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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. because if we want to consider elements in terms of representation (or lack of) Gill and Kolin kinda cover that But as archetype yes liquid water is missing, and i said would welcome it Would prefer him/her to be able to manipulate humidity in the air rather than human Squirtle though lol
  2. Gill and Kolin use water element, solid cold water Or better, guess with ki they can lower a lot temperature, then humidity already existing in the air become ice Kinda how Urien does'nt create metal, but his electromagnetism power attract metal particles* Btw would not dislike a -liquid- water char, guess something close to Rose in terms of movements would work Personally would like an actual earth/ground char, using seismic energy to fuck you up... mini quakes waves (Necalli and T.Hawk had similar stuff) or summon big stone/terrain pieces from the ground to use as barrier, trap or throw it *well at least in SF3 that was the reason behind his hair and skin colors, in SFV retcon made that these are his normal natural colors 24/7
  3. Or she's pro at SF canon story
  4. but still avatar moveset made of masters moves are split in Modern one and Classic one, there's no reason for Classic to follow Modern retardness and say qcfP and qcfK overlap Is just Capcom lazyness and shit method there
  5. Also need badly them to separate avatar punch specials from kick specials And if this is problem due modern controls cunts, keep unified bullshit just for them lol
  6. this is true but sadly i doubt the expansion will fix/improve some WTM weak points, i's not something that bring much profit Btw get other main locations beyond MC/Nayshall and more Masters will surely make the experience nicer Btw what i'm waiting most is them unlocking all these items we see already ingame but they did'nt wanted make avaible See -Some location-unique (example gladiator pieces, lot still missing) stuff -Some pieces i can see in MC we can't unlock -Basically all Nayshall clothes (90% we're limited to MC urban shit) -more colors options, wich are already ingame
  7. It's true there's no better SPM around but still wish they went bit less lazy Like why police throw molotov lmao They could have recycled Peter SFV stuff On general they could have done bit more to differentiate enemies and in particular "bosses" ones Not saying they should have given unique super arts or something, but design bunch of different basic movesets was'nt THAT much sacrifice I think ALL SF6 npcs combined have 2 different unique throws lol Not even saying they should have made stuff from zero, like they could have took normals and shit from regular cast and mirror it to make it look different lol On general they could have recycled a lot, surely they have lot unused shit too
  8. Honest Ryu bullshit all over again lol Also lmao at all clown bitches crying over Gief being overpowered 3 months in advance, where they are now
  9. Tbh Rashid was more an adventurous spirit, is one of the fighters that give least fucks about search for strenght Closest would be his lost bro fight with Ryu, but tbh even there he openly stated was testing his own skills to measure his chances of success at rescue his friend from Shadaloo base Dude was already a streamer in SFV, iirc G became famous because Rashid streamed their fight (and lost) Ironically after Gill did same to G
  10. Yeah, Rashid can be just one of the many that does'nt touch main plot But if he does he should be done in same order of release, like Rashid plot if he have any should be after JP tournament
  11. Guess they will make up some excuse for him to be there, like for characters that have been shoehorned in Metro City like Chun Li or HOnda lol Wonder if we will able to fight Azam there too, would be cool Even going lazy all they need to do him decent is give us Zangief moveset with a couple of wind-based specials, be them stolen from Rashid or made up lol Btw now that i get Rashid moves no way i don't create a Rashid/Gief/somebody hybrid CaC for Azam 😄 Elena, Cody, Joe Higashi (too bad he's still incomplete, i need items) will steal stuff from Rashid too for sure lol Curious to explore his moveset Strange they did'nt just gave us release date with trailer
  12. I like the guy beside pretend to be fighting game developer, really his only flaw
  13. Balrog, Dudley and Elena would give this guy epileptic seizure
  14. Thing is we see of official (main game) ones we got 2 stages that were unused in WTM, Nayshall bulls road and China basically all others are either Master/location stages or WTM event (MMA cage was used for Haggar stadium tournament) Rashid taking Nayshall left China basically as the only stage still waiting to be used in WTM as location, and we have AKI who is chinese coming next
  15. Yes See it fit more his style, his bizzarre SFV controls required no charge, so they will translate better to motion specials wich have same instant-out effect Got nothing against more charge chars though (actually would benefit Character Creation), just hope Ed don't become one
  16. Yeah, i hope become just classic motion char, then modern silly crew can get one buttons and shit
  17. Jap devs start say in english "she's 19 years old *uhuhuh* 🤭 "
  18. Rashid was very likely older than 20, wich put him in his 30s in SF6 Making rough estimate would say SFV close to 25 and SF6 close to 35
  19. You're right, no idea why remembered 3 lol Yeah, that's what i mean with at the moment we have no flight to China, Aki will give it to us Hope we get as many new locations as possible, beside meaing more world variety, will mean also more merchants... each flight location mean +1 merchant, while WTM masters have no related merchant (unless theyr launch will unlock MC/Nayshall new areas too)
  20. That's strange, because in no way Rashid can be considered as SF6 new gen Luke in SFV was at very end as some sort of SF6 cameo (by devs admission iirc) but Rashid was in vanilla SF5 with hero role while at it Guess even if original plan had Rashid in Lily out, they made the switch to increase female ratio in vanilla cast
  21. Rashid looks awesome, can't wait to see how they improved Ed The flow of his moveset is just amazing and i love how they handled the 3 super arts Yeah that was the case also in SFV i think, good proof we got is that his canon alts (example Story and Battle) did'nt had any gadget on him, by comparision C.Viper who relied on tech had special gloves and heel shoes in all her alts Wonder if we will see them have same rivalry wind gimmick of Elf and Gief back to SF4 lol Yeah, watching th cutscene seems we will find him in the trains area One interesting thing is that rather than show off a new stage made for him they used the bulls challenge nayshall road as his stage, wich is already an official stage of the game Considering we have new 3 stages for 4 new chars in this season, guess is possible Rashid will not get arabian stage (sad imho) and AKI, Ed and Akuma will get one each? We will see, following same concept is possible also AKI can get an already existing one... after all this one is already an official stage and at the moment we have no flight to China (being Chun Li in Metro City)
  22. Crows masks are cool, even better the rare ones with red eyes and white mark But yeah the box thing ruin everything lol One fun idea is gangs made of office workers and construction site workers (the latter have even some pretty decent designs), wish they developed it more, like them each having a leader that play Boss role for our avatar etc
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