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That was perhaps the DUMBEST decision Starscream ever made.  Look man, this is MEGATRON we're dealing with here.  Put two in his chest, two in his head, and pull his arms off before you throw him out.  Megatron even said,"Wait.........I still function!"  Warnings don't come any bigger than that.  Starscream deserved the "L" he got later for that alone.

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Here's "JLongBone" again with another roast session of the latest Batwoman episode 😄


edit--whoah, I just realized…the cute blondie that Kate hooks up with was on that vampire show I loved a few months ago, “The Passage”! …such a shame that show didn’t make it; the potential was huge, especially with the cliffhanger season 1 left us with 😞 (a HUGE time skip happened; something like 90 years into the future, but the little girl was still a young girl in that distant timeline!)  ...but yeah, I forgot the character's name, but damnnnn that's some fine blondie-white meat.

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I was heavily debating seeing this. I loved T1 and T2, but thought T3 was mediocre.
I have never seen T4:Salvation or T5: Genesis, or the Sarah Connor TV show.
I had a glimmer of hope since Linda Hamilton came back (her net worth is 70 M so shes not doing it for the money) and I liked Tim Miller's Deadpool 1.

I went and spoiled myself willingly and am upset about the big changes in the film. 


Anyhoo, here is Andre /Black Nerd Comedy's review -  6.6666/10



Stuckmann-  C
**NOTE: MAJOR SPOILERS after 4:30!**




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when that..................thing asked who Sarah Conner was, I was DONE.  Fuck her, fuck that, and fuck them.  There was NO WAY in my mind that this would be anything other than a trash fire with bags of shit in the trash.  I never watched the other two (Genesis and salvation) but I was alright with 3.  It didn't HAVE to be made, but I was alright with it.  This new shit?   No. No times no time the square root of no added to the common denominator of no and then multiplied again by the former answer of no.  No.  Not watching it.  Not even if someone brought it to my house.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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1 hour ago, Deadly_Raver said:

when that..................thing ask who Sarah Conner was, I was DONE.  Fuck her, fuck that, and fuck them.  There was NO WAY in my mind that this would be anything other than a trash fire with bags of shit in the trash.  I never watched the other two (Genesis and salvation) but I was alright with 3.  It didn't HAVE to be made, but I was alright with it.  This new shit?   No. No times no time the square root of no added to the common denominator of no and then multiplied again by the former answer of no.  No.  Not watching it.  Not even if someone brought it to my house.

Awww I liked Genisys.


It was basically a reboot where Reese goes back in time to save Sarah Connor but she already knows about the future and is ready for it.  It was cool seeing the big threats from the original movies get their asses kicked in no time at all and Reese being the one getting saved.


Since I'm not a hardcore Terminator fan it was pretty interesting.

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44 minutes ago, misterBee said:

Awww I liked Genisys.


It was basically a reboot where Reese goes back in time to save Sarah Connor but she already knows about the future and is ready for it.  It was cool seeing the big threats from the original movies get their asses kicked in no time at all and Reese being the one getting saved.


Since I'm not a hardcore Terminator fan it was pretty interesting.

I never watched it so no judgement for that one from me.  I may have to go check it out later.  After hearing the spoilers for Dark Fate, I'm just sour with the whole thing right now.  May need to watch 1 and 2 again to wash it out of my head.

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@Darc_Requiem  Yo.  Hope you get it back soon.  Since you're reading this..............


Is it a special built one and if so, where did you get it?  So far I have three companies I'm looking at to hook up a replacement machine.  Digital Storm, Xidax, and xotic pc.  they all look good and they have laptops and desktops.  I want to try and get one that's future proofed.  I really just hate spending money as I'm a cheap bastard.  Still, I'll spend more now if it means saving costs further down the road.  Any suggestions that any of you have will be greatly appreciated.

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2 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

@Darc_Requiem  Yo.  Hope you get it back soon.  Since you're reading this..............


Is it a special built one and if so, where did you get it?  So far I have three companies I'm looking at to hook up a replacement machine.  Digital Storm, Xidax, and xotic pc.  they all look good and they have laptops and desktops.  I want to try and get one that's future proofed.  I really just hate spending money as I'm a cheap bastard.  Still, I'll spend more now if it means saving costs further down the road.  Any suggestions that any of you have will be greatly appreciated.

It's custom. I have desktop CPU, 7700K, instead of a mobile one, a 120hz 17in 1440p G-Sync display, and a GTX 1080. For the life of me, I don't see the point of 4K gaming laptops. There isn't enough GPU power to push high FPS at max settings and running at sub native resolution looks really bad at a close viewing distance.

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23 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It's custom. I have desktop CPU, 7700K, instead of a mobile one, a 120hz 17in 1440p G-Sync display, and a GTX 1080. For the life of me, I don't see the point of 4K gaming laptops. There isn't enough GPU power to push high FPS at max settings and running at sub native resolution looks really bad at a close viewing distance.

cool.  Thanks for that info.


It seems like for the little bit that I want to do I can get away with using a lower power computer, or at least ONE lower power computer.  Mainly, one needs to be for artwork (Really doesn't need much in the way of power or storage) and a music production computer ( Processing power will be a concern there, but not graphics)  I was thinking of combining the two, but I've thought more on it and probably won't do that.  I think I can get away with a laptop for the art, but I want something with more horsepower for the music.  Other than that, Not much going down over here.  Just trying to make a dollar out of dimes like the next man.

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11 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Laptop is in the shop. So phone posting for me until, if/when, it's fixed or the desktop I ordered comes in

1)  We will be playing games on PC soon I assume. n_n

2) Give feedback on mobile version if you see anything that could be improved.


6 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

It seems like for the little bit that I want to do I can get away with using a lower power computer, or at least ONE lower power computer.  Mainly, one needs to be for artwork (Really doesn't need much in the way of power or storage) and a music production computer ( Processing power will be a concern there, but not graphics)  I was thinking of combining the two, but I've thought more on it and probably won't do that.  I think I can get away with a laptop for the art, but I want something with more horsepower for the music.  Other than that, Not much going down over here.  Just trying to make a dollar out of dimes like the next man.

There's really no need for a laptop if you don't NEED to travel, and having more than one desktop makes no sense if you're only going to be working in one room anyway.  I'd suggest you just build a single mid-high end PC (strong CPU, a ton of RAM) and use it for a long time.  Budget PC builds age quickly, but high end builds will last years and years without needing to upgrade. 


If you're not going to game on it, you can save a ton of money by skipping the graphics card/using a cheaper one.  A high-end non-gaming build can be very affordable.

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Good news my laptop should be fixed soon. Bad news, could did it myself. I could get into the bios to confirm it was the primary drive. Could swapped the harddrive myself and reimaged Windows. The data recovery is nice but not worth the additional expense.

Let me know if you have any problems in the future.  Maybe I can help and we can save you some money. 😃

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1 hour ago, misterBee said:

Let me know if you have any problems in the future.  Maybe I can help and we can save you some money. 😃

Maybe its because its custom but I tried every button combo I knew to get into the bios. Couldn't change the boot order to confirm its was the drive. I didn't want to drop money on new HDD if it was something else. That is the biggest issue with PCs issues. A lot things a trial an error and you usually don't have parts lying around. I remember buying new power brick for laptop a few years afo and it ended up being the battery 😑

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16 hours ago, misterBee said:

1)  We will be playing games on PC soon I assume. n_n

2) Give feedback on mobile version if you see anything that could be improved.


There's really no need for a laptop if you don't NEED to travel, and having more than one desktop makes no sense if you're only going to be working in one room anyway.  I'd suggest you just build a single mid-high end PC (strong CPU, a ton of RAM) and use it for a long time.  Budget PC builds age quickly, but high end builds will last years and years without needing to upgrade. 


If you're not going to game on it, you can save a ton of money by skipping the graphics card/using a cheaper one.  A high-end non-gaming build can be very affordable.



yeah, pretty much.  The major reason I have a laptop is because I used to travel about quite a bit.  Now I haven't unplugged it from the wall in well over a year and I don't foresee any needs for a travel laptop in the immediate future.  One of the biggest plus points for the laptops have been the numerous power outages around here.  That battery back up has saved my data more times than I can count.  Too bad it couldn't do anything about the poor external drives, but such is life.  It's most likely gonna be a desktop this time.  If I absolutely NEED A laptop again, It won't be that big of a deal to get.


@Darc_Requiem  The next time you need to get to BIOS, try holding down F10 during power up.  I think that's the default to get there for all PCs.  You are right about not having parts laying about.  One of my advantages is that I won't throw out even the old computers if anything in them still works.  Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.


@DangerousJ  I know that Crosshairs is just an Ironhide repaint, but for some reason I like it much better with some blue to go with the red.  It's almost like putting glasses on that one chick and she just shoots up in attractiveness.



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haha, I never expected "Freakin You" by Jodeci to be an episode ending theme in an anime, but here we are with JoJo's Bizarre Adventures Golden Wind...what in the hell, man 😄


On another note entirely... not exactly sure what happened but in Gears 5 Horde the past 2 days, I've been on FIRE lately with the regular it was a non-stop highlight reel of action; I should've made more clips. (heh, others in the matches might've been like "who is this try-hard muthafucka showing out over here..?  It's just Horde, bruh...)


whoah, my old honey Angie Harmon just appeared on some Norton/LifeLock infomercial on History channel... goddamn she still looks so tasty... I'd eat the hell out of that, all day long... 😛

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ohhhh yes I've watched that trailer a dozen times at this point, including "reaction" vids on youtube; ha, and I normally don't care to watch "reaction" videos (*I'm surprised this ever got to be a thing, actually.... there's many youtubers who got popular and successful just by doing that, which is amazing, imo 🤣)


The voice on that 1 "disciple of Lilith"  is so cool--- "....THERE IS NO LIGHT HERE...You came to the darkness...for knowledge..." 


for those like me that actually care about the lore of these games... here's the info on "Lilith" in the Diablo world:




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...the shit still amuses me that my old friend ended up being one of *those people* who think that's Tyrael in the damn Diablo 4 trailer, man..... right after the trailer I was thinking ---haha, some dopey motherfucker is going to think that's Tyrael, I bet....and sure enough, this guy was like "I think that's Tyrael, dude."
BRUH, come on now...
These characters have barely anything in common, man... it's a small deal but it just keeps irking imagine if someone saw Dave Chappelle and got him mixed up with O.J. Simpson, simply because they're both black people, I guess...(hahah imagine the reactions from other people if you saw Dave and said "hey isn't that O.J. Simpson?") the difference here is pretty damn severe...take a look at Tyrael for a moment:

c'mon now, people... these characters don't look or sound alike at all; they both look like bald black dudes, and that's about where the similarities end.

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sheeeittttt, catching up on Legacies now... it's still quite a disappointing show, but the usual CW hotness is one reason I keep watching.  The girl playing "Hope" continues to get even more curves!  She's evolving... Pale redhead thickness = such delicious gold.😮


"MG" continues to be basically a lame ass sap....but the amusing thing about his current subplot is seeing just how badly he's FriendZoned at the moment with the blonde girl.  The scene I just saw---she gave him the classic "'re such a great guy" he's helping her find out about this mysterious dude (who seems to be another vampire) she's REALLY into, of course.  ha, that infamous "zone" is always such a fascinating disaster to witness in real time.

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Dear YouTube:  When I was screaming,"GO FUCK YOURSELF YOUTUBE!"  I didn't think you would actually do it.




.................I also didn't think you could hear me.



Well, I'm thinking this really could do it.  2020 will be spicy to say the least.  This new rule looks highly abuse ready and I have a feeling that anything to the right of literal Hitler will be feeling the pain soon.  I might be wrong, but I wouldn't bet against me this time.


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hahaha, I'm watching another Tevin "re-stream" of ol' darksfadil.... so he's playing Mario & Sonic At the Olympics.... gets online and is annoyed that there's no one online.  This is hilarious if you think about the situation for a few seconds:

  • This game is primarily for kids; they are the target audience.
  • Dark normally streams during the day, and yes this was his usual time.
  • American kids are still sitting in a classroom during this time he's on....*maybe there's a few in other countries on due to the bigger time difference? I'm not even sure how popular this stupid game is outside of America and *maybe* Japan..? 
  • I'm also assuming here that when it comes to the Mario and Sonic family of characters, this is a bit lower on the list in priority when there's things like Odyssey and now Luigi's Mansion 3 out....and of course Smash Bros. Ultimate

ha, there's offline multiplayer....but of course... you'd need "in real life" friends to enjoy that, and we all have a good laugh because that's always an immediate handicap for Darksfadil 🤣


ohhh I can feel that sunshine, baby:


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....annnnd just like that he quit the game.  Dark tried the story mode and of course that cheap ass game apparently didn't bother with voice-acting, prompting him to do probably WAY more narration than he was expecting to do.


On another note---anyone else ever know people that honestly don't seem to believe there's "tiers" in games?  I'm sure most gamers have those 1 or 2 people they know who utter the classic line: "Nah, ____ doesn't suck, you just don't know how to play with them."  Yeah ok, so if you pick something like Servbot, Guile and Ruby Heart in MvC2, you should be able to beat whatever top-tier team I roll with, right?  Yeah ok bruh 🤣  Go on and pick...let's say the Crusader in current-day Diablo 3 while I play Wizard and try to go as far in the GRs as I can... try and keep up with me as Wizard in Dragon's Crown while I have Dwarf (who was borderline invincible until a patch "fixed" him) or Fighter....all things are just perfectly even, right?  Sure 😄

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Man, I thought Million was Joking about the ending song on Jojo's Golden wind.  Nope, it's sure enough Joedeci. 


Also, speaking of Dragon's Crown and tiers........................


I used to hang with some fucking MONSTERS who would play the elf.  Man, them arrows actually killed that one at the start before my amazon could even get a shot in.  I did get stunned, but still.  One damn second and those elves made the fucker die in a wooden rain of hellish shafts.  I still don't know how they did it, but whatever.  I was loving the free carrys.



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finally, Toonami is back to being halfway decent; My Hero is on at a reasonable time; coming up at 10pm central, and it's followed by One Punch season 2.  I'm not a fan of Dr. Stone though...and it would be nice if JoJo's was on earlier; it doesn't come on 'til 1:30 central....and I most likely will be in dreamland by that time since I was unable to get a good nap earlier.



on the Darksfadil front--- Phil is playing Death Stranding, so you KNOW I had to check a restream out of that gold... Tev still has the first one's about as wonderfully awful as you could imagine.

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Kung Fu reboot... CW and Greg Berlanti and Christina Kim... so you know that means automatically a gender-swapped main character; funny thing is I jumped to that conclusion just off the further into the article and YEP... sure enough it's exactly that.  The TV and film industry has become so predictable with this sort of thing it's funny.  Bonus points if they decide to also make her a lesbian 😄  

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shameless achievement ho here... I picked up 550 points today on my new/alt was delicious....


sidenote---Toy Soldiers: War Chest is apparently broken, and there is no hope in it ever being fixed.  After tutorial I get to an apparent loading with a lot of character art, and that's it.  There is no button prompt or even a progress bar of loading, and it just stays that way forever.


edit---yeah, I haven't seen confirmation on this theory just yet...but I suspect that whatever contract they had with the licensed content on this game expired, and that's related to this.  I've read in some places of people noticing you can still play it if you are offline and set the date to 08/01/2015 for some reason.


ha, check some of the reviews...

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damn I missed it... I heard about this on a local radio show recently and just remembered but it was only until 11/11 apparently


They should do that more often to capitalize on that nostalgia hype... I'd definitely get a few happy meals if they brought the old "Changeables" back, which were like the "McDonald's universe" version of Transformers....oh and those racers as well...they had a line of McDonalds characters in cars; the kind that you roll back and the "wind-up" mechanism inside makes it race forward.  I actually still have the Hamburgular one after all these years.

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