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MK movie casting news.


Jessica McNamee as Sonya

Josh Lawson as Kano

Lewis Tan as ??????


I'm unfamiliar with the first two  , but Lewis Tan played the drunken warrior in Iron fist S1.(One of the few good things about Iron Fist lol) He also had a very brief cameo as Shatterstar in Deadpool 2.

If he ends up being Kung Lao or one of the ninjas, that wold be cool.

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yeah, I watch them regularly, but there's some people on that channel that I suspect are the classic "contrarian" personality types... always striving to have that oddball opinion that sets them apart from "the masses".


The Quiznos meatball sandwich is SO damn serious, man... woo lawd yes. ....on that "rosemary parmesan bread", of course....can't settle for less.


EDIT---that Hannah Rose tweet/pic--- wouldn't surprise me at all if situations like that happen OFTEN....because most American women are inherently sadistic like that.  It's just their nature....kinda like it's in the nature of large animals to rip their prey to pieces; of course they don't have this thing called "empathy" and all that jazz...the smaller animal is just "food" in their mind.  I got to the point of seeing most women to be the same way, but arguably worse....there is an element of schadenfreude at play is at the very core of their being.  I'd absolutely love it if I were wrong about all that.

Edited by MillionX
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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

You have to love the internet sometimes.



LMFAO!!!  It didn't take long for them to clown that shit did it?  I have a bad feeling that this movie will bomb. Not just any bomb, but the kind of destruction that kills an entire franchise beyond the ability for it to recover.  I hope I'm wrong, but the past does not give me hope for the future.


@DangerousJ  damn.  That one again.  I have had so many chicks try that on me.  Learning what I have over the past few years has been very.......................valuable to say the least.  Unfortunately for women like her, a lot of men are learning this and far more.  The friendzone is a lot like tying a dog's leash to a stick on the ground.  In both cases, the only thing keeping either of them there is in their own mind.  Once the deception is broken, they leave.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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16 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

That he's got no taste. Taylor Swift isn't on Christina Aguilera's level. Putting her in a sentence with Prince is disrespectful.  In other news, apparently Evil Rey is a thing.



Disney Star Wars:  "Let the past die.  Kill it if you have to."
Also Disney Star Wars: "Our movies suck so we're going to copy the past movies."


If this shit fails, I'm gonna be spamming the gif on these poor bastards.  Christmas might very well be the end of the resistance.

If you REALLY think that this movie is going to be any good,"I implore you to reconsider."

Also, This shit...........



lol@3,000 dollar paywall.  The rat is digging for cheese in every way but the right way.

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On 8/25/2019 at 4:38 AM, Darc_Requiem said:

It's of a dev kit man. They never look like the final console. I can't believe that dumbass developer confirmed it on Twitter. It is no surprise that he got clapped out of existence for it.

A dev kit never needs to look like anything but a simple box.


Even if this is just the devkit design it's still hideous.  Why would someone put all that work into designing that...thing?!


Honestly the best looking console right now is the Xbox One X.  A clean and simple design beats weird 'gamer' aesthetics any day.

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2 hours ago, misterBee said:

A dev kit never needs to look like anything but a simple box.


Even if this is just the devkit design it's still hideous.  Why would someone put all that work into designing that...thing?!


Honestly the best looking console right now is the Xbox One X.  A clean and simple design beats weird 'gamer' aesthetics any day.

Truth.  I say just make a simple, effective casing for your product and that goes triple for something like a console or PC case.  If people want wild style, let them mod it.


for once, the video I'm posting has nothing to do with what I said above.  Still, Here it is. 



So.............................yeah.  He was too nice.  🤡  Thanks, but no thanks.  This is a game I'd rather not play.

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2 hours ago, misterBee said:

A dev kit never needs to look like anything but a simple box.


Even if this is just the devkit design it's still hideous.  Why would someone put all that work into designing that...thing?!


Honestly the best looking console right now is the Xbox One X.  A clean and simple design beats weird 'gamer' aesthetics any day.

Honestly it looks that for functionality. Given the rumored clock speeds of the GPU (1.8 - 2.0 GHZ), it is going to need to dissipate a lot of heat. Dev kits are stackable, that hideous design would keep it cool in stacking situations.

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ha, I never heard of this guy Coach Adams.... well he just gained a new subscriber then.^ 


I had another cool dream about being a vampire last night... and it marks the 2nd time I dreamed of being a character in the world of "The Originals"....yeah I was another one of the Mikaelson family.... ohhhh yes it was awesome.  In the earlier dream I was just a friend of the family but this time I was one of it was great since I got to play around with those powers....being so fast that from my perspective; normal humans appeared to be caught up in a strange slow-motion effect....I could move and react hundreds of times faster than them...super-jumps (*CW vamps don't fly; way back in TVD season 1 it seems like they teased this in 1 particular moment of an episode but it never happened again), and I had the super-human strength, of course.  I did not get to mess around with the "compulsion" ability though....I should've done that.

Edited by MillionX
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6 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Honestly it looks that for functionality. Given the rumored clock speeds of the GPU (1.8 - 2.0 GHZ), it is going to need to dissipate a lot of heat. Dev kits are stackable, that hideous design would keep it cool in stacking situations.

Stackable?  I am intrigued.  Perhaps I should learn more of this tetris-like ability.


Also:  I have a small favor to ask of you all.  If you have a firefox browser, please try out this video and see if you can see the comments section.  My Firefox is doing some more weirdness again.


EDIT: I don't know what it is, but it's on my end.  Something I set or unset in my computer.  It works fine at my friend's house, but I can't see or access the comments section through Firefox on this one.  One more mystery to try and figure out. 

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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6 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Honestly it looks that for functionality. Given the rumored clock speeds of the GPU (1.8 - 2.0 GHZ), it is going to need to dissipate a lot of heat. Dev kits are stackable, that hideous design would keep it cool in stacking situations.

Doesn't matter if it needs to stack.  You can just have it vent out the back and sides, like server racks and PS4/XBO do.  That weird V shape hardly seems necessary.  Powerful, stackable devices are a solved problem already.


1 hour ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Also:  I have a small favor to ask of you all.  If you have a firefox browser, please try out this video and see if you can see the comments section.  My Firefox is doing some more weirdness again.

That site is using Disqus for comments, which is pretty common.  Disqus is sometimes blocked by adblockers/privacy plugins etc.  Disable your add-ons and see which one is responsible.

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On 8/27/2019 at 12:04 PM, misterBee said:


That site is using Disqus for comments, which is pretty common.  Disqus is sometimes blocked by adblockers/privacy plugins etc.  Disable your add-ons and see which one is responsible.

Thank you for your advice good sir.  I managed to hit the guilty party in one shot.  For anyone wondering, it was duck duck go's privacy essentials.

EDIT:  It looks like this also solved another problem I was having.  It seems that ABP's extension was blocking access to Infowar's comment page.  I'm sure there's something funny and possibly ironic in that.  Alex is just gonna have to get love from Internet Explorer.  I'm not turning off abp.  Damn the ads.

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 Oh yeah.  It's finally coming back to bite them.


EIDT:  It's not making the thumbnail show up now for reasons that I'll have to figure out at a later date.  In this case, it's a video from Tim Pool straight up taking the SCALPEL to the New York Times and cutting up all their bs.  Very good vid IMO.


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More MK casting news.


Chin Han will be Shang Tsung and Hiroyuki Sanada will be Scorpion.


Chin is the accountant who organized all the gangsters money in The Dark Knight. Batman went to Hong Kong to get him.


Sanada played Shingen Yashida (Marikos dad) in The Wolverine (2013) He was recently in Avengers Endgame as the Japanese gangster that Hawkeye/Ronin killed.


Interesting choices imo.

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@Darc_Requiem  man, that whole SJW vid is the TRUTH.  Straight wall-to-wall truth bombs. 

Oh yeah.  In this episode of,"When hypocrites get exposed"...............................


EDIT: GRRRRRRRRRRRR....................  Now it doesn't do the thumbnails when I link from YouTube.  Fuck. 


It's Tim Pool again, this time with a video on Ilhan Omar.  Apparently, she's been caught having an affair with................A WHITE MAN!?!?!?!?!??!  🙀  I wonder of that was Haram dick, or halal dick?  I'm fairly sure when they told her to screw over the white man, they didn't mean literally to screw OVER the white man............and certainly not cowgirl style.



.................And the White man is/was Married.   And also, she may have been paying him for,"extra work" if you get my drift.  Wow. I wonder how all of this squares with her being such a devout Muslim? 



..................And also, Alabama Repubs are filing a motion to kick her ass out of office.  It seems that they think she may be...................................corrupt. 

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X-men's greatest moments:


Uncanny X-men 183:




Summary: Colossus breaks up with Kitty and accidentally spill his beer on Juggernaut, leading to a slugfest.  Colossus is a jerk!

The X-men returned from the Secret Wars where Colossus befriended and fell in love with a healer named Zsaji. She died saving him and upon returning to NY, calls it quits with Katya






After some anguish and soul searching fr both, Kitty decides to visit her her dad and take a leave of absence. Piotr is dragged out to a bar by Logan along with Kurt for a "discussion"
Logan gets to business and states that Colossus called it off because  he was scared of things getting serious between him and Kitty.

Coincidentally, one of the X-mens oldest foes is there to chillax and look for hoes




**I love the 80's**

Colossus is barely legal to drink. I looked it up and the legal age in NY was 19 between 1982-1985. This comic came out in 1984.

Colossus gets drizunk and OOPS...





After Juggs owns Piotr, he shows he isnt all bad and leaves some money for the bar.
Wolvy and NC decline to continue the fight wisely.



After Colossus come to , Papa Wolverine drives home the moral of the story.




It seems that Colossus did inadvertently save Jugg's life as we learn that his potential hookup was...



She would have drained his balls and then everything else..


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4 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

man, the fuckery I just witnessed..................


I'm not going to post it here, but if you want to see what kind of women we have to pick from, go to youtube and type in,"black girl twerking while eating popeyes"  and "doing too much for popeyes" and cringe till your bones pop.

Remember how The Chris Rock show had the board charting the progress of black people. He wpuld move it forward after discussing a positive achievement, but slide it back for coonery? This shit would cause slide us alllllll the way back to the beginning. As Dudley would say "You have no dignity."  WTF is wrong with her. Can you imagine her talking her kids? "Mommy why do my friends call you a Popeyes Thot?" Dafuq man....

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Remember how The Chris Rock show had the board charting the progress of black people. He move it forward after discussing a positive achievement, but slide it back for coonery? This shit would cause slide us alllllll the way back to the beginning. As Dudley would say "You have no dignity."  WTF is wrong with her. Can you imagine her talking her kids? "Mommy why do my friends call you a Popeyes Thot?" Dafuq man....

Man, Dudley has just the right phrase for her.  "Gutter Trash."  It's like he knew.  He knew this day would come.  Yeah, that bitch would be a meter breaker on the chris rock show.  She would super our progress back to the stone age.

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HAHAH Dark is streaming SFV now; Tev is re-streaming him of course.... the rage is GOLD, man 


hahah he has NOTHING for these Ken players...this is quality material, folks 🤣

as always he's blaming everything---it's the game's fault, obviously...wooooo this salt is tasty [insert various laughing gifs here]

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After 2.5 months, I got my new TV.


4k 43 inch from tcl.

Most of my TV's were 19 inch ad a kid ,then 27 inch since 2003 so this is a big size for me.


It has internet apps built in to the TV which is nice. I only have a plain PS4 and 1080p Blu-ray player so 4k will probably only happen whenever I get a new console that can display that.


It was only $250 which is the same price I payed for my old 27 inch. Woot!

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I think Netflix outputs in 4k if you have that....not 100% sure though, but recent shows and movies on netflix on my 4k tv looks absolutely incredible compared to my previous tvs.


heh, that brings back memories---that first tv----mine was way back on the tail end of the Atari era going into NES/Master System era.  I had a little Emerson 13-inch tv.  The longevity of that was amazing... it took a beating over the years since I was one of those typical "angry gamer" kids that would have insane gamer-rage moments.  I played games on that from the Atari 2600 to NES, Genesis, SNES, Playstation, Dreamcast and Gamecube.... this tv was actually still working even then around 2002 - '03 after all that time... Mom finally got rid of it when we got better TVs at that point.  It was ONLY being used as my "gamer tv" all those years anyway.


..after that I had a Toshiba with a built-in VCR actually...kept that around for years... finally got a flat-screen after that which was a 26-inch Vizio...dirt cheap from Walmart back in... 2007 I think...early into the xbox 360 days at that point.  

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yep.  Got a 40 inch vizio back in around 2007 or 8.  With all the calamity involving power outages over here, the only problem I've had is that the remote's buttons have worn off.  The remote still works, but I wouldn't be able to tell what's what except I have a remote from another vizio.  A good thing there is that the functions are pretty much the same across the board for them so thankfully the things I need are available on both. 

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I dont know if anyone else lives in Florida here, but the hurricane is scheduled to hit -Tuesday -Weds according to reports.


It seems to be here going for south east Fl , near Port St Lucie and West Palm and then going straight up. It will hit as a Level 4 but hopefully reduce to Level 2 as it passes directly over land.


I went through 2 hurricanes in 1989 and 1995 while I lived in St Thomas in the Caribbean. Then we lost power for 3 months and lost a lot of stuff. 

While I have managed to not get a direct hit since moving to Tampa in 1996, it's always scary.


I got gas, water, batteries, canned food today. Hopefully it wont be too bad here on the west coast of FL.



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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Funimation may just fucked themselves with Toei. This shit just gets crazier. I don't nee a replacement for Game of Thrones this shits crazier fam.

man, GOT has got NOTHING on these freaks.




I used to have a dartboard marked,"Hit this everytime a KickVic person gets exposed as a hypocrite".  within 48 hours I had killed the dartboard and two of the walls behind it.  I'm just saiyan. 


I wonder if this is going to cause Toei to act.  As far as I'm concerned I'm not going to freak if so-and-so isn't voicing the character anymore, but the reason why there's so much heat right now is because of the way they treated vic.  If rules are rules, all of them should get the boot like he did.  If not, you KNOW people are going to react and we've seen how people feel about hypocrites.


In somewhat decent anime news, I discovered one called Kancolle.  Not bad, not great, but it holds my attention.  Will binge.

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I hate not picking up Astral Chain yesterday... I was just watching someone stream the beginning of it live...had to stop of course since I don't want to spoil too much for myself... once stores open up this morning I'm on the hunt for this (heh, since I would rather have the physical cart, as usual)

there's so much to play it's getting increasingly difficult to keep up in the modern era... I'm still hooked on Diablo 3 after all these years... just got my seasonal wizard to paragon 31 piece of the Vyr's set; soon the true godlike power will be acquired...


...and THEN I noticed the latest update for Marvel UA 3 is out!  On top of that, my precious GEARS 5 will be available next Thursday night... THEN Borderlands 3 on Friday of the next week!!!  Fortunately I took some days off that week (yes, the whole vacation was intended for Gears & Borderlands)


sidenote--ol "darksfadil" Phil continues to be so amusingly out of touch... yep he's skipping Astral Chain(!) AND Remnant, apparently... and I'm doubting he will stream Gears 5 or Borderlands 3...I don't think he even likes those.

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ha, I recorded the one clip of Goku saying the "f-word that rhymes with baguette" over and over again; it's GOLD....I saw that over at "that other forum"....knew I had to record it immediately because it probably won't last long in this modern sissified era of not offending people, I bet.


Donovan's usual breakdown of Iyanla Vanzant

ha, it is funny how they want to pretend that certain stereotypes are a "myth" 😆  

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