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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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hmmm.  I just watched the part of E3 where FF7 shows up.  looks like the caved on Tifa, but not on Barret.  I'm still gonna wait before buying it.  If that's ALL they changed, then I'll buy.  If they turned into some SJW "Wokeness" then I'm out.  They can pay for their mistakes, but I won't.

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hey yo.  I don't know how many of you know or care, but you might be getting shadowbanned on YouTube.  I just found out today that I am when I clicked the incognito mode.  These fuckers are seriously trying to kill their own business it seems.  I shot them a message asking why, but I don't really expect to see any response.  To that end I would like to remind you all that there is Bitchute and to turn to when their shit falls.  Also, there is DLive.  It's up and coming and might just do the job.  YouTube's gonna fuck itself into a grave next to myspace at this point and I won't even be there to piss on its corpse.

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I enjoy a good laugh at modern-day CW being as subtle as a sledgehammer....but I don't see the big deal about the latest Batwoman trailer...I just checked it and...there's really not much even going on in actually seems like they played it more "safe" with this one compared to the last one.

The more I think of it though and how she looks... the more of a stretch it is to accept that this woman could beat up anyone who is even a slightly strong, competent fighter.  I am not sure if she's also built that way in the comics too (kinda doubt it already) but this actress looks like she weighs what.... 102 lbs?  Maybe 106? 😆  I look forward to watching this show for laughs, actually.  It will be extra hilarious if they have scenes where she actually does the usual Batman thing of effortlessly beating up a whole room full of big, armed thugs


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that one was nothing, and I mean that completely.  It's a,"...........................okay?" If i didn't already know about the other trailer I wouldn't even know that this one WAS a trailer.  They could've made that trailer over 1000% better if she had simply said to that cop,"Sometimes a little encouragement is all it takes." and we would have us a start worthy of a hero.  That's all it would've taken.  I have a feeling this is gonna fall flatter than a Brie Larson Bootyshaking video.  I guess we'll find out this fall.

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15 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm split on this one. The old one  has a weak robot mode, but I don't like the vehicle mode of the newer model.

I'm with D_R on this one. 



...........heh.  D_R and D_R.  Heh heh.


I like the robot mode on Siege, but I'm not digging the car mode at all.  Man, they didn't get NOTHING right on the car mode.  Shape is no good for me, and do I really need to take a scalpel to those wheels?  Robot mode though?  👍 No complaints, all love. 

Finally, it looks like they put on a commercial that I actually like.  Here ya go.



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Well, I suppose that "mtv decoded" youtube channel is dead.  There hasn't been a new vid in a long time...months.  I occasionally check back because it's one of those ULTRA "loony lefty" kinda channels I enjoyed laughing at.  It's quite a loss if they're gone, man.  I kept up with them and "Think Tank", which was a spawn of the Young Turks....I know for sure that one is gone; they even made a final video.  It would be a normal thing for them to make vids about things like "gender fluidity!", "the patriarchy!" and shit like that....ohhhh it was gold.  It helped that Think Tank also had Hannah as the main host, who was quite the cutie...and later that fine ass "hot chocolate drop" Brooke.  Brooke can be seen regularly now on the regular TYT channel.


Well, the search begins once more for a new one... for now I only have TYT, and they're actually kinda tame/sensible compared to the insanity of the aforementioned channels.


on another note---that xbox E3 sale is still going----I got DMC5 today... still haven't started it though

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sheeeeit, and I started up Dragon's Dogma on Switch last night too... what a time to be alive, man... Dragon's Fuckin Dogma... PORTABLE...and that's just 1 legendary thing that came to this system and is thus portable now...   It's crazy.


Sadly I have lost hope of Vampyr coming to Switch at this point.  This was announced last year, and there has been not 1 word of it since the announcement.  Even most Vampyr fans probably forgot about it by now....never a good sign when something is announced, then several months to a year later nothing that thing is never mentioned again.  


ooh, and hopefully in the near future... Bloodlines 2 gets a Switch port as well... heh, so far I have a good track record; whenever I wonder "hmm..that would be cool if Switch got it too..." then BAM it actually happens...

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Starting a new subseries...


X-men's Greatest Moments:


Death of Thunderbird  (Uncanny X-men # 95)




the X-men are trying to stop Count Nefaria in a plane. John Proudstar decides to bash the plane in ,not heeding Xavier's commands. Ironically, Nefaria survives but he doesnt'


According to creators, there was talk that the obnoxious jerkface couldnt be held by two people (Thunderbird and Wolverine) so it was decided to kill off one for shock value.

IIRC He's been dead for most of his existence but was resurrected in Necrosha briefly in 2010. 

Thankfully other Native American characters would be introduced in the X-books like Warpath(John's younger brother), Moonstar, Forge who would become prominent characters.

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man, that was some ol' booshyt ending for the first thunderbird.  I mean, my man Nightcrawler went straight up dead stick on him.  "I know I could teleport up there, but nah."  I guess charles' brain was scared of heights or something since he could've just zapped either thunderbird or the count.


Speaking of which, I can't let the count off the hook either.  Yo.  you snagged a harrier as your getaway car?  Nah bro. Nah.  Can't even hit Mach 1 in that and the X-Men have a damn BLACKBIRD with missiles.  Also, you could've just done a barrel roll.  For real.


In even STRANGER news:





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Holy Mother of GOD!!  Twice!?!?!?!?!?




Man, this some real booshyt right hur.  How the hell you're gonna have a so-called,"Real Job" that is worse than my time in the military?  Sure, we were under contract and considered to be "On duty" 24 hours a day, but yo.  we really didn't have it all that bad.  We weren't really THERE for 12 hours huffing and puffing every second and we were getting paid no matter how little the pay was considered to be.  They were working for NOTHING.  Pretty much slavery because if they had left "they would never work in this town again!!"  Yeah.  Nobody bothered telling them about THIS part of the job.

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X-men's Greatest Hits:


Uncanny X-men #108 


"Where no X-man has gone before....


John Byrne's first issue  as the X-men struggle to repair the M'Krann crystal from within, ending the "regular" Phoenix Saga and D'Ken's tyrannical reign

Corsair is revealed to be Cyclop's father, but only  to Jean/Storm 




Wolverine learns that big wallops come in small packages from Jahf




When learning of the possible end of reality, BP is cool as a cucumber..



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heh, sheeeeeit, checking that friend zone vid again... it is a topic that always catches my attention for several reasons...

One thing I notice is that some people would advise a guy to "ghost" the bitch.  hahah nig please.  A resident of that infamous "zone" pulls something like that....9 times out of 10 she's just going to be relieved....jumping for joy and perhaps high-fiving her friends like "lol, he FINALLY stopped textin' and calling me, girl!  I think he gave up!  This calls for a celebration!"  More men need to understand... this isn't like some sappy romantic comedy or 80s movie bullshit.  In real life there often is NO hope in certain situations....I'd say this particular thing is one of them.  😆  I’d say it’s much more bleak than mostguys would ever admit… women don’t seem to give even 1 OUNCE of a shit about any 1 man, with the possible exception of those who are actual family.  No, she doesn’t fucking care and she never did…not really…it’s just their very nature, like it’s natural for a leopard to have spots. (trust me; I absolutely wish I was wrong about this shit)  I have a bit of an obsession with this topic that is probably not exactly a healthy thing, I'll admit.

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hahaha, marriage 😆


One lesson learned---once it's divorce time (something that's basically inevitable like Thanos, imo)...make sure it's finalized as fast as possible if you're playing lotto:


Interesting... in other news... apparently Grimace was originally a villain: 

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The Uncanny SEX-MEN: Greatest Hits!
No Need for Child Support?


In Soviet Savage Land, pussy fucks you!


Uncanny X-men no.  114  (Classic X-men 21 is the main brunt of the story while Uncanny 114 just has a single panel)


After battles against Mesmero, Magneto, the X-men "T-rex and chill" in the Savage Land. However, when a Savage land woman falls, Piotr is asked to participate in an unusual ceremony to honor the deceased.






I never read the Classic x-men story. The Uncanny issue doesn't mention or show anything at all so its weird that an important event takes place off panel. Anyhoo, when Colossus shows up later in Savage Land , Nereel has a son named Peter , and Colossus is too dumb to know who the father is despite the kid and he sharing the same name)




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y'know, it's some really lazy thinkers out there in the media who came up with the name for some generations... after Gen X, they simply called the next one "Generation Y"....fortunately someone with an actual thought process came along later to start calling the shit "Millenials" least that's something.  ...then the lazy fucks (probably the same chumps) started calling the next one "Generation Z". (why not "Meme Gen" or something like that? Social Media Gen?  or generally--> The Internet Gen?  For those young'ns, the internet has always been a thing ever since they were born.)  Cmon, bruh that's just pitiful.... "generation z" get that lazy shit outta here.  It sounds like the type of chump that writes a horror story about a haunted house and comes up with the title "Haunted House"....


The ones before the Baby Boomers were called the "Silent Generation" apparently 

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47 minutes ago, MillionX said:

y'know, it's some really lazy thinkers out there in the media who came up with the name for some generations... after Gen X, they simply called the next one "Generation Y"....fortunately someone with an actual thought process came along later to start calling the shit "Millenials" least that's something.  ...then the lazy fucks (probably the same chumps) started calling the next one "Generation Z". (why not "Meme Gen" or something like that? Social Media Gen?  or generally--> The Internet Gen?  For those young'ns, the internet has always been a thing ever since they were born.)  Cmon, bruh that's just pitiful.... "generation z" get that lazy shit outta here.  It sounds like the type of chump that writes a horror story about a haunted house and comes up with the title "Haunted House"....


The ones before the Baby Boomers were called the "Silent Generation" apparently 

Gen X I can let slide.  The "X" part at least denotes mystery.  Yeah, "Y" and "Z" is just as well as saying,"I couldn't think of anything else and I ran out of time, sooo......."

On things that had BETTER not happen during MY lifetime......................


So, they want to put the WORST possible choice in the role of the BEST female videogame character?  NO.  ALL NO. 

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ha, it's either Brie or they go the more "woke" casting route with race-bending + points for body issues and cast Gabby Siddebe as Samus.😆...hahah or if she was younger... Queen Latifah would be considered.  Maybe Brie would be ok for that if she somehow gained some actual curves..  Ooh, more "woke!" casting ideas... of course ya have Jaden Smith as Dante for a DMC film.. and Mindy Kaling as Trish.  Zendaya is Virgil....  🤣


I like the name "Gen X" for my generation... it also reminds me of "Degeneration X" from the good ol' days of the WWE "Attitude" era (back when wrestling was actually entertaining, imo)....sheeeeit, I STILL have one of the old DX shirts...I should get another one since it's finally worn out and has a hole/tear in it.


I was also checking out what generation were young people back in the "roarin' 20s"..the era of young women often referred to as "flappers"... one of the names thrown around for those people was "Interbellum" generation.  That particular period of time in American history has always been interesting to me.

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ha, the "reparations" issue is just so silly to me; I'm fascinated that it even keeps getting brought up....but entertained all at the same time



In a hilariously absurd Twilight Zone situation where that actually happens, and this country is dumb enough to actually start paying...what of some "0.2% black" lookin' muthafucka like Megan Markle?  Say a "regular" black person would actually get 30 grand....she would get what... 3 bucks? 🤣

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damn I wish this thing would quit putting in my previous post every time I want to reply to something.  Not sure why that's happening, but everytime I hit the reply to this topic button..................


Anyways, here's some more stuff to laugh at. 


Truly, there is no limits to the evil that is possible online.  🤣

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