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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. Epic Music Empire channel came through with another jam session
  2. The Darrell Brooks Show is back with us LIVE, folks....I see his girlfriend just took the stand... Of course no surprise that this guy appears to have had no trouble at all getting the ladies. ...but we're to believe they're such excellent judges of character, right? Their magical "intuition" is just so good it breaks the game, right? Yeahhhhh I couldn't resist that cheap shot. ah, so Nick is streaming this on Rumble then... I figured... *Judge Jenni is soooo nice though....and she has the glasses on today. I'd definitely pounce that.
  3. It's cool to see this Black Adam movie finally become a reality... it seems like this has been talked about for the past 2,000 years at this point....good thing they went ahead with it before The Rock was too old and started looking like someone's great grandpa. ...with the Blade fiasco, I wonder how long until Mahershala walks away from that mess; that might be another one where it's 10+ years before things are finally on track for the film to become a reality.
  4. Speaking of the work-related stuff... it surprises me that one of my old friends managed to stay employed as long as he did, considering his attitude about the employer/employee relationship. That guy had (and will always have) this amazing level of bitterness about it... like his default view in life is that anyone who's supervisor or management is always out to get ya... or that nothing they do is ever reasonable or legitimate. I remember a few conversations after my promotion might start off with him saying "so, you had to FIRE anyone lately?" with an especially bitter tone as if to say "...'cause that's all you Corpo 'suits' are good for...evil sons of bitches..." 🤣 The first very weird reaction when he found out about the promotion years ago was: "...damn...would you ever step down from that?" (*I suspect that part of this was said out of simple jealousy....but that's such a bizarre response there.) Anytime I'd bring up something that was a negative, like having to do "warnings" or if someone actually did get fired... his automatic assumption was/is that the manager got it wrong and is just picking on people. But yeah---somehow his job continued to put up with his shitty attitude for many years though he did eventually get canned... Ion is finally showing episodes from season 9 of Chicago PD in their usual Thursday marathons; some more just started now. Besides Marina ("Kim Burgess"), another hot one still on the show is Tracy Spiridakos who plays Haley Upton. This episode that's on now (s9, ep. 4) started off with a few nice glimpses of legs...and a panty shot.
  5. One of the most beautiful faces in all of youtube...
  6. haha he couldn't have waited until getting back home... or just park in an isolated area to bust one off? The latest on my favorite clown at the moment, Mr. Brooks: In other news, Ethan K. continues to say incredibly dumb stuff that risks his channel
  7. Pink or white are preferred... however another factor that comes into play for me is the contrast of that against her skin....that's a critical combo. Darker-skinned women + light colors = Win. Lighter-skin colors + dark colored bra/panties = Win. Then there's also the style--- floral prints, see-thru, or striped pattern or lace are the top tier picks, imo. Bra vs. panties = Panties win every time. That's the sexiest article of clothing ever invented.
  8. I'm probably way late on this...? I JUST noticed that Terraformars is on Hulu!!! Oh yeah that got added to my list asap... I was interested in that when I heard of the manga several years ago but just never checked it out.
  9. The clown show continues with that Brooks trial... I have a LOT to get caught up on (I see coverage from yesterday that was several hours!) Some of the highlights so far: I wonder---when has being a "sovereign" citizen ever worked for anyone in any situation? That seems like a ridiculous concept right from the start 😆 something a small child would come up with--- "well your rules and laws don't apply to me because I said so, NYAAHHHH!" More antics; this trial was destined to be a goldmine
  10. Diablo... Such a crazy difference in power certain upgrades make... I finally got the royal ring so I could equip the Crimson set. This gives me bonus damage for how much cool-down reduction I have, and some other my Necro has bonuses from 3 sets of items all at once, and I was finally able to augment one of my ancient legendary items... along with using one of the new consumables to "sanctify" a shield I have. The resulting upgrade from all of this is just silly. My character is at the point where I don't even have to do much. There's an effect from the sanctified item that automatically casts "Army of the Dead" for enemies a certain distance from me... once they get in range they get ripped up by that shit for huge billions of damage, though not as much as if I was attacking them directly.... paragon level is 300-something now, and my character is pretty much God status now. ...then there's the "Echoing Nightmare" realm I finally checked out for the first time; that was something added in the previous season, I think. I got that Xeno Crisis game earlier today before the sale ended, and oh yes, it's fun
  11. Shuler found out about Daniel, the King of the Friend Zone the very idea of a "Friend Date" will be hilarious for the rest of time *and damn what's with those "high-water" pants Danny got on? Bruh c'mon now... 🤣
  12. No but she just gained a new fan then^... oh yeah tabs will be kept on that one Badd Angel just posted a new one
  13. This was from yesterday's Campea show--- so Ezra could face up to 26 years apparently....of course realistically there's no chance. Hollywood stars tend to not face real consequences like "normal" people would for the same crimes... hahaha I love that Rob just didn't even bother saying the damn pronouns this time 🤣 I keep wondering when people eventually get to that "fuck that guy's pronouns." point with Ezra in particular. I wonder where the line is for other people on that? how much of a shitty person does someone have to be before you give up on the "respect" of saying their little "special pronouns" when referring to the person. Oh shit Minister Jap just went live with a good one though
  14. The powerlevel increases for my Necromancer... in a rift earlier I noticed one of my criticals hit a monster for 800 billion. I'll never get tired of seeing how silly the damage numbers can get in this game. It's looking like this will become the strongest character I've ever played in this game. My paragon level is 208 at the moment. It's being surprisingly stingy with the royal ring of grandeur though... I still haven't seen one drop just yet...also no Rama's Gift (the thing that lets you put a gem socket on a weapon; this is naturally better than the re-roll option), though that one makes sense as it's one of the only items that's truly rare in the game. Quick SALES NOTE though! Xeno Crisis is 9.99 on Switch for about 2 more days Children of Morta = 6.59
  15. Interesting that this whole debacle exposed how apparently toxic/intolerant Adam is in terms of his ideology. I probably would never have known otherwise until the G4 disaster helped shine a spotlight on it. This guy stated he would gleefully "sip champagne" as his republican-voting relatives died. Apparently having a difference of political opinion is enough for him to take great pleasure in your death. Heh, this makes it all the more intriguing about what must have went on behind the scenes now in both eras of G4's there's probably co-workers from the tv network days that would walk away from him while thinking "wow what a douchebag this guy is...if only the fans knew..."
  16. Sunpi with an unboxing video... more importantly, she has glasses on though 👀 Smokeshow.
  17. I do wonder how G4tv would've done in the alternate timeline where the Frosk rant never happened [*G4tv deleted by ComcastMod*]
  18. Every time people have said that name "Cromartie" it just reminds me of the enemy from Viewtiful Joe. ...quite annoying that Capcom appears to have no interest in ever continuing or at least doing a re-release of that franchise....even though we're in an era of entertainment where everything gets a damn remake or reboot at some point. ...I still have the audio of my final battle in the first game on my "All Rainbow V-Ranks" run (*using Captain Blue); I recorded it at the time (good ol' VHS) and ripped the audio to mp3.
  19. Diablo 3 --- this addiction is definitely back strong with me again... my Necro is paragon 113 at this point, and it was just yesterday or day before that he was paragon 25... this Rathma build isn't even fully optimized yet the damage is already insane; I'm hitting into the billions on critical though my sheet dps is only 315k or so for now...don't even have a socket on my weapon yet. I have the Rathma and Jesseth set at the moment...haven't added Crimson set since I don't have the Royal Ring just yet. In some videos I'm seeing on youtube, people are easily hitting for trillions damage on this. As with other top-rank D3 builds it's just silly how OP this is:
  20. ah, the good ol' days when the female MK characters were allowed to have sexy/revealing outfits on... those were good times. It's a fascinating thing to notice with those Asian American girls... kinda makes one feel sad for the Asian dudes out there as they rank seemingly low on the totem pole of attraction just generally speaking. Every Asian girl I saw in person would always be paired up with a white to a point where internally I would just expect it and be amused that my assumption turns out to be correct 99% of the time---like "ah, there's one... where's her white boyfriend or husband? I know he can't be far behind...hahaha there he is!" It's like they literally can't resist the white meat. Stereotypes always are a good little source of entertainment for me, partly because there's always people who wish to pretend that it's BS for whatever silly reason. It's just part of how the human brain works... pattern recognition and all that jazz.
  21. I've been missing it---AMC is showing "Creepshow" right now! So I guess they're going with a general theme of creepy movies and shows since it's October---right after this is "Misery", followed by The Last House on the Left at 9:30 this morning....after that it's House of Wax (2005 version) then The Conjuring....I'll have to check that; in all these years I've never seen any of "The Conjuring" or related movies; I didn't think that would've spawned a whole "cinematic universe" there. *Whoah---it's from 1982... so Creepshow is 40 years old now. *I see---they're calling this the "House of Horrors" marathon. Tonight at 9:08 central though--- episode 3 of Interview with The Vampire. I'm getting caught up on the first 2 at some point this morning.
  22. D3 Necro -- Rathma. The build is coming together... I also checked out Raxx's video to see what I was missing on this. As with other popular Diablo builds...the way this synergizes with itself is insanely good. ...such a shame my old college buddy doesn't play this regularly anymore... and even when he did he was very slow about it... the dude still hasn't even finished story mode yet....heh, my characters' power level left him in the dust years ago.....but back then it was fun; his wife and another friend I knew through them also played for a while.
  23. Hell yeah, vampires taking over the world of DC?! Oh yeah this speaks to me...
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