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this 2:30 time-slot for My Hero is so ridiculous...that's so long from now I could actually get a full game of Horde mode on Gears before it's on...assuming hell freezes over and people don't quit early like they always do in that 🤣


on another note, unfortunately the analog stick on one of my Switch joycons is finally drifting on a regular basis at this point....that really, really ruins the damn mood when you're trying to enjoy a game.  I have a pro controller though so I may just depend on that exclusively for a while.  Heh, like the old fix for NES games way back in the day, sometimes blowing air into it actually works for a while.

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Thanks to Mother Nature doing what she does, I spent half of today all kinds of not having power.  Fuck you Mother Nature. I went outside during the storm and looked up your skirt. 


She needs to shave those legs, but dat ass tho.  👍


Obviously the power is back on and what do I see?  Why, it's the latest episode of ERB!!


man, this one was one of the best.  How you gonna drop beats, have me laughing, and catching the feels all at once?  Great job is an understatement.

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sheeeitttttt, browsing through Twitch just now, I noticed that a lot of people still play and stream that game "pubg"... it was a bit shocking but then I realized this sort of thing shouldn't be a surprise.  Ever since the beginning of human civilization there has always been people that just have exceptionally bad or at least "questionable" least in my opinion. there's bound to be quite a few people out there today that genuinely think the Nissan Leaf is a cool-looking car, or that the "Jheri Curl" was an awesome hairstyle....there's people that would think the Schumacher "Batman & Robin" was the greatest Batman movie, or that GT was the best Dragonball series, etc....and they're not even "trolling"; that's their real opinion.


There's 2 friends that come to mind now that kept trying to sell me on this game "Dead Block" for a while back in the 360 days...that was one of the most unappealing Live Arcade games I've ever seen, man.  Sometimes I would be laughing when either one of them would bring that up....holy shit that game looked terrible 😆

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4 hours ago, MillionX said:

sheeeitttttt, browsing through Twitch just now, I noticed that a lot of people still play and stream that game "pubg"... it was a bit shocking but then I realized this sort of thing shouldn't be a surprise. 

Pubg is still the most popular game BY FAR in many countries.


Fortnite and other replacements are really only an American thing.

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On 7/14/2019 at 9:18 PM, Deadly_Raver said:

@*.:White ShadoW:.*  Finally got around to watching that vid.  Yeah short people get a ton of shit, but I didn't think it was THAT bad.  It does go with what I've said when I hear women saying,"Where have all the good men gone?"  They're there, you just can't see 'em. 

The bias is real. Taller men earn more, are perceived to be more intelligent and have easier access to positions of power regardless of their competency. Oh and women prefer tall men without even filtering their disgust when approached by an unsuccessful  short man.


19 out of 44 of the US Presidents were 6ft or taller and even those who shorter were still slightly under 6 feet  and much taller than the average man for their time. Back in the day if you were 5'8" or over you were considered tall, which really puts things in perspective when we visualize how the world looked back then.


For example when 6'2" George Washington was President the average height for a man in the 1700s  was 5'5". So imagine how imposing he looked during that era. 


To put things in even more historical perspective the average height for a man in ancient Greece was 5'3". So basically all those epic battles we fantasized about with Spartans vs Persians etc. were fought by what would be today's middle schoolers. Imagine if we gave The Rock or Shaq a time machine?!🤣


Edited by *.:White ShadoW:.*
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sheeeittttt, I can't even move on to other games because I'm so stuck on Dead Cells... I was enjoying God Eater 3 so far.....but I went right back to Dead Cells...played tons of it again the past 2 days; whenever I got some downtime... part of it is due to how close I got to finally beating 2-cell Very Hard difficulty recently...

My absolute favorite gear in the game so far; things that are "top tier" at least for me...
Explosive crossbow--it's like having a rocket launcher...9 times out of 10 in gaming history...rocket launchers tend to be the top tier shit. (oddly enough NOT in the Borderlands games; for some reason I remember the launchers being kinda shitty in those games)


Wave of Denial <--this shit right here....BRUH.  At first I thought it wasn't worth much but I realized how great it is in terms of practicality... mainly in how it knocks any bombs back away from you, also changing the properties so it's as if you launched the bombs---and thus they won't damage you.  On top of that there's the fact that enemies take huge fall damage, so it's a cheap 1-hit kill on things that are close to a ledge that's high up off the ground.  It also serves a ranged "Tactics" build the wave usually puts enemies at the proper distance so you can get that bonus damage from that Marksman's Bow.  There's really nothing bad to say about also hits all around you, perfect for killing fast-flying small enemies...and it has a very short cool-down...and I think it even stuns some enemies in addition to pushing them back...and this isn't even getting into the various affixes it can have just like any other item, like causing poison, or burning,'s too damn good, man.


Heavy Turret --I think they toned this down in recent updates but it's STILL godlike.  The damage is significant, and it stuns....AND you get a 15% damage bonus for being close to it.  I pick this up whenever I see it.

as you could see my obsession is pretty insane for this game; I could go on and on forever about this shit so I'll end the rambling here.


edit---I was looking through an old issue of EGM again....yeah I still have most of them...there was actually a game on Gameboy called "Stop That Roach"...interesting; somehow I missed that ad at the time...I most likely would've wanted that game.  This is the September 1994 issue which has a scene from Primal Rage on the cover.

Edited by MillionX
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X-men's Greatest Moment:


Uncanny X-men 137 - The Fate of the Phoenix!





Xavier 's knowledge of Shiar law gives the X-men a fighting chance





The night before the duel, Beast ruminates on the absence of law in Shiar culture




In Soviet Space, Canadian throws Russian!





While the heartbreak is mostlyJean/Scott's to bear, Xavier and Lilandra are not immune.




Goodbye ...




Uatu the Watcher sums it up best.



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What?  Somebody spitting the truth in the form of Rap?  Is this still current year?


EDIT:  The reason I'm even linking this is because I heard from another YouTube video that this guy's own record label refused to put out his latest album because,"Some people in our office are offended."  I would've fired those fuckers so quick they would've thought Trump gave kim Jong Un the red button.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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7 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

What?  Somebody spitting the truth in the form of Rap?  Is this still current year?

Idk man.  It's 2019 and there are some things people probably shouldn't say.  Sometimes people go overboard, but sometimes it's justified too.


I get what this guy is trying to do but it also comes across as pretty whiny to me.


What is considered acceptable by society changes over time - it's just how things are. 🤷‍♂️

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Batman Beyond arrives on Bluray on October 29 with a limited edition packaging and funko pops for $100.

11 of the 52 episodes have severe damage and are up-rezzed so the video quality wont be as good for those episodes. 

No mention of a regular set, but Im guessing it will come out in 2-3 months afterward

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2 hours ago, misterBee said:

Idk man.  It's 2019 and there are some things people probably shouldn't say.  Sometimes people go overboard, but sometimes it's justified too.


I get what this guy is trying to do but it also comes across as pretty whiny to me.


What is considered acceptable by society changes over time - it's just how things are. 🤷‍♂️

well, I would argue that there are somethings that people probably SHOULDN'T say. 

...............But sometimes, You just gotta call a bitch a bitch. 


Since this will be the third time I've said "Bitch" in the same post, I'll summon up some video-based media to help kill our souls with. 



I know I've already taken the scalpel to the trailer, but Kneon cuts it up again over this latest foolishness.  "It'll scare trolls and misogynists".  Um, will it ENTERTAIN us though?  Right now the only "fear" I have is that I'm afraid I'll have to pass on seeing this.  The franchise was couldn't do it anymore after T2.   I liked T3 enough as it really should've been the end, but there IS no "Terminator: Salvation"  and there IS no "Terminator: Genisys" in my household.  Those movies did NOT happen.  GET IT?

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^haha, one of the comments I recall hearing was the director saying that girl was "very feminine"....c'mon bruh get outta here with that....I guarantee that 99% of people seeing those first images were momentarily confused about what gender that person was at first...besides, it looks like they were purposely going for an androgynous look for her character anyway.


Today is the day, folks--- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3!


On another note---whenever the topic of vampirism has come up, people like to mention the aversion to sunlight as the downside, but I never thought of that as a big deal....the worst downside imo is the aversion to regular food.  This randomly came to mind the other day when I was enjoying a pizza.  My craving for that particular food is off the damn me it would be a profoundly sad thing to give that up for any reason. (*going by "World of Darkness" universe's rules though...some "thinblood" vamps can still eat and enjoy regular food...but fuck that nonsense; thinbloods are lame 🤣  In the upcoming Bloodlines 2, your character is one of those, but fortunately you will upgrade to being a true vampire at some point soon in the story.)

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Moon Landing: The Lost Tapes on History channel is some interesting shit, man.... I didn't even think of it until now and yeah it makes sense---the astronauts were quarantined for a while once they got back, because at the time we didn't know for absolute sure if they may have come back infected with an alien virus from being there on the moon.  

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I still love how people are trying to say the Moon landing is false.  Like we just launch the world's biggest fireworks for fun and profit.  It goes up, up, and...................???  No.  It goes into low orbit after it escapes the pull of Earth's Gravity.  Depending on what the mission is after that they do whatever is needed up there.  Of course, there are people still trying to argue that Earth is flat.  Yeah, we're the ONLY flat planet out of all of them, on top of anything else considered a celestial sized object.  GTFOH. 


Speaking of moons, I've made a rare contribution to the Hot girls thread.  It isn't easy to find picture of my favorite point of view, but every so often there's a cutie assuming the position, in this case the "Whale Tail" view.  Enjoy.



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I just saw Lion King 2019.




The special fx for the characters and settings looks photorealistic. Excellent work.


The voice work for most of the  characters with my favs being JEJ as Mufasa, Seth Rogen as Pumbaa, Eichner as Timon, John Oliver as Zazu, Alfre Woodard(Mariah) as Sarabi




Whereas Aladdin was 85-90 percent accurate to the original, this is 99%. Very little is new. The biggest addition is 1-2 scenes with Scar and Sarabi. They took out some scenes between Simba and Rafiki which lessens the emotional impact. 1-2 funny gags in the climax were changed.


Though the CG is great, the emotions during certain pivotal moments are not there. This is where hand drawn animation trumps CG imo.


Beyonce as Nala just sounds like Beyonce and is a bit flat.
Chiwetel Ejiofor as Scar is trying his darndest but cant match the sinister malevolence of Jeremy Irons. (He is much better than the Marwan Kenzari as live action Jafar though.)


Overall: It feels like they tried to take the original and overlay CG over it like SF2 HD remix took comic art and pasted it over CPS2 sprites. It feels hollow. 


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I had to look it up again just now... one of my favorite anime clips of all time at this point, godDAMN that shit was awesome in every possible way, man...the visuals/animation and the music....sheeeiiiiiittttttt

when I first saw this shit I had to just sit back and reflect on the awesomeness I had just witnessed... goddamn, man...😮

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haha, well this is pretty interesting... (note that this settlement was without his approval)

the same woman that admitted last year she lied in her memoirs about simply turning Cosby down back in the day (claiming the passage in the book was a lie, but the rape she accused him of more recently was what really happened), btw....but surely she's perfectly credible, right?


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X-men's Greatest Moments:


Uncanny X-men 141- Days of Future Past  Part 1...




The future X-men of 2013 send Kitty's adult mind into her younger body to change the past. (One of the best covers in X-men history)



This issue has the first appearance of Pyro, Avalanche, and Destiny and along with Mystique(a Carol Danvers villain) and the old X-villain Blob make up the second incarnation of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.



In the future, the team is led by a wheelchair bound Magneto! Also, Rachel Summers (or Grey) is introduced here. Franklin Richards (child of Reed and Sue) is also part of the team



The Sentinels killed and enslaved mutants and many non -mutant superheroes who tried to fight back.



Edited by DangerousJ
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X-men's Greatest Moments:


Uncanny x-men 142: Days of Future Past part 2




First meeting of Nightcrawler and Mystique.. (Their mother/son relationship would not be definitively revealed until X-men Unlimited no.4 in 1994 (14 years after this story)




After Logan, Storm gets the shaft..  literally


Kate saves the day!



Or does she.. DUN DUN DUUN!

aka Never trust a ginger..




Edited by DangerousJ
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oh, so now we know the dad in the situation of this broad that was on social media calling her own son ugly (it does look like something is actually wrong with the kid, btw...his left eye is bugged out like Uncle Ruckus for some reason!)

bizarre thing is that....if she's really pinning that on his daddy...why did she fuck that dude then? ....AND allow herself to get pregnant AND proceed to have the child?  There's such a long list of things women do that is so profoundly stupid it be becomes fascinating.

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7 hours ago, MillionX said:

oh, so now we know the dad in the situation of this broad that was on social media calling her own son ugly (it does look like something is actually wrong with the kid, btw...his left eye is bugged out like Uncle Ruckus for some reason!)

bizarre thing is that....if she's really pinning that on his daddy...why did she fuck that dude then? ....AND allow herself to get pregnant AND proceed to have the child?  There's such a long list of things women do that is so profoundly stupid it be becomes fascinating.


..........................Stand back.  I've got to get the scalpel out.  But, before that...............Let me hit the button.


First of all bitch, FUCK YOU!!!  Fuck your stupid ass for being born, fuck you for disgracing the eyeballs of the free world with this video, FUCK your damn internet provider for not making up an excuse to disable your connection, and FUCK ALL THE RACISTS in the world.  America is supposed to be full to bursting with racists of all kinds, and not ONE of these fuckers could get over there and at least slap the shit outta her!? 


Just have to drop one before we get started.   NOW we can get it on. 


Now how is this bitch gonna talk about her kid like that on a video?  Is she that damn retarded?  Really?  Did she even have any kind of reasoning for having a baby?  This dumb fucking......................


You were worried about having an ugly baby?  BITCH, LOOK AT THE FUCKING DUDE YOU SLEPT WITH!!  He look like a black David Spade and your ass has on makeup and weave trying to say what is or isn't ugly.   If this is what's in YOUR heart then that baby has an ugly future in front of him.


Also, WHAT THE FUCK are you hammering on the kid's back for?  sounds like a drum with a heavy towel on it!! There is NO reason to be beating a kid like that!  Da fuck outta here!


And the bitch gonna seriously gonna call up the father.  I guess I should be happy for her that she even knows who he is, but I'm just out of patience with her.  "Why my baby ugly?"  She even SAID that she knew there was a possibility that the baby would look like,"his daddy".  If you roll in the hay with a donkey, you might end up with a jackass!!  You didn't go for the black stallion, you went for Mr. Ed.  You didn't go for Superman, you got with Bizarro!  Your results are bad because your choices are bad!


Now everybody keep in mind that SHE has a baby.  Yeah.  THAT person right there in the video.  That's somebody's mother right there.  THAT is what that kid will have as his first contact with life.  A mother who has shown, on video, contempt and hatred for him.   And sooner or later we'll be funding the abuse she will lay onto him through our tax dollars.  And there is a 70% chance he'll grow up to be the next ugly mother fucker who's laid up with a bitch just like his mom so that we'll have the sequel to this video, probably in less than 17 years.  Fuck ALL this shit.  Cut off welfare and food stamps.  She Packed that baggage, let HER carry it.

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