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Yo.  Just as a head's up to my crew here:
Something called FiddlerRoot tried to mess up my internet.  Not sure how it got in, but once it did clicking on a window would cause the error I got.  Screen shot below:


Getting rid of it was easy enough since it only managed to get to one computer, I simply went to another one, looked it up, and booted it.


Also:  Here ya go.  A stern warning from the dog about your chosen method of entertaining yourself.





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11 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Yo.  Just as a head's up to my crew here:
Something called FiddlerRoot tried to mess up my internet.  Not sure how it got in, but once it did clicking on a window would cause the error I got.  Screen shot below:


Getting rid of it was easy enough since it only managed to get to one computer, I simply went to another one, looked it up, and booted it.


Yes it means you had adware on your computer.  From what I can tell something called BrowserSafeGuard was installed on your computer and it prevents sites and services that use encrypted connections from working properly.

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Aha.  Thanks for that.  I found and got rid of it by just typing in,"get rid of fiddlerroot" and of course following the instructions I got from a few websites.  It just involved deleting a few certificates and resetting the machine.  It also tried to screw with the actual internet connection settings, but all I had to do was check the other computer again and here I am. 

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there is no food I crave more than pizza... words can't even fully convey just how strong it is... like how vampires are with the blood... so I broke the fasting session in a major way today with an "ultimate" pepperoni.  Throughout the day it was just constantly on my the point where I could smell it, as if there was pizza a few inches away from my face.  If I had no self control or regard for having a varied, relatively healthy dietary pattern, I would just eat that for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner AND the late night snack....every day for the rest of time.


and now....that post-pizza pig-out sleep session will soon hit me....


oh yeah---my recent mii creations include "Hugh Janus", "Drty Sanchez" Nut Crust, and srk's own from way back---Ganj the Fire Tigah [he who Beyblades].

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X-men's Greatest Moments


Uncanny X-men 132


The X-men confer with Angel about the HFC then infiltrate it with unexpected results.


Jean uses her enhanced power to hold back Scott optic blasts



Sebastian Shaw owns Storm




The dashing Jason Wyngarde is really...



Unfortunately, Mastermind had been psychically seducing Jean the last few weeks forcing to believe she was an 18th century noblewoman married to him. the fruit of his labor is revealed...




Wolverine was defeated by Leland, or was he?





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Vampire Bloodlines stuff/rambling...


it is indeed quite the tough choice which vamp clan I would enjoy being part of the least of the ones presented as initially playable for Bloodlines 2, I'm already leaning towards Ventrue or Brujah.  Thinking about things in a real-world context---generally speaking the Ventrue sound like one of the more appealing clans to me....because of one key reason---WEALTH.  MONEY.  Being part of the super-powered elite class in the world always includes being "Richie-rich" as part of the deal, man.  Ventrue's so-called "curse" is that they may only feed from a particular type of human (this varies from game to game, usually..sometimes people would rather choose when making the character what their type of prey is---for example--- natural redheaded women; or native american people, or hispanics, perhaps virgins, or whatever category of people one can think the videogame coming up it will apparently be a "resonance" thing, like angry people, or those who are greedy, or lustful, something like that)...that doesn't seem like a big downside to me unless your "type" happens to be something you rarely see.  That's quite a minor inconvenience compared to the powers, influence and money that would be associated with that clan.  The more negative thing I'd say would be the rigorous testing that would go on when a person is "embraced" into that clan. (plenty of tests before the sire deems his/her fledgling to be "acceptable" to be formally presented to the others.) 


On another note entirely, I finally did a bit of reading online about the Allegory of the Cave; that shit is fascinating...the philosophers of ancient times came up with some brilliant shit, man... 


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ah, my honey Miyam B. appeared on this Startalk thing with Neil de Grasse Tyson (+ Paul Rudd and Michael Ian Black)... I haven't watched the whole thing but Miyam being there immediately caught my attention.  I'd still pounce without the slightest hesitation... she's a legendary nerdgirl cutie, imo


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big time friend zone moment right here at the the precise moments of his pain (it's at the 6:59 mark if the timestamp doesn't work properly) :

😆 My interest in watching this sort of thing over and over again is probably something a psychiatrist type would have fun trying to analyze.

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Man, I had my doubts about the DC animated movies, but I decided to drop some bucks and get Gotham By Gaslight.



I'm glad I did.  I love how they did it.  There is NO point at which the movie drags.  If you're a fan of the Bat, this one belongs in your collection.  It's a far better show than the continuous crap falling out of Hollywood these days.  No spoilers, but I will say this:  Get used to being wrong.  A LOT.

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oh yeah I tuned in for "Six" as well...her ass was somethin' else (probably the first whitegirl on tv I remember seeing that had serious BOOTY), but was lusting after Miyam as well.


sheeeeitttt, was playing some Gears 4 Horde mode again earlier today; I'm up to about 1500+ new Horde kills towards the 2500 to get "Gilded JD" skin unlocked.  Mannnn the Scout character class is sooooo overpowered, imo... I absolutely love makes me look way better at the game than I really am 🤣  Some of the random people I played with probably even thought I was cheating. 😆  Yeah, the character is that damn ridiculous....basically, Scout is extremely tough to kill due to the health and regeneration upgrades you get from class-specific skill cards.  I have +100% health at this point, I think...and improved regeneration.  Outside of bosses and headshots, enemies aren't doing serious damage to the Scout until late game.  haha it's like I'm Superman while everyone else's character are regular humans.

Edited by MillionX
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hmm....yeah I'll go ahead and save that gif to the Collection Plate... yes yes....


ha, so they were still making Tremors movies, apparently... Tremors 6 [made in 2018 according to the on-screen guide info] is on SyFy right now.  I never kept up with that franchise; I only saw the first one...and possibly part 2.

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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

hmm....yeah I'll go ahead and save that gif to the Collection Plate... yes yes....


ha, so they were still making Tremors movies, apparently... Tremors 6 [made in 2018 according to the on-screen guide info] is on SyFy right now.  I never kept up with that franchise; I only saw the first one...and possibly part 2.

They should go to California.  Plenty of "Tremors" over there right now.



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Sheeeeeittttt, it's been so many years since I played SFIV; I forgot that Seth's music was that damn good... I must add that to my music collection now, for sure.  Quite a downer that this was the last time I enjoyed a Street Fighter game....and I doubt they will ever get back on track.  The only thing appealing about part 5 imo was the fine ass girls in it...everything else looked like straight up trash I wouldn't spend 1 penny on, imo.


new mii/character ideas springing to mind as always.... BigPapaPuke and Monsieur Manure... BPP is just slightly over the 10-character limit; I could probably abbreviate that further in some way to my satisfaction...but Monsieur Manure is way over the limit, sadly.  It's also a damn shame that you can't make a really accurate Mike Tyson; I've tried various things but the options are so limited it never captures a satisfactory likeness of the dude.  

This is yet another little detail where MS kinda kicks Nintendo's ass again.... the modern XB Live "Avatars" have way more customization in there..too bad there's basically no use for the Live Avatars...I can't even remember the last game where they can be used in some way; probably the last "Dorito's" course game, which was quite a long time ago.

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*Reads the name "Monsieur Manure" *




It's funny that you would say big poppa puke.  In the game DCUO there is some new skin that is supposed to look like stained glass covering the character.  That shit looks like somebody got straight up baptized in a bowl of fruity pebbles.  I doubt anybody will ever wear it beyond the amount of time it takes to see what it looks like.  I don't know if I even bothered activating it past the first character.



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It wants me to take off adblock, so I guess I won't be seeing their article.  Still....................


I guess it was time for them to come for MK.  They've screwed up pretty much anything else, so now they come for MK.  They'll almost certainly screw that up, leaving a hole that a more competent director and crew can come in and years later hopefully deliver a good and solid show that people will be happy to see.  That's my hope for our future.  The movies that have been screwed up today will be resurrected tomorrow.

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you mean like (negative) stereotyping/expectations...?


yeah, other "tribes" have certain negative stereotypes too but it doesn't seem to be so severe.... like when there is a mass shooting, most people probably have it in mind immediately that the suspect is probably a white guy anywhere from teens (naturally if the setting was a high school) to 40-something (usually a disgruntled former employee, or "the estranged husband"...or the "crazy anti-government militia" type)....and if he doesn't commit suicide at the scene he more than likely WILL be taken alive with no problem, no matter how extreme the shit is he just did.🤣  They could literally make an attempt on a sitting President's life and probably just get tackled and arrested, rather than shot on sight.


Stereotypes are just amusing to me... the various "tribes" of the human race (not all individuals but seemingly *most* people) fall into their respective stereotypes and behavioral patterns so often you can usually bet money on it, and it becomes funny at a certain point.

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23 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@MillionX Why is it we get blamed for every knuckle head out there but no one else does? 😔

It is because you do not know the ways of the shadows. 


I don't know if you've all heard it already, but check this shit out................



Kinda feel bad for homie.  I'm not much taller than him, but I've never flipped out like that over my height.  Well, I've never flipped out like that over anything.  I'm kinda anxious to hear what you all think about it.

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heh, I'd understand the frustration; I'm not as short as that dude but I'm still in the "short guy" category.....a category that MOST women (American at least; I'm not sure of women in other cultures) automatically don't even give a 2nd look.  There's nothing you can even do about it other than that product called "lifts" in your shoes, I guess?  As with anything else the solution would be to just work out and get as athletic/ripped as possible to compensate for that flaw that Bitch/Mother Nature curses some guys with.  I knew a guy in college that was probably about that 5 or 5'1....but girls absolutely loved him because his physique was insane...the guy looked like a comic-book a mini-version of He-man or something.  He always had at least several girls trying to get his attention....he later pledged a frat so of course his share of groupies really skyrocketed that always helps too if you could get in good with a frat and become one of them.  There's an endless line of girls for the frat guys, all the time....some people may like to look down on frats and pledging for some odd reason but that's the way it is from what I've seen.  It doesn't even seem to matter which one, really---pledge something and suddenly there's groupies available to you all day every day, as if you're an actual celebrity that has arrived on campus.


(*well it does have to be one of the main "social" ones of course---a "Chemistry Major Frat" obviously would not yield the same results, I imagine 😆 the world of "Black" colleges/universities---this is basically: Alphas, Omegas, Sigmas, Kappas...and arguably even the Iotas.  If I could go back in time I absolutely would pledge one of them.

Anyway, this video kinda showcases that there is no respect for short men; it seems like he's felt it all through life and something that day was a tipping point... as  short man, you have no choice but to compensate in various ways, because the world in general (especially women) always, always thinks you are a joke, so it will always be an uphill battle for even the slightest ounce of respect in any given situation.

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X-men's Greatest Hits:


Uncanny X-men 136


Beast cooks up a scrambler to give the x-men a fighting chance, but it is for naught.
Cyke appeals to her heart while Xavier battles her psychically to seemingly defeat Phoenix. But suddenly everyone vanishes!



Only Wolverine has the cojones to kill Jean but can he put thought to action?



 Scott appeals to Jean's heart



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