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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. I did'nt said Gill did left a mark, just pointed how in after-SF6 timeskip we see Gill message being alive (due MC main square sign) and we have nothing on G being still around so far Not sure what the fights thing even mean as reply of my post, but canon wise in SFV we just seen Gill go through both Urien and G and lose/sandbag to nobody, so "he either lost or sandbagged all his fights" is false canon wise Post was'nt even about Gill but more a reasoning on G's absence being by itself something, Gill served as comparision with another similar figure I'm saying G in SFV wanted his global popularity up to have all/majority people of the world to follow him, the fact in SF6 we see no G after that big timeskip mean something interrupted his run/plan, be it Gill defeating him with people everywhere watching it on live streaming or something else For what we know G may be on his space station planning something as we speak, but SF6 just give us indication that his SFV thing did'nt had success/follow up
  2. Just realized one thing, G absolute absence from current SF6 is by itself an update on his story If his global popularity plan was had success by the time of SF6 with all these years his face should be everywhere, yet he disappeared I thought Gill ass whooping would not have stopped G's campaign, but either he quitted or get beated up like that made him lose credibility in people's eyes Meanwhile we know Gill is still promoting himself as people Saviour in SF6
  3. These markets are not that relevant Well, ME is, and they got Rashid designed specifically to suck that dick market One example may be that if memory does'nt play me tricks China version of SF Duel got censored Elena, not sure if elsewhere too But beside pretty specific cases, it's pretty clear it's of american market lack of support/hostility Capcom is terrified of (and it's been like that for years), specially now that twitter/whatever else made everything half wrong step away from hysterical retardness were few internet cunts pretend to be "the people", often without a legit reason beyond seek visibility riding a popular news And of course most of these people not being fans of the brand, just wanting to spread their own ideology... or else is outrage To be clear i'm not giving this a specific political color pointing finger at usual side, like some douchebag made a rant vid about Woke-game-SF6 because he seen once the Eternity cutscene lol Both sides are very into make us aware of their IQ Tbh for once i have to take my hat off for SF6 marketing team, that with very few small tricks somehow managed to brainwash western press into be blind about the fact SF6 it's what SF ever been and no major site started an easy crusade about SF6 being still anachronistic racist sexist whatever* Either they got trolled or Capcom pay good, i'm fine with both cases Or more easily press realized hype up SF6 as fucking great would have given them more clicks and views than offer us their deep political insight about the game values in relation to american society point of view Whatever i guess *my fav will be the "journalist" feeling betrayed by Cammy nostalgia alt months after any well informed person knew already it was a thing, being like you lied to me capcom
  4. Well, "western" market deserve to be trolled tbh I far prefer lies over see another antoniades donte or Final Fight Streetwise Even if lies were not enough to completely save SF6 I mean some gimmicks and trolling moves still somehow preserved SF as SF, but to some extent SF6 having american market as main target inevitably infected the aesthetic and stuff On other hand SF6 will make lot of money, so despite my taste was the right thing to do
  5. I don't think either But one can dream, after all on hope side it seems Ryu will have nothing to do beside focus on free SF world from Akumastrok bullshit* Let's see, sad part being by the time SF world will finally enter the new era free of creative self castration bullshit, Ryu will be even older unless SF7 happen right after SF6 with no timejump But tbh could really all be handled like TK7 Kazuya-Heiachi final clash within SF6 only problem is how story works in SF6 WTM does'nt seem fit a mjor cinematic moment between main cast chars, Arcade is poor shit Unless our avatar will be involved in WTM and work as simple spectator (kinda like Gen watching Akuma vs Gouken in SF4), but really doubt capcom would ever do it without make us FIGHT Akuma as Ryu But is true SF6 system at the moment does'nt seem to have the tools to show us current events either, see Ken vs Jp still have to explode *unless he will have to bitchslap Ken after revenge desire turned him into Violent Ken, can see devs waste our lives in this crap to postpone as possible destroy akuma cash cow
  6. I think by the time of SF6 ingame timeline whole timejump somehow already absorbed Nayshall comic one Tbh i hope for no more timejump,SF6 one already ruined enough my boy Ryu lol I was hoping to see him in right-after-SF3-Ryu age range defeat once and for all Akuma leading us to a new SF world finally free of Akumastronk bullshit, with Ryu still young enough to have martial arts adventures and ready to discover new greater threats to have shonen fights with Essentially what bunch of anime and manga already did We end up with middle-age Ryu (with terrible nostalgia alt) be like "i'm not there yet", and Akumastronk bullshit surely about to happen again and rule SF6 😐
  7. About Lily i hope we get answers in SF6, but the nightmares specifically have her visibly older so doubt will fall in SF6 timeline Yeah, as master Juri herself admit to tell lot of bullshit just to troll us Tbh is a little price to pay to keep have Zangief in SF... btw in my headcanon explanation may be Gief had strong bond and identify himself with URSS communist Russia (color scheme, calling people comrade, factory as stage) and he does'nt necessary have as much passion for modern Putin era one There's an alt design with him sporting modern russian flag colors (just like classic SF2 one had URSS flag colors back in the day), wich i doubt will make it as alt in SF6 lol... wich is'nt tragedy, have other better alt designs Plus again, to me Gief just is icon of URSS stereotype (and red with bit of yellow his signature scheme), not necessary of modern Russia One kinda bold move they could have done is give him as one alt SF Duel pacifist design lol, could have been subtle hint Gief does'nt support current government actions Could have been nice way to avoid him getting boycotted by internet idiots, wich lucky/surprisingly did'nt happened beyond few YT comments but risk was push Zangief away from his usual character though, so i'm totally ok with him just being now totally devoted to muscle training, pro wrestling and books without any mention of protecting russian skies or stuff like that I can see SF6 just dodge this delicate situation entirely, and for once i don't blame them I guess also any hint about Kolin being as possibly ukranian will disappear or toned down, even if in SFV were already so subtle that almost nobody noticed it PS: i think was@Miðgarðsormwho translated SF4 (or V?) scrapped concept of a cyborg Putin or something similar as their first idea for the "fighting president" they toyed with for a while in concepts lol
  8. Would like if the G apocalypse will have indeed apocalypse traits including the four horsemen thing... being the earth to rebel have them be the 4 elements would be fitting (and give us 4 bosses like SF2) Capcom already played on four horsemen after all, see FF Streetwise
  9. Yeah also Singing Wolf talk abount an "evil parasite" wich make Lily attack us, but he was possibly talking about her lol
  10. Just finished all Masters Toward the end Lily will say she have nightmares of future herself with "scary face" and her spirit being more scary too I've a theory but would be too good to be true Btw i doubt it's anything about SF6, in her nightmares she's older
  11. Considering Giant Chun size and how low Luke's tackle is, proper follow up of the super art animation should have been Luke's point of view
  12. Anybody else in WTM tried to investigate on super wierdo NPC Maxim ?🤔 He's kinda tall and muscular head shaven white dude with yellow/light brown sleeveless shirt and pants If you talk to him will gve you wierd speech about freedom Can be spotted in Metro CIty at night close to police station (near the point where you switch day/night), if you go close to him he will panic and run away He have some strategies to leave you behind and escape, notice often all you need is to lose him from your camera and he disappear -run and change direction -stop and suddently change direction -stop, start to walk slowly for a while then run -will walk close to gangs, some of wich have these aggressive NPC that will attack you even if you're high level Interesting part is in last case often you can still see Maxim on background walking away slowly, if you kill enemies fast you can keep hunt him I started hunt him as i thought was some sort of secret to find stuff, like he will escape to some secret area you can access only chasing him, but does'nt seem the case... he will make you struggle to hunt him only to do whole tour around the block and return where you spotted him first time Guess either i failed at find what's the point or he may be material for a future mission when we get DLC Masters/world expansion
  13. Thanks, Lee has been tricky mostly due color scheme Fun thing final version i have is different from the one i posted, with gray hair/beard and black jacket, but i wanted to stick bit with SF1 for the post lol Thanks dude, i like your stuff too 👍
  14. Wich parts? Going by memory iirc hat -> beat up people in china town area jacket -> beat up people in china town area pants -> one of the Nayshall shop kung fu shoes -> same shop as above bracelet -> fuck up Kalima following mission achievements
  15. Posting some pics of what got done so far I still consider this stuff pretty in "beta" phase waiting the good items, but at least got something to show 😄 On some lot of reinterpretation going on lol Again, consider almost none of these complete, but we have to start somewhere V.Rosso Alex Dudley Fei Long Elena Hugo Abel Laura Joe Geki Lee Victor Ortega Forgive the shit quality of cuts/pics, but again this stuff is not definitive, so at the moment we go like that lol Even just getting stuff that already is on WTM but they keept locked would improve a lot
  16. @Darc_Requiem finally took some pics I still consider this stuff pretty in "beta" phase waiting the good stuff, but at least got something to show On some lot of reinterpretation going on lol Again, consider almost none of these complete, but we have to start somewhere V.Rosso Alex Dudley Fei Long Elena Hugo Abel Laura Joe Geki Lee Victor Ortega Forgive the shit quality of cuts/pics, but again this stuff is not definitive, so at the moment we go like that lol Even just getting stuff that already is on WTM but they keept locked would improve a lot
  17. Necalli can say single words, guess with some effort can drop simple lines too They may have him eat somebody with good IQ, guess would help his comunication skills (so fare were a middle way between the Prophet Warrior and the monster) Him eating somebody with good brain would help not only communication but also explain how you can talk with him without be devoured lol
  18. I wonder if after the post he had sex with Kim Kardashian to make a point
  19. That's great dude, thanks! Maybe i will take the pics from there 👍 Yeah gadgets not having visible numbers does'nt help In theory you can count how many "steps" you do letf or right from center default position, but would be more pain in the ass than just take a reference pic and try do it again ☝️timestamped
  20. What piss me off is Capcom purposely locked already existing color options Example the x-tie mask one could use for Makoto's yellow scarf ALREADY EXIST as yellow version (you can fight NPCs wearing it), simply it's not avaible for us So far editor crap list include -already existing colors locked -TONS of alreay existing items/clothes locked -retarded limitations on stickers, like random rule 2 stickers can't stay in same area or free-placing ones erasing anything else. Also very limited size and placement range -skin color being limited to their selected options rather than just have same color tool of hair -bunch of retarded limitations on wich clothing pieces can go together and wich not, even when does'nt make any sense -hands not having their own slot just like feet, having to burn one gadget slot just to add gloves Then we have another wich is related but not straight editor -retarded limitations on move list selection, for no apparent reason CC can't have let's say qcf+P and qcf+K on same moveset, despite the fact main cast does it a lot What i would like (without go too much fantasy on stuff that would require lot effort) to make it great, in order on importance +Being able to use CC in local VS and Arcade mode +All already existing ingame colors +All already existing items +hands slot +Being able to resize stickers at least twice as much as currently possible +Have a basic generic idle stance (NPCs have it) and win pose as option +Pick normals from a char and throws from another +Waaay looser rule for wich clothes can match +Being possible save look+clothing+name+moveset on same slot, would save lot time +in the body editor ability to see a preview of the char with current clothes on, would save lot time +Decent system to take detailed pics, at least remove the WTM smartphone from PS screenshot button lol (wich is triggered by other buttons already while at it)
  21. End up Juri is in Nayshall because she has been lured by the fact bunch of shady business people (including "Helen") are in the area
  22. Mastering Juri style and close to the end, according to Juri dialogue "Helen" (Kolin) is in Nayshall
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