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holy shit.... so they actually recorded the bankruptcy call....well I'm in the beginning of it now....dis gone be good 🍿🤣


hahaha this is killing me----you can hear the occasional "BOOOOOOP!" sounds on the call....and just about anyone that's worked an office job that's done conference calls knows what that is---it's people joining into the call....and sure enough that's the situation; I was crackin up when they finally realized it, and I think it was his attorney that said ---"sorry ....there's.... 60 people on the line right now..."  and it keeps going after keep hearing *BOOOP* as more show up to the call. 🤣

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It's a strange thing, on one hand, I'm one of those people that enjoys being at home MUCH more than "going out" or traveling anywhere....and I'm enjoying it now (*Working at home = I got in 175 pushups yesterday + my shadowboxing combos + some running!  It's also nice that when I got on lunchbreak, I'm really just walking over to the fridge, or going to another room to watch tv for an hour)... BUT I'd obviously rather have society back to normal.  I'd trade this "work at home" routine out for that without question.  I also don't think most people even realize just how close we are to total collapse.  It's really just 1 or 2 things away from pure chaos in the streets, basically...if these things happen then all hell breaks loose, I think:

  • Stores can't keep up with demand and close down, or close for other reasons.
  • Restaurants also close down.

Basically, once the most basic, important necessities like food and drink become difficult for the average person to get, then society goes right off a cliff at that point.


Premium Music HQ on point once again with the epic shit

Some of this stuff is perfect to work-out to....for when you want to feel superhuman..

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sheeeittttt, i got a new one... a French show (english dub) simply called "VAMPIRES" is on Netflix now... I heard of this by way of someone mentioning it on a live-stream yesterday.  So far from the first episode I'm liking this.  The only negative I can see on this so far is that it's not looking like the vamps on this have a large array of supernatural abilities, but it's only the first episode I've seen so far... it looks like they at least have the basics of superhuman strength and immortality in play here, fortunately.


One I just can't get down with, that I was reminded of when searching for this show----The Vampire's Assistant.'s all because of that dude with the giant meatball face.  I will never be able to take anything even slightly seriously if that guy's in it....I think that movie is a comedy though, right?  When I'm looking for cool vampire-related shit, comedic goofball silliness is NOT what I'm looking for anyway.


The main girl on Vampires is looking FINE, by the way.... mom is kinda milf too...oh and the older sister isn't bad either, but the main girl looks better.

*In this story, vampirism is by way of genetics, apparently....or at least that's what the girl's mom is telling her (so possibly a lie..?)


edit---well, one disappointment is they don't heal from sun-light damage.
MAJOR disappointment though--- episode 2, Mom says she ages "5x slower".  Nahhhhh bruh... see I hate when they stray from the normal lore formula of what a vampire should be.  The most basic thing is that their lifespan is indefinite.  Outside of getting killed, they would theoretically live forever as long as there's some living things to feed on.



I saw this coming...since of course I was likely the only person that gave a damn about V-Wars.  October Faction is canned too.


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The cruise-ship industry takes one hell of a hit on this quarantine situation....and who in their right mind will still want to go in the near future? (well, probably a LOT of people, even before a vaccine exists....because most people are stubborn and kinda stupid.)


One of the good things about life is that at least there's still this giant backlog of entertainment to get much that there's hardly enough time for it all.  Currently, I still have a tough decision between watching more of a certain youtube/twitch Vampire the Masquerade series (L.A. By Night; they're on season 4 at this point), or getting caught up on Netflix shows, or watching any of the movies in my collection, or playing any of the huge list of games I have on Xb1 and Switch... I'm probably nearing the end of Doom then moving on to Eternal right after that, but I'm also still hooked on Diablo 3 and a 2nd and 3rd play-thru plans for Vampyr, and there's new stuff to do and unlock in Gears 5!


There's some ridiculously fine woman in LA by Night playing a character "Ib" (Lasombra vamp! Hell yeah), played by Noura Ibrahim... but surprisingly I can barely find anything on her online...I always figured most people who are even a little-bit famous for anything have an instagram page, but not this one for some strange reason... it's like she's purposely flying under the radar....quite a shame 'cause goddamn she's gorgeous .

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More cool powers/lore from the Vampire the Masquerade world… abilities of the Obteneration/“Oblivion” discipline, a specialty of the “Lasombra” clan (one of my top picks out of all the vamp clans; I'd jump at the chance to be one).


Shadow Cast : The vampire summons a supernatural shadow from Oblivion, one which they control and can only be destroyed by sunlight. It allows them to use other Oblivion powers through it despite the presence of light, and casting it on somebody during social conflict intensifies the Willpower damage that victim suffers.


Aura of Decay : The vampire’s connection to Oblivion manifests as an aura which spoils food, poisons water, wears down structures, and kills living things with their mere presence. (this reminds me of Barragan's ability from the Bleach manga! OP as hell, actually)


Stygian Shroud : The vampire spreads a suffocating darkness across a large area, muting sound and suppressing all other senses. Those within the shroud (except the user) suffer a total blindness penalty on all actions requiring sight, and mortals suffocate. (also in Bleach---Tousen's bankai?! Was Kubo secretly a VTM fan, perhaps?)


…and that’s all just a small taste. It would be nice if human civilization wasn’t on the edge of collapsing so I could at least enjoy Bloodlines 2 before the world ends.


edit---another cool one

Tenebrous Form: Transform into pure shadow that can only be harmed by fire, sunlight, or magic


^BRUH.... SO goddamn awesome, these powers. 

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holy crap man... I'm finally hearing the details on this Quibi thing thanks to John Campea talking about it right now.... this shit is such a joke...

  • * short-form 10 minutes or so?  Am I understanding correctly that you are getting "pieces" of shows?  What the hell?
  • * It costs money per month
  • * STILL has commercials.
  • * You can only watch this on mobile devices.

They've GOT to be kidding with this shit. 🤣

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this girl in the netflix show Vampires is goddamn HOT as hell,

(ha, and it's perfectly fine as you can see she's actually 23 years old...sheeeiiittttttt) I'm definitely keeping tabs on her.  I'd eat the hell out of that.
I forgot how many episodes it is but I'm nearing the end of it...I'm not one of those to binge a whole season in a day so it usually takes me a while...I've only seen the first episode of this Tiger King people keep talking about.  Anyway, so far it's keeping me hooked, though I'm not liking how the vamps are portrayed that much in this show.  They don't have superspeed and apparently aren't even immortal (just a lifespan that is about 5x that of a human)...and I guess damage from the sun can never be healed (1 character got burned a bit at the start of the series in a flashback, and she still has that burn mark in present day)


Well, looks like I don't have to bother watching that last Star Wars film Rise of Skywalker... this guy mauLer has an in-depth analysis/ROAST session that goes over every ridiculous far it looks even worse than I could've imagined 🤣

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Another reason why sliding glass doors are one of the dumbest "home decor" things ever invented.... certain birds are apparently too dumb to realize that "other bird" they keep seeing is actually their own reflection, so they just bash into the goddamn glass over and over forever due to being a territorial son of a's over and over again all day long, presumably for the rest of their life if you don't take measures to prevent this nonsense.

So yeah...whoever invented "sliding glass doors" for homes... I'd like to see that piece of shit get punched in the face as hard as possible for a few hours.


 For a while, I was hoping he would eventually just KO himself then at least that's 1 way for the constant noise would such luck there, of course....he's too close to cause any significant self-harm.  I've removed 1 "liner" type of curtain which wasn't even my idea to put up anyway....but I'm already doubting that will fix the situation....he's probably just taking a break at the moment....I'm sure he'll be back in a minute.

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exxxxactly.  The only major curse with vampirism---- I'd really, really miss being able to enjoy normal foods.  One of the great simple pleasures in life is a good pizza.....or my other favorites---> burgers, grilled chicken, steaks, lasagna, bacon, gyro sandwiches, baklava, etc..... and oh yes...that garlic bread.  The real tragedy is losing out on alllll that good stuff. 😩

Edited by MillionX
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36 minutes ago, MillionX said:

exxxxactly.  The only major curse with vampirism---- I'd really, really miss being able to enjoy normal foods.  One of the great simple pleasures in life is a good pizza.....or my other favorites---> burgers, grilled chicken, steaks, lasagna, bacon, gyro sandwiches, baklava, etc..... and oh yes...that garlic bread.  The real tragedy is losing out on alllll that good stuff. 😩

I thought vampires find normal food disgusting?


You probably wouldn't miss it.

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Quite a frustrating situation with that Remake.... I'd like to play it, but I'd rather have the "Complete Edition".....BUT I realize that at the rate their going, that probably won't be until years off into the future, like the summer of 2025.  I don't like this idea of a game being split up into pieces over the course of some unknown time frame. (and with each "piece" probably costing the full 60 bucks I bet, right?)  ...I hate the concept of only getting to what, the 25% point or whatever and then that's we have to wait another year or however much time it is until "Chapter 2" or "2nd Gig" or "Part II" whatever they market it as.........and the kicker is that we all know this is guaranteed to be successful because of it being THAT game.  


ha, I bet certain other companies might be kicking themselves for NOT thinking of it first...

Capcom Suits: "dammit, we could've split up each of the RE remakes!  RE2 could've been 2 pieces for 60 each!  DAMN why didn't we think of that?!" (*and now in a post-FF7R world: "maybe we could cut up RE4 Remake into 2...maybe 3 pieces?  Oooh ooh, then we got Code Veronica....")


Note-- with DLC it's a bit different, imo---I figure someone would raise that point as a comparison, probably....with most games that have DLC/updates...generally the "main game" is something that's a regular full experience with the story---beginning/mid/end....and the DLC stuff has most of the time been considered "extra" content.

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I just finished Picard S1. Since its been more than 2 weeks, hope no one minds if I post some  SPOILERS /thoughts.




Stewart’s acting . Even at 80, the mans still got it.


Spiner as Data/Frakes/Sirtis had great material. It as good to see them as equals and friends after the relatively buttoned up atmosphere of TNG. Seeing Hugh return as an XP was great. (I would skeet to 7 of 9 or 2 of D lol)


Ships /special fx./makeup were good.


Saying goodbye properly to Data in the final episode after the craptacular ST Nemesis movie.


Rios and Raffi have potential of the new folks.




Allison Pill as Agnes. Sometimes shes ok and sometimes shes trying to hard to ber quirky/likeable. Mary Wiseman as Tilly on Dscovery does this better imo. Her expertise doesnt really help them. Her romance with Rios felt forced. Also, I dont like that she killed Maddox but that is just handwaved away.


Elnor needs some more character stuff. Hes not that interesting except for action scenes.


I liked Dahj more than Soji.


In only a 10 episode season, Narek’s attempt to get in Sojis head was really him trying to get the Robo-pussy. Also the sister seemed jealous that she wasnt getting her brother’s Romulan dick from her brother more than anything else. I hope they dont return next season.


Picard dying and being transferred to a new artificial body that doesnt have the brain anomaly but will die at a normal age is a big copout imo. Like change it up a bit or make Picard have augmented abilities would have been a neat twist.

This sort of"resurrection" worked only in Wrath of Khan with Spock but didnt with Data and B-4 nemesis. Plus, none of the TNG homies were with him when he died which is lame imo.


Like Discovery season 1, the last episode tied somethings up too quickly. Synth ban is lifted just like that? lol


Overall: 7/10

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On 4/17/2020 at 8:34 PM, MillionX said:

exxxxactly.  The only major curse with vampirism---- I'd really, really miss being able to enjoy normal foods.  One of the great simple pleasures in life is a good pizza.....or my other favorites---> burgers, grilled chicken, steaks, lasagna, bacon, gyro sandwiches, baklava, etc..... and oh yes...that garlic bread.  The real tragedy is losing out on alllll that good stuff. 😩

He ain't lying to ya.  There's been a few days where I was on the verge of doing things that would've changed the course of my life for the worse, but a few bites of something delicious changed my mind.


The following article doesn't contain food, but there is a starving rat in it.


wow.  Disney will be in some deep dish shit if this is true.  If they manage to survive it, you can bet that they'll be hungry to make some cash the old fashioned way:  By making good stuff and cutting out the bs.  Nobody gives a damn about your gender or your agenda when they're staring at past due bills while rubbing an empty stomach. 


Now, so that this doesn't end on a particularly bad note, here's a little insight from yours truly.


If indeed Disney survives this, as I said they will be looking to make money...................and so will everyone else.  finding a good time to buy their stocks during this crisis will be a chance at making possibly a GREAT amount of cash, as long as they do their part correctly.  I'll be keeping my eyes on them to see if I can spot signs of them turning towards the better............or worse.  If the rat has any magic dust left in it, now's the time to shake a tinkerbell or two and let it out.

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Well, my latest vamp-related thing to be hooked on is the web series "LA by Night"... it's a bit of an odd thing; it's like you're watching a live table-top rpg session that is also being broadcast as a "show".  (and as of Season 2, there's small clips at the end with sets and regular production like a tv show) It takes a while to get caught up on though since every episode is usually around 2.5 hours+ long. 😄  It's also fun to see how deep in the character performance some of these people are... the guy playing Prince "Vannevar" is notoriously over the top and I love every minute of that shit. (hahaha he even makes the dice roll and sometimes speak to the Storyteller *in character*... it's great)


Naturally, as with any show there's some fine ass eye-candy to check out on there, like "Nelli G" 


...along with total smokeshow Noura Ibrahim who plays the recently turned Lasombra "Ib"... and for some reason there's NOT a lot of her online; not sure why...even her imdb page doesn't have a picture on it.  I eventually found that instagram tho: 



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this guy found out the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished... (*yep Tommy is still there pointing out the shenanigans of the more shitty people of the tribe)

Lesson learned... don't be too nice....and never *fully* trust anyone even for a minute.

OH what a surprise... the "baby-daddy" of his female friend...he's in jail.(apparently the reason he was helping her out financially....heh, like a fool, imo)  Women are such excellent judges of character, right?  They sure know how to pick a mate, right?  SURE.  😄

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Im sorry if I have offended any folks here , namely black folks with my dumb jokes about the following:


1)"homeskillet" . "Nigga" or other terms 

2) Making fun of Rappers like soulja boy /trick daddy etc.

3) Black folks liking collard greens, and wearing  red shorts at the gym


I am just a silly person. I was born in the Bahamas and lived in St Thomas(islands that are 80% black) for the first 14 years of my life. I try to be fair to everyone . 

Some people on SRK1 have called me a "communist" and  implied  that I am racist and it took me aback.

I admit to saying "nigga" occasionally on SRK1, but I thought it meant something like "bro". 

I have never said it in real life.


Anyway,  I hope that you can forgive me if you were offended.

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ha, sheeeittttt, I'm in the extreme minority on this issue (*I doubt any of my "tribe" agrees with me on this, actually...most WILL get all offended the minute "that word" shows up or is spoken aloud...unless of course the person saying it happens to be a fellow American Black person)... but to me it just seems silly to be so offended by words.  I'm also one of the only people that is more inclined to laugh at just about any joke that most would consider to be in "poor taste"....that in itself usually makes it more amusing to me.


On another note though... Triscuits with honey on them are incredible.  I got a "Family Size" box of them early this morning...and I've already finished that entire box.

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4 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Im sorry if I have offended any folks here , namely black folks with my dumb jokes about the following:


1)"homeskillet" . "Nigga" or other terms 

2) Making fun of Rappers like soulja boy /trick daddy etc.

3) Black folks liking collard greens, and wearing  red shorts at the gym


I am just a silly person. I was born in the Bahamas and lived in St Thomas(islands that are 80% black) for the first 14 years of my life. I try to be fair to everyone . 

Some people on SRK1 have called me a "communist" and  implied  that I am racist and it took me aback.

I admit to saying "nigga" occasionally on SRK1, but I thought it meant something like "bro". 

I have never said it in real life.


Anyway,  I hope that you can forgive me if you were offended.


Everyone's got personal preferences so it's always best to err on the side of caution.  As long as we work together to keep things relatively clean it'll be better for everyone. 😄


Good on you for trying to be considerate of others!

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8 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Im sorry if I have offended any folks here , namely black folks with my dumb jokes about the following:


1)"homeskillet" . "Nigga" or other terms 

2) Making fun of Rappers like soulja boy /trick daddy etc.

3) Black folks liking collard greens, and wearing  red shorts at the gym


I am just a silly person. I was born in the Bahamas and lived in St Thomas(islands that are 80% black) for the first 14 years of my life. I try to be fair to everyone . 

Some people on SRK1 have called me a "communist" and  implied  that I am racist and it took me aback.

I admit to saying "nigga" occasionally on SRK1, but I thought it meant something like "bro". 

I have never said it in real life.


Anyway,  I hope that you can forgive me if you were offended.

some people on SRK1 called you a,"Communist"?

WELL WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!!  Damn.  I was starting to think something was wrong with ya.  👍  You really don't fit in until you've ruffled somebody's feathers at least once or twice. 


Seriously though, I personally am just sick of the whole thing.  They think just because I'm black that I'm supposed to go into attack mode anytime somebody whose skin color is lighter than a brown paper bag says nigga, but I have to give it a pass if anyone darker than said bag says it.  Me and people sharing my complexion are supposed to be the gatekeepers and wardens of this word that we supposedly don't like while ignoring the galaxy-sized irony of it all.


  I say screw that and screw them.  It's a word.  It's a word with a bad history, but a word nonetheless.  We used to have a little rhyme about sticks and stones and names, but I'm too sober to remember it.  I personally wish that everybody would use it until it got wore out.  That way there would be one less thing for people to whine over.  If someone is a racist, they're a racist.  Saying a word doesn't turn you into one anymore than not saying it proves you are not.  I can't just walk out into the open, scream "Nigga" and a bolt of lightning transforms me into a neo nazi with a klan hood on.  If it worked like that, everyone would go around saying,"I'm Rich" all day..............and the number of people getting struck by lightning would become a problem for a while, then it would fizzle out.


As that one poster goes,"I've offended you?  Tell me.  How does it feel to be so weak that mere words hurt you?"  People who want to bark over a word are acting like trained dogs.....................and if you want to find the TRUE offender, find out who trained them.


Just so this doesn't go any longer, don't sweat 'em and especially not people on SRK.  You know who and what you are better than anyone else.  If you run into anymore situations like this, ask yourself this:  "Would Deadly spam the gif over this or not?"  You probably won't get an answer, but you'll probably laugh it off.



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it's a shame I'm only just now catching up on LA by Night season 1...*after* watching the latest season... this has really been scratching that itch for a new vampire show....haven't had anything truly satisfying in that regard since V-Wars, which of course no one cared about but me.  


It would be nice if the actors did more physical performances with sets and props, etc. like more of a tv show... (it's basically a live-streamed table-top RPG session with actors/players "performing" their character that way) currently they only do that for these ending segments on each episode.


niiiice...that "Corrosive Vitae" power seems so cool... "Nelli G" uses it quite often; basically makes her blood highly acidic....comes in handy to melt locks off doors or melt and corrode any weapons your enemy is using.

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