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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. Yeah the whole boxes/TV/whatever on the heads is silly af, wish they just went with spamming harder generic punk/biker more or less like MGG (and crows same, but playing hard on goth/metal gimmick) and add bit of ethnic themed side gangs just to add variety JP seems to have new kinda cool villains in the area where he's master at night btw (these guys with military hat and long trenchcoat), guess we will see them with WTM expansion I liked the idea of have old school MGG having rivalry with the new gang of Crows, but execution is weak Also bosses... beside exclusive hairstyle/clothing pieces DamnD barely had any work done beyond your average NPC enemy with few power moves (wich fit FF1 tbf, but they could have explored a bit kinda like when was playable in FFR), Rudra was an interesting concept but they did'nt gone much beyond him do Dhalsim's clone NPCs on general could have been done much better, no exageration in most cases i can do better characters with creation tools without even have access to the much bigger range of items like they have Moveset wise too The strong elite fighters of the world quest literally had us beat up super generic MGG goons with super generic moveset I love a lot the idea of make us beat people like Kenichi, Somsak, Golby etc, but even there the effort felt minimal Restu and Carlos feel got bit more love (Carlos in particular), but not much more effort Like Retsu just have his unique special kick, then is just Ryu clone... even not doing anything that take budget, just going with give him a couple of specials stolen from other main cast chars would have done wonders to sell the idea he's an unique char Let's be clear, WTM is great considering it's a simple side-mode in a Street Fighter game, but lot of stuff felt just lazy even if here and there we get golden nice touches like cameos and shit
  2. funny i was about to mention the stormtrooper thing (thinking about Blade design) as something i would like to avoid for regular troops Bison is altready cartonish himself to some extent, have kinda grounded design soldiers (with an hint of teh nazis) help greatly make him look more sinister as link him more to some crazy dictator, rather than some scifi villain Then of course SFV ones were too cartoonish and purposely silly, wich was bad Other thing i dislike beyond color is they should gave them actual war weapons like assault rifles or something similar (and maybe a knife as side) as part of their chara design But guess don't fit the goofy style for some reason they wanted Last yes, also fat-skinny gimmick was in same league of silly Btw for what's worth SF6 criminals are silly af too
  3. Tbh these were even too tryhard, specially the predator shit They could have worked as elite units to replace redcape-skullmask ones, but not normal basic low level troops My main problem with SFV troops was the stupid childish bright color they picked for them, with something more sinister and very minimal redesign they could have worked pretty well Even without touch anything els color alone would change completely the visual impact But tbh whole SFV color palette was a mess lol
  4. As for Akira, are you sure you would not use this? The art with her sitting on the motorcycle would look awkward without the motorcycle under her ass lol
  5. Found some more stuff this Akira is'nt the artwork one but probably fit more the profile format if pics in the links give you problems all you need is save them, then use this free converter to get them turned into PNG Do some digging then let me know an update list of last missing ones 👍
  6. If something rough as this is ok, can be done Will take time though, kinda busy period + holydays coming + i'm doing stuff in SF6 😁 Btw on bright side teh internet have most already done, just add "png" in your search
  7. Yeah SF6 editor is awesome but can also be pain in the ass if your needs clash with sone bs limitation lol Share the pic, i see what i can do 😄
  8. I know right, this apply to good half of the cast, would help a lot being able to set at least generic intro/win poses For what's worth my made up new charater who's supposed to be Kickboxing rep is a tall af dutch dude called Basten that have GUILE as base moveset, and beside the suplex f-throw works perfect, tight boxing guard and lot of good kicks 😁 Will have to wait they add sone foot/shin protection gears though, at the moment we have basically nothing but normal shoes
  9. 😁 Fat bearded bikers in Metro City, they're usually max 1-2 for gang group Of these, rare ones gift you the jacket if you kill them doing their mission achievement... iirc in their case was activate break time 2 times If you spot one don't attack him directly, otherwise will have low health and make achievement difficult (they must survive both time breaks), find a gang where you see one and bitchslap somebody else close to him, so he will join the scrap with full health 👍 PS: At high level is hard NOT kill them, but you can consume Blanka puppet item wich lower a lot your damage
  10. After years of exile, the legend himself landed in Street Fighter 6 🤣
  11. Yes He's cool in SF6, still will never accept him or any else Billy Blanks scam as SF kickboxing rep 😆 K-1 World Grand Prix 1993 - Branko Cikatić 1994 - Peter Aerts 1995 - Peter Aerts 1996 - Andy Hug 1997 - Ernesto Hoost 1998 - Peter Aerts 1999 - Ernesto Hoost 2000 - Ernesto Hoost 2001 - Mark Hunt 2002 - Ernesto Hoost 2003 - Remy Bonjasky 2004 - Remy Bonjasky 2005 - Semmy Schilt 2006 - Semmy Schilt 2007 - Semmy Schilt 2008 - Remy Bonjasky 2009 - Semmy Schilt 2010 - Alistair Overeem 2012 - Mirko Filipović And if we fast forward up to today current Glory king is still dutch Think Netherlands deserve some love lol
  12. If Sagat was'nt already gone, really cool thing would have been him having learned western boxing from Rog and thai kicking from Sagat... would have made him cool euro kickboxing rep 😁
  13. Discovered use Video Gallery is a nice way to show created characters, will take your current WTM creation and clothes ALEX DUDLEY MAKOTO FEI LONG ELENA HUGO BONUS- Random people far from home 😁
  14. Discovered use Video Gallery is a nice way to show created characters, will take your current WTM creation and clothes ALEX DUDLEY MAKOTO FEI LONG ELENA HUGO BONUS- Random people far from home 😁
  15. Yeah, on bright side will likely use Ed as base for my Dudley CaC till i get something better... or directly Dudley in SF6 lol Will probably works better than Luke who's doing the job as we speak
  16. I said "pure" Boxing exactly for that 😄 Ed is not representative... throw lot kicks, even have a kick special plus all that purple magic pussy shit 🤣 SF have already what i need Best option Consolation prize
  17. Right now, the roster is in desperate need of Muai Thai and pure Boxing, they can come from wherever they prefer lol
  18. My guess is Gill was planned to use Bison's Moons fall on earth as the apocalyptic kind of event to push people look for a Saviour (would have been perfect reveal for him), but Rashid unexpectedly found a way to prevent that 2nd tragedy too Wich made Gill (that probably no matter what felt ready to reveal himself) to switch to improvised B plan and take on this new G guy that recently became worldwide popular claiming to be some sort Saviour and even built an easy to pick on fanbase This could have worked for a still good public reveal (he started with a success on big stage), but world was nowhere close to the desperation that would have made fuckton millions of people blind follow Gill So my theory is having no apocalyptic shit going on at the moment he's taking the long road building his cult and waiting (or planning) something to happen, maybe in the timejump he even discovered something about the crisis G speak about and he's waiting that Or he's planning something else, for example we know Kolin is in Nayshall as we speak (or at least been there recently) Plus as we covered long ago there's also the possiblity Nayshall stage "hide" Gill in colors to hint his influence there showing red half on the left and blue on the right, just like in SFV stages (and like Gill himself lol) maybe casual, maybe not Easter Egg or not we have no reason to believe billboard being not canon, what is in WTM Metro City it's canon untill proven otherwise and i find unlikely they would place there something that contradict the canon they have in mind All other characters billboards in same square seems to fit the canon as we know it too So as we speak Gill pushing his cult publicly in that way is one of the only two confirmed things about him (other being Kolin presence in Nayshall) For the second Christ thing, read post above I don't think Gill's cult will start do big numbers till world goes through something apocalyptic, till that day he probably won just bunch of weirdos Yeah is possible we will learn more They did fucking nothing with G in SFV and G was a popular character, would be not big surprise see him return Point was another, just that SF6 world would look very different if G did his popularity campaign thing undisturbed in the many years between SFV and SF6, so the fact we see zero hints of him in MC offer a perspective Would mostly like that Elena is very high in my wishlist, would make it in my ideal Season 1 and first female for sure Hakan is walking nation/martial art stereotype i will ever welcome in SF, specially if nation is unrepresented... plus i really like Hakan Dan... eh, will ever say that slot can be used for something else much better for cast variety, but can't deny played A LOT of hours with both SF4 and SFV Dan lol, plus would gift some cool moves, would probably build an Allen Snider out of it lol One interesting fact is these three characters are kinda weak or at least very distant from top of food chain: Hakan is likely the best and he's around Honda level, wich respectable vet (SF6 quote hint him close to Gief) but not exactly what you would expect from strongest sub-boss Elena is part of the young new generation of Ibuki, and we seen in SFV Ibuki there was far from great... sure now we have timeskip, but doubt they reached SF2ers let alone be sub-boss stuff... as personal impression would place young SF3ers in SF6 more or less in Luke's range or maybe slighty higher (with of course some exceptions)* Dan is Dan Wonder if they ever have to serve as G's sub-bosses, we will get a version of them boosted up by "Gaia's power" *SF6 Alex fuck up average SF2er SF3 Dudley was already better than Rog, but tbh Dudley was'nt part of very young group, would limit it to Alex, Elena, Makoto, Yun, Yang, Ibuki, Necro, Sean That would be disappointing indeed, just more proof of them not being able to grow enough balls to bet big on anything that is'nt old material comfort zone I still want to believe they will give G at least a proper conclusion in SF6 if they don't plan to do anything big with him, just let him disappear would be pathetic After all they somehow recycled trash boss Seth in SFV (i disagree with the now waifu lame gimmick to try win popularity, but they still gave him continuation in SFV and possibly 6, if SiRN is related) Even Necalli seems may have hopes for 6, and that was one they could have easily erased after how hard they destroyed any credibility or reason to exist back to SFV disaster Guess we will see
  19. That's the dude i mentioned some pages ago But thing is his name is said to be Gou
  20. Yeah, as i said my early impression back to SFV was indeed that G would have keept going on with his with his popularity campaign... we did'nt seen him cry mad at Gill for ruining his run, even beated up he seem to have FAITH that what's going to happen is still the same and inevitable For some reason i think Gill recognized something in G powers (will not link now to SS elemental powers because would bring post elsewhere, but that), maybe somehow -no idea how- he managed also to recognize G as a future-seer (G likely is one), wich is the scenario where Gill question make the most sense... he's asking him if his "artificial" forced-prophecy will have success because Gill KNOW he's going against traditional SS prophecy, so have a future-seer tell him to go ahead because his thing will work well would further strengthen his belief that he should take things on his hands But we know G is set on his vision and that only, so gave him that reply On other hand digging further i guess lose to Gill may have crippled G's run... not necessary because G have some "warrior ego" that require to be unbeatable and shit, but because seems to me G's way to go around fighting is some sort of way to candidate himself as "Humanity Champion"... like look invincible will do wonders at win people's hearts, because they will have faith G would take on himself any challenge (and win), people can stop fight because G will solve it himself After all we know that was a fight WIN (defeating Rashid on vid) to boost his popularity up on next level, guess a LOSS to Gill could have resulted in opposite effect... maybe some of G followers even switched to Gill Now that we talk about it got the realization Gill stomping G could have a secondary key of lecture Back to SFV just thought he used G's popularity to have a big, bright world streming spotlight... but maybe was'nt just that G was essentially proposing himself as some sort of prophet/saviour, so stomping on him Gill not only had the stage to show off himself, but also publicly defeated a rival in people's eyes You have two fighters-prophets that promise will be strong lead for humanity (using different terms but to the core that's why their propaganda method is fight) and one fucked up the other, in the eyes of people willing to believe into that kind of shit that may send the message one with ass on the ground was lying, while one standing is the true one Essentially Gill may have picked G as show debut not only for have a big spotlight but to start his public cult gaining fuckton of believers on day1 (stealing them to G) Both G and Gill had best target audience in sheep people that look for a sheperd to tell them how to live, would not be so strange if essentially Gill took the sheep-people community G gathered for himself through his SFV run May explain why so far in SF6 we see that Gill's cult is going on and even publicly accepted, while we have no signs of G Yeah tricky part of that pic is that seem artist had fun trying to collect some cameos... we have Luke and Abigail in same room, G, Dudley and Rufus on the wall I would be the first to be happy if that mean Dudley in, but i don't trust it enough to take it as anything Plus another tricky part is that we know SF6 redesigned EVERYBODY tp adapt them to timeskip, Abigail look the same there (same for G, Dudley and Rufus, but indeed pics may be just old) So even if we want take it as canon (i'm open to it) that pic may be of G SFV run days, wich would explain his design being the one we remember and not an updated one We should consider also these art pieces seems indeed used as fanservice chance dropping cameos for fans, sticking to Guile for example we have another where in same pic we get DeeJay, Laura and Sean 😄
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