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7 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

@DangerousJ  That trailer is looking solid so far.  Just enough to get us to watch the next one which I hope will give us a little more.  Between this and Wonder Woman I may just have to wipe the dust off my movie money.


@Darc_Requiem  LOL. where on earth did that come from?

I saw it on Twitter. Someone was responding to the Kos-Mos in Smash rumor. They said they wanted the character but, and they posted that. Apparently it's from some anime called Carole and Tuesday. It's the funniest damn  thing I've seen in a long time. I probably watched it six or seven times in a row.

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1 hour ago, Angel said:

lol ya'll aint watched carole and tuesday yet? 


Wondering if I should hold out on getting any games for the ps4 and wait for ps5 since all the games I really want are like late first quarter 2020 anyways.

I don't watch anime anymore. Haven't for a while, so there are several I haven't seen.

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Saying you don't watch anime anymore is like saying "I don't read books anymore"


Wow didn't realize there was going to be two SAO clones next cour.   Or is it 3?     Anyways kinda impressed that I haven't spotted on isekia show yet probably cause Kadokawa is too busy bringing us this......


Okay nevermind I see why you stopped watching XD

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On 12/10/2019 at 11:43 AM, Angel said:

lol ya'll aint watched carole and tuesday yet? 


Wondering if I should hold out on getting any games for the ps4 and wait for ps5 since all the games I really want are like late first quarter 2020 anyways.

never watched it, but that song might hook me.


From what I've been able to get,  PS5 may launch around November at the earliest.  if you've already got a PS4, I'd say get them.  Chances are the PS5 will be backwards compatible so push come to shove, you'll be able to put them on there anyway.  Hope that helps.

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One of the greatest "OP as hell" characters ever... Dr. Manhattan


and one of my favorites... Comics Explained did a brief vid on the greatness that is ONSLAUGHT

Imagine how epic that shit could be if done properly in an ongoing live action series or another "movie saga/phase". (really, I prefer series....I think it fits superhero stuff much easier because there's much more time for the writers to develop things....even a "small" 10 or 12 to 15 episode season of a show gives a good writer so much more room to work with.)


edit---sheeeittt, for a long time I'd daydream of how awesome it would be to have Onslaught's powerset... you have Xavier's ridiculous level of psionic abilities + Magneto's powers + flying and all kinds of other shit going on...there's nothing in this world that could realistically stop you... I remember it took the combined efforts of Avengers AND X-men + more people to even stand a chance against this one.

Edited by MillionX
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Man, after watching that Doctor Manhattan vid...........


C'mon yo!!  The only reason he isn't ruling the multiverse is because he just ain't feeling it.  THAT'S IT.  Otherwise he would've given EVERYBODY in the universe a basket of "L"s, made a new universe, and repeated the process until he got tired.................Which he doesn't.  For real.  Doc is simply TOO OP.  Like, I'd LOVE to hear the argument against it.  Who could possibly get in his face?  Yeah. I'll wait. 



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Yeah, it seems like even if you found a way to destroy him physically... he still exists and will just reform himself.  I guess theoretically, he could also just come back due to existing at different times the version of him from the past or future  could suddenly take over and be here today 🤣  This dude is unstoppable.  This is one of those characters where it might actually take a truly supreme singular "God" of the universe/multiverse to erase him completely from existence everywhere at once.  


V Wars - the vamps have drastically increased in number at this point; I'm up to episode 6 now going into 7.  They don't even have a sunlight weakness, actually.  One minor gripe though is that they seem to lack super-speed....though I'm wondering why that ISN'T the case, because if you have superhuman strength and reflexes (demonstrated immediately by "patient zero" in the first episode), you should also be able to run at least somewhat noticeably faster than a normal person, since that superior leg strength would be a factor.  The other downside I see here is that they don't appear to have any mind-control ability, aka "compulsion" as they'd call it on the CW shows.  There is a lesser form of it though---some transmit a certain toxin when feeding that sedates the victim is in a dazed, trance-like state for a long period of time; an evolutionary perk there ---making repeated feeding sessions even easier.  Interesting... obviously inspired by certain real situations in nature... there are some creatures that use a neurotoxin to sedate or paralyze their becomes that much easier to feed when the meal can no longer fight back.


My only annoyance with being a vamp would be the aversion to normal food.  The real tragedy is to go on in a newly immortal life without ever enjoying things like pizza, burgers, steak, etc. again. 😞 That's the true curse, imo.

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Merry Christmas Million!



hell yeah I got the notification...she was the first thing I checked on youtube when I got home today... this girl is Champion-level hotness.  Hell yeah I'd eat that out all day.


*I just went back into Smash Ultimate to add some of my latest mii characters to the roster--- Jewcan Sam, Billy Mays, Dung Juan, Crackbaby, Hugh Janus and P00PSTER .  Jewcan Sam wears a business suit with his favorite color being green of course.. I might add "Nigguh" in a minute too... I made a 2nd "dsp" character as well by the name of "Mr. Views". Ohhh man, I'm my own best entertainment.  Shit like this is why I am never bored in life. 😄

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So I finally got around to playing this game GRIS---  .. everything about it is... "magical" for lack of a better term....I was just telling a friend who's also an old art major---anyone even slightly into art and animation needs to check this out asap... it's outstanding.  This is like someone had a surreal dream that was in watercolor paint and inks for some reason...and all beautifully animated.......and you get to play through it as a game now.

I must remind people of this greatness with the trailer, of course:

review by "Easy Allies" [basically leftover folks from the old gametrailers site.]



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6 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

I'll be back....


To light our darkest hour!


Transformers/Terminator comic mini series coming March 2020!

LOL.  I know it's gonna be a LOT worse than this, but the first image I had in my head is a terminator T-800 trying to step to Optimus Prime and getting stepped on.  Skynet's gonna end up feeling,"The Touch".  We just know it.


Paging: @MillionX


What's better than looking at That Star Wars Girl?  Watching her go on a rant of course..............and she laid the smackdown on The Rise Of Skywalker. 




I cannot WAIT until Doomcock gets his paws on them.  It's gonna be epic.

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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm trying to be the bigger man but I can't but laugh at the critics crying about Rise of Skywalker after taking a dump on fans for hating  The Last Jedi.

I'm glad you're being the bigger man because I'm over here enjoying the chaos with all the sadistic glee of a movie villain who's plan actually worked.  Since I'm in a sharing mood, here's a vid from one of my favorites going over the calamity facing Disney's Star Wars.





Edited by Deadly_Raver
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sheeeittt, few people seem to remember this...whenever I bring up this version, no one ever knows what I'm talking about; Minty finally did a vid on it--- The Shining tv mini-series.... 


of course, the only thing I actually remember is that it exists and starred that dude from the sitcom "Wings" (Steven Weber; that show had a serious PAWG on there too....ohhh and speaking of the pawgs--- Rebecca De Mornay was in this mini-series, looking just as tasty as ever)


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The original version.. it's been a while since I played but I think this is what you actually hear in the game... and on the title screen if you have "Blood & Wine" dlc installed


and here it is from a live performance... I especially love this one


Edited by MillionX
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Thinking I like the one you posted first a bit better than the others. 


Speaking of games I am kinda concerned with Granblue Fantasy Verse and their character selection.   Wondering why we aren't getting some of the staple characters, ones that were even shown in the anime, that are important to the main story like Vira and the Black Knight as opposed to some of these other goofy characters.   Also game isn't even out and we are already announcing dlc?    Some of which includes the alternate female version of the main character who should have been apart of the main roster anyways?     The music for the game is great though, and the jrpg looks better every time I catch a glimpse of it.

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1 hour ago, Angel said:

Thinking I like the one you posted first a bit better than the others. 


Speaking of games I am kinda concerned with Granblue Fantasy Verse and their character selection.   Wondering why we aren't getting some of the staple characters, ones that were even shown in the anime, that are important to the main story like Vira and the Black Knight as opposed to some of these other goofy characters.   Also game isn't even out and we are already announcing dlc?    Some of which includes the alternate female version of the main character who should have been apart of the main roster anyways?     The music for the game is great though, and the jrpg looks better every time I catch a glimpse of it.

I don't mind a smaller roster and DLC is no big deal honestly. The anime and mobile game both suck so I'm not tied to any particular characters -- I think the ones they did include in the game are done quite well.

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4 hours ago, misterBee said:

I don't mind a smaller roster and DLC is no big deal honestly. The anime and mobile game both suck so I'm not tied to any particular characters -- I think the ones they did include in the game are done quite well.

The first season was okay, the mobile game is cute.   The second season makes me wonder what is going on with studio mappa.

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