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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. Azam special throw is awesome, make me wish we could give our avatars also NPC exclusive specials Example Azam one would be awesome on Abel (and even more the spinning "judo" throw some NPC do) Btw as creation mode bro, i suggest you (if you're not doing it already) to grind the infinite Haggar Stadium tournaments, you can find super rare items or even get multiple copies of ones that going through normal missions could only be x1 Example Bosch sister in main story gift you her red-blue necklace (x1), now you can get more thanks to the tournament I'm hoping some of the bullshit exclusions (like example muay thai/karate white hand stripes the fake Sagat and many NPC wear) will be fixed coming as tournament rewards
  2. Completed everything about Rashid, bunch of stuff -Remnants of Shadaloo are stalking Rashid, guess it's FANG holding personal grudge and we will know more when AKI release (maybe her mission will be stalk/kill Rashid?) -There's somebody else that somehow have same face as Rashid, proof is that Rashid accidentally entered a room where the facial recognition device allowed him in. Wonder if may be an operation similar to when JP made that vid with Ken saying evil shit... maybe rather than edited video there's somebody that copy characters appearance (like Eleven could) -Rashid can't say 50 words without mention "i saved the world" -Now that i seen how they done it, i'm not sure in ancient times there was a dude literally looking like Gill... just like Rashid and Azam appearance was used as metaphor to show us the arabian faction as same people/bloodlines, Gill look could have been dropped there in same way just to declare the other faction were SS ancestors
  3. Yeah to the latter 👍 But about Gill and Urien being "put in their place in terms of both combat " i will indeed like it, but not before they actually had time to shine as villains, neither ever truly did Gill SF3 run felt like foreplay of something more epic that never happened (because SF gone missing right after SF3), Urien ever been just the guy on the side of the scene with angry face lol I mean i'm all in favor of big Bosses get their ass wrecked, so they can leave space on top of the mountain to new bosses (instead recycle ssame big baddies over and over), something Capcom seems terrified of (they prefer sacrifice new villains giving them no chance to fly) , but in Gill case i want first see him go full out openly evil, massacre opponents, seem invicible dropping dat Seraphic Wing on somebody (despite being one of the greatest show-off of power in SF, canon wise it's never mentioned as if he never used it in a canon fight)... then yes, underdog hero beated up close to death does that shonen desperation attack and defeat Gill saving the day But so far we're far from this Bison had fuckton of screentime doing his big plans shit (lot of losses to, but still lot of shining) Akuma is a shit character and still get nothing but hype moments (with only lowest point during SF timeline a "loss" off screen with Gouken wich is unclear how's gone and we don't see him get beaten up) Even discount filler villain Seth had full development in SF4. Then was disposed by Capcom as trash to feed Bison legacy, but that was AFTER he had time to actually rise and fall vs hero Ryu Gill and Urien never had it much, despite Gill (and SS) by design being supposed to be super big deal SF3 -Gill had only his mysterious loss to Alex (who in theory should be well below him*) and we know he take losses on purpose, we seen it vs Urien and later will even claim to do it often in one SFV w quote. Rest is Mr.NiceGuy sportmanship shit -Urien get a confirmed fake W and have some kind of "amusement fight" losing to fucking Chun of all people SFV -Gill get two quality Ws vs Urien and G, but have not much relevance story wise, felt kinda side-events -Urien lose only serious fight vs his brother (wich is normal, ever thought canon wise Gill>Urien), then beat up weakened Nash and bum Balrog Essentially i agree with you, but only if it happens in one huge big deal arc where he goes all out, proper rise and fall If they want to pull a capcom and throw him under the bus in some irrelevant side arc i prefer them to keep him in current lame narrative limbo of "See that guy? He's super powerful, and one day will do something!" that bring nowhere but at least does'nt compromise the char chances of have a future One thing i would like is at some point Urien going full desperate after the SFV beating and start experimenting straight on himself (Urien is actually confirmed to be pro af at genetic shit, even his scientists are impressed by his theories), surpassing his brother and becoming a fucking big deal Boss On general i would like the idea to have more characters (villains too if possible) able to give Akuma a competitive fight**, because currently Akuma is the ceiling and capcom hold him as neverending blue balls hype, and they already post-poned his last duel beyond the cool moment... Ryu even aged past anime hero age and became a fucking middle age man, we still have to see them ending this crap 🤣 At least we would get credible villains while they struggle with the cowardice of lose Akuma as cashcow (something i doubt will happen over a canon story development, Bison still sell after having lost bunch of fights) *we know in SF3 Oro consider Ryu and Gill to be equal, when Ryu meet Alex it's absolutely an one-side beating ** not that characters that should actually fight him, just being canon implied to be able to do it
  4. Irony is Rashid would have indeed far greater chance at damage Gill using the streaming rather than using the fighting 😆 Like, Rashid playing smart tricking Gill into do/say something evil while being streamed all around the world, would be a very Rashid thing to do and quite effective
  5. I doubt, he may use female body as emergency solution, but he seems to vision himself as male See the bodies he usually use (SF2, SFA, SF4/V) The thing that ever got me curious is that none of the bodies he used had that genetic blond/blue trait, but seem to have recurring traits between each others, being very similar Similar facial structure, similar height (officially just 5cm difference from shortest to tallest), similar body structure even if some had heavier musculature It's like for some reason Bison had that model in mind, but when they play with his -original body- DNA we ever get different chars with the blond/blue thing
  6. This According to SS laws Gill is supposed to be 23 when he reached the proper age to be President (or Emperor), so SFV/SF3 Did'nt played much yesterday, so did'nt reached the ancient Gill-look-alike part people talk about My theory is that this guy may be either Secret Society founder/Emperor or anyway SS greatest hero of the past that gave them apex power and glory, so SS keep doing hard eugenics on candidates in hope to "recreate" another him to guide them... would not be surprised if through bloodline all candidates descend from him too May fit also why "president" is something SS will ever have as inevitable part of organization, but "Emperor" title is limited to few exceptional individuals, and there may be cycles/generations without Emperors SS may reserve it to those who are seen worthy of hope to bring back SS to it's former prime Maybe Gill looking so much like him (and having same elemental affinity) may be the reason since begin SS had so much hype for Gill, they may believe to have finally achieved to "resurrect" their hero Yeah that's something i would like to see explored one day Only hint we have is Bison true body is blond with blue eyes, as it's the trait shared by other characters that are supposed to have his DNA I agree on giving zero shit currently, but also guess it's made to set up a motivation for Rashid to join people against Gill Right now as you say is just ancient history, but when he will see a dude who's gaining global popularity as cult leader that promise peace while being identical to the warlord that destroyed his land in the past, he will likely recognize him as evil and feel the need to do something about it
  7. Curious to know his story Still have my old theory Rashid may be the unseen "Jade Goat" (completing the trio Crimson Viper-Smalt Raven-Jade Goat)
  8. Would add JP gone further and draped his own stage with Gill's colors, to let SS Emperor know that he's willing to submit and become his vassal servant in Nayshall Good plan to keep some freedom, props to JP
  9. But we should be honest and admit Bison would defeat Kolin even without use infinite health cheat-machines No-cheats Bison vs Urien would be a cool fight!
  10. There's only a way to see if he's alive We should discuss the fact that canon wise Gill as fighter and Secret Society as org are implied to be more powerful than Bison and Shadaloo
  11. I add +1 on the pad thing Ever been pad player, but had no problem with SF4 FADC But my fav control scheme i used for SF4 and SFV works well for SF6 except for that single thing, MP+MK to me is either L1+R1 or L2, meaning left hand have some trigger to push at same time as dash on d-pad, it's kinda awkward lol End up i almost never use it, wich at scrub level like mine it's absolutely no big deal, but still piss me off remove part of the tools from my options If i understood it correctly this change will be an absolute bless for me lol
  12. Glad to see they did'nt forgot Azam Good chance we will be able to fight him, hope they did'nt went super lazy with his moveset
  13. To me it's the usual stuff i said many times through years, will ever wish SF to go forward exploring missing lands/styles rather than work over and over on same archetype with different flavour Of course they can design her to fight different, Capcom can probably design 5 new pseudo-greek SS pankration users and make them different from each others... just like they're like "watch here, there's this new Ansastuken, but wait he is different!" We had first pseudo-greek SS pankration user in Gill, we got second pseudo-greek SS pankration user in Urien, we just got third pseudo-greek (even if italian, she claim to have greek blood multiple times) pankration user in Marisa Personally, i think i'm more inclined to wish SF will give us let's say first SF Aikido user, or Silat, or mongol wrestler, or Dambe, or Krav Maga, or whatever etc etc rather than see what they can do to differentiate the 4th pseudo-greek pankration user (third from same org and family while at it) That's why if we get other characters from SS i would prefer get "another Kolin", somebody who's born outside and can have it's own cultural/martial art heritage that from SS received just elemental affinity power, but keept it's own roots PS: of course there's nothing "wrong" on do it as CaC (glad you're working on something), with limitless slots and zero impact we have a different kind of freedom compared to what i expect from actual SF main cast
  14. Nah, it's kinda implied the candidates grow, get body modification+elemental affinity, learn to fight all within that program that take place in SS greek(?) HQ, so the style that is teached to them is Pankration, just like somebody coming out from Gouken's dojo is going to have Ansatsuken as style And we return to the previous point A new Gill's servant just like Kolin can get water element affinity (Hydrokinesis) without have SS Pankration as fight style, because unlike candidates he/she can can been born outside and have joined SS at a later stage of life Kolin almost surely already mastered Systema before her encounter with Gill, being a russian/eastern euro martial art she surely learned it in her country of origin Only thing Gill added after her inclusion at SS was give her Cryokinesis Wich for sure changed some aspects of her martial art too, but just functional to her new powers... example Systema involve knife techniques too, ice allow Kolin to turn her own hands into blades, so she probably just applied her knife-fighting knowledge to ice-powered hand strikes Another case may be a lab experiment like Necro, who has not been trained in Pankration either, despite seems he did'nt even had a martial art knowledge before being recruited by SS All Necro got was body modification, electric power and a brain-chip that boost his fight abilities (not sure what mean, probably greater physical stats and better reflexes) Then he probably trained for fighting developing his personal fight style around is new condition
  15. Nah, don't want another SS figure to be involved who's on par or even "higher" than Gill in the org, at least not till Gill himself is truly fullfilled as Boss arc* Plus we just got female Pankration in Marisa, and Pankration is the fight style of candidates On general would like get some new males characters in 6, since we got just 2 in vanilla cast (does'nt care what devs intention were, we had Luke in SFV first) What i actually would like from SS is Gill's "fire agent" to work as Kolin counterpart (think would be better as male, but could be female too), wich would not need to have been trained at SS HQ in Pankration, could very well be an outsider just like Kolin have Systema as martial art Would like something very striking based, aggressive and violent... maybe Lethwei Would be open to see more SS lab freaks like Necro too, but if possible with some martial art style going on and not just rely 100% on body modification/powers as Necro does *after that, if still alive i would like to know more about the mysterious SS member that was able to control 3 elements at same time, even if is old lore piece
  16. It's cool how this very old piece try to tell a difference between Ryu and Ken types of power that was further developed afterward in other chapters (beyond the projectile thing too), with Ryu getting stuff that work also on stun side (beside damage), while Ken ever got stuff that mostly work on pure damage After all Ryu electric denjin stuff have a component of stun (the damage that last in your body), while Ken's fire ki ever been about boost straight damage
  17. I don't disagree, example eels as you said have biological tools in their anatomy to do it, while Blanka don't (unless Capcom want to imply the huge almost deadly elettroshock Blanka got that day somehow changed his body) Similar way i'm not even sure Sim's fire come from Agni (wich would imply Agni exist to begin with) and not instead Sim's belief in Agni's existence being itself enough to fuel Sim ki into do all that fire stuff Lily is bit different, will wait we get more lore hints about her spirit before build bit solid idea, there's bunch mysterious stuff going on What i was saying is that while to the core everything in SF will lead to ki, there's usually a pattern of special attention to "justify" where elemental users power come from, while it's usually just accepted as normal when "generic" ki users generate energy, like Chun or Deejay's projectiles Seems to me there's difference how Sim and Gill are portrayed as able to control fire element, rather than Ken or Fei who's ki takes the form of fire For the latter two capcom never bothered much iirc to explain it, guess if asked the will just tell us it's manifestation of their burning spirit or something like that 😆
  18. In ASF it's implied he successfully stopped Cammy from help Chun vs Rashid , but does it off-screen (camera just show him placing himself on Cammy's way) Iirc we can also see him leave a place with Rashid with "wind effect" but could be either both using it or Rashid doing it for both We got it's implied Azam is Rashid fighting master (we also have parallels between him and Gouken/Gief figures when Shido meet Ryu/Mika), considering in terms of pure martial art they're VERY different (Rashid use parkour, Azam is supposed to be a pro-wrestler), guess that may hint Azam teachings are possibly about the wind part of Rashid's fighting style
  19. It's bit mixed situation One side yes, lot of stuff goes simply by explanation ki manifest itself in various ways based on the user and how he's using it, we even have ki type "groups" with specific visual design attached to it (think SnH, MnK, PP, SP) Or characters that just have their own visual identity when it comes to ki without need further explanation because that's what their ki looks like, think example Chun or Deejay Other times there's bit "explanation" behind things (absolute bullshit one, but that make sense within SF world) Like for elements in particular often there's some sort of lore behind, even if on pratical level it's not uncommon Sim having fire was lore matter that even changed with time (iirc back to SF2 there was very different explanation) Ken and Fei can use fire-effect to, but for some reason feel it's different thing from Sim's Blanka "learning" to generate electricity in same way eels do it due his life in the jungle Secret Society members having one or more elements unlocked by some unknown process Then you have some attempt of explanation for Lily's wind (an obscure one about a spirit, but still), then Rashido just does it and we don't know mich still, maybe WTM lol Etc... then you have some that have no lore explaning it, then some others that visually explain a bit "how" it works (see Urien's electromagnetism influencing metal too) Very mixed situations, but often SF try add context Even supernatural often have some kind of logic behind it Kage and maybe Necalli (possibly the two most extreme elements) comes to mind, but would take a post itself and i'm about to take a plane lol
  20. Yeah that's it Personally would like some great SF style pick of character background/martial art to make it fit the choice of water for his ki Would love so much SF getting an Aikido rep that have water as element... will fit the fluid movements, the idea of redirect opponent's momentum rather than oppose a rock-hard static defense Yes this As long he does'nt become some sort of ki "magician" who does bunch of tricks with it, as if his main trait is being water element user Would want the focus to be still on the martial art, and water ki to be cherry on top and nicely roll with it Essentially i would not like a "Water-Dhalsim", would prefer a "Water-Ken" He can still have a water-slash like special move or projectile, just not become some wizard gimmick character Don't forget this guy specially after his most recent (SFV) version
  21. He would be "super effective" vs Dhalsim but suffer hard against Blanka lol
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