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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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Little does he know that robot waifu already ditched her limiting metallic coochie and is now a fully sentient ai that has already drained his bank account and cancelled his next viagra shipment. 


Putting your dick into a damn bucket bolts is just asking to get one of those ash vs evil dead deaths.   Now that I think about it there was a robot chick in the last episode of that lol. 

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8 hours ago, Angel said:

Little does he know that robot waifu already ditched her limiting metallic coochie and is now a fully sentient ai that has already drained his bank account and cancelled his next viagra shipment. 


Putting your dick into a damn bucket bolts is just asking to get one of those ash vs evil dead deaths.   Now that I think about it there was a robot chick in the last episode of that lol. 



WARNING: robo-waifu xxx may shock your balls, gain sentience and become just as toxic and horrible to be around as the REAL thing. 



...................................And they're still sitting on the shelves because nobody bought them.  When asked, the majority answered,"Why would I buy a bitch who could turn into my ex?"  On the flip side, the ones without the A.I. are selling like hotcakes.  Sometimes, more is not better. 


lol@"Putting your dick into a bucket of bolts".  Tech support >>>>>>>>>>>>> Child support.  Prove me wrong. 🤣🤣


OH SHIET!!!  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣  I wanted to argue against the gofundme, but then I analyzed the vid further. ..........


Man, she crashed that stage like she was going for the death blow in a steel cage match!!  Straight on her face no less.  That would've been an instant knock out anywhere else, but this is the BT-1000.  She gets up and continues the show.  They could've at LEAST put a few bucks up there out of respect for her dedication to her work, but not even a DIME on the stage.  The other girl didn't even act like she cared.  Ol' girl nearly fell on her from low orbit and she has NO reaction for her.  🤣🤣🤣   It is barely dark out and this week is already crazy.



Edited by Deadly_Raver
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whoahhh....well this story is quite the juicy one...there's SO many questions here

I've never even heard of or thought about the scenario where a parent would be living on campus with their son or daughter who is a student there...just that little detail is strange for a few reasons. (*and why would a college or university even allow that shit in the first place? At least at my old school, if I recall you had to actually be enrolled as a student to live on campus.) is it this allegedly went on for "nearly a decade"?!?
...why would people (mostly young women, I assume, though it mentions some of the victims being male too) go along with his shenanigans for such a long time if they weren't at least somewhat ok with it?  I suppose blackmail could be a tactic he used ("do this or else I release these "interesting" pics and vids you posed for...")


...but again with the situation of Dad living in the dorm-- wouldn't any of her friends and acquaintances slowly back off once they notice this? like "...okay... soooo...your Dad is living here?! Wha-why?!" -> annnd boom * ghosted *  hahaha I imagine most people would've been thinking "sheeeitttt, I don't know what's up with that but leave me out of it....she got her Dad living here; bitch is weird, man..."

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holy crap this episode of Legacies got surprisingly violent…

the show has been disappointingly silly and lighthearted ever since the beginning…but this flashback with some of Alaric’s former students…wow, man…the werewolf dude ripped the first guy’s arm off, then the witch set some girl on fire before she could call 911  …then of course the blood splatter from Werewolf Dude’s first victim triggered the vampire girl’s bloodlust so she went into "RIPPER" berserk  mode… shit really hit the fan here and I’m loving it…it’s like this turned into a very different show for this scene.  😮

basically, the 3 from Alaric’s “special school” got invited to a hang-out/party in the woods…only to realize these other teens only invited them to laugh at because they were “freaks” (though they probably weren’t aware of their actual supernatural abilities)…they tried to walk away but the normal human kids were in bully mode…which caused everything to pop off.


I'm hoping this vampire bad girl stays around---true to the usual CW standard she is absolutely gorgeous.


ooh, now Sebastian wants to turn Lizzie and stay in the prison world with her...this show has finally gotten better.  This is the episode where Kai Parker shows up, btw.


"Siphon" witches are another top tier class of being in the Vampire/Originals/Legacies world, btw... since there's always other magical beings and objects they can draw power from.  I'd probably become one of those if given the chance.  

Edited by MillionX
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sheeeitttt, it took a while but cw's  Legacies finally became something interesting.  "Business has damn sure picked up, folks!" as JR would say... first there was the return of "The Necromancer", who manages to be a mildly entertaining character...but then the real deal--- this latest bit of story involving the magical prison world and the return of Kai Parker!  Then at some point Josie broke that hourglass with the black sand and absorbed ALL the black magic power, which has left her "altered", perhaps for the rest of her she seems to have this dark side to go along with an immense increase in her magic power-level....if we were to"tier-list" this shit she's currently the #1 OP character on the roster, even surpassing Hope Mikaelson, the main character. (Hope still just has access to 2 of the 3 aspects of her triple-hybrid status)    The tone has become a bit more serious here.


oh yeah and top of that, Landon... the chump who is a "phoenix" finally unlocked another aspect of his power....there's finally some interesting shit going on.

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You've come a long way, Ironworks (done 2 ways).....

(There is a micromaster yellow truck that is Ironworks (G1/siege) and the battle station which is also Ironworks (G1/Earthrise) IIRC


Left G1- Right Earthrise 





Attack mode



ER Ironworks Robot Mode (The G1 base could not transform into a robot form.)




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man, this winter hasn't been worth shit in terms of getting time off.  It snowed a little bit FINALLY yesterday (only the 2nd time it has been significant; first time was early December but only flurries for a few minutes)....but of course it was still just a bit too warm for it to pile up. (about 38 degrees)  Now it's perfectly cold at 24 degrees....BUT "sunny and clear" is the forecast for the rest of today. 


I actually hate winter weather though....I'm just interested in possible time off as a result of it.

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haha I just got through watching "JLongbone"s vid on episode 12 of Batwoman....hilarious as usual; I will get to Thorias in a minute.


NEXT episode though...VAMPIRES! 🤘  Hell yeah you know that has my attention.... a shame it has to be this show though.  Oddly enough, apparently it's Kayla Ewell....who was originally in the early seasons of Vampire Diaries!  ha, that in itself is a fun little easter egg there, I guess.  She was Vikki Donovan, Matt's sister....and the first character the audience gets to see actually turn into a vamp.  It was kinda funny at the time... Damon basically turned her seemigly on a whim (after bangin' around for a while; yeah he hit it, then turned her; shit that probably would not have happened on modern-day CW) for his own personal amusement. 😄

Edited by MillionX
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haha, so ol' Dark is watching his old material again... Tevin has the yeah, I'm sittin here watchin a dude watch another dude watch himself live. 😄


on another note... there was some seriously nice Indian ass in the gym today... I got a good look when we were all at the end doing stretches to cool down.  Also, 1 of the trainers is smokin hot too; she reminds me of a short version of Stacey Keibler(!)

Edited by MillionX
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8 hours ago, misterBee said:

I do, but I also don't check every thread or post.  Twitter embeds aren't nearly as common as insta embeds here. 🙃

Dammit.  Alright, Now I gotta take the hit on that one.  I know I don't use either one all that much (Read: at all) but I am here enough to know that they don't appear that often on the site.  My bad.

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New York Toy Fair or New Year Transformers Funtime!



Earthrise(ER)  Airwave- Decepticon micromaster airport/attack base


ER Smokescreen  (glad I didnt buy the SIEGE one lol)


ER Fasttrack  (Decepticon - G1 Scorponok's minion)


ER Runamuck


ER Quintesson Judge, Allicon, (I believe these first appearances of these  in toy form)


ER Snapdragon and Doubledealer (Triple changer mercenary)


and now for the big boys 

Commander Class ($80)  (11 inch height)

ER Skylynx!


and the last (and best) of the citybots...
Scorponok!  ($160)  Approx 21 inches robot mode

Edited by DangerousJ
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There was an unexpected surprise return of a toyline that has been MIA since 2014.


G.I.JOE is America's daring , highly trained special force.
It's purpose: to defend human freedom against COBRA: a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule  the world!


GIJOE Classified:

6 inch figures ($20).  ETA:  June 2020








Snake Eyes







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damn I hate that I missed the dem. debates live last night... I like to tune in for the hilarity live... there's a youtuber that goes by "Rageaholic" that live-streams the shit; he and all of us in chat have a good laugh every time that shit is on.  I can't get enough of the various "Bootyjudge" "Fake Indian ass" and "goddamn these dudes are old" jokes playing out as the shit is in progress.


I miss my honey Tulsi G. though... without question that was the most gorgeous political candidate ever in American history. 🥒

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It's a real shame that mtv decoded youtube channel is dead... it was one of the channels I checked on regularly for tons of unintentional comedy.....checking it again; the last vid they posted was a year ago.  


Continuing on with the friend zone vids though (I was down the rabbit hole of "recommended" vids yesterday)... I noticed one from one of Buzzfeed's channels; I'm sure it's absolutely terrible, but I'm not so sure I want to spike my blood pressure thru the roof by watching it just yet (it's one of those that seems to claim it "doesn't exist", which is one of the dumbest goddamn things, man... I think people really mean to say it in another way; like they don't like the *term* "friend zone" and would rather it be called something else for whatever fucking reason)..... so far I've just been checking out the comment section, and as you may expect it's absolute gold.


Sad thing is that there can never be a rational, reasoned discussion about this topic for several reasons....the primary thing is that MOST people (not just "some", imo) are incapable of having rational, reasoned discussion/debates without it drifting off into shouting the other person down and tossing around personal attacks like it's going out of style. 

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I'm so far behind on things I haven't even watched the first Altered Carbon yet, though it's in my "list" or whatever they call it on netflix now.  


I was just about to watch another episode of Blood Lad on hulu... it's disappointing that this show is more of a comedy sort of thing.  I tend to like my vampire stuff as more serious in tone, as opposed to jokes and sight-gags every 2 minutes...I'll stay with it though to see what's up.


There's a TnA sort of thing called Maken-Ki! Battling Venus...though I quickly realized that shit appears to be heavily censored as if this was a CBS Saturday Morning block  showing it in the '80s.....that shit got removed from my list with the quickness then.  What the hell is the point of a show like that if you're just going to censor and sanitize the hell out of everything?

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Lol blood lad is so trash, had some potential.   I laugh at how much Million stans for vampire stuff.    That Dracula show on netflix started off great and ended up turning into complete ass for some reason too.....should have just stopped watching after Dracula got tossed into the sea. 


Whose is your favorite vampire in fiction anyways?   Alucard?  Sorin  Markov?   


In other news these Alita army dudes are so weird, dudes aint even read a single issue of the Gunnm manga but are going crazy trying to continually get real fans to beg for a sequel to that god awful Alita Battle Angel movie.   Its like so blatant that most of these people are paid shills.   Maybe if the movie itself had some kind of real story instead of literally being a vehicle to setup a sequel ppl would give a shit about it.   My favorite manga really deserved better and so did the real fans after waiting for decades.

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yeah at this point it probably won't be long before I give up on Blood Lad, and I'm only a few episodes into it.  yeah it breaks my heart when vampire-related things end up being lame. 😔  Two other vamp shows come to mind as disappointments--- The Strain (tho it started off strong, imo) and SyFy's Van Helsing (right from season 1 it's just boring---and it commits the terrible sin of having vamps that are WEAK.  You could kill those chumps just by shooting them. )


EDIT- I'll put this up here then--->ohhhhhhhh yeah...I kinda read that wrong and went into rambling mode as usual---- favorite vampire in particular?....yeah top contender for me is Alucard from Hellsing.  In terms of pure POWER...the guy is borderline unbeatable....and I almost always enjoy when characters are OP as hell.


My favorite shows and movies so far---

The things that come to mind as my favorites: Hellsing Ultimate, The Lost Boys, Near Dark, and back to the modern era again---True Blood, Vampire Diaries and its spin-off The Originals....and yeah I realize most dudes probably instantly roll the eyes when anything CW-related is mentioned, but those shows were really great stuff, imo--- they portray vamps in a generally "correct" and entertaining way for me..... super-humanly strong & fast, mind-control abilities, immortal with supernaturally advanced healing factor....with the usual weaknesses like sunlight, stake to the heart (*except the "Original Family"), being unable to enter homes unless invited, or being decapitated.   That was another thing---it was surprisingly violent despite being a CW show----fortunately the result of it originating from 2008/2009-era CW (a wonderful time before they jumped all in with the "girl power! LGBTQ+ Power!" bandwagon.  TVD and Originals would've been QUITE different in a bad way if they originated today on modern CW.)  They also added a couple of things like being able to shut off their own emotions (usually results in going "Ripper Mode" where they don't give a fuck and will kill anyone.)...and they had a great origin story with the Mikaelson family.  I've seen the series about 3 or 4 times now.

(..which reminds me---someone was actually shown getting their head cut off on a recent episode of Legacies; surprising considering the disappointing light-hearted tone)


back on the old stuff again--- The Lost Boys was the one from back in the day that REALLY made them so incredibly cool to me....first saw it when I was a kid... I watched the movie over and over obsessively; usually daydreaming about how awesome it would be if I were the new guy like "Michael" that was welcomed to hang with David and his crew...eventually becoming one of them....and trying to get something going on with Star...that girl (Jamie Gertz) was smokin hot back then (still looks good today from what I've seen)

Edited by MillionX
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