket, pants, boots) and imho use it to infiltrate into NS pretending to be a member But again, very far sadly Hope they're planning some big DLC wave to break the wait, to begin with we're still waiting main cast new costumes update
  7. That's a fair point, i was mostly thinking how Nash and Bosch solitary tragic run against Bison and JP felt very alike... did'nt considered much the "power level" side Guess one more reason to consider ED/NS doing it a more desirable and meaningful outcome
  8. Idk to me feels strange after Nayshall Arena events Capcom insist with Yua saying this after you tell her he's dead In particular "the worst thing in the world could happen to him, and he'd still find a way to come back" line feel like hard anime foreshadowing to me lol Also the fact you can't offer her a proof to give her at least some closure (like at least a funeral) make me guess the body somehow has gone missing, yet we know it was'nt completely destroyed by the explosion, as was basicallys still completely "intact", only darkened a with smoke steaming out of it As for who could have the means, i think we have a clear candidate: Ed. Let's say NS recovered the body and Ed at some point of his SF6 story arc split from JP (likely realizing he tricked him and his friends with fake promises into work for him) and JP is defeated for good, a potential way good-guy-Ed could repair some of the damage they did to Nayshall would be use NS resources to get Bosch back and fullfill Yua's dream, with her brother making Nayshall a better place Another possibility is that body was'nt taken by NS members (who had reason to be there), but by Illuminati... we all seen the strange coincidence of Nayshall Arena having Gill's colors after all. Maybe NS messed up a country wich was already under Illuminati influence and they may want to get it back ASF style, pulling a ZombieNash2.0 with Bosch But tbh would much prefer first theory (Ed/NS redemption), as beside will like to avoid the repetition of Nash/Illuminati thing, i believe Ed and friends fixing the damage they did under JP's guide would be cooler story development
  9. Pencak Silat thing* was half joke lol (half because i would still take PS over made up generic style) Btw don't believe he's dead dead, this is SF So i think we will see him again, maybe even as main cast new char (mostly because -i may be wrong but- as body he seem only NPC who's not been built as "a NPC" using SF6 editor tool as base) Iirc we also have a line from Yua (his sister) who refuse to believe he's dead... of course is normal thing to say for a young girl who just lost her brother, but you know how that shit goes in anime lol *give us SFV malaysian female Pencak Silat concept pls I know, said myself canon wise he's from Nayshall lol And to add even more mess to make up the "Nayshall" culture as clothes capcom also used visual links to Bhutan... and on general Nayshall people as a whole dress lot like Bhutan, just scrolling these images you'll find lot familiar (due WTM Nayshall) stuff Bosch attire on particular have some details straight from there definitely, pretty sure back to SF6 launch posted the pics But still found interesting that both name and surname have potential link to Indonesia (wich does'nt mean in any way Indonesia have any canon relevance, just that devs may have wanted some vibes from there)... even if to be completely honest while one source said it's most common in Indonesia, another said Pakistan One interesting thing is Waraya apparently have some possible meanings in japanese too, and one or more seems particular fitting to Bosch story arc; (copy-pasted) 藁谷- Waraya - 藁 means "straw." Withering - The process of a tree becoming dry and brittle. Draft - A preliminary version of a written document. 谷 means "valley, ravine." Valley - A depression between two mountains. Path - A road or path. Reach a Limit - To reach a point of no return. Nurture - To raise and care for. These three i've put in red feel like describe a lot Bosch's WTM run Guess they liked the idea of pick surname that have a fitting meaning for them japanese but can work also as "different part of Asia" for that confused concept that is Nayshall That's tricky Despite having his own personal stance since first time we meet him, we see Bosch showcasing his unique fightstyle only after he got infused with Psycho Power And that fight style does'nt resemble the one used by any other nayshallese fighter we seen, interesting thing is only other char to share it, Fou-Lu* does'nt seem to be nayshallese (he's actually another BoF NPC "guest") So far make it kinda hint that Bosch may have learned these techniques at same Neo Shadaloo place where he got infused with Psycho Power This based on ingame events, but going bit by logic we can assume his PP style is a fusion of his previous martial art knowledge with the new powers... so some of the elbows/shoulder/kick strikes we see may indeed come from what he already knew and be stuff he used to do before the MC MMA training under Luke Another thing to suggest Bosch could have been already decent (not great as we see in WTM) in some Nayshall traditional martial art is that his red robe as chara design seems to identify him as martial art monk Btw would like get a non-PP version of him, even if we will ever get him 99% will keep PP lol *Fou-Lu is another SF6 NPC who got named after BoF character, wich share also same look Fun thing after defeating him in SF6 Fou-Lu will tell us we will meet again and we will see his "complete form" or something like that... this made some (myself included) speculate about potential future WTM development, but may just be a reference to BoF character lore, who concept wise is literally half of what should be as he's been summoned in a wrong way and he's an incomplete entity who wish to merge with his other half (game protagonist) to reach his complete form and wreck shit Wonder if they plan to keep play on that and make us fight him again in future lol Nice detail, even the place (at night time) where we can fight WTM Fou-Lu remind also the one where BoF Fou-Lu awaken in very first scene of this vid
  10. @Darc_Requiem Found something that may hint new feature of future WTM expansion and explain why hair options sucks so much lol In Beat Square, main place of MC and where we have Body Editor and first/main clothes store, just between them there's an hair cuts salon (atm not possible to interact with) The interesting part is the placement imho, because it's essentially between the two current editor/avatar places of the square Guess we will end up pay for cooler, unique haircuts just like we pay clothes in beat square Or maybe you pay haircut just once and it get added on editor Only "normal" npc haircut i can think as currently missing from creation mode is sumo guys in Urban Park area (those at Honda's place with "chonmage" haircut) Wonder if we will get more unique NPC haircuts too, in that case list would include Carlos DamnD Rudra Eternity Fang (+ unique beard too) Azam (+ unique beard too) I'm intentionally leaving out Bosch, because imho does'nt feel made with editor tool and base, and may have different destiny as main cast stuff Btw would be fun get also haircuts of main cast lol... actually even better would be get ones of former main cast that will NOT return Curiously no female NPC so far seems to have unique haircut... possibly Alice have slighty modified version of an existing one, but the few others have normal editor ones Now that i think about it also the strong sumo lady may have unique hair, but not sure if is same chonmage i mentioned for some Honda's dudes PS: just discovered even Bosch have full name: Bosch Waraya Waraya apparently in real world it's very rare surname, but clean majority of these few is in Indonesia That's a second hint of Bosch being inspired name wise to Indonesia... i know it's surely first a wink to BoF char and SF6 Bosch is from Nayshall, but "Bosch" beig dutch name in s-e asia link to Indonesia too So somehow both name and surname may make sense in Indonesia Just make Bosch Pencak Silat rep damn it LOL PPS: in front that hair salon we get also this red gi karateka guy with stand full of wood barrels, guess in future there we may get variant of
  11. Cool Ryu piece, wish he looked like that ingame, with just rough bit unkept wolfish face hair rather than full thick beard Another BW art here seem hint they had that in mind at some point
  12. I'm starting to think he may also be the nigerian Prince asking everybody for money via email lol
  13. Yeah, that may support that was their initial intention, may add @Miðgarðsormfound JP being based o a movie russian villain (even if that may apply to Joah Petrovich alias*) WFrom same picture we also got Lily who gone through self-censorship, as somebody probably suggested that her original design (imho better) you can see in same page was probably too anachronistic/stereotype and at risk of become target of outrage police Last difference i can see is Akuma having usual red hair (now is white), but that obviously have nothing to do with self-censorship and likely just been made in order to have default look showing still big age gap with Ryu after timeskip Make also sense, considering in SF3TS we had an hint of AKuma's hair color starting to change already and that was years before SF& *IF multiple names was in their idea from begin wonder if "Jean Philippe" would also look very different, or just be same JP we see signing with another name
  14. Got one OC of that already made too; female krav maga rep, with 20something israeli woman soldier called Shira who got fashion model look, as that kinda a popular gimmick of IDF internet imagery Of course current events make something like that impossible on official game cast, but sill An alternative route to dodge problems would be have Krav Maga not necessary linked to a Israeli char/IDF, for example even with already existing char i would love if C.VIPER to get Krav Maga as martial art(wich she combines with gadgets) We never had clear hint on her fighting style, and Krav Maga is apparently one of the possible styles teached to some CIA agents Example one kinda popular KM figure is a former CIA agent Not sure JP as russian got censored, i believe russian was just the declared nationality for his Johan Petrovich mask... just like probably he pretended to be french/belgian when acting as Jean Philippe Is possible Capcom toned down it omitting where Petrovich is supposed to come from, but after all was still just a mask and we don't know actual JP origins Another possibility is that they straight completely made up the whole multiple alias thing as trick to dodge him being just russian But tbh i believe first case, SF just love to give people with mysterious past/identity strange names made of letters (JP, G, Q, F.A.N.G., A.K.I.) to keep the mystery going on
  15. My only problem with it is that i will prefer see this guy back But if Arnis stick fighter make it and i can use his/her style for Eagle, would be ok with it lol Would welcome much more a bare-handed Pencak Silat rep, but for that Indonesian or Malaysian is probably better... indeed according to @Miðgarðsormtranslation one of SFV dropped unused concepts was a military/guerrilla style malaysian woman who used Pencak Silat* *of course i recreated her in SF6 too🤣
  16. @Dragonfave723thanks super cool info Still believe Gina Carano (female mixed martial artist from America) played a role in Marisa's face look Would not be a first either for SF 3D modellers to take real people as straight look inspiration, see Bob Sapp-Birdie just for quick example Lol, fun thing two of my original characters are a short but wide af mongolian grappler who's Bokh (mongolian wrestling) rep and one old, baba yaga vibes creepy eastern lady who uses Hopak and Psycho Power Even got some SF style profiles written as guideline for design (simple stuff, not deep and long as my bro @Darc_Requiem), remember the mongolian guy was so shameless 101% stereotype that while flat/basic af he was one of my fav for the straight SFness of it lol Remember made him obsessed with mongol heritage, wanting to be best grappler of asia and hating hard on Honda, Hakan and Darun 😆 Likes: Mongol heritage, Temjin (his hawk), mutton roast Hates: Chankonabe, olive oil, curry Rival: Honda, Hakan, Darun 🤣 Not sure why they included Hopak to have "same rules" of sumo too, Hopak is a dance (with movements that can remember kicks) from cossacks war culture and even counting that thing called "Combat Hopak" still does'nt seem even grappling based But yes make the mongolian wrestler moveset different from Honda's was kinda tricky, but could nott resist give him Honda's Lv3 lol
  17. Eh i could not do that even wanting it At this point approximately i think i have something like 15-20 SF recreations 5 SFEX recreations 10-15 redesigns/development of unused SF concepts 15-20 totally original characters 5-10 capcom guests or SF NPCs 10? guests And keep switch between them to update their model or see if some new found piece will improve their costume etc Within one hour on WTM i probably change char 2-3 times lol As much seems a chaotic method i realized for me works better than focus on one char each time... many times i find a new gimmick that will be perfect with one, and quickly realize i can use a variant of same trick on 2-3 other models that i did'nt updated for a while Cool thing is the more i understand SF6 stylization the more last creations have different look than very early ones, so constant rework way somehow manage to update early ones to the level of most recent On negative side i will maybe never release my "collection" as i ever feel that once i show a char properly (make a YT vid showing a montage of his moveset on a vs with main char in main char stage), two weeks later i will get some new thing that make me improve the char and hate my vid about his/her previous version lol Even more those that have items perfect for them already in the WTM, but at the moment locked by these capcom cunts lol These are the worst, i think i have more than half of my creations that are waiting to get stuff already ingame 🥲
  18. Also would be nice the name showing up near tue health bar to change based on wich saved-avatar we are using Does'nt make much sense to me to save Fei Long as "Fei Long" and still see "V.Rosso" as name when i play with it lol
  19. If i could make a wishlist, one point would be have the possibility to save costume preferences stuff in same slot we save the body That would mean 100 costumes, each linked to a specific created character as the default look for it
  20. You're welcome 👍 Remember that you can save not only your K in creation mode, but you can also save in equipment menu up to 10(? iirc) equipment combinations, wich will keep also 3D items with very same positions/size you gave it Essentially you will be able to do something else with creation and play as different chars, but whenever you want recover your K just as you made it with 2 clicks (1 in editor and 1 n equipment menu) One more advice i can offer is don't be afraid to make the char look "deformed" without clothes on, multi-layered kind of editors have huge problem with very lean chars (like K can be, specially if designed by some artists), the only thing that really matter to achieve a certain result is final look when all clothes/full costume are on... easy way to make life easier, specially with recreations, is compose the costume first and then model the char with clothes already on, made my work so much easier
  21. The laurel is symbol of victory So if we want continue reasoning of before and risk try to "read" the emblem meaning, could be that after Shadaloo destruction (broken thunder) and driven by wisdom (owl supporting it) Neo Shadaloo will achieve victory (laurel)
  22. Cool we got much more clean confirmation his symbol now is indeed an owl, on the flag was'nt as clear 👍 Going a bit by reasoning/theory the owl under the thunders logo may be supposed to represent NS will be driven by wisdom (wich i suppose will be JP pretending to be just advisor while telling them what to do) I think is also first time i notice Neo Shadaloo logo are two thunders overlapped to form N and S, and may be wrong but wanting to find a double meaning seems is also as if the small one is a crack in the big one, as to sybolize Shadaloo's destruction... to pick the reasoning before, as to say "after Shadaloo destruction, Neo Shadaloo will be driven by wisdom"? At risk of read too much into it, Ed may be the NS thunder (the power), JP the owl (the wisdom)... i like the duality, remind me this recent pic If we imagine a Neo Shadaloo where Ed represent power and JP the mind, all the reasoning with @DarthEnderXabout JP giving no fucks about losing fights/being not best at fighting may gain bit more logic and harm bit less JP's figure, because even within the new org he may not be the "top fighter" and cover the role of brain... so lose in a violence contest will not touch his self esteem lol 😁 But i'm not sure Ed is necessary superior to him in 1v1/fighter sense I mean he can be, Ed was already good fighter before timeskip and had years to improve his PP skills, but something about his design does'nt sell him to me as edgy anime overpowered char I think they may bean alliance less based on very individual "power level" and more on a general sense as the union of their inheritance from Shadaloo's collapse Ed may have the control of men and even more of special individuals, as former shadaloo rejects will follow him but not JP and he may cover a more operative on the field role JP may have the control of money, as that's straight follow up of his previous role, and he would likely use his mind to set up the strategies This kind of NS structure would be cool af to me, because while looking an even division at first could reflect A LOT JP's mindset of chess player with himself being the King and Ed the Queen Looking the chessboard the Queen looks more powerful and dynamic than the King, roam around the field fast wrecking shit helped by other pieces The King piece feel weaker and does'nt move much, ideally better stay far from the action and be protected Seen like this Queen looks like best piece, but reality is Queen may die and you can still win the game, the King survival is #1 essential rule of chess Queen is worth 9 points, being second most valuable piece (Bishop and Knight 3, Rook 5) after the King... but when you think King's points value is essentially "infinite", even 9 points make the Queen just a glorified and still expendable piece What i would love of this is that JP's "frail" aura is exactly what chess King feels like, it's not necessary weak in terms of powers (can still move/attack in all directions) but any decent piece can threat it Warning, silly crazy theory shit May very well be huge mental-fapping on my side, but if they look for that chess thing would be awesome Going even further Falke/Knife/Gorilla may even work as the 3 piece types that help the Queen Falke as Bishop, closest to the Queen and you can use it as "sniper" to hit/cover very long range Knife as the Knight, have unique mobility and can "jump" over pieces (Knife have teleport) Gorilla as the Rook, very powerful but specially at begin fat ass piece hard to move (fun fact even higher score than Falke/Knife could make sense for JP, Gorilla would be only able to rival his mind, as he got Bison's intellect) Normal NS soldiers may be the pawns, they're lot, individually weak and super expendable lol
  23. Was it? Did'nt realized was just few pics, ever thought was an actual legit full manga... then maybe i've seen all of it 👍
  24. I did, but i remember i've just watched it, not downloaded, so i would have to restart the research all over again What i never found is complete scan of Murata's SF manga
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