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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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it's a strange thing...but I think Ariana Grande is yet another fine celeb with a generally lame instagram.... I might actually unfollow that one. (*Mya was the previous one I dropped....still fine as hell; lame pics.).  All her pics are usually terrible quality, or some weird angle or videos that look like they were shot with a webcam from 1998. 


Then there's some that keep using whatever auto-airbrush filter that is.... I think Ashanti is one; I'd have to check again... but that's also unacceptable, imo... get outta heah with that ol "Smooth magazine" looking nonsense. 😒👎

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I continue getting caught up on the old episodes of LA by Night…mainly on World of Darkness channel, but older seasons are on Geek & Sundry channel… the girl playing Suzanne was actually on True Blood in the later seasons…ha, from one vamp show to another for her…she looks even better now. I’m close to the end of season 3 ep. 5 now… anytime Suzanne and Vannevar are on the scene it’s absolute gold…those 2 are really having fun playing those characters. (and they’re apparently married in real life too)


…really, it would be tough to go up against these characters, actually… both Suzanne and Vannevar appear to be very old and thus very powerful vamps…she’s able to read minds and easily manipulate people (or other vamps), and as a “Ventrue” he more than likely has especially high levels of “Dominate” and Fortitude powers going on…as if that weren’t enough they also have Garrick (Tremere clan) and now Ib (+ 2 other Lasombra) as part of their “court”. Meanwhile, the main “good guy” characters here are all relatively younger, less powerful vamps. Realistically they wouldn’t stand much of a chance against this group.

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so... apparently "Clarice" got renewed on CBS...I saw this bit of news on my facebook feed.... funny thing is I never even heard of that show.  I checked imdb....this thing has been on since 2012?!?

so for 8 years now I've been missing out on my baby Rebecca Breeds.... FINE ass little Aussie that played "Aurora" around Season 3 of The Originals!
Quick lore for the uninitiated since y'know I can't resist--- Aurora was one of the "trinity"---the first 3 humans turned into vampires from the "originals" Mikaelson siblings Niklaus, Rebecca and Elijah. (in Aurora's case, she kinda tricked Rebecca, if I recall...somehow got some of her blood and then later jumped out a castle window.)  They are naturally the strongest non-Mikaelson vampires in the world then.


One interesting thing about those flashbacks was seeing how it all came to be... since there was no precedent, the Mikaelsons themselves were unaware they could even turn people until the situation with these 3....they also weren't even aware of certain powers yet until this part of the story.

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yep, I guess so.... ha, it's weird when I find out years later about shows like this that were off my radar for so long...the cost of  never watching CBS, I suppose.  That network is still branded as "the old people's channel" in my mind.  I still think of it as that network that you only watch if you happen to be someone's grandpa or grandma 😄


For a short time I was checking out Designated Survivor on there; that was some years ago....great concept (that show where JACK BAUER is now the the "designated survivor" when a terrorist attack wiped the rest of them out!) for a show but I missed a few episodes, got further and further behind and never caught up.


...then even further back there was that reality/contest show "Survivor" back in 2001 or so; I watched that for a few seasons.  Other than that I haven't bothered with that network.


EDIT---I guess imdb is just wrong then... I keep seeing stuff that says this is a NEW thing


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Well, I gave "What We Do In the Shadows" a shot and watched the first episode....extremely skeptical going in.  Surprisingly I was indeed entertained, but really in a different way... the show is definitely funny; I'll probably keep watching it.  That 1 dude that's an "energy vampire"...that whole concept and people's reaction to him was great.  Still, I would prefer my vampire stories and games to be at least somewhat serious in tone...that would be the ideal thing.


I'm also still watching Vampire Diaries and Originals again...currently up to the part where they are trying to rescue Bonnie from the magical prison world, and Kai is the new main villain... that guy was one of the best villains in the show, imo.  


...eventually Kai would become one of the top tier categories on the show as a "heretic" (vampire/witch hybrid).... that would definitely be one of my choices of what to be in that have the benefits of vampirism AND witchcraft on your side?  Sheeeittttt, that's too good.  Just some "basic" magical abilities they displayed on that show were invisibility, telekinetic/magic push/pull moves, and making things and people suddenly catch on fire.  They can also stop vamps and wolves in their tracks with some magical attack to their brain (like inciting a brain aneurysm over and over; it brings even the strongest vamps to their knees in pain)  They could also enchant their own jewelry and other objects (so you could make your own "daylight ring")

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There was a short time in the '80s where robot toys that *weren't* Transformers were popular...and I was one of the spoiled kids that had a few... they were mostly made by a company called TOMY


I had Verbot, Dingbot, Flipbot....and the big one-- Omnibot 2000:

Omnibot could play cassette tapes (*and pick up am/fm radio, I think..), and perform simple tasks issued by you via remote control.  It was one of the coolest toys a kid could have at the time.  Dingbot, and Flipbot were small and relatively cheap... Verbot was about mid-tier but Omnibot 2000 was a giant in terms of size and still surprises me that the parents actually got me that (haha Dad didn't want to, but he was overruled by Mom and the grandparents...heh, he's still a little salty about that shit even today).

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3 hours ago, Angel said:

You've seen the og movie @MillionX for what we do in shadows right?

nah I haven't seen the movie yet.


Oddly enough I had a disappointing first impression of True Blood, as it was a bit more comical than what I was expecting....but that one was a mix of funny and serious stuff, so it came around to being one of my favorites of all time eventually.


On another note--- check the GRAPHICS, folks... holy shit 😮 (yeah I know...sadly this isn't a real game)


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hahaha I was coming here specifically to post about that!  Holy shit that's out of left field... everything about this show has been such a beautiful disaster to watch what are they going to do now...  🍿 🤯 


No matter what, the main star of a show deciding to leave is always a critical hit to a series; it's hard to recover from that.


Of course a fairly recent exception right there on CW was my beloved Vampire still surprises me it managed to continue on without Nina Dobrev in the last 2 seasons (she returned for the series finale though)


edit---now I can only hope the juicy behind-the-scenes details of what was going on eventually come out…like if she were to do a tell-all interview! Ohhhhh that would be delicious 😄

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ohoooo and that's just the tip of the iceberg, bruh... the show is ridiculous in soooo many ways.  It's been fantastic unintentional comedy.  I haven't actually watched it on cw....I keep up with a couple of youtubers that were roasting it on a regular basis per episode.  (main ones are Thorias Unlimited and "JLongbone", and another I think goes by the channel name Heelvsbabyface.)


Of course, since it's CW and you know how they do things in recent years... basically she's invincible and is capable of easily defeating anyone in physical combat, despite being a thin-build woman that looks like she weighs maybe 110 lbs.  😄 (Kate is ex-military so I guess they lean on that as her prior combat/fight training/exp)


One of my favorite moments--- Kate is shown getting hit by a speeding truck while on her motorcycle one night.....WITHOUT the protection of the batsuit, btw...(and by the speed it looks like a situation that would at the very least cause several broken bones; perhaps some internal bleeding)... and you guessed it----all this did was KO her for a while.  Once she woke up she was ok and even able to still kick people's ass after that. 🤣

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it would be mildly amusing to me if baby Yoda's name ends up being "Soda".


completely out of left field though... every time I heard Captain Caveman yelling his name as the catchphrase back in the day...that shit cracked me up hysterically every time

🤣 I remember watching some MUGEN videos way back when that was a new thing...and someone put Captain Caveman in the game....I was laughing like I was hit with Joker gas every time he'd say that in the match...they had it so he'd yell out his name before doing his special--"Captainnnn... CAVVVVVEEEEMANNNNN!" *BONKKKK!* as he smashes them with the club... it got me every time 😄

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On 5/19/2020 at 11:14 PM, Angel said:

so the premises of this batwoman show was she just found his gear and somehow modified it to fit her or whatever and now she just takes batmans place???  lol who wrote this shit?   The same clowns that worked on that shit birds of prey movie?

I watched the trailer for it and gave my opinion then.  A whole season later and I realize I was still unprepared for the levels of bs that would fall from the screen.  You can save your eyes from the misery and just watch thorias unlimited on YouTube.  I've posted a few here, but between him and JLongbone they roast the HELL out of that series.  I can only wait to see what horrors they will have to deal with now that season 2 will have a new batwoman.

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oh there was that other time... when Kate managed to stop a runaway train with the grapple on her bat-bike. 🤣  One end hooked to the train and she set the other end of the line on the tracks.... and of course, keep in mind the line looks to be about as thin as a chicken-wire fence.   This successfully stopped that train cold. 😄


The woman who was behind this terrorist action against the city....  I forgot but I think she got off light like probation or something.  Oddly enough that's an accurate outcome though.  It would not surprise me at all if a woman committed terrorist acts for real and only got probation or a couple of months in prison at the most.

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kek I was totally shitting on some bleach fanboi a few weeks ago because he was asking which manga out of naruto, one piece, and bleach had the best art.  And being a biased fuck boi he starts off by saying bleach.


But I am like, wait a minute.....bleach is the manga famous for literally having zero background/foreground, pretty much anything besides the characters just floating around in damn near empty panels for the most part?   Like I started off by saying that I thought naruto and op have serviceable art that isn't usually anything to write home about but their panels for the most part absolutely shit on Bleaches.  Especially OP with the sheer amount of alternative perspective shots being put against really great and detailed backgrounds.   Dude was mad salty and kept going on about how bleach girls look better than OP girls even though that had nothing to do with the post he created XD.    I made him big mad when I said they better look good since the character art is literally the only thing dude be drawing loooooool.   Lazy ass piece of shit

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Well, One Piece in particular... I could never get past that visual style being so damn ugly, imo... back in the day I'd go a little overboard saying it's the "Nicktoons of popular anime" (*there was a certain time when all of a sudden, Nick was loaded up with UGLY ass cartoons like Mike, Lu & Og and Hey Arnold!  those shows were atrocious.) ....hahah that's admittedly a bit much but I'd still say it's just all around unappealing to me.  The character designs all look incredibly goofy or just straight up awful to some designs I'd expect from a fairly talented 6-year old.


Speaking of off-putting visuals----one of the worst of all time just came to mind---- 12 oz. Mouse, which was an Adult Swim late-night show for a while....not sure what happened to it, but no way I could get past the visual of that.  I vaguely recall it looked like something 1 person could fully produce in about 10 minutes. 


another piece of trash---that newest *thing* they tried to pass off as Thundercats....ha, I think it got canceled FAST, from what I heard.

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Yeah oda has a thing for making all his characters unique.....something you barely see in Bleach with everyone having the same long horse faces and mostly wearing the same outfits lol.   After trolling that guy and looking at the actual manga panels and the stark difference in talent I really wondered how an obvious hack like Kubo ever made it in the industry in the first place.   Like how do you get away with making a manga with almost no art in it dafuq? 


Just goes to show ppl these days will lap up anything if it has some sort of power fantasy bent to it that they can superimpose themselves over.    Like most shitty isekai's.   Speaking of hilarious trash




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Still laughing at Gene Simmons son trying to rip off Bleach, like of all the manga you rip off,  you choose the one with no art and the worst most contrived story out of all the popular manga out there?      Fucking Ichigo whose mom apparently got bukkaked by a bunch of random ppl with different bloodlines.   Dude is half everything lol, so many halfs he more than a whole but still not a fully developed character.   Even garbage ass space ninja jesus naruto, king of the hypocrites is a better  character and that is saying something. 

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