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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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42 minutes ago, Daemos said:

I don't remember but did the choice of opponents in character trailers before mean anything for the story or is it just marketing?

They have Bison facing Ed, Juri, and Guile. Ed is obvious, but where is Chun or Ryu? 


It’s inconsistent if the people they fight in their trailers will be relevant to their story. Rashid fights Luke and Lily (neither are important to him), A.K.I. fights Chun-Li and JP (her first and last opponent in arcade mode), Ed fights A.K.I. and Ken (same as Rashid, not important to him), and Akuma only fights Ryu (his final fight in arcade).


Order of characters in Bison’s trailer made sense because they are all victims of him with an axe to grind. Chun moved on the best after Shadoloo was taken down, even deriding Juri for still holding onto her anger against a dead man. Ryu is Ryu and doesn’t let the small stuff like a man wanting his body bother him. The chosen three are shown to still think about Bison to a degree that affects them which is why I think they were picked for this trailer. If anything were to be important in his arcade, I think it would be Juri. But for all we know, it might be JP again.

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2 hours ago, BornWinner said:

If anything were to be important in his arcade, I think it would be Juri. But for all we know, it might be JP again.

Juri would relish the chance to kill Bison herself.  While their origins were similar, Juri's was far more trauma inducing than Chun Li's. Chun Li didn't see Bison kill her father. Juri was in the car getting riddled with bullets along with her parents. Hearing someone was  murdered and seeing it firsthand, are different things altogether.

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2 hours ago, BornWinner said:

I think it would be Juri. But for all we know, it might be JP again.

My thinking is his arcade final boss would be a character that is actively searching for him - Juri or AKI. Juri probably knows he's alive and hinted at that. It would be interesting if he beats her then they become frenemies since he doesn't remember killing her parents, and she enjoys life more with him in the world.

JP and Ed are also boss possibilities because Bison senses Psycho Power and is trying to reclaim it.

Ideally scenario is Bison hands Ed his ass then punishes him by killing his friends. Especially the Dolphin.

Whatever happens, I hope the SF avengers remain ignorant of his survival until the moment Capcom decides he becomes final boss again in SF8.


Edited by Daemos
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With Bison on the horizon, I decided to delve into his mysterious history throughout the yrs.


Something of particular I found interesting; Bison's bios in 30th Anniversary and the Encyclopedia.


30th Anniversary:




"There was a time when M. Bison was simply a young martial artist like any other. The key difference was his overwhelming ambition and tendency toward darkness. In his struggle to become the best in the world, M. Bison murdered his own master, giving in to evil. Before M. Bison, his master was the only person in the world who could manipulate "Soul Power". It's said he only passed this ability to M. Bison and one other student before he was killed, however M. Bison turned "Soul Power" into Psycho Power"."




"At one time, M. Bison was nothing more than a young martial artist like any other. However, his ambitions were overwhelming. In his struggle to become the best in the world of martial arts, M. Bison murdered his own master before giving in to complete chaos. At the time, M. Bison's master was the only person in the world who could manipulate the evil power known as "Psycho Power", and it is said that he passed this ability on to M. Bison and only two other students before his death."


30th Anniversary says Bison's Master was originally a "Soul Power" user. A power that Bison later converted into "Psycho Power".


The Encyclopedia says Bison's Master was a Psycho Power user.


This was also mentioned in his SF2 Complete File entry:



"It is only known that he studied under a certain famous martial artist and learned the art of manipulating Psycho Power at will."


The entry also says:



"Psycho Power can be described as negative 'ki.' Its source is the power of hatred. It is likely that only Bison can harbor such a degree of hatred towards all other existences."






Bison's master was a famous martial artist who taught him how to utilize Psycho Power.


It also says Bison's hatred is in its own league.


Now this was well before Soul Power was introduced into the story. Psycho Power was the only psychic source of power established at this point.


The idea of Bison starting out with Soul Power and gradually changing it into Psycho Power was something I first saw in the Udon comics.








Funny enough, literally every character has a profile in the Encyclopedia except this depiction of Bison's Master.


My guess is since they're going with what's mentioned (The Master being a man) in official sources, they chose not to include this version. 


AAC's entry of Psycho Power and Soul Power is also interesting:


The malicious power which Bison wields. It is similar to Soul Power being that the user can mold their mentality into physical strength seen visibly as a bluish-white aura. It differs in name due to the fact of the wielder drawing their power from a source of evil intentions. The resulting power is rumored to plunge the world into great chaos.


The power which Rose utilizes. It’s a psychic power based upon virtuous intent, and can be assimilated into a form of "ki". It has unlimited potential, but could also lead to great calamity if misused. Visually it is represented as a yellowish gleam, as opposed to Psycho Power’s bluish-white hue.


The way it's worded makes it sound as if Soul Power is the base.


Unlimited potential that can bring about a great disaster if misused.


Psycho Power is basically what Soul Power looks like when misused. 


To be honest, I like the idea of Bison turning Soul Power into his own twisted rendition known as Psycho Power.


But based on what we know about Psycho Power nowadays, the power itself isn't defined by good or evil. 



Oro: "Yes. Power itself is neither good nor evil. Even in the case of Psycho Power, or the Satsui no Hado."



JP: "Strength is neither good nor evil. Psycho Power is no different."


The original explanation is that "hatred" is the very source of Psycho Power.


Hatred itself isn't inherently evil, but it's definitely a negative emotion.


It might be akin to "rage" in DBZ.


A Saiyan like Goku is considered pure hearted normally. When he transforms into a Super Saiyan, his heart is filled with maliciousness. Over time, he got used to it, but he could never eliminate the maliciousness. 


Same with Gohan. A bookworm that naturally becomes more powerful when he taps into his rage. It's his special trait.


So maybe the Master instructed Bison to draw out his power with hatred, but also encouraged him to not allow it to control him. Akuma did say Bison was pathetic for allowing his Psycho Power to conquer him instead of conquering it.


My personal theory is that the Psycho Power taught to Bison was a more neutral version that lacked the pure malevolence behind it.


"Psycho" in name only. Kinda like Athena Asamiya's Psycho Power.


Basically a balanced version with the potential to become a weapon for evil or justice. 


Even though we know nothing about the Master, I'm sure he taught Bison this power in hopes of seeing him grow as a martial artist. 


Over time, Bison's own dark ambitions allowed him to refine it to a point where it became a horrifying source of power. One that feeds on fear and chaos. This eventually led to Bison ending his Master with the Psycho Crusher.


Bison's Psycho Power is basically evil in its purest form.


Ed and Falke wield Psycho Power, but their intent is what separates them from Bison.


JP wields a sophisticated version of Psycho Power. He's more of a scheming scoundrel than someone who cares to become the strongest. 


Overall, the history of Psycho Power is cool to think about. I just felt like looking at things from then and now to see how it all adds up. I'm sure I've missed a few key things as well, but that's fine.


On another note, it's always interesting to see how Bison interacts with others. Especially those from different universes.









Athena to Bison: "Even with the same name, you and I are different. Psycho Power will not yield to evil!"


Bison and Athena communicating on the same team:



Bison: "Psycho Power brings true terror!"

Athena: "No! It brings dreams and hope!"


Athena: "I fight for everyone who supports me!"

Bison: "What do you expect from hypocrites who only offer words?"



I enjoyed their interactions. A nice balance of positivity and negativity between them.


Another is Rock Howard.


Bison and Rock communicating on the same team:



Bison: "This feeling of hatred... It's a pleasant resonance!"

Rock: "Cut it out with that. You're pissing me off!"


Rock: "Don't anger me!"

Bison: "No, anger is good. That is where true power lies!"


I like how Rock is annoyed and Bison is rambling about the awesomeness of hatred and anger.

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5 hours ago, Daemos said:

I don't remember but did the choice of opponents in character trailers before mean anything for the story or is it just marketing?

They have Bison facing Ed, Juri, and Guile. Ed is obvious, but where is Chun or Ryu? 

Fighters don't interact with each other in WTM, and Story mode only has 1 Rival battle.  So there's no place for more than one character to be story relevant.

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41 minutes ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

30th Anniversary says Bison's Master was originally a "Soul Power" user. A power that Bison later converted into "Psycho Power".


The Encyclopedia says Bison's Master was a Psycho Power user.

This same Encyclopedia says Rose is Bison's student and he taught her how to use her power, and in the same breath says She is Bison's good side of his soul. It's not completely accurate. I am hoping we get clarity from his World Tour chapter if he remembers.



44 minutes ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

I like how Rock is annoyed and Bison is rambling about the awesomeness of hatred and anger.

This is how I am interpreting Bison's quote against Akuma about his power boiling over their fight. Akuma excited Bison. No homo.


45 minutes ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

To be honest, I like the idea of Bison turning Soul Power into his own twisted rendition known as Psycho Power.

The way I understood it is very similar to your personal theory. Whatever Bison's power is, it is akin SF's "The Force" (but Psychically sourced not Midi-chlorians). This mind ki is neither inherently good or evil, but the way you harness it and use it makes it light or dark.

where it might differ is I think Bison is the first to manipulate this Force in the Psycho Power way. and he even coined the name Psycho Power (While not canon, Ingrid did mock him in Alpha 3 for naming it that). Psycho from the ancient Greek word for "mental" or "mind", it was used synonymously with "spirit" or "soul" back then.

So arguably Bison is the first known master of Psycho Power. His master from the old stories probably taught him a neutral form, before Bison killed them all.

This perspective allows us to accept that Bison was Rose's master, because he taught her about this ki in its more neutral form while keeping Psycho Power to himself before abandoning her.


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Exactly Daemos. Bison twisted the teachings of his Master to create his own form of Psycho Power. A power uniquely his own.


What the Master taught him was vastly different in nature and intent.


So like you said, Bison would technically be the first master of Psycho Power as we know it.


I'm just glad Lord Daemos approves of the post.


@CESTUS IIIYeah, that was odd. I read a post from a guy that said he worked on this Brazilian guide for the 30th Anniversary:




He said in their version, Bison was the only student.

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5 hours ago, Daemos said:

I don't remember but did the choice of opponents in character trailers before mean anything for the story or is it just marketing?

They have Bison facing Ed, Juri, and Guile. Ed is obvious, but where is Chun or Ryu? 



As @BornWinnersaid it's not that consistent, but they make sense to some extent but in some case it's loose shit



Luke -> Supposed to be new cool protagonist of SF6, kinda like Rashid was in SFV

Lily -> Wind users? The rivalry between "winds" was also played in SF4 with Gief vs Elf (Cyclone vs Hurricane)



Chun Li ->  Chun defeated FANG in ASF

JP -> Rival of FANG, AKI meet him in her Arcade



AKI -> Ed is seen by FANG as another target like JP

Ken -> No fucking idea lol, JP would have made much more sense



Ryu -> Only char that matters for him



Juri -> connected to Bison since her SF4 debut

Guile -> one of greatest enemies of Bison

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7 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Something of particular I found interesting; Bison's bios in 30th Anniversary and the Encyclopedia.


The 30th Anniversay profiles were  compiled by Frank Cifaldi (a video game story/lore researcher) and written by Brandon Sheffield, both hired by Digital Eclipse to compile and write them.


Some of the profiles are almost copy/paste from Matt Moylan's World Warrior encyclopedia. Why Capcom of Japan *cof*Nakayama*cof* *cof*Ono*cof* *cof*Shuhei Matsumoto*cof* didn't write it is beyond me. No wonder they reprinted All About Street Fighter trying to fix that mess...  Now, if a official product/game with Capcom directly involved in it's creation has that much mistakes in the profiles (did they even revised it?), like Nash's death (a mix of his SF2 death with Zero 3 info), I don't think they would care that much aboyt Moylan's Encyclopedia having some of UDON"s story on it.


Will reply the rest during the weekend.

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20 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I don't disagree. That said, I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was just looking for a reason to post the Godlike Elena you created. You have real talent man.

Fun thing S2 DLC will make her disappear 😁

Elena and Terry actually, i will free 2 slots in one season


Terry is going to be godlike material to create characters, specially base moveset will have the right "generic" male brawler/martial arts mix that can fit many things as alternative to Luke's... would use it for Cody to begin with

Other characters having super distinctive stuff make them less "universal" in terms of use


Elena is going to be cool too, even if heavy characterized (given SF6 trend i guess they will emphasize lot her capoeira "dancing" side) i feel like in SF6 there's ever need of new kicks stuff, while punches feels much more covered


Actually talking about scarcity despite not having many in start cast, neither of the eight combined characters of S1 & S2 is a big new grappler (or proper grappler at all, or big body char)

Sure AKI and Akuma have some sort of special grabs (and Akuma basic Lv3 works great on my giant Maori), but it's not what i'm talking about... if you make big char you'r still stealing shit from Zangief with single variaton of Honda's command throw and possibly Marisa's scutum, but that's about it lol


Really hope we get Hugo in S3, game is still waiting the giant type too

Plus while talking grappling throw in Laura in a waifu slot too lol

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On 6/19/2024 at 5:58 PM, Daemos said:

Nakayama did say that they were trying to see if this character is purely evil or not, likely for your World Tour experience. So I am expecting some degree of humanizing, but no sympathy for the devil.

Wayback his purely evil, with that in current words of the director were likely seeing a more toned down Bison.


We'll see how this progress, SF6 is already toned down for character motives not just Juri


Everything seems more loose and just having a good time or doing their personal matters even Akuma



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17 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Exactly Daemos. Bison twisted the teachings of his Master to create his own form of Psycho Power. A power uniquely his own.


What the Master taught him was vastly different in nature and intent.


So like you said, Bison would technically be the first master of Psycho Power as we know it.


Kinda thinking if what if they soon or later turned Psycho Power as a corrupting pplower instead of being just Neutral


For the sake of watering down past villanous activity of Bison and be more flexible for newer generation

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On 6/19/2024 at 5:58 PM, Daemos said:

Fatal Fury, Fighting Ex Layer, and some Tekken = 👍

I was initially expecting them to go intercompany IP since MAhvel was dormant in the past (Not in the present)


So they I was expecting DS characters creeping in SF but they go on full blown SNK.


For me the only consideeation is Fighting EX Layer


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1 hour ago, martinitolove said:

Could you please explain to me the real world origin, game lore background and function on the button on the foreheads of Gill, Urien and Nash?

SF3 shows in electroshock animation it's nailed to their skull

On real world stuff seems linked to "third eye"/pineal gland stuff, so i guess it's supposed to be some sort of ki enhancer


Have for sure some ki related properties, example in Nash case it's literally a battery where is stored "his" vital energy/ki since him as dead man have none


Does'nt seem obligatory requirement to use SS elemental powers, since Kolin use ice while having none (but is also implied her power was gifted by Gill)


I guess it's requirement to own SS secret techniques though


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Forgot to add, we have visual proof in SFV that the foorehead gem was'nt applied on them since birth/childhood



So it's probably the surgery is something that was done when they were ready to take part of candidates competition for presidency of SS


Considering the competition is done to determine who's the most talented/gifted individual is, guess to avoid unfair advantages is likely all the candidates have it and that some may know different SS secret techniques (wich are said to be 66 in total, we seen 2)


Also the fact Nash got it make doubt is an honor reserved only to President and Emperor, even if we talk exceptional situation and Nash was anyway doomed to die and disappear soon after

Plus we seen in SF3 ending the the outcome of cadidates final fight between Urien and Gill, when Gill lose on purpose to Urien to let him get Presidency (as he already knew he would have got higher rank of Emperor), there they had already the gems



PS: is interesting seem there are the same azure butterflies we see in ASF

PPS: Cool thing of that image is that it retcon Urien to be natural tan/silver haired, making not canon anymore his pale/blond SF3 intro look

Meanwhile Gill likely developed his red-blue look only when he maximzed his affinity to fire/ice elements

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I wish Gill did the same thing that Urien used to do in SF3.  Where his skin would start out normal, then would change color as part of his intro animation as he "powered up" for the fight.


They seemed to have retconned that out of Urien completely though.  As Urien used to be fair skinned and blonde before switching to battle mode.  But now he's dark skinned with white hair all the time.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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Tbh i like they retconned Urien as tan+silver, make his appearance more unique (even if lose further wink at Souther, i take variety over that) compared to capcom spamming usual fair skin+blond+blue eyes for whites* 😆


Plus make him feel more greek/mediterranean looking (specially if he's supposed to train almost naked under sun), as italian myself i become brown af in few weeks of decent sun lol



*capcom artists often can't even deal with fact concept wise Luke is supposed to be brown hair dude with some dyed hair, and try to push him as full blond as much as possible lmao 😂

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On 6/21/2024 at 11:22 PM, CESTUS III said:

SF3 shows in electroshock animation it's nailed to their skull

Thank you so very much for the explanation! Do you have a gif of this electroshock animation somewhere?


Regardless of your opinion on Udon comics, what do you thinc of this idea?




Gill has sent the loyal Kolin to face off against G, the self-proclaimed "President of the World". But little do either of these fighters know that Gill plans to use the clashing of their combined ice- and magma- based powers to jumpstart his own weakened abilities.


by Arnold Tsang


COVER by Eric Vedder with Matt Moylan

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5 hours ago, martinitolove said:

Thank you so very much for the explanation! Do you have a gif of this electroshock animation somewhere?


Their skulls seems to have an hole to host the gem



5 hours ago, martinitolove said:

Regardless of your opinion on Udon comics, what do you thinc of this idea?




Gill has sent the loyal Kolin to face off against G, the self-proclaimed "President of the World". But little do either of these fighters know that Gill plans to use the clashing of their combined ice- and magma- based powers to jumpstart his own weakened abilities.


I don't know, tbh none of that would make sense to me even if was made by some japanese mangaka i respect and i actually want to touch SF, seems just everything so inconsistent with characters as we know them in SF canon


If i must find a thing i like is G being used as fire counterpart to Kolin repping Gill's two sides... mostly because i will consider Gill "complete" when i see him having a fire servant too and also because as i did in the past i still believe canon would allow G to be that figure

But that's related to lot of my own personal theories, and tbh none of these link to that udon story for the little i can see


On general i'm not closed to welcome good anime/manga events being recycled or adapted to game events and canonized, as long they're compatible with existing canon... but tbh does'nt seem to me to be the case this time (to be fair is rare on general)

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On 6/22/2024 at 5:12 PM, DarthEnderX said:

I wish Gill did the same thing that Urien used to do in SF3.  Where his skin would start out normal, then would change color as part of his intro animation as he "powered up" for the fight.

I wish the same also. Not sure if they retconned it for "diversity" or if Urien still has his original skin under there.

The weird thing is, they still gave Urien an even darker skin tone that is activated with his specials in SF5. So he went from white to brown to black. Doesn't make a lot of sense.

I understood Gill wanting to be in Messiah mode all the time, because he doesn't see himself as human and wants to keep up the facade that he is divine.

Urien had nothing but contempt for Gill so it made sense that he would disassociate from Gill and the Society by appearing human. Urien would've preferred I presume to stay in the shadows too like they had for 2000 years. Gill wanted everyone to know so he revealed himself.


3 hours ago, martinitolove said:

In my opinion, the idea from Udon how to do  at least something with this obscure G character is worth an applause. Capcom has none so far...

Capcom has plenty enough to work with. G and the Alphabets are their own subplot with potential threads. He shouldn't be reduced to being a pawn for Gill. Matt Moylan thinks he knows Street Fighter, but it's a very Americanized take like those you see in many cheap comic books. Fake depth.

Besides, G's "power" is not Fire technically, it is Earth. There's magma involved for sure but that's not the same exactly.

Gill's fire herald needs to be a new character. The only existing character that could MAAAAYBE with some character development become the fire herald is Awakened Alex (I like calling him Alexander in my headcanon).


Edited by Daemos
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Gill appears on billboards which means the Illuminati are now common knowledge in the timeline, and Kolin is keeping an eye on Nayshall according to Juri.

That's all we have to work with.

One Illuminati rep is bound to make it into the game. I'm hoping for Urien, Thirteen, or Fire Herald Guy. 

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5 hours ago, Daemos said:

I wish the same also. Not sure if they retconned it for "diversity" or if Urien still has his original skin under there.

The weird thing is, they still gave Urien an even darker skin tone that is activated with his specials in SF5. So he went from white to brown to black. Doesn't make a lot of sense.

I always got the impression from SF3 that his powerup was supposed to be turning his skin into, like, literal bronze.  Because he clangs when you hit him.  And just, the 2d sprites aren't great for conveying when something is supposed to look metallic.


I'd be okay with him just being tan by default, and then his skin turning metal in his powerup.

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His skin was definitely meant to become "metallic" (There is a Fist of a North Star villain that does this which may have served as inspiration). The hardened skin lends itself to his fighting style where he has to use his own body weight and muscle to pummel foes.


47 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

then his skin turning metal in his powerup.

SF5 did a poor job at conveying this outside of a V-Skill. Like if it was an install VT it would make it more obvious that THAT was his power-up.

I think if they were both blond and white under all that mysticism, it makes more sense that they are brothers. It would be nice if Capcom acknowledges that his bronze skin in SF5 was a power-up, and his darker skin from VS is another never-before-seen power-up.

Like he has more than one metal form at his disposal, or it's the same metal with more layers. Perhaps the RE engine can make this obvious.

Edited by Daemos
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19 minutes ago, Daemos said:

I think if they were both blond and white under all that mysticism, it makes more sense that they are brothers. It would be nice if Capcom acknowledges that his bronze skin in SF5 was a power-up, and his darker skin from VS is another never-before-seen power-up.

No one ever talks about this, but it seems they're NOT related by blood. @Lord_Vegahelped me out in finding old info for Q, but in doing so he found the old official Second Impact website that states that Urien's mother is a former Olympian. The word choice implies Gill & Urien may not be related by blood, but selected kids are placed together to receive training and learning. Link is here:


and I discuss it here at 5:55



At the end of the day, especially looking at the flashback picture, they simply retconned it so Urien is a brown skinned man, who, like colossus, makes his skin metallic. That's it at the end of the day, as simple as that.



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1 hour ago, ShockDingo said:

No one ever talks about this, but it seems they're NOT related by blood. @Lord_Vegahelped me out in finding old info for Q, but in doing so he found the old official Second Impact website that states that Urien's mother is a former Olympian. The word choice implies Gill & Urien may not be related by blood, but selected kids are placed together to receive training and learning. Link is here:

So they're about as much real brothers as these guys


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On 6/20/2024 at 10:12 AM, Doctrine_Dark said:

With Bison on the horizon, I decided to delve into his mysterious history throughout the yrs.


Something of particular I found interesting; Bison's bios in 30th Anniversary and the Encyclopedia.


30th Anniversary:




"There was a time when M. Bison was simply a young martial artist like any other. The key difference was his overwhelming ambition and tendency toward darkness. In his struggle to become the best in the world, M. Bison murdered his own master, giving in to evil. Before M. Bison, his master was the only person in the world who could manipulate "Soul Power". It's said he only passed this ability to M. Bison and one other student before he was killed, however M. Bison turned "Soul Power" into Psycho Power"."




"At one time, M. Bison was nothing more than a young martial artist like any other. However, his ambitions were overwhelming. In his struggle to become the best in the world of martial arts, M. Bison murdered his own master before giving in to complete chaos. At the time, M. Bison's master was the only person in the world who could manipulate the evil power known as "Psycho Power", and it is said that he passed this ability on to M. Bison and only two other students before his death."


30th Anniversary says Bison's Master was originally a "Soul Power" user. A power that Bison later converted into "Psycho Power".


The Encyclopedia says Bison's Master was a Psycho Power user.


This was also mentioned in his SF2 Complete File entry:



The entry also says:


Bison's master was a famous martial artist who taught him how to utilize Psycho Power.


It also says Bison's hatred is in its own league.


Now this was well before Soul Power was introduced into the story. Psycho Power was the only psychic source of power established at this point.


The idea of Bison starting out with Soul Power and gradually changing it into Psycho Power was something I first saw in the Udon comics.








Funny enough, literally every character has a profile in the Encyclopedia except this depiction of Bison's Master.


My guess is since they're going with what's mentioned (The Master being a man) in official sources, they chose not to include this version. 


AAC's entry of Psycho Power and Soul Power is also interesting:


The malicious power which Bison wields. It is similar to Soul Power being that the user can mold their mentality into physical strength seen visibly as a bluish-white aura. It differs in name due to the fact of the wielder drawing their power from a source of evil intentions. The resulting power is rumored to plunge the world into great chaos.



The power which Rose utilizes. It’s a psychic power based upon virtuous intent, and can be assimilated into a form of "ki". It has unlimited potential, but could also lead to great calamity if misused. Visually it is represented as a yellowish gleam, as opposed to Psycho Power’s bluish-white hue.



The way it's worded makes it sound as if Soul Power is the base.


Unlimited potential that can bring about a great disaster if misused.


Psycho Power is basically what Soul Power looks like when misused. 


To be honest, I like the idea of Bison turning Soul Power into his own twisted rendition known as Psycho Power.


But based on what we know about Psycho Power nowadays, the power itself isn't defined by good or evil. 




The original explanation is that "hatred" is the very source of Psycho Power.


Hatred itself isn't inherently evil, but it's definitely a negative emotion.


It might be akin to "rage" in DBZ.


A Saiyan like Goku is considered pure hearted normally. When he transforms into a Super Saiyan, his heart is filled with maliciousness. Over time, he got used to it, but he could never eliminate the maliciousness. 


Same with Gohan. A bookworm that naturally becomes more powerful when he taps into his rage. It's his special trait.


So maybe the Master instructed Bison to draw out his power with hatred, but also encouraged him to not allow it to control him. Akuma did say Bison was pathetic for allowing his Psycho Power to conquer him instead of conquering it.


My personal theory is that the Psycho Power taught to Bison was a more neutral version that lacked the pure malevolence behind it.


"Psycho" in name only. Kinda like Athena Asamiya's Psycho Power.


Basically a balanced version with the potential to become a weapon for evil or justice. 


Even though we know nothing about the Master, I'm sure he taught Bison this power in hopes of seeing him grow as a martial artist. 


Over time, Bison's own dark ambitions allowed him to refine it to a point where it became a horrifying source of power. One that feeds on fear and chaos. This eventually led to Bison ending his Master with the Psycho Crusher.


Bison's Psycho Power is basically evil in its purest form.


Ed and Falke wield Psycho Power, but their intent is what separates them from Bison.


JP wields a sophisticated version of Psycho Power. He's more of a scheming scoundrel than someone who cares to become the strongest. 


Overall, the history of Psycho Power is cool to think about. I just felt like looking at things from then and now to see how it all adds up. I'm sure I've missed a few key things as well, but that's fine.


On another note, it's always interesting to see how Bison interacts with others. Especially those from different universes.









Bison and Athena communicating on the same team:


I enjoyed their interactions. A nice balance of positivity and negativity between them.


Another is Rock Howard.


Bison and Rock communicating on the same team:

I like how Rock is annoyed and Bison is rambling about the awesomeness of hatred and anger.


In CVS2 Athena has Psycho Ball and such.


In CVS2 Kyo also has a Psycho Crusher. At least Kyo calls his move the Psycho Crusher.


So, back when I posted whether or not Vega is Cambodian or Thai in his SFII CPS1 portrait. Sagat is probably not Thai. How many over 7 feet tall Thai people do you know???


In' Vega's power it states 2 other people have learned psycho power. One of them is Rose. Who is the other. Who is Vega's master? Will Vega's master return in some form?

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3 hours ago, Daemos said:

His skin was definitely meant to become "metallic" (There is a Fist of a North Star villain that does this which may have served as inspiration). The hardened skin lends itself to his fighting style where he has to use his own body weight and muscle to pummel foes.

This also links into the opposing element concept of Secret Society leadership. Gill is Fire & Ice, Urien is Lightning & Metal (aka Void & Metal)

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3 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

The word choice implies Gill & Urien may not be related by blood, but selected kids are placed together to receive training and learning.

I did some digging into the official SF5 bios for characters and oddly enough no where do they mention that Gill is his older brother, including Nakayama's own words. (Btw Urien and Gill's English VAs are A-mazing!)

The only thing that is brought up about their connection is that Urien is basically the VP and Gill's spare. And that Urien dislikes Gill for being overlooked. Gill also mentions that the only thing that binds him to Urien is his prophecy. Of course there is also Urien's arcade ending but it could be taken in the context of religion or comradery.

Perhaps they are only brothers in the sense that they were both adopted by the Illuminati training program when taken away from their parents like you said.

I do think it is a retcon, a quiet one that is brushing the old idea under the carpet. Mainly because even if Capcom never intended them to be biological brothers from the same parents, this idea has been persistent enough across all media that it deserved either an outright acknowledgement or denial.


Well there goes my theory that Alex is the third biological brother that was saved by the mother from the SS. My blond trio.  😞

Edited by Daemos
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36 minutes ago, Jion_Wansu said:

Sagat is probably not Thai. How many over 7 feet tall Thai people do you know???

Sagat is Thai. This is beyond debate.

Bison's DNA is producing blond kids almost exclusively. So obviously he is not purely Asian if at all.


38 minutes ago, Jion_Wansu said:

One of them is Rose. Who is the other.

Rose is Bison's student, not his peer.

39 minutes ago, Jion_Wansu said:

Who is Vega's master? Will Vega's master return in some form?

He/She are dead. No.

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9 hours ago, Daemos said:

Matt Moylan thinks he knows Street Fighter, but it's a very Americanized take like those you see in many cheap comic books. Fake depth.

I'm with you here. At the beginning Udon's Street Fighter comics were written by Ken Sui-Chong - a chinese. And in my opinion he was talented and amazing! That lasted for many years, but his energy started to fade, now producing one or two SF-comics per year. Then came Chris Sarrazzini - an italo-american with three awfull and bloody books (Nash, Akuma, Sagat), very unlike SF, and the aforementioned Matt Moylan, who is a marketing expert but not a talented writer. I firmly believe that, although SF should get some input from other continents (Deejay is great!), the circle of creators of the game and comics should stay asian, preferrably japanese. That worldview is SF's essence, it's soul.


11 hours ago, martinitolove said:

Back to Gill and Urien - what is the background of their names?

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I suppose that their names come from christian-jewish angels - Gabriel and Uriel. 

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6 hours ago, martinitolove said:

Thank you very much for the explanations! 


In my opinion, the idea from Udon how to do  at least something with this obscure G character is worth an applause. Capcom has none so far...

Tbh i believe G had good work done to build up his lore in SFV, we have many elements already

Problem is they should have followed up with SF6, and they did nothing so far focusing instead on a new arc with JP


Is just same shit we got back to Gill days, we have lot hints he trolled us whole SF3, then SF4 gone with Seth arc


Problem of SF chapters passing under many hands through years, new people ever want sell us their own new shit rather than give us story continuity following previous SF events


But if alternative is udon making shit up without solid understanding of material lore they're working on i'm not interested, let alone hope their stuff reach the acual game


7 hours ago, martinitolove said:

Back to Gill and Urien - what is the background of their names?

No idea about Gill

Only thing at some point in early concept phase he was called "Gemini"  (likely straight after Saint Seiya villain, since they share LOT), but no idea how it they chosen the final name Gill


Urien iirc at some point was supposed to be called "Julien" , so since "Jurien" would be pretty similar, would not be so suprise if we have another L/R translation victim like Rolento


But here would ask @Miðgarðsormwho's golden source for all that kind of stuff (and much more lol)


5 hours ago, Daemos said:

I wish the same also. Not sure if they retconned it for "diversity" or if Urien still has his original skin under there.

Latter would not make sense, they're still kids with no gem and even adult Urien in SF3 trigger it just before fight, would be bizzarre if kid pre-enhancement Urien stay transformed 24/7 for no reason

In in post-SFV new canon it's clearly his normal look since childhood


Btw as said personally i prefer that way, better for design variety and more greek look


Tbh is even more compatible with most of SF3 material itself considering that beside the intro there's basically nothing about his pale/blond form existence, considering his SI and TS endings show him being tan/silver hair version also when he's in suit not fighting, some goes for some other stuff

SI by Kinu


TS by Ikeno


Kinu art (even if this is what if)


Another art, still tan but yellow hair (hair color is wrong for some in this pic, see Dudley blue or Yang purple)



Then you have SFV just killing it with flashback art, is like beyond sprite intro itself we never got anything about him having a non-fighting pale form


6 hours ago, Daemos said:

I understood Gill wanting to be in Messiah mode all the time, because he doesn't see himself as human and wants to keep up the facade that he is divine.

Yeah but that's still well delivered by design, even more in SFV version where Urien would stick in default version wearing his normal modern suit as to int he's pragmatic man focused on material things


But for what's worth since SS elemental powers are based on affinity with the element, his look i guess is supposed to express that he's so kindred with both these elements that he does'nt need to focus to get in that state and simply come natural to him

Is same mental/spiritual state he will try to push on others


12 hours ago, Daemos said:

Urien had nothing but contempt for Gill so it made sense that he would disassociate from Gill and the Society by appearing human. Urien would've preferred I presume to stay in the shadows too like they had for 2000 years. Gill wanted everyone to know so he revealed himself.

Urien is traitor of SS values/tradition as much as Gill (in TS he even blow up the place where elders brains were stored), but really doubt he would have keept low profile if he was the one reaching the top, again the "stay in the shadows" thing is SS mindset and Urien disrespect them too


Urien would have been more like Bison, his SI endng show his idea of rule would have been expressed ad militar power domination


He's mad about Gill's reveal because he ever get mad at Gill doing his own things to reach his target, and world reveal was biggest move so far

Core of Urien's rage ever been not be considered by his brother at same level, and Gill distanced himself furthermore... then Urien try to fight him, as defeat Gill would proof he's just as good, but Gill going serious just put one side beating on him so Urien become desperate


12 hours ago, Daemos said:

Capcom has plenty enough to work with. G and the Alphabets are their own subplot with potential threads. He shouldn't be reduced to being a pawn for Gill. Matt Moylan thinks he knows Street Fighter, but it's a very Americanized take like those you see in many cheap comic books. Fake depth.

Besides, G's "power" is not Fire technically, it is Earth. There's magma involved for sure but that's not the same exactly.

Gill's fire herald needs to be a new character. The only existing character that could MAAAAYBE with some character development become the fire herald is Awakened Alex (I like calling him Alexander in my headcanon).

Ironically i see it opposite

In the sense while of existing characters i can see G being a possible "fire hand" for a bunch of reasons that would make him good Kolin's opposite (would still prefer a new character do it) and lot of things would fit well, while is Alex who should not be reduced to a lesser tool like Kolin


Alex for Gill is important, his role is going (if capcom ever bother to continue that arc) to be much greater than cover a vacant spot as co-minion


Plus based on Kolin he does'nt seem to fit the kind of figure i would expect from the fire hand, and for that shit some symmetry would be needed


11 hours ago, Daemos said:

Gill appears on billboards which means the Illuminati are now common knowledge in the timeline, and Kolin is keeping an eye on Nayshall according to Juri.

That's all we have to work with.

Gill on billboards mean the world knows Gill, not Secret Society and real influence it have over the world


From the SFV reveal and SF6 billboard impression is Gill is seen by people as some sort of cult leader, the spotlight is only on him while SS still operate in shadows


11 hours ago, Daemos said:

One Illuminati rep is bound to make it into the game. I'm hoping for Urien, Thirteen, or Fire Herald Guy. 

Damn, to hope for fucking Thirteen one should really hate Gill lol 😂


Btw agree on most, Urien as priority

Fire-hand would be interesting but want to see him/her in same game as Kolin, so my request in their case would be as 2-slots

Gill can be spectacular in SF6 but reality is i don't need him ingame unless he's there to do serious shit as Final Boss (wich at some point should do), if not he better stay as "story" character sending his hands to move pieces for him


I did'nt felt like anything he did in SFV required him be playable, even if had two major fights... would have accepted to learn he fucked up G and Urien just from story cutscenes, his main role there was puppeteer on the side


Him outplaying JP would be fun though, but don't need him playable for that

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7 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

No one ever talks about this, but it seems they're NOT related by blood. @Lord_Vegahelped me out in finding old info for Q, but in doing so he found the old official Second Impact website that states that Urien's mother is a former Olympian. The word choice implies Gill & Urien may not be related by blood, but selected kids are placed together to receive training and learning.

For what's worth SF wiki still list them as full brothers, with the former olympian woman being mother of both


"Gill and his younger brother Urien were born to parents who were long time members of the cult. Both their parents are said to have been candidates to the presidency of the cult; being holders of Ph.D(s) in their respective fields. It is noted that their mother, an Olympic level athlete and a doctorate in Sports Dynamics was especially a favorite to become the President. "


Curious if it's a case of strange choice of words or if there's something more lore related... given SS love for eugenics, try different mixes using same man but two different women would not be strange for them


But at same time feel if they knew to have different parents (at least one) the issue would have been covered, specially when dealing with Urien's frustration

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Since Vega/Bison will be released on wednesday (why not tuesday? bummer!), let's take a look at some of his most obscure lore, shall we?


Street Fighter 2' Champion Edition (Gamest #77)



Under the fate of a star

In the past, that man was once a young man who continued to train with the sole aim of becoming a martial artist. He followed his master's instructions, working hard with his companions, and trained himself. He was just an ordinary young warrior. But that man was born under a fateful star: a demonic star that drives people into fear and ruin. Even if he had resisted that fate, he would not have been able to do so until the end. Because, if we didn't think like this, the deaths of so many people who fell before his demonic fists would be meaningless, and the human race would be reduced to nothing more than a cursed and ugly existence.

                That young man... Vega was troubled by his own strong desire to rise to the top. Whenever he started doing something, he would use any means necessary to reach the top of that world. Recently, his dangerous personality had become so intense that even he could recognize it, and it was becoming difficult to control, so he was desperate to restrain himself.

                If he worried any more, he would go crazy. Realizing this, Vega sought entertainment that would allow him to release his frustrated feelings. And it was the dojo where he currently studies that caught his eye.

At first, it was just for fun. But as time passed, he began to take the martial arts training more seriously. Perhaps his straightforward personality worked to his advantage this time. He quickly rose to the top among the students, and gradually began to show his talent. However, this was the end of his human heart.



Emperor of darkness is born

Although Vega's prowess as a fighter surpassed that of his aged master, his master continued to treat him as an apprentice. Vega clearly harbored murderous intent towards his master. However, he desperately suppressed those feelings and remained loyal to his master. That’s because… his master was the only person on Earth who could freely control the Psycho Power. It is said that in the past, two of his students had mastered the technique of throwing lumps of Psychic Power and had left the school, but this is not certain.

He marked his soul with his master's every move. And finally, he mastered Psycho Power.

The next day, his master was lying at his feet, horribly burned and scorched by Psycho Power, barely surviving.

"You should be grateful that I've kept you alive for so long..."

Then, at the moment when his master draw the last breath, his self-control completely crumbled.

Since then, having gained this power, he has trampled down anyone he perceived as an obstacle or a hindrance. Even if they were women and children, his fists filled with hatred would rain down mercilessly, leaving only the human beings who had turned into objects in his wake. Naturally, there were some who were angered by his actions and challenged him to a fight. But for him, there was no more satisfying moment than when he fought back against those who opposed him, and his fists and entire body were filled with a dark Psycho Power that hated those who were so ruthless in their resistance.

Soon, he realized that by synchronizing his mental state with this dark power, he could generate even more powerful hatred. Hatred was an important emotion that drew out his true power. Now that he could control it freely, he committed more and more cruel murders as he pleased. However, by this time, his cruel acts had become known to the authorities, and a nationwide siege had been launched against him. However, his bad luck did not end. War broke out with a neighboring country, and the nation was in no position to deal with it.

His whereabouts after that are unknown. But it is impossible that he died so easily. He must be somewhere today, playing with his dark powers, waiting for a resistance worthy of defeat.

Vega, the strongest fighting king. Where on earth is he?


Street Fighter 2 Complete File





Using the Psycho Power of hatred as a weapon, Vega is the evil fighting king, eliminating his opponent’s one after the other. His life history and age are totally unknown. What is known is that he learned from a famous fighter a technique to freely use psycho power. In a way, the psychic power is a negative energy, whose source lies in the power of hatred. He is the only one who can feel such hatred for everything that exists. He can control his feelings in favor of the forces of darkness. It's said that he is the one who really controls the Shadaloo, secret society that works behind the scenes in the underworld.



Secret Character Concept:

Being the strongest boss, the character was developed with various techniques that ordinary fighters can't do. He can't receive an opponent's punch and, at the same time, throw him away or float after receiving a kick, easily jumping on top of an opponent; however, the moves Head Press and Deadly Throw are evidence of his out of the ordinary strength. His name, Vega, was taken by the game's development team because it sounded like someone strong and evil. But initially, his name would be Eagle Head.



Double Knee Press:


In this move, Vega applied a fighting technique that he developed through martial arts, not using supernatural powers. Despite being a unique maneuver, it's difficult to discern the origin of the martial arts employed, we can see that there is an influence of Muai Thai. As stated in the name of the move, originally, the blow would start from the knees, but he ends up unleashing the movement with the whole leg. So it is not easy for the opponent to counterattack this cowardly technique. It is a movement that shows all the cruelty of Vega.



Vega as a Fighter:

His fighting style, as mentioned before, is not the melee. His posture is of hatred, aiming to kill the opponent. Fighting for him is a mix of pure fun and a way to get rid of those who get in the way. Thinking only about winning the fight, he does not hesitate to use cowardice fighting techniques and the cruelest methods. Of course, the fact that he is an exceptional fighter, it is rare for anyone to resist after receiving one of his brutal blows. Getting a chance to counterattack him is something quite difficult.



Psycho Crusher Attack:

Vega is a type of paranormal. This is not telekinesis and telepathy, but rather a force that covers his body like an aura, and multiplies the intensity of his attacks. It is an extreme form of energy. The Psycho Crusher Attack is a technique in which he freely manifests this force. His aura turns into a white flame, covering his whole body, and, while spinning, it goes through the enemy. While piercing the opponent's belly with a claw-like hand strong like iron, he burns it with his flaming aura. He killed his master with this move...


COMMENTARY: The same book gave us a relations chart where it mentions that Vega stole a kick from Adon. It's the Double Knee Press.


While Hadoken no Nazo does mention Vega's master, it's the same information (almost verbatin) from Gamest #77. Same goes for All About Capcom.


Street Fighter Zero (All About SFZ and In-Game text)



The figure of a man is seen entering deeper in the mountain, while a reddish moon illuminates the darkness. Everything is absolutely quiet, as if all creatures, fearing that figure, are holding their breath. This man is looking for Gouken, who has built a dojo (gym) on this mountain, where he carries out his training.

“Are you the heir to that murderous fist (ansatsuken)?” – without notice, the figure of that man was there, in front of Gouken, who, alone, under the dim light of a candle illuminating the dojo, was doing zazen (“meditation” performed sitting in the lotus position).

“Show me all your techniques/moves.” These words were filled with killing intent. Hearing them, Gouken slowly and steadily raised his gaze. There was determination in his eyes.


Gouken silently stood up, took a stance, and released his fighting spirit all at once.

When silence was restored on the mountain, the man lying on the stone sidewalk in front of the dojo was Gouken. “The much talked ansatsuken can’t be just that” – with his arms crossed and showing no signs of fatigue, the man remained standing there, next to [Gouken], as if nothing had happened.

Gouken knew that sooner or later, this man carrying an evil energy would come to meet him. However, the moment he confronted him, he knew that he had unparalleled power and did not risk using the power of the Shoryuken and the very Hadoken. This was because he did not want that man to discover the secret of his attacks...

“You mean not showing your true strength?….. Alright…. I’ll have your disciples show it to me” – said that man, with an intrepid smile.


“There’s no reason to be surprised. Your spirit is revealing everything.”

The man’s limitless power and Gouken’s miscalculation led to a completely unexpected result.

“This too, is it what you could call destiny?...” – the man leaves silently, leaving Gouken, who is losing consciousness.



8th battle: Rose

Rose: ``Vega... I can't ignore your mistakes any longer!

Rose: My mission is to seal you away... This is the end of Psycho Power!''

Vega: ``Oh... ...I didn't know there were still people who could use Soul Power. Let me show you… This is how you use 'power'!"


Vega: ``...You've been deceived by something as stupid as justice...... Even though you have the same power as I...... How foolish of you!''

Now that Rose has been defeated, Vega is the only one who can pass Psycho Power along. Is there no one left who can destroy Vega's ambition to plunge the world into darkness?


Street Fighter Zero 2 (All About SFZ2)



A swirling ambition to conquer the world!

A demon who controls the evil power “Psycho Power”!


It's been one week since Vega secluded himself in the lab. He's holding experiments to quantify increases in his Psycho Power: he captures famous fighters to battle with, and transforms their anger and hatred into Psycho Power for him to absorb.

As of now, not one captive left this room alive: they've just been preys for Vega's Psycho Power. Such a deed is to be expected from someone people call a demon.

However, right now Vega is furious: he can't increase his Psycho Power as much as he'd want to. The fighters he's getting to his lab lately are second-rank ones that are terrified of him, and fear can't be turned into Psycho Power: unless they hate him or resent him, there's no point in dealing with them.

But Vega still wants more: his thirst for power and desire for domination can't help but keep growing, fed by his dark ambitions.

At this time, news of the martial artist Ryu reach his ears: he managed to defeat the Thai hero Sagat.

"... How interesting! I want to enjoy this chance. It would be a waste to defeat him only to grow my Psycho Power..."

Vega grins, and his body is engulfed in a blue aura.

"Ryu... you might just be able to withstand my ultimate technique. It shouldn't take you too long to appear before me, If you're aiming to be the world's strongest man!!"

As he says this, his body changes into a bluish-white flash, and hovers above the ground.

Having come into contact with him, devices and robust steel pillars, creaking, bend like they were made of confectionary. Such is the superhuman power of "demon" Vega's ultimate technique, Psycho Crusher.



COMMENT: I do think that this story is BEFORE Vega's SFZ1 backstory. After hearing about the man who defeated Sagat. He went after those who practiced ansatsuken.


And we can't talk about Vega without taking a look at some of Rose's lore as well.


Street Fighter Zero (All About SFZ)



For some time now, she had been noticing a disturbing atmosphere. It was the force of an evil will, the power of an evil intention to dominate everything. This force seemed to have a completely different nature from the so-called “Soul Power” that she had mastered.

At first, it was nothing more than a very small thing. However, she realized that this power was gradually increasing. And in a consistent manner.....

One day, she had a dream. She dreamed of a detestable, cold, blue flame spreading throughout the world. It was a scene in which the fires of hell burned everything...

This was truly terrifying. A sign of something she herself feared: a great calamity caused by “Soul Power”.

The next day, after this nightmare, she isolated herself to think. And she had a bad feeling. Something had to be done before that nightmare became reality... However...

At that moment, she suddenly noticed a very sinister ‘ki’, which seemed to be getting closer and closer. She quickly opened the door and went out into the street. But there was nothing strange out there. .... it can't be! It's getting closer and closer, that's for sure! She concentrated again.

            Several cars appear from an alley and pass by her at high speed. Frightened, she looks closely at the inside of one of these cars.

            Inside that black limousine was a man dressed in a red military uniform. The blue-white aura of that figure perfectly matched that of the nightmare. She stared at him. At that moment, the man in uniform turned around and, with an intrepid smile, looked at her... A thrill traversed her, she could only stand still as the carriage moved away from her field of vision.

                Rose remembered her master's words: “One day, fate will guide your steps towards the battlefield. Never forget one thing: Soul Power is, for you, a powerful weapon and also an insurmountable weakness...”

Shortly after, she would discover the true meaning of these words during a fight with cruel destiny.







What is the “soul power” manipulated by Rose?

“Soul power” is the power that transforms mental power into physical power. When this ability is applied to combat techniques, it is possible to increase attack power. It can be said that what is called “ki” is also a type of this power. But how did she become capable of manipulating a “power” like this? She doesn’t talk much about it. According to some sources, for several years, she learned how to use this “force” from someone she called “master”. Rose was aware of a certain type of irresistible quality that “soul power” possesses. Would any human being who ended up being attracted to this force ultimately have the ability to control it? The possibilities of “soul power” are limitless. Therefore, if it is used incorrectly, it would lead to great calamities. Right now, this situation is about to occur. When she felt the existence of “the evil energy”, Rose realized the important mission that had been invested in her. “Neutralize the force manipulator and stop the calamities before they occur... The only person capable of that is me! There is no one else.” Rose’s new destiny was about to begin.


Street Fighter Zero 3  (In-Game text)



Before the 9th battle (vs. Balrog)

Rose: “Balrog... Warrior of Shadaloo! I've finally found him. You know where Vega is, right? Could you tell me?”

Balrog: “I'd like to say that there's no reason to do that, but... Rose... Certainly, like a rose, it has beauty and mystery hidden at the same time. I will give you a crimson veil worthy of your name...Kukuku.”

After the 9th battle (vs. Balrog)

Balrog: “He... Vega, would rather have a showdown with you. I don't want to understand what that monster is thinking, but... he's going out of his way to kill you.”

Rose: “...By looking into your heart, I can figure out Vega’s general whereabouts. This is a destiny decided by heavens...... What was divided shall become one again. After that, it is impossible, for me and even for him, to imagine the future...



Before the battle (vs. Juni & Juli)

Vega: “'ve arrived quite early. Unfortunately, I have other things to attend to... Come back another day.”

Rose: “Vega... there's no point in trying to avoid it. You should know that too... since the moment we first met, this outcome was decided...

Vega: “Hahahaha, you say such sad things! Well, how about play with these guys to calm yourself down? I can't guarantee your life, though...”



Before the 10th battle (vs Vega)

Rose: “Did you think you could fool me with this? There's no escape...for you, and for me...”

Vega: “You're prepared to a fight to the death? That's admirable. It would be more 'suitable' for you to be obedient like in the past.”

Rose: “At that moment, that's what triggered this tragedy……….Let's put an end to this…Vega!!”




Vega: “Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!”

Rose: “This is the end...Vega!!”

Rose: “I didn't want to defeat you like this...”

Rose: “My former master... now... I have to kill you with my own hands……”

Vega: “Guh...your admirable. It's true that there is no other way to end this. However... This is not the “end” desired by my “soul”.

Vega: “Bah!!”

Rose: “Uhaaaaaaaa!!”

Vega: “Let me show you... your future! Can you see it? Wielding this power that only the two of us are permitted to wield, I can see ‘your image’ teetering in the darkness of the end of the world...!!”

Rose: “...!!...What......! If that's the case... no... I-I…”

Vega: “That's right... We will return. Just like you… and I had wished...!!”

Vega: “Despite different lives… our soul...”

Vega: “Uaaaahh...!!”

Guy: “Wow... I had a bad feeling. That's why I came after her...”

Guy: “I did well to come.”

Guy: “...looks like she's safe, but if we don't take care of this soon...”

Guy: “Hmm...! Am I imagining things...? That man is also down. Anyway, the creature that disturbs the rules of this world has disappeared.”

Guy: “But... what is this? This fear...”


COMMENTARY: @Miðgarðsorm when you have some time, could you please revise the bolded parts? This is a pretty troublesome subject LOL Thanks a lot!



Edited by Lord_Vega
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Vega: ``Oh... ...I didn't know there were still people who could use Soul Power. Let me show you… This is how you use 'power'!"


This is another line that makes me wonder if Soul Power was the base.


Bison is shown to be aware of this power without Rose mentioning it. He's also surprised that there's still someone around who's capable of using it. 


His familiarity leads me to believe that Soul Power was the original power. He's the only one that converted it into something else.


Alpha 3 expanded on their lore with the whole Master-Student connection, but it's pretty confusing and honestly feels like it came outta nowhere.


They kinda remind me of Piccolo and Kami from Dragon Ball.


When Kami wanted to become the God of Earth, he was told that he'd have to train hard in order to purge all of the evil from his body. When he successfully expelled it from his body, the evil became Demon King Piccolo. Or Piccolo Daimao. This created the life-link between them.


In the Udon comics, Bison told the Master he needed to purge all of the goodness from his soul in order to complete Psycho Power.










Bison: "As one's soul tends towards darkness, one's ability to effectively wield Psycho Power's destructive forces increases. By purging all positive energy from one's consciousness--exorcising all joy, compassion, and love like a tumor from one's soul--one's mastery of Psycho Power can be made complete and absolute. The final and irrevocable step--the complete expulsion of goodness from my soul--is something I wanted you to witness!"



Once Bison purged his soul, it wiped out everyone in the village except Rose. The explosion of energy ended up empowering her instead.


Now this obviously didn't happen in canon, but I do wonder if Bison's discovery of Psycho Power indirectly led to Rose's creation in some way. Perhaps her memories of the Master come directly from Bison because of this.


Now to continue the Piccolo/Kami comparison


Hundreds of yrs later, Kami wanted to seal Piccolo Jr (Reincarnation of Daimao)  away in order to protect the world. Once it became clear that this wasn't possible, Kami was ready to take Piccolo's life...which would also be suicide for Kami.


Rose's original mission was to seal away Bison's power. Once that proved to be ineffective, she was ready to take it a step further and end him altogether. 


Sometimes I appreciate not having a clear answer 

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I forgot how much of Akuma was a total rip off of Bison. It wasn't just him trying to steal his thunder at the end of ST. The backstory, Gouken, everything - just taken. Miserable flea!


9 hours ago, Lord_Vega said:

Street Fighter 2' Champion Edition (Gamest #77)

This one I think is the most complete and perfect explanation of what drives him. I can see it already how it affected Nakayama and Matsumoto's retake on the character in 6.


9 hours ago, Lord_Vega said:

That young man... Vega was troubled by his own strong desire to rise to the top. Whenever he started doing something, he would use any means necessary to reach the top of that world. Recently, his dangerous personality had become so intense that even he could recognize it, and it was becoming difficult to control, so he was desperate to restrain himself.

                If he worried any more, he would go crazy. Realizing this, Vega sought entertainment that would allow him to release his frustrated feelings. And it was the dojo where he currently studies that caught his eye.

At first, it was just for fun. But as time passed, he began to take the martial arts training more seriously. Perhaps his straightforward personality worked to his advantage this time. He quickly rose to the top among the students, and gradually began to show his talent. However, this was the end of his human heart.

This part especially encapsulates who he is at his core. He is a mountain climber. He's not at rest until reaches the peak of every situation he faces. He makes every hierarchy his home through and for his will to power.

Even the part about restraining himself comes through in the game with the image of his injured arm. The Psycho Power within him wants to burst out and kill, but he lulls into a ghastly green submission.

This is great @Lord_Vega thanks for sharing again. Hoping Capcom acknowledges this history in world tour.

Edited by Daemos
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