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@Deadly_Raver Glad you are all healed up man. As far as Geeks & Gamers goes, I don't mind rants. YongYea rants a lot. Still enjoy his channel. Jeremy seems to have turned into the type people he bitches about though just from the opposite spectrum. I mean there was a point where is practically posting Brie Larson videos everyday. Reminds me of when Keith Olbermann and Bill O'Reilly were going at it. When you took a step back and looked at the both of them, you realized they were doing the same shit. Right is right, wrong is wrong no matter your viewpoint. I believe that was the point I saw politics for what it was. I've turned into a rant poster. I'm going to have unsub from my own posts now 🤣

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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"Yes. Let the rant FLOW through you."  Yeah, you're right about the same old same old.  You can only take so much before enough is enough.  My main reason for posting that one is because I know a lot of people like GOT, but I myself haven't seen a single ep.  I only know who Arya Stark (A.K.A. Maise Williams) is because of the calves section of SRK discord, so there ya go. 


ya don't need no dragons to heat up them stems.  They're hot enough as is.

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Um, which way to the clown world again?  Oh?  Right here? 

oh you KNOW who I'm about to call up in here.






That dumb shit right there.  Thanks for turning your sisters into a bunch of hypocritical, manipulative cunts............LITERALLY.  Geez.


NOTE:  I know I'm a little late on that one and that's because I was going to just skip it until I saw that videoclip above.  Well, Happy Fridays boys and girls.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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On 5/17/2019 at 8:52 AM, *.:White ShadoW:.* said:

WTF is this shit?



Hello there.  What's this?  You wanted me to get out the scalpel and cut this shit up properly?  alright then.............Here we Go.


                                              NOW SHOWING:  DEADLY RAVER CUTS UP THE BATWOMAN TRAILER


"Batman gave up on us.  The bat's not coming back." 


STOP THE GODDAMN CAR............................No you don't bitch.  You don't start this shit off by trying to shit on and downplay the very character that your piss poor cut-and-paste copy is based on! Fuck that and FUCK YOU.  +TEN HITS RIGHT OFF THE BAT!

"Let me help."  Listen.  If you're just going to disobey the commish anyways, at LEAST have the common sense and decency not to throw the evidence (The videotape you see just before he says,"What happened to staying out of it?" ) all up in his face.  +1 hit


@0:47  "Hey yo. I hear you like diversity in your super hero shows, so we're gonna make sure that the main character is a white chick and she's gonna be a lesbian see?  And her girlfriend will be a black chick because gay pride and all.  We're also thinking about making all her weapons and vehicles disabled.  Also, the bat sign will now become a virtue signal."  +1 hit


"You went in without proper backup."  No sir.  She went in without ANY backup.   She should be painting a dirty wall with her brains, but the bunny rabbits are awfully kind to strangers.  +1 hit


"I do NOT want her getting in the way!"  You might wanna beef up security then.  One on one in close  quarters is the BEST odds any intruder can hope for.  +1 hit


Wow.  She sure did beat up them goonies in the animal masks, and all by herself.  Made me nostalgic for the old days of Final Fight where gangs of enemies line up to walk into your fist instead of..............what's the term.....................oh yeah........GANG UP ON YOU!  +1 hit

"I need you to send your father a message."   The message should've been,"I've got at least one of your officers as a hostage and now I've got your daughter too.  Give whatever the fuck I want or I'll call Deadly Raver for some truly fucked up ideas as to what to do to them if you DON'T Give me whatever the fuck I want.  Trust me.  You should see what he's doing to this trailer on SRK2.  It's not pretty at ALL."   Instead, she smacks her a few times and sends her home.  Didn't even cause any permanent damage. Hell, I've seen boring dates with more violence.  +1 hit


"You're all I have left kate. And I don't want to lose you too."  You could dump her ass in a jail cell.  This vigilante shit is for the birds........and by Birds I mean batmen and robins.  +1 hit


"Your boss is my cousin."  Translation:  "Since he's my cousin that means that I own the building too!"  No. No it doesn't.  +1 hit

........Also:  That works. +1 hit


What kind of an incompetent rent-a-flunky ass security guard is this?  Even if she IS,"His boss' cousin" that does NOT mean she's authorized to go snooping around his stuff.  Secondly, if you tell someone who is already not authorized to be there not to go into something and they do it anyway.................LIGHT THEIR ASS THE FUCK UP!!  +2 hits, one for each of them.


.................Okay.  She just disobeys the fuck out of everything and jumps in the elevator.  Even if he's only ONE guard, I'm sure that calling 911 would bring a few more cops...........or he could always just call her dad since, You know...........  +1 hit


"I need you to fix his suit."  You're an intruder, this is a secret underground base of the Batman, I'm a security guard, not a tailor, and you've been a rude bitch, a pain in my ass and a threat to my job the whole time I've known you, So I'm going to have to deny your request. +1 Hit


"I'm a woman" song.  JESUS FUCKIN' CHRIST WE GET IT ALREADY!!  +5 hits

"You're a female bruce wayne."  No Pops.  Not. Even. Close. +1 hit


@2:28 "It's been almost two minutes since we reminded everyone that she's a lesbian, Soooooooo........." +1 hit


"The hero we Her?"  +5 hits

"They think I'm him."  It might have something to do with your chosen attire.  You could've made something a little more original...................NAH!!  +1 hit

"I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work."  😱  You mean, exactly what you're doing when you break into the batcave, steal a batsuit, and go out dressed looking exactly like a certain bat-based superhero?  Dear Hypocrite:  look in a mirror. "1 Hit

................................It is at this point that I think it is relevant to ask this question:

Is it possible for this bitch to say something that isn't going to make me cringe so hard that I break my own bones?  My money is sliding down the betting table towards "NO." +1 hit





                                                                                      BONUS ROUND:  The shit you thought I missed Edition


Short haired batwoman?  FUCK YOU!!  I'm tired of these butch bitches trying to ruin everything!! +1 hit

Barbara is not batwoman. +1 hit

When she found the gang's hideout, why didn't she tell the cops?  I mean DAMN. +1 hit

Bruce wayne's tower is THAT wide open that some chick can just come kick the doors open?  +1 hit

Yo Bats.  Did you forget to lock up the Batcave on your way out of town?  Some chick just took the express elevator straight to your biggest secret. +1 hit
Hold up.  she's Bruce Wayne's cousin?  How dat happen? +1 hit
"It will be. Once it fits a woman." +10 hits.............right in the mouth.

Those bats should've killed and dragged his ass off a cliff for wearing that damn baby blue sweater down there. +1 hit



TOTAL:  55 hits = Hyper-combo finish



Jeez.  that shit right there is why I only turn the TV on to watch my few anime shows on Toonami and then I bounce.    I predict that shit flopping in the pilot ep and then men will get blamed for it, thereby shoving the nails into the coffin and kicking it into its grave.

NOTE:  @11 seconds the back.......behind the white that blurred figure in the background who I think it is?   O_O


Edited by Deadly_Raver
saw some typos and added one thing.
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2 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Does anyone like Bugles snacks?


Also, what time of day do you usually take a dump?

Yeah bro. caramel bugles?  That is the good stuff for yo' mouf!  the damnable local store doesn't seem to be stocking them right now, but they will.  When they do.........I WILL pounce.


As for the second question:  Well, this change in diet to try and conquer my heartburn has me chowing on more wheat bread and oats.  As a consequence, I've been hitting the restroom a little more often.  I haven't really kept a clock on it, but I usually hit the restroom around four hours after eating, or after sitting around too long which would push towards 7 or even 8 hours.




..............................Yes. I do a lot of sitting on my ass.  Goofy videos ain't gonna watch themselves. Speaking of which..........


I FINALLY found one of these MMDs that has a full version of a song I like with a mod that won't get me thrown out of here.  Enjoy boys and girls.

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yeah Bugles are the shit, man... I only liked the regular ones though...much like potato chips I could devour a whole bag of those at once if I didn't have any restraint.


Shit schedule--- it varies for me; but often it happens early morning after a good breakfast....I typically wake up way earlier than most people, so I have plenty of time.


...that whole thing with being the "early bird" kind of person is fun and satisfying, actually... on weekends, by the time most people are just waking up, I've already done grocery shopping, perhaps watched a movie, exercised a bit, surfed the net, played some games, etc. etc. etc.

edit---now that I think of it, this has been that way for as far as I can remember.... when I was a kid, I'd end up watching various old black & white shows that were on as "filler" in the early morning hours before the regular Saturday morning cartoons got started.

Edited by MillionX
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ohooooo you know I had to dive into this when I saw it in "recommended" vids [youtube knows us all too well]



The list is a bit lazy though, it seems... one would expect a bit more details in terms of who earned which spot in the mentioning the main man Niklaus Mikaelson but neglecting to mention his hybrid status (along with being part of the "original family") as being a reason he's a top tier in that world.


..also---with characters like Dracula, there is immediately the question of which version of him we're talking about, since he's appeared in dozens of things; the original book, comics, animated shows and movies, video games, etc. mention of any True Blood characters though?  Bruh...  

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I saw John Wick 3 yesterday.




Action scenes (Horses, Dogs, and motorcycles oh my.)


Some character development and world building


Halle Berry. For once shes not playing some meek character.




Humor. I also didnt like the fanboy aspect of some of the henchmen


There are some Looney Tunes esque actions. 1 is kinda ok, but the other is a pretty WTF moment


Overall: 8.5/10


JW 1 - 8.5/10
JW 2 - 8/10

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I just got Capcom Beatemup Bundle on Switch, since it was on sale for 12 bucks.. [sale ends 5/23 if I recall]...ohhhh it's absolutely worth it if you like the arcade beatemup genre and haven't played some of these before.  I've never even heard of Battle Circuit until this bundle was released and it's fun so far.  Some I've heard of but just never played before, like Knights of the Round.  

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For those who aren't already aware,  Path Of Exile is f2p on PS4.  I decided to give it a shot and I'm liking it pretty well so far.  It has a lot of the same vibe as a PS3 game whose name escapes my recollection at this time.  I went and picked the witch character because I figured out what I thought I would need from watching the trailer.  The gameplay isn't that hard IMO, so give it a shot if you're so inclined to walk the path of an exile.


EDIT:  The name of the other game was Dungeon Hunter.  It looks and plays a lot like that.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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it's surprising anyone is giving it a chance, imo... the movie has looked like a shitty idea from day 1, at least to me....with the only saving grace being the inclusion of the wonderful Naomi Scott.


hmm...more Mii character ideas come to mind...I might try to make a "Leonard, Part 6" mii...though it's really tough to make a proper Cosby or any old person character at all...there's only 1 option for making a face look older and it would be so great if Nintendo would expand those damn mii creation options...they're so limited it's just sad for those like myself that like making the bizarre and occasionally disgusting/"bad taste" characters.

Edited by MillionX
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I just saw Aladdin 2019.


Disclaimers:   I would count the original 1992 film in my top 5 animated films. However, I have not seen it fully in more than a decade.

I have only seen two of Guy Ritche's films - the 2009 Sherlock Holmes with RDJ (7.5/10) and the very boring Man from U.N.C.L.E  (5/10)

My(only) ex gf  sang a rendition of "Whole New world" for me on my birthday and it still holds a special place in my heart.
Aladdin is the only film where I enjoyed ALL the songs. I don't normally care for musicals. 



Despite all the bad press, Will Smith is one of the best parts of the film, especially in the second act when he's in human /wingman form.  I know I normally rag on him for  "Aw hell naw/ Dayumnnn" mode but he toned that down and upped his charm more. He raps and sings his songs which are decent.  Hes best when hes not doing rote parroting from the 1992 film.


Naomi Scott is giving her 110 percent in terms of acting and singing. She is given more depth in this compared to the original. Her new song is good but just under the original songs


The sets and costumes are great. Admittedly it looks more Bollywood/Indian than Mid Eastern but its lovely nonetheless.


There are two new human characters, Dalia (Nasim Pedrad) and Prince Anders (some white boy). Both are small roles but the former is funny and the latter is trying to be funny.



Mena as Aladdin is decent. He exudes a sheepish/nervous air but it seems to extend a bit too long. His singing is good. When he becomes selfish, it doesnt feel genuine.


Special Fx are good in some spots , bad in others.



Jafar is really flat. I thought they were hiding some grand twist or something to his character, but I guess not. He has a thin motivation to "not be second best" but even his voice is so ineffectual like hes a govt DMV employee. Yes Jafar was a blatant villain in the 1992 film, but he had some menace and creepy/slippery air.


Sultan and Iago are basically throwaway characters. Iago does speak here and there but mostly repetition  and a few one one liners. He is involved in one action sequence towards the end.


The final battle has less tension due to changed circumstances. One clear cut case of 1992 being vastly better.


Guy Ritchie sometimes artificially accelerates the speed during certain songs or slows them down unnaturally. Also, the grandeur of certain songs is less than the 1992 film. I.E. There is less kinetic energy or few extras
Sometimes a character is just in frame singing without changes in camera angles or flair.



Overall:  7/10.

It will in no way  replace the 1992 film. However, it is nowhere as awful as certain folks are making it seem.

1992 Aladdin - 8.5/10

Edited by DangerousJ
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Outstar has her new vid up on Ventrue



whoah on another note, I'm behind on Diablo 3 somehow... I'm just now realizing season 17 already apparently started last week....sheeeeeeit, time to get crackin on yet another new character....


ohhhhhh I forgot the seasonal character’s paragon points get added to your regular character paragon points when that season ends and a new one starts…holy shit I have 705 paragon on the XB1 version now…sheeeeeeeeeitttttttt!!! My regular characters are about to be sooooo overpowered 😮

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3 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

I don't know why I didn't read that as Diablo 3 for the first like six times, but finally I saw it correctly.  Talk about getting your money's worth out of game.  BTW, is it on PS4 and if not, can I still get it on PS3? 

yep, it's basically on everything at this point... 360, ps3, ps4, xb1 AND the Switch 😄....the crazy thing is that there is only 1 of those versions I DON'T have (ps4)....yeah my obsession for that game went that far, man.  The great thing is that the xb1, ps4 and Switch versions are kept up to date along with the PC version....though I'd still say the console versions are superior, actually (offline play is possible; you can trade more items than you could earlier on with PC version; and the console versions gets a "Nemesis" monster* which is a cool, interesting concept, imo)...most PC fans wouldn't really want to admit it


*Nemesis--->> a monster that kills you has a chance to become a "nemesis"'ll know it happens because an awesome red portal appears and it goes in there.  As a "nemesis" now....the monster will return at some random point later to try killing you again and again.... each time it kills a player character, the nemesis becomes stronger and also appears with "shadow clones" of character it has killed.  Even more interesting, imo is how it migrates to the worlds of those on your friend list if they have the your nemesis will also show up in your friend's game at some random also appears with "Killer of ____ [your character's name or gamertag/psn name]" as a title under its name.  It also makes a great entrance; you'll suddenly hear some demonic moaning kind of noise, with tribal drums starting up, building a crescendo....then that red portal appears and there it is, here to kill you and/or your friends once again...

I hope they keep this idea around for Diablo 4; it's quite a cool little concept.

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A Jared/Heidi got even more juicy, folks 🤣 🍿



I've already seen Endgame but I still can't get enough of this particular trailer. [apparently #3].. it's my favorite one...the music is goddamn FIRE....I've already saved the audio to my phone in a quick bootleg way...I'll get a better quality version later...the building up of the tension, the blaring brass to go perfectly with the's incredible, man.... especially after That Handshake and the Thanos voice-over starts...all that brass....sheeeeeeeit Ear-Delicious like a muthafucka, man 

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