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hmm....yeah I should've known that a name like "Jizz-O" would be auto-censored; while making this mii that message came up "You can't use that name." 🤣 fine then I settled for "BustaCrust"...or "Loadz" or "BustahLoad"...I wonder....YEP--- Nut-Crust is apparently acceptable... that shall be his name...yeah that works. (the concept is a random clump of nut someone shot off that coalesced and became a sentient creature....and now it shall join the fight in Smash Ultimate to help save the world...)

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Yo Million.  See if it'll let you get away with,"CumboMan"  or,"Cumbo Man".  or even,"The Stained".  Since these machines like to mess with us, let's mess back.


EDIT:  "DeStayne"  I KNOW that one will get past and you can laugh everytime you beat someone.  With every victory know that I will be watching from within the all-concealing shadows, nodding in approval.

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yeah I was thinking of some more sick Mii ideas today...


  • Crusty Draws 
  • Crusty Rusty
  • DeCrackhead (*I've also always made at least 1 crackhead character in games with customization, since way back with WWF Warzone on Playstation...heh, good times)
  • Cracken?
  • Phil McCracken
  • Ebola
  • Ballz Mahoney (it actually does let you get away with the name "Ballz"; I have 1 character named "BootyBallz"...inspired by this random person I saw in youtube comments one day with the name Bootyballs the God 🤣 I still laugh about that screenname every time I remember it...right now he's also in Smash Ultimate as a Gunner type, wearing the Fox McCloud outfit.)

this reminded me just now of the scene in New Jack City when Nino said "Damn....CRACK." ...and yep...I already have Nino Brown in my roster of characters too.

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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

sheeeeit, I was winding down with the little work-out (just some running with occasional push-ups) then my precious "Nest of Vipers" from the Prototype soundtrack started playing....had to go that little bit extra for it.  
Hear for yourself...this shit is gold, man:

I'll play the Prototype games one day.  I wasn't too hot on them when they came out.

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heh, that was definitely an improvement.  Those sentient piles of metal scrap junk from the Bay-era will never be "Transformers" to me.


So last night THAT topic of Reparations was on the Yvette C. stream...

I could see they were going to jump all over this one WSJ writer who dared to have a different and (reasonable, imo) opinion that he "didn't earn reparations"

I haven't watched the full thing yet but I'm sure this should be an interesting the same way a spectacular car crash is interesting to watch in slow motion.  It's an odd thing, as normally I've considered her to be quite the intelligent on-air person to listen to.

Most people in favor of that shit... the whole concept to me seems to be born out of either good ol' fashioned greed (which they'd never admit of course -->"nah they just need to pay us what they owe!"), bitterness or a mixture of those things.


Like I've always said before---it always sounds like people in favor of this rationale:

"Your great great great great great grandfather possibly did something bad to my great great great great grandparents. in owe me then.  Pay up."  (or perhaps?---"You were a descendant of Cain.  I was a descendant of his brother Abel.  Here in 2019 you owe me for what Cain did.")

😄 For various reasons, it's some of the most ridiculous shit I've heard in a long time.

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Looks like it's that time of the year folks.  Please play and share this vid to get the word out.


This is REALLY getting out of hand now.  YouTube is just being a dictatorship at this point.  I'm hoping that a lot of the top creators finally say,"enough is enough" and leave YouTube.



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5 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Looks like it's that time of the year folks.  Please play and share this vid to get the word out.


This is REALLY getting out of hand now.  YouTube is just being a dictatorship at this point.  I'm hoping that a lot of the top creators finally say,"enough is enough" and leave YouTube.



The issue is the lack of a suitable alternative. I see a lot of people shifting to Twitch. Twitch isn't perfect either. They lack consistency when it comes to enforcing their TOS. Also, while you can view VODs, it is setup primarily as a streaming platform.

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ooooh there's a new one on History Channel--- Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation.....hell yeah I'm all over this like flies on shit, man... love this stuff.  The first episode was tonight.


..hopefully one day without our lifetime, all concerning that topic will be revealed .... impossible to cover-up any longer.  (oddly enough though; I understand why the first inclination of those in high ranks in government and military would prefer such things be hidden from the general public.)

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man, I gotta GTFOH.  This is the third time in the past 2 months that our power has been knocked out by unforseen circumstances.  And by that I mean Drunks running over vital electrical poles and/or killing Transformers.  On the bright side, It made me go to my neigbbor's house and watch part of a Women's college softball game.  YO!  Them be some big, healthy girls.  Not quite thick, although every one of them was not more than some squats away from the curves.  Some of those pitches went a little wild.  funny thing about getting hit with a softball at that speed.  It causes auto-jiggling.  FYI.

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oh yeah women's softball is an underrated source of PRIME meat....usually of the PAWG variety too.  Their lower bodies are always insanely nice, especially at the collegiate level....I suppose it's from all the running in practice.


I was just watching this dude's Dead Cell vids since yesterday...watching people play this on high difficulty level with ease is like watching a different game

I still haven't made it beyond "Very Hard" mode...

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ohooooo looks like things got a bit juicy over on Collider Live for a minute... 

it's surprising that the apparent producer would butt in to say something like that while they are live...


sidenote-- Roxy could still get pounced all day every day.


edit---then silly-ass Mary Sue took this in another direction apparently.... oy vey 🤣


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ohhh that clip of Kristian is making the rounds lately on youtube...I don't normally care about "reaction" vids but damn this is gold...

hahaha imagine how uncomfortable the other on-air personalities were at the time...looking around like kids in a class watching one of their peers getting in trouble with the principal "ooooooooh he's in troubleeeeeeeee" 😆


oh and of course Kristian is suddenly not on the latest vids, I notice today... apparently "sick"....YEAH OK, Collider 😄🍿

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@MillionX I think Harloff went overboard but I feel his anger was justified. He 's the lead at Collider for Star Wars coverage and they send two people from Collider that don't cover Star Wars. Not only did they not send him, they  didn't send anyone from Jedi Council. I don't think it is a coincidence either. He's the person at Collider most critical of Disney Star Wars.


The Mary Sue is one of the most sexist sites on the internet. This situation had nothing to do with him being a man and the other journalist being a woman.  Collider basically sent a Dentist to a Dermatology convention when that had a Dermatologist on the staff. In other words, It was about a general reporter being sent to a Star Wars event instead of the dedicated Star Wars staff they employ. Side note: That show producer should be fired by the way. You don't attack your own talent live on the air. As angry as Harloff was, he recognized that the conversation should be had off air. The producer, instead of calming the situatiom, amplified it with his snarky condescending behavior.

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@MillionX @Darc_Requiem

I'm really glad I didn't react to that guy the first time I saw it because I was crying in laughter at him having a nicotine fit over not going. 


Now the part that I didn't hear that I think is most important is, how important job-wise is it that he go?  If it's just about being a fan, then fuck 'em.  Current year Star Wars and Disney in general haven't been showing much love to their long time fans.  From what I hear, he probably avoided a rather boring experience.  If it was a significant job opportunity then YES.  be mad...............


..............And make sure to explain that part.  What he did was a tantrum, which will NOT go unnoticed on YouTube.


man, This #MeToo thing............................O_O

"You're gonna eat that roast beef or you're FIRED!"

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damn that's some horseshit, man...I occasionally tune in for Obsidian's live shows.  This new kindergarten-era of the internet is fucking pathetic,'s like too many things are ran by people who are quick to cave in to the most amazingly thin-skinned people ever to exist in history.


sometimes I wonder how such people could've handled REAL bullying back in their school days.... like when that kid that's a bit older than you likes to randomly punch people for laughs, or throw things at people.

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A look back at a great vampire film 30 Days of Night...


I'd have to watch it again; I remember enjoying this but I wouldn't rank them as the "best" vamps though.  The top 2 I've enjoyed from recent years have been True Blood and the world of Vampire Diaries/Originals.


Those 2 franchises show the basics of what I want the most from any vampire lore— that these creatures should be quite difficult to kill or even fight, and that they have cool supernatural abilities (like “compulsion”, super-speed/agility/strength, etc) despite still looking mostly human.


edit---just to shit on the chump vampires once again---I have to point out the ones from The Strain.  I enjoyed certain aspects of that show but DAMN those were some weaklings.  They could be killed by ordinary firearms, or just brute force with weapons....they don't even appear to have super-speed or agility, aside from the blind child vamps from later in the series....and they (at least the common ones) don't have any magical powers either....they're so lame it sticks out like a sore thumb

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ha, it's always a funny thing to me when I see people in an apparent relationship, yet 1 of them would set off anyone's gaydar big time... a certain successful youtuber [Rosanna Pansino if you're curious; live right now] I was watching live just a moment ago fits this situation....she's doing one of those "boyfriend buys my outfits for a day!" type of things right now... and I can't help but laugh like "C'MON, BRUH"...this dude isn't fooling anyone...the guy looks, acts and sounds absolutely flaming, big time 🤣 (ohhhh to be a fly on the wall when the shit finally hits the fan

reminds me of that whole situation with Matt Santoro and Nicole Arbor *supposedly* being abusive to him.... we're supposed to believe that shit?  Yeah, ok.  The whole thing is weird, hilarious and fascinating all at the same time to me.  It's amusing to watch these people pretending sometimes.

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What the fuck Volkswagon?  How do you go and make a whole commercial in which you feature a car....................That will not be sold? 

I kid you not.  The commercial features a concept car that won't be made for the public..............and no other cars.  Meh.  I hope they drop something nice for 2020.  My wallet's just about warmed up and ready.


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I just had some Popeye's chicken for the first time in years.






.............................And now I remember why it has been years since the last time I had it.  🤮  I had to act quickly to appease the Stomach Gods.  When angered they can show their wrath by forcefully ejecting previous offerings.............Usually down the cleavage of the nearest double-D cups chick in the vicinity. 

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