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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Never heard of it, judging by your reaction that's a good thing. Dare I ask what's wrong with it?

I'm just teasing but Kancolle was the hot shit a few years back and I was just never that into it.  For a while you couldn't escape them no matter where you looked.


Girls named after historical battleships wearing bits of guns on their bodies.  Came from a mobile game and turned into a massive multimedia franchise.



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Well, #MeToo claims another victim.  This time it's a fatality.



There should be a full investigation opened into these claims.  If it is found that she is lying, throw her ass in JAIL.  Not a few days or weeks, but years.   Make them finally deal with sever consequences for this shit, or believe me the backlash will be so tremendous as to make a little jail time seem like a slap on the wrist.


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Mister Metokur is live now on youtube... (looks like this Zoey Q. situationis first up of course; this should be gold----hahaha what a surprise she's deleted her twitter account apparently 😆 oooh this shit-show should be something else 🍿 ) the money these guys make off superchats is insane if they happen to be popular....1 person just sent in a $500.00 superchat, man... holy shit... 500 for that?!  I'm wondering what kind of money that person makes to just casually send that. 

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For real?  Seriously? 

Okay, Let Deadly Fuck this shit up before things get out of hand. 


Step 1:  When they get more in, all the guys go and buy them out. 

Step 2:  Mark yourselves and your friends up with them.

Step 3:  Whatever.  Just make sure you have some snacks on hand to watch the faces of the girls who thought they were going to humiliate and shame some guys with these stamps as they realize they've been foiled.

Step 4:  Mark down the name of any bitch you see with one of those.  Let everyone know who's running around trying to stick shit on people so that they avoid her like the plague. 


This looks too dumb to be a real idea.  Who's really going to deal with this?  Even if the guy in question was in the wrong, do you think he'll stand for some chick walking up and sticking some kind of marking on him?  I hope none of these idiots wind up dead for trying to fuck with people, but getting slapped out of their shoes might help them cut out the shit.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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11 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:


For real?  Seriously? 

Okay, Let Deadly Fuck this shit up before things get out of hand. 


Step 1:  When they get more in, all the guys go and buy them out. 

Step 2:  Mark yourselves and your friends up with them.

Step 3:  Whatever.  Just make sure you have some snacks on hand to watch the faces of the girls who thought they were going to humiliate and shame some guys with these stamps as they realize they've been foiled.

Step 4:  Mark down the name of any bitch you see with one of those.  Let everyone know who's running around trying to stick shit on people so that they avoid her like the plague. 


This looks too dumb to be a real idea.  Who's really going to deal with this?  Even if the guy in question was in the wrong, do you think he'll stand for some chick walking up and sticking some kind of marking on him?  I hope none of these idiots wind up dead for trying to fuck with people, but getting slapped out of their shoes might help them cut out the shit.

You've never lived in east Asia before.


Now this obviously isn't true for everyone, but in eastern (and sometimes southeastern) Asian countries people are generally more concerned with how society sees them. In Singapore when you don't pay your debts moneylenders will hire gangsters to paint graffiti on the door of your home and take out billboards with your ID card letting it be known that you're a scumbag that doesn't pay your debts.  This method wouldn't work in the west but there it totally works.


In this case, the very idea that you could be identified as a sexual harasser is already a big deterrent, and one that will put off some offenders.  Sure it won't stop them all, but more than you think.  Cultures that emphasize peoples' roles in society rather than individualism will have different approaches to things.


There have been Japanese actors who were caught taking drugs and then simply DELETED from existence.  All their albums were no longer on sale, all media with them in it stopped being distributed, and people no longer mentioned them. 


This happened to two different actors who made appearances in Yakuza games -- new versions of the games were made with these people EDITED OUT.  Extra time, money, and effort were spent on already released products simply to remove likenesses of shameful people.  Reputation is a big deal and nobody is fucking around.  You do something bad and nobody is going to even want to mention your name.


TLDR: People in Asia more likely to have shame.  People in the US walking around with their asses out in Walmart. 🙃

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Actually I was assigned to the Yokosuka Naval station for 2 years.  One thing I know about those trains is that they are packed to the rafters during peek hours.  Believe it or not, I've never even accidentally bumped any butts on the train.  I find it weird that nobody seems to be able to simply hook their thumbs to their pockets or the straps on their bookbags, but it was the simplest answer.  If I found a seat, I sit and my hands are in my lap.  Ironically, I did get a skinny booty to the jaw once.  Poor thing looked like she would die of embarrassment. 



Now what you said is where my problems start. 


"In this case, the very idea that you could be identified as a sexual harasser is already a big deterrent, and one that will put off some offenders.  Sure it won't stop them all, but more than you think.  Cultures that emphasize peoples' roles in society rather than individualism will have different approaches to things."


...................and herein lies my complaint.  You could be identified as a sexual harasser.  Somebody could walk up and tag you with one of those and BOOM.  Instant pervert.  No trial, no evidence, just swipe and go.  It could be an actual guilty person, or it could be someone who accidentally bumped into a girl.  It might just be some guy who pissed her off, or maybe someone at random.  Either way, once the bat signal is on them, the mob will take care of the rest.  Now, who would YOU trust with that kind of power?  I personally wouldn't trust anyone with it.  The only other answer is to make sure that EVERYONE has it. 


Mainly, It's just another tactic to try and shame men and I'm a little surprised that Japan is doing it.  They already have a plummeting birth rate as it is so It seems to me that the problem isn't to get guys to STOP touching women, it's to get them to START.

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1 hour ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Actually I was assigned to the Yokosuka Naval station for 2 years.  One thing I know about those trains is that they are packed to the rafters during peek hours.  Believe it or not, I've never even accidentally bumped any butts on the train.  I find it weird that nobody seems to be able to simply hook their thumbs to their pockets or the straps on their bookbags, but it was the simplest answer.  If I found a seat, I sit and my hands are in my lap.  Ironically, I did get a skinny booty to the jaw once.  Poor thing looked like she would die of embarrassment. 



Now what you said is where my problems start. 


"In this case, the very idea that you could be identified as a sexual harasser is already a big deterrent, and one that will put off some offenders.  Sure it won't stop them all, but more than you think.  Cultures that emphasize peoples' roles in society rather than individualism will have different approaches to things."


...................and herein lies my complaint.  You could be identified as a sexual harasser.  Somebody could walk up and tag you with one of those and BOOM.  Instant pervert.  No trial, no evidence, just swipe and go.  It could be an actual guilty person, or it could be someone who accidentally bumped into a girl.  It might just be some guy who pissed her off, or maybe someone at random.  Either way, once the bat signal is on them, the mob will take care of the rest.  Now, who would YOU trust with that kind of power?  I personally wouldn't trust anyone with it.  The only other answer is to make sure that EVERYONE has it. 


Mainly, It's just another tactic to try and shame men and I'm a little surprised that Japan is doing it.  They already have a plummeting birth rate as it is so It seems to me that the problem isn't to get guys to STOP touching women, it's to get them to START.

It goes both ways.


For the same reason why something like a hand stamp is a deterrent, it is at the same time trusted that people will use them properly.


Yes, there are always going to be cases of people framing others.  People aren't perfect.  But in places where societal responsibility is a thing and everyone isn't only looking out for themselves, you can actually for the most part expect people to be responsible.


This isn't about shaming men.  Japan has a huge groping problem and it sure as hell isn't the women who are starting it.  They've got all-female train cars and women are desperately trying to get into those whenever they can.  If they had enough all-female cars for these women to escape to they wouldn't need stamps at all.


Everything has the chance to be abused, but some societies and cultures tend to be a little bit better about things than others.  I've lived in places where trash on the ground and jaywalking don't exist.  You tell someone to wait at a crosswalk or not litter in NYC and you'll get laughed at.  Some places care more about following the rules and doing things for the greater good than others.


American culture has thrived on and adores individualism, but the side effects are that everyone is really only looking out for themselves.  Sure we'll make sacrifices for society as a whole, but nothing like people in other cultures will.  Things that we assume would be instantly abused here might not be abused at all, or significantly less, in other places.

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"It goes both ways.


For the same reason why something like a hand stamp is a deterrent, it is at the same time trusted that people will use them properly."

I ain't saying that it won't be abused, But I would put each and every dollar and dime I could find on it happening before the end of this year and you would all be wise to jump in with me.  In America we have seen the damage that the #MeToo movement has brought.  It was supposed to be used to out the bad guys too, and just in case you haven't seen what's happening there, here's another video.



It may not start out as a way to shame men, but I bet you Dollars to Donuts that it WILL go there quickly.


Also, let's talk about how completely ineffective this thing is.  What, you tag somebody.  Do you think he can't check to see if he's been tagged?  If it were me, I'd wipe it off in an instant.  If this happens to enough guys over enough times, they are going to start knocking chicks out if not worse.  I don't even want to think about the problem of just how this procedure is supposed to go in the first place.  What, do you have to stalk the pervert until he is in the right position and tag him?  Is he supposed to just give you his hand if he gets caught?  What if one of your friends is pranking you?  (Believe me.  Japanese chicks are horrible pranksters and the teens were some of the worst.)   What happens if you get the wrong guy?  This poor guy is sitting here with the mark of shame on him for a crime he didn't commit.  What are they gonna do now?


36 minutes ago, misterBee said:

  Some places care more about following the rules and doing things for in accordance to the greater good than others. where is this pervert panty pulling problem coming from?  I imagine this problem affects primarily women, but either they care about following rules or they don't.  Do the MEN not care about following rules?  I'm just wondering here. 


Kinda going back to the whole #MeToo thing, this is going to end up having a very similar effect.  One thing I'm predicting is that if things escalate, men will start making women wait until a later train to get on.  You'll have them so worried about getting tagged that they will start forcing women off the train, making it a male-only car.  Believe me, I can see this coming with only a few minutes of thinking.  Imagine how much worse it will be when it finally hits. 


In short, Power corrupts.  When the corruption becomes too much, people will either adapt, or die.  We'll wait to see which one it is, but I don't think we'll have to wait long.

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One of my  main points is that you CAN'T just slap what happened in America with #MeToo and broadly apply it to another country/hemisphere that is different both ethnically and culturally.  


Regardless of what you think about #MeToo, you can't just assume that what happens in one place will happen the same in another place that has completely different circumstances.


Even if it is the worst case scenario and a lot of things somehow go wrong, this, like #MeToo, is a step that needs to be taken anyway.  Japan is one of the most male-oriented places around.  You can make a stand against the hypothetical wave of false accusations that will rock the country from rubber stamps, but something still has to be done.  You've got all-women cars, anti-groping signs, a public that knows this type of thing happens...and it still happens.  If stamps is the next thing they gotta try, then maybe they should.


For all the problems that may or may not have occurred because of #MeToo, it still exposed a massive issue with sexual abuse and harassment that would not have been uncovered and addressed otherwise.  A few people have found a way to abuse it, but it still did what it was supposed to, and I think society has become a little better off because of it. Not wanting to try things because of all the things that could wrong is like trying to avoid rocking the boat, but even if the boat is already sinking on its own.


Nothing is ever going to go smoothly, and it's not like Japanese people are super law-abiding angels.  But just sitting around doing nothing is gonna do even less.  I see where you're coming from, but you're aiming at the dark future when the present hasn't even happened yet.  There are videos online of schoolgirls chasing after businessmen who have groped them on the train.  If stamps can kill this kind of thing in the short-term then I think they should still go for it.


If what you say is true and this just makes men want to have a separate car from women...well ok.  We've got separate bathrooms for men and women too.  Not exactly a huge problem.  In fact segregation of train cars would probably solve all these groping problems completely if it was feasible.  Not really a negative at all.


I truly understand your fear of misuse, but it's not like other things haven't been tried already, and just leaving things as they are isn't going to help either. 


Anyway thanks for taking the time to read my stuff and put your own thoughts out there clearly.  👍

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X-men's Greatest Moments:


Uncanny X-men 185



Henry Gyrich  orders the arrest of Rogue after the death of a SHIELD agent. Mystique , in her Raven Darkholme identity, protests but to no avail.

Mystique consults Destiny and she tells Forge that Gyrich intends to use a neutralizer device that is untested on Rogue. Forge races to stop him.






Storm goes looking for Rogue and finds her in Mississippi and tries to talk to her. 
This is the first time that Rogue recounts the story of how she put Cody Robbins into a coma during her first kiss.




As a show of trust, Storm lets rogue absorb her power willingly and Rogue enjoys it. however Gyrich and his agents come to call. Rogue uses her new powers to knock them back but endangers a boat with innocents. Storm comes to and helps Rogue with the boat.

Unfortunately, Gyrich uses this moment to shoot Rogue but Storm pushes her out of the way and....




Forge is pissed.




This new state of affairs wont be resolved quickly. It will last until Fall of the Mutants, some 40 issues later.


 Claremont has slowly been bringing the ideas of humans and the govt increasingly ramping up legislation and various "means" of taking out mutants. This will begin a period of darkening of the book in the 200's with many unlikely alliances of the X-men against humanity. Banshee lost his powers but that was due to an evil villain not the govt, which is an important distinction.

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I'm back to watching another episode of Vampire Diaries again...  one of the hot ones I forgot about was the girl playing Nadia Petrova, Katherine's daughter-- ah, the name is Olga Fonda -- 

Absolutely gorgeous... and according to that she's also on that show Altered Carbon, I see.  It's a shame her character didn't stay in the story that long. looked like Matt was about to give her the Bone on this one I was just watching... ohhhhh Katherine was such a great villain on this; so calculating and cold, self-absorbed, unrepentant, etc.  It was great to see how she returned in the final season.


There was so much good stuff going on here in addition to the impeccable lineup of fine ass broads... this will forever be one of my favorite shows of all time.  Shows with a lot of seasons are great to re-watch after a bit of time.  


Sheeeeitttt, this also reminds me I have to get caught up on Supernatural at some point.  The last time I watched that one regularly was a couple of seasons ago.


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Dear Post Office.  I have a little question that maybe you can answer:





I swear they're going to have me back to alcohol blood pressure levels with this shit.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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Coach had a live/stream about why it doesn't usually pay to be "Mr. Good Guy"... I'd say it applies to life in general, actually....not just the whole men&women thing....

Oh and I'd argue it isn't even a matter of being told to be nice in life... I've always seen it as a very common sense, logical thing----y'know, that whole "golden rule" of treating other people the way you would like to be treated, etc....but no, doesn't really apply that often.  A generally "nice" demeanor typically leads to you being stepped on and disregarded in a LOT of situations in life....because the human species is generally a pile of horseshit.



On another note...I made quite the strange error early this morning... was intent on getting a chicken biscuit from Hardees... but somehow ended up getting a Bojangles biscuit instead.  It was a combination of it being early morning and those 2 places being right next to each other, and the fact that I haven't been to either one in a long time....didn't even realize it until I was already driving off with it and noticed I went to Bojangles by mistake.

Edited by MillionX
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11 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

If they confirm the authenticity of the DM from Kid Goku/Gohan's previous voice actress, Sabat and Funimation are even more fucked.

I have a feeling they will do so. I was looking around for vids of it, but nobody has done it yet.


While we wait for confirmation of that, here's a battle that the Left simply cannot win.




They really think they can beat Chik-Fil-A.  They really think that they can do it.

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Looks at the license plate.



..................."FairLadyZ"?  KOWALSKI!  Analysis! 


I like both of them, but the left is just a little bit more like than the right. 


*EDIT:*  meh.  I never knew that the actual model of the car was indeed called the fairladyZ.  I am unworthy to carry the mantle of Bluestreak.  ☹️

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heh, yeah I love how overpowered the Nimrod character is.  He apparently took care of the Juggernaut too?  Heh, nice.  ...and that was back in the day when Juggy was straight up invincible, if I recall.


...Invincibility was always one of the top-tier power choices; one of my top picks for sure if I had a choice in super-human powers/ be physically impervious to would be too good to pass up.  Imagine how awesome it would be that you could stand next to an atomic bomb explosion...and when all the debris're still standing there laughing it off because all that did was annoyingly burn your clothes. 😆

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@Darc_Requiem  I'm sure they intend to.  There is no way that they would let these assholes off the hook now. 


EDIT:  The main one I want to see get it is Marzgurl.  That bitch is like a female S0vi3t, sitting on the sidelines trying to stir up shit because he's too damn fat to get involved.  I hope she gets a nice big jail cell to herself for a few years.  Maybe then she'll learn.......................probably not.


Since jumping on cruncyroll I've started binge watching one or two shows.  In this case, catching up on all the One Piece that didn't come on TV over here. 

I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again:  The funkiest weirdest damn character designs goes to One Piece.  I can't think of any other show that would come close.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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cheh, those ridiculous character designs are mainly the reason I could never get into One Piece...the character design is just SO off-putting to me; it's atrocious, imo.  That show is Ugly x 10000. 


Quick little update on ol' Darksfadil--- apparently Kat's birthday was recently; he mentioned they went to eat at Sonic...hahahah that's sad, man 😆  I like the Sonic tator tots just as much as anyone else; and they have some good shakes...but they didn't want to go anywhere a bit more special than that?!? Surprisingly, he wasn't as terrible as I was thinking he would be at Gears 5 multiplayer... a lot of it seemed to be lucky kills against newbies though...he kept getting away with shit that would absolutely never work against even moderately experienced players in any Gears game.

The latest I'm watching from Tevin... 



OH it was probably a lie anyway, the whole "eh we ate at Sonic" line because he followed up with "..because we really can't afford anything..." (*says the guy in a large house, in a gated community, which is his 2nd home btw...) < - the not-so-subtle manipulation of his die-hard fans there to keep those donations coming.🤣   


Oh and of course he's not even sure if he's streaming Borderlands 3 or not...something that's one of the biggest, most popular games of the month and arguably this year....and he's not sure he will bother playing/streaming that; c'mon, bruh what are you doing 😆

Edited by MillionX
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