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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. Birthday girl Victoria Kay has a few costumes for us as well I hate that it's rare that she ever gives a good quality backshot though
  2. One thing that really irks the hell out of me on nearly a daily basis---the fact that there truly is no free, open discussion about least not certain things. No matter where you are, or what online platform or service you're talking about... there will always be certain things that are simply *not* on the table, or not allowed to be discussed, for a variety of reasons that are mostly annoying, imo....or even if they are allowed, people will quickly back out of the topic asap because they're either weak-willed, easily offended chumps or just incredibly seems like this is just most people now. There's so many things that are seemingly just hard-wired into human nature that are disappointing and lame to me. It's like the world is all children telling each other "Hey, Mommy and Daddy told us not to talk about that. You'll get in trouble for even bringing it up so just shut it." On a less "Debbie Downer" note, I saw the Black Adam movie yesterday and it was even better than I was expecting it to be. It's definitely one of the best of the DC comic book movies; the action scenes and fighting---it is on another level, folks. There is also a slight bit of eye-candy for the fellas as well--- that girl from the JSA with the wind powers is cute; I wouldn't say she's legendary Magnificent 5 status with me but she's a good one; I wouldn't turn it down. The woman who summons or releases Adam at the beginning of the film is also good to go.
  3. It will always be funny to watch how some people are dumb enough to snitch on themselves on video
  4. Alert to my fellow PAWG Afficianados... here's Holly with some costumes whoah... never thought I'd see Stef show her butt off like this before
  5. Diablo -- heh, yep... I made that 2nd seasonal character and with Gem of Ease... he went from level 1 to 50-something in 1 rift... I was at level 40 something in less than 2 minutes 😆 I've never seen another game where power-leveling can go this fast, at least via legitimate means. It's so easy because besides that gem... all your characters have access to the same gold and crafting materials, the same leveled up vendors, your paragon leveled power, and the same Kanai Cube powers that have been unlocked.... so right at level 1 on your next characters you have a godlike starting point immediately. *edit---yep, already level 70, just like that.
  6. I love it when the proof comes from their own damn mouth... it makes things much more difficult for the white knight types to say otherwise That dude admits he likes toxic relationships as well... it just shows these people to be psychologically ruined and even worse... they're just stupid, imo. If you have a choice between Person A that treats you like garbage.... and Person B that treats you well.....why is it even a question what's more appealing there? Getting treated like shit is more "exciting" to the dumb muthafuckas, I guess. **Bonnet Report -- I spotted 5 of them today. At this point it's a surprise when I see a woman who doesn't have one on in public....I almost want to shake their hand and thank them for still caring about how they look in public, like a normal person.
  7. Diablo--- hell yeah....I had a massacre bonus of 1000+ kills in that last "Echoing Nightmare"'s easy to get incredibly high kill-streaks in there since the enemies are swarming you from all sides non-stop. That gem I got at the end was rank 107 for a nice easy augment on an ancient legendary.... I'm up to paragon 617, closing in on GR 100 soon (latest one was a 96 or 97) My secondary character is going to have such an easy, super-fast powerlevel session later... I got the "Gem of Ease" leveled up to 32 so far, put it into an ancient legendary to make that level 70 a level 1.... then used one of the angelic crucible to also "sanctify" the item, making it even more insane....I should've done that part with the Wizard character though since I forgot that just assigned a Necro power to the weapon....I have plenty of crucibles to use though....I might bump up the Ease gem a few more levels to 40+ and then start that other character. I want to see how insanely fast I could power-level the new character... that's always funny to see. In D3, power-leveling can go so fast that your character is actually skipping levels... like you kill one thing and jump from 1 to 17 then 28, 39, etc. It goes so fast that the messages on screen about what new powers you just unlocked can't even keep up with the pace of your leveling.
  8. ah, I admire the cheapness---I just saw a thread on the reddit Unpopular Opinions board---"fake diamonds are a smart choice for engagement rings". Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about right there...that's good stuff. All these fools of multiple past generations now, breaking their bank account on a shiny rock in a ring. (*for this joke concept that often goes horribly wrong anyway). The rings aren't even a good thing in terms of their function, unlike things like a 4k smart tv, or an arcade machine, a new computer, phone, a car, a good sound system for your living room, etc. A ring just sits on her finger looking "pretty"... a few grand for that? ...such a silly waste of money, imo. There's countless other things that kind of money could go to that are actually useful and more fun. They mentioned moissonite rings in that thread so I had to look them up---yeah, that shit looks the same to me, and for a fraction of the price. I suspect it's another one of those situations where a lot of people who claim they can tell the difference are really just pretending. *I'm constantly dreading the goddamn holidays that are coming up.. I still just want to get in a time-machine and skip over to January already, getting past the bullshit asap....get back to having fun in life. It seems like the older you get, the worse Christmas becomes.
  9. So much gaming to get to... of course I'm picking up Bayonetta 3 asap... likely tomorrow, though I'm still currently hooked on the latest Diablo season... I'm up to paragon level 508 at this point, just finishing GR 86 easily with this godlike Necro Rathma build... I hit a monster for 6 trillion damage earlier today on a critical. Then of course I'm still trying to make time for various other things like Textorcist and very soon that Cult of the Lamb game---it's currently on sale for 20-something on eShop and Steam. I also noticed one of the Senran Kagura games on sale currently on eShop, so there's that too.
  10. Time to laugh at some of the high expectations some young women have regarding a potential mate's salary.... One girl said the "lowest" she'd settle for would be a mere $500k
  11. Textorcist--- this game gets tough early on... I just got past the 3rd exorcism/battle and it was a rough one... the guy throws out tons of "bullet hell" shots, and occasionally there's bombs you have to defuse too...large areas of the floor become dangerous seemingly at random too, while you have to dodge shots. This took a few attempts but I finally got it....pretty fast you learn that there are indeed times where you'll just have to be typing at exactly the same time you're moving to dodge things; the first 2 battles I could get away with that simple situation of typing as much as I can, *then* switching over to a mindset of dodging things....then standing still to type the words again. Heh, I just figured that 2 people playing at the same time could trivialize the difficulty of the concept though... like 1 person using a controller to take over the movement while the other person focuses on typing.
  12. AMC has been on fire with the classic horror movies this month.. right now they're showing Christine, and it's already one the part I remember the most...where Christine was chasing down that chubby guy...haha he thought he was safe by running into a narrow alleyway, and Christine just squeezed into the alley anyway and crushed him against the wall. That's one of the coolest cars in fiction right there.... she'll kill for you, and has magical self-repair "healing factor". After this they're showing Friday the 13th again starting with the first of the series. *that Burger King commercial that starts off with some guy singing "Whopper, Whopper, Whopper!" can burn in Hell, btw... I already hate that jingle.
  13. Ok yeah... Textrocist was definitely worth my time; I'm enjoying it and did 2 exorcism/boss fights so far. I'm pretty damn good at fast typing so the real challenge is the balancing act between typing while also having to move around in the heat of battle!
  14. The Brooks Saga... almost time for a verdict Nick is streaming on Rumble Unfortunately, Judge Jenn does NOT have the glasses on 😞 ....I'd still eat though.
  15. ^haha I didn't know anyone "shipped" Benoit and Eddie... that's strange to say the least. I never got the whole "shipping" thing either way; it's odd to me when people are imagining 2 fictional characters together when the story does not show or at least hint that this is the case. ...anyway---so that game The Textrocist is now on sale on Steam for 3 bucks! Oh yeah I'll go ahead and jump on that one; the gameplay concept of it is quite interesting to me....can't really go wrong for such a cheap price. Hollow Knight and Witcher 3 (7.50 I think) are also on sale at the moment.
  16. haha I was checking out some old pictures of random stuff and came across a snapshot I took of a game called "Count Dookie Fart"... yeah just because of course that name immediately grabs my attention as something naturally I had to look up videos... yeah, this is a real game that exists: only 99 cents too...
  17. Closing arguments time... Nick finally woke up and went live with it too Closing arguments for the state is too good; of course an easy case for 'em though... I didn't know this guy was 40; they just showed his state ID to prove that is indeed him. *Of course he's going to object to literally everything.
  18. One of those Presidential daughters grew up to look quite alright indeed. I kept tabs, of course. On another note---the Flat-Earthers should be in the news/social media again for something. I'm a bit disappointed they don't seem to be as relevant anymore for our amusement. Conspiracy theories are almost always fun, funny or at least interesting to me. My current "genuine" favorites are anything involving the Shadow People and of course anything involving various species of aliens already living here in secret. Ooh, time for another sermon from Minister Jap today, he just went live and this should be a good one ...speaking of the Bonnet Brigade... I saw some more just yesterday, actually. One of them had a hot pink one on, to draw extra attention since I guess she thinks that ugly shit looks "cute". They've disqualified themselves forever with that nonsense. Words can't fully express how off-putting and disgusting that shit is to me. It could only be worse if they were using actual shit juice as lotion, and wearing the flies as fashion accessories. *then again---all fashion trends have their time then go away... so hopefully the bonnet eventually becomes a thing of the past in a few years. 😞
  19. Oh yeah I was specifically referring to the "Lite" as not being worth it, imo. At least for me, the Lite isn't a serious option since the OLED exists now. fact I'm most likely getting one soon as the "successor" to my original Switch; the temptation is just too great when I keep seeing them in stores so often, and how nice that screen is.
  20. ^yeahhh I just saw that new Redfall trailer too; I appreciate it since the tone on that is a bit more serious. I wish it was in 3rd person though. On another note---OLED Switches appear to be quite easy to get if anyone is wanting one; I see them on a regular basis now whenever I'm at any Target or Walmart at least....same goes for Switch Lite, though I still don't see much appeal in those.
  21. My favorite show is back live today They give jury instruction today; it already looks like he's about to get booted to the other room again. Yep, of course 🤣 Live-chat is hilarious as expected... I just noticed someone mention he's about to build "Fort Brooks" again with the box emojis. *She brought him back, then he acted up again as the jury was about to come in so he just got booted and they're at recess AGAIN. Oh yeah, apparently his girlfriend/babymama---he got with her when she was 15, I'm hearing? I'm not sure how old the kid is then. ...but yeah, no surprise that this is yet another example of what kind of "quality man" a LOT of women just can't wait to hook up with.....all while we're supposed to pretend that's not the case, of course.
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