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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. Man... playing some old xbox games the other day... I found that Doritos Crash Course is still there and works. After all these years, I was thinking that it would've been "de-listed" since it was one of those promotional games that's basically just a commercial for that brand. ha, yeah I was running thru the Doritos course with my avatar character once again. There's some surprisingly tough spots just on the first course. I got at least 1 achievement out of that shit yesterday ...ooh, imagine if YARIS is still available! Yep I had that one too. 😆 I also had some of those Burger King games.
  2. Most people in this sad, bitch society will do nearly anything to avoid painting any woman in an even "slightly" unflattering light. Anything negative will always be some fault or "issue" of the man's never allowed to be the case that the woman was actually a bad person. It annoys me that so many people cannot and refuse to accept that reality for some odd reason. Usually, even the act of bringing this up will result in people insulting the dude just for saying something about it....since any negative commentary on a woman or women in general is "big incel energy"....because apparently that particular insult is the peak of what their intelligence can come up with. A bitch could literally be up to Jodi Arias or Casey Anthony-level shenanigans and people will still be quick to defend or explain away whatever fucked up thing she did *this time*, and attribute it to a man somewhere.
  3. It would be nice if they can hurry up with that Borderlands movie... I'm just eager to see how much of an (unintentionally) hilarious disaster that will be. Midget-bro Kevin Hart as Roland and Jaime L. Curtis as Tannis (would've been solid/decent casting for her if were talking about Jaime from the late 80s or even early 90s).... c'mon folks you know this is one hell of a shitbomb on the way to the box office for everyone to laugh at there. *Yes it did actually shock me that Lilith did not get the "swap" treatment, considering her "unfortunate" status as a redheaded white character, and Hollywood tends to go out of their way to "fix" those characters when going to live action.
  4. Higher prices will just push more gamers to wait on sales....which is easier than ever in the modern era since sales are going on all the often it's tough to keep up with it all, actually....there's another few Steam sales for things on my list that just caught my attention yesterday.
  5. I went back to using another controller setup again for V-Rising, even though I was getting used to keyboard with "esdf" instead of "wasd" for movement... I have all important functions mapped now; left stick for movement of course; face buttons for simple attacks, etc. etc... the usual. I've built some bare-bones structure already and set up the first "castle heart", treasure chest, the mist-producing device and a coffin.
  6. Another interesting one I heard mentioned on History channel recently... the Permian Triassic extinction event 250 million years ago.... nearly killed everything. Currently, it is apparently the largest extinction we know of in Earth's history.
  7. More Diablo 4 stuff Not surprising---death in hardcore pvp is indeed the death of your character just like anywhere else in the game; I'm not sure why anyone thought it might be different just for pvp 😆 I'm guessing not many people will be going into pvp with hardcore characters. Also this "Redux" mod sounds like it improved Wonderlands in just about every way
  8. ^sheeeittt, McDonalds had some of the best fries for a long time... but at some point they lost their way... wasn't anywhere near as good anymore. It got to the point where the chicken or sausage biscuit were the only reasons I *occasionally* went there....and even that lost its appeal eventually as I began to get slightly healthier eating habits. (*also; I discovered that Hardees had the better chicken biscuit) Now it's been several years since I've been to a McDonalds. On artificial intelligence---Yeah, there should always be several "emergency shutdown" measures for AI in general as things get more advanced on that front.... and really, it may just be a bad idea to ever let it reach the stage of being truly self-sufficient and self-aware like Skynet....or never allow it to even have the means of doing anything that could compromise or prevent said "shutdown measures".....basically we should always make sure we are at least a few steps ahead of the AI on what's the next move on the chess board so to speak.
  9. I'm still occasionally trying to get comfortable with playing games like V-Rising with keyboard/mouse controls... I still don't quite see how people are comfortable with this awkward bullshit, man. None of it feels like the "natural" way to play a damn game to me...."looking around" with mouse is good but moving with keyboard buttons just feels stupidly's just strange.(*also seems like e,d,s,f would be better keys anyway for those of us who are accustomed to using "home row" when typing; those keys would seem like the more natural fit so I may try changing to that later...) I have another idea [besides switching to e/s/d/f keys] I may give a shot later though. EDIT---Yep....e,d,s,f is a better choice than "wasd" so far....I'm slowly getting used to this now, and I've crafted the first few things. Still, I doubt it will ever feel as natural a control method to me as good ol' console style control pad's always been that or arcade joystick controls for me, so that will always be the "true"/comfortable way to play a game imo. I had a "gaming mouse" with plenty of buttons on it a few years ago but it got lost at some point when moving, I think... I'll have to get another one of those (*fortunately it was fairly cheap so no big loss there) The Gloomrot update is one of the things sparking my interest again in V-Rising
  10. A look at how beautiful it is... yeah if I didn't already have the OLED version I would get this one
  11. damn...that Dark Eden definitely looked like something I would've loved (I just started watching that "Death of a Game" vid on it)....IF only it weren't a goddamn MMO. Someone should bring it back one a real game (like just a "regular" arpg)
  12. that mention of Wyclef reminded me---I hated that song "Gone til November". If there's an award that is the opposite of a Grammy, that song should win it. It was one of the worst, most annoying bit of trash to get so much play on the radio and mtv2 (since mtv2 actually played music; I wonder if it went the same route as the original mtv..?) at the time. A friend from college loved that horrible would be one of many times where I'm left wondering if it was because he tends to be a contrarian or because he just has what I consider to be bad taste sometimes. This reminded me of some newer song I hate... I'll have to look it up to give it a mention later but it occasionally gets played on any radio station that plays current RnB stuff....the woman singing sounds like a wounded animal, and I just keep thinking about how harsh Randy and Simon would roast that nonsense if it was an audition for American Idol in those early seasons. Every time it's been on I change that station super fast asap. Longest time with no sleep---only occasions here and there where I went 24 hours, nothing extreme. One gaming all-nighter; probably the first wasn't really until later in 98 with Metal Gear Solid. I didn't stop playing until the end on that first playthru... then I noticed the sun was already up...haha I began playing late Friday afternoon and it was suddenly Saturday morning. There was also school "all nighters"--- mostly due to my own laziness and procrastination, like not starting on a paper until the night before it was due. Our computer lab was open 24/7 so I just stayed there to get everything done. ...oh yeah there was a night or 2 where I just kept on going with the greatness that is Elden least one occasion I had work the next day....heh, some epic good times there. My battles with the "Godskin Apostle" shall never be forgotten.
  13. Dawn of the Monsters---it starts off with you having to play a particular monster but only that first mission; after that you can select whichever one you want so that's good. I didn't know there's also some augment items that boost attributes of the characters (you can equip 3 at a time), so that makes things a bit more interesting than what one might expect of a typical beatemup game. Godstrike hits you hard right from the start... the tutorial boss has multiple phases to it, folks.
  14. those names reminded me, one of the best I remember was a fellow fan in the live-chat areas of certain podcasts I watch regularly... Dixon Cider. I haven't seen that dude in a while though; of course I went on to make a mii character with that name. Also---there's 2 actresses I've mentioned before; Allison Doody and Imogen Poots.
  15. Strayed Lights also caught my eye; that art/design style in the game looks great; it's out on every major platform as well....and the reviews are popping up:
  16. Lena Headey was Sarah Connor and she was looking niiiiiice in there....a major reason I watched it. The show also featured the lovely Shirley Manson from "Garbage"...along with Summer Glau, the lineup of fine eye-candy on that show was solid. I don't recall the show lasting that long though; 2 seasons, I think.
  17. It's also frustrating that I've never seen a Terminator videogame that stood out as something I wanted to play. The best experience oddly enough has been the cameos in Gears I mentioned earlier; playing as T800 was pretty damn cool even though it was only in multiplayer... Sarah Connor and 1 or 2 others are also playable in Horde...(*but of course we're talking about "Dark Fate" Sarah who just looks like someone's grandma now; and her voice lines sound phoned in like she didn't half care when recording them.) *Oh yeah it's hilarious that Joe is actually going to run again... they're pretending like this 1,000-year old methuselah will even still be here that long. He looks like he's had 1 foot out the door for a while now. He should really just be at home taking it easy somewhere, in chill mode. **note---I'd apply that "rule" about being too goddamn old across the board, btw... this is a guy that will be 81 on his birthday later this year.
  18. I was waiting on this one called "Afterimage"... though by the review it looks like I may need to get it for my Steam Deck instead of Switch (some tech issues):
  19. Ohhhh you must see it! It earns every bit of that legend status... truly one of my favorites of all time; if I were to make a "Top 50" or whatever kind of list, The Terminator is definitely in the upper tiers of that, maybe even top 5 material. It was one of those movies I just kept watching over and over as a kid....even daydreaming of how cool it would be to actually be a T-800. I had the soundtrack/score on CD as well.... also used that as some theme music for certain games....that and the T2 soundtrack were often used as my Quake 3 background music as I hoped to go on a good killing spree.... so many good memories there. **now that I think of it; this was also one of the first R-rated movies I was allowed to see as a kid. ...but yeah; random trivia--- Lance Henriksen was originally considered for the part of T-800. That definitely works as he's more of the "everyman" looking character back in his younger days, but of course it's hard to imagine anyone else but Arnold being T-800 now.... and I wonder what will happen when they inevitably do a Terminator reboot at some point in the future...? Hollywood loves the potential easy money with reboots and remakes so it's inevitable. Whatever happens, it's likely to be inferior to the original film in every way, I'm sure. Random gaming tangent--- The cross promotion with Gears 5 and Terminator was pretty cool, though I wish they let the T-800 be playable in Horde mode, just because that's my favorite mode in the Gears games. It's only playable in regular multiplayer, unfortunately....and only if you happen to be on the red team (bad guys) side....this limitation doesn't make much sense if they're simply restricting it to be a "villain side" character and that's why it's not in Horde, as we see in T2 how that particular one was reprogrammed to defend Sarah and John Connor. Also---weird thing is that while you can play as a is only the endoskeleton version; the "Arnold" likeness is NOT in the game at all....I guess for whatever reason they couldn't secure the deal to get his likeness in the game. (perhaps couldn't afford it or he refused; I'm not sure)
  20. Another classic Terminator scene that always stood out as pure greatness to me... T-800 finds Sarah at the Tech Noir club but Kyle Reese was there also on the lookout.. I also love that song in the background; of course the song "Burnin' In the Third Degree" is forever tied up with that scene in my mind: I love everything about it; like how the song and the scene slows down and fades as they bring up more of the Terminator's theme; matching the rising tension.
  21. Ok yeah, that game Dawn of the Monsters is enjoyable so far... also---dlc apparently?! There should be more giant monsters (as the playable characters) games.
  22. Surprisingly it never hit me until just now at random--- as insanely popular as Lion King was when it originally came out... I wonder how many times someone named their child "Simba".... you know this must have happened at least a few times. Imagine going thru life as a kid that was named after that character. now I wonder about the other super popular things that may have inspired some unfortunate baby names....imagine an American boy born in the late 90s that got "Goku" as his first name....and I'm sure there's already a few named "Jiren" born in recent years.
  23. haha God would just disappoint and/or depress people like He usually does. 😆 mmmm that juicy cheap shot I couldn't resist sheeeit, what about Arnold though. A team of his characters: The T-800s (counts as multiples if we want to cheat the situation) John Matrix from Commando Dutch from Predator Conan the Barbarian Harry from True Lies I guess we can include Mr. Freeze as well haha This is a powerhouse team, imo... especially with the T-800s being the obvious heavy-hitters; it's one hell of a problem just dealing with one of those nearly unstoppable death machines. I was just watching my 4k edition of Terminator 2 yesterday, actually... it's been years since I last saw that legendary classic.... so this reminded me... the characters kinda got lucky towards the end when the chase just happens to lead up to that factory area with what appears to be the only way of permanently stopping the T-1000. Even the freezing effect of liquid nitrogen only held it up for a while; he was still functional after thawing out and the shattered pieces reformed. One especially cool moment from that I think was a bit underrated... that moment when Sarah is on her way out of that mental facility....and happens to run into the new T-800... great scene overall with that look of pure terror on her face when she sees it:
  24. ha, see how much fun that topic is? It's awesome. ...but it is bizarre to me that we've reached this odd point where so many people supposedly no longer care about a character being visually accurate at all...especially with characters that are mainly known from visual mediums like comics and if decades of art and animation are irrelevant, because I guess some people want all the characters to look like them or something. To me that's strange and wrong... and worth nothing more than being something obviously absurd to laugh at....and it reaches an even deeper level of absurdity when you're talking about real people like Anne Boleyn and Cleopatra. Hopefully they keep doing this again and again for more laughs... which also exposes how ridiculous everything is as more people try to desperately keep defending it.
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