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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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1 hour ago, Daemos said:


To be honest that's not how Capcom see it, even if that's what Nakayama claims.

The way it works actually is that there are TWO groups or "chapters" - There is SF2 and then there is everyone else.

If you read again my post you realize it's exactly what i said, please do greater effort understand what people say


Second line was literally



We got whole page about racism against SF3, but reality is



The complain of SF6 being "anti-SF3" to bend the knee to SF2 is the concept i was debunking, and that if anything all other non-SF2 chapters are being treated same or worse (with exception of SFV i guess due recency)


SF6 if anything has been "hostile" toward SF3 with their choice of new characters, then bending the knee to SF2 is true but relatively unrelated beyond the actual slots it eat, in the sense there has been opportunity to both safe cash bend knee to SF2 AND give some space to SF3 (or other chapters) too, yet Capcom used that space to do other stuff


Simple proof being S1 had only 1 out 4 slots used for a SF2er and still the first SF3er did'nt appeared.

But same could be said for first SFA, Final Fight, SF1 or SF4 beyond Juri (who's there for money it generate, not to "respect" SF4 wich with vanilla+S1+S2 fully released will still sit at 1 char)


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

You all know the reasons for SF2, but in the context of the most recent interview it's because the SF2 roster inherently covers a lot of nationalities and a lot of fighting styles/archetypes.

I agree with this, in fact will never find me complain about some like Chun repping Kung Fu, Zangief wrestling or Sagat muay thai

They're icons and like see them return, even if may obstacle a bit the road to newcomers (and i'm usually open to newcomers in SF)

Regardless of my not impartial position on SF2*, that chapter evolved SF1 idea and extremized it into try get as many different iconic styles/nations in same tournament, wich beside SFA has been SF formula even when was bit less noticeable


*wich i don't need to hide, i'm much more a SF2 guy than a SF3 one, yet i can still recognize and point at bullshit if i see it


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

This is one of the cornerstones of the SF series, even when you ignore their powerful brand recognition.

I doubt you will find anybody that has been louder than me here about it, i ever valued diversity of nations and styles (specially iconic ones, see me mad about no Muay Thai till at least S3 being biggest SF6 shame)  over character loyalty


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

I don't think there is a specific block for any other Street Fighter chapter. Capcom groups the rest all together and picks and chooses what they want when they want.

Again, just read the post saying literally same thing lol


2 hours ago, Daemos said:


Very rarely, one of these characters kinda joins the SF2 group even if they are not technically SF2. Cammy and Akuma were the first, the rest of the New Challengers (Hawk, DJ, and Fei) are not as stable. Sakura and Juri are the newest ones in the "SF2 group".

It's not "SF2 group" is just that some single characters managed to become huge cash cows, so they have safe place either to push start cast (Juri) or pump money into early season (Akuma, wich was crap move tbh) or hold them back on purpose to fuel later seasons when audience enthusiasm start decline (example Sakura did'nt joined SFV before S3 neither just like current SF6 situation)


That's why SF4 getting Juri in does'nt imply SF4 got better treatment, just that Juri itself sell (and tbh rare case SF fanbase throw money at deserving char lol)


The 12 have different status that goes beyond individual merits (wich i guess make some people mad)

Wich at times can be good thing, see Honda having no loud fanbase yet i got my needed Sumo rep (pissing "fans" off) already in start cast

At times can be bad, like Blanka slot was'nt THAT necessary in vanilla


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

I don't think SF2ers hate SF3ers. Sure we were frustrated in the 90s, but none really care anymore. They are the ones being petty and crying to the SF official account and Nakayama about SF2. Every time a new SF game comes out and they're shocked that Capcom does not hold their game in as high a regard. It then starts over. This has been the case since the early 2000s.

Sometimes it gets funny as an observer and we take shots.

Different times, not higher ground

Those who are winning  are unlikely to be pissed as those eating shit


I for sure was mad af back to SF3 days before learn to love SF3 too... wich ironically happened more after SF3, when i got my loved SF2 shit back in SF4 and i started missing the goods of SF3, wich is why i loved even more late SF4 versions when i got that SF3 juice too


But before that easy tolerance i don't hide i was bitter af just as SF3 fans today not having Zangief or Sagat in SF3, yet game throwing at me shit like Twelve, Q, Remy, sprite clones etc


Again would not play "It's not me it's them"

Because devs are clearly treating a % of SF fans like meaningless shit, all while making some choices that exclude some of best SF concepts and going against game quality best interest, and when SF2 fans speak at them with the arrogance of be at winning side as if it's holy best thing of course their reaction spit at your face


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Doesn't mean we don't like or want SF3 characters.

I'll try keep be honest whole post, call me forgetful but in years i've no personal memories of you asking for more SF3 lol


All i can personally remember (again, i'm getting old so maybe i forget things) is promote Urien over Gill, and keeping that honesty most of times seems more attempt to play down Gill (character imagined by SF3 devs as bigger badder greater Boss than Bison) rather than real long life love for the Urien character itself lol


Is funny because i prefer Urien too as character itself, but feel we got at least partially different reasons


3 hours ago, Daemos said:

An example of the grudge they hold is the recent posts on social focusing on why Bison is back and "too much SF2 in SF6" blah blah 'greedy' blah blah 'unfair'.


"They" hold grudge, yet you go bitter about it trying paint them as bunch of retards while some of the points they make are spot on


I'm SF2 guy but is hard not see some deformities going on, close eyes because you like it does'nt make you better or smarter observer


SF2 fan with eyes still can recognize

Complain Bison coming back address real thing Capcom gave up create a new big villain for SF (wich is a disservice) for DECADES, because being they prefer play safe with a villain they know sell well

Seth was designed with zero ambition, then you got Necalli with no ambition (and if had it at birth, sure did'nt reached final product), then you got JP being Bison's wallet manager that get beated up by avatar and in future by Mr.Sidekick

Then Bison in SF6 is well done and hopefully will keep low profile to don't disturb much the story (wich story? Ken vs Wallet Manager, crazy epic shit), but point stay and without know their intention+having seen precedents i still believe was fair to hope for Bison to come out very late seasons (and i understand even those wishing he skipped whole chapter)


SF2 fan with eyes still can recognize

Akuma in S1 contrast very same -correct- values they pretend to follow to build the cast

Not my words, theirs

Akuma wasted 1 S1 slot, 25% of season worth months and months of wait, used for hado/shoryuken third variant because being "greedy" they wanted that easy Akuma money (and there i blame first SF fans as group having no idea how a SF cast should work, but just crying to get their puppet asap, be it Akuma or Sakura or whatever) as soon as possible, even if current cast need other stuff first


SF2 fan with eyes still can recognize

Is "unfair" completely ignore specific chapters fans that supported you for years, just like was unfair what SF3 devs did to SF2 fans to feed their own ego trying to defeat SF2 legacy

Then history punished only SF3 devs, money talks and all that crap, but arrogance win or lose is the same shit on both sides


3 hours ago, Daemos said:

When they should be getting mad at this season being 50% guests.

They, like i am, should rather be mad at S2 being a pathetic 4 slots deal again


Even if was'nt guest and these two slots went to 100% SF pedigree characters like Rufus and Decapre, my hunger for more good SF fighters would be same


And actually Terry is incredible addition that does'nt compromise host game athmosphere, less sold on Mai but still take her any day over some actual SF chars (and like Terry she's 100% compatible with SF world)


But instead...

3 hours ago, Daemos said:

Why are their knives not out as much about Terry and Mai?

..this happened.

All salt went against the two guest stealing our jobs, rather than at devs not releasing a 6 chars thing with full 4 SF + 2 guest as cherry on top


Btw on "why" not be just as mad, because Terry and Mai are a very specific and isolated situation without decades of precedents, but as said most just threw tons of shit at it during your hermit-till-no-Bison phase


You can just go back some pages and you'll find tons of salt at Capcom as if use a singe slot for a legend like Terry Fucking Bogard that have in his veins 100% compatible SF DNA (and parents lol) is ultimate betrayal of SF Holy Church and not a very sensible guest choice that in no way harm SF integrity (would say at times SF itself harmed SF integrity, like when we got slots for lazy edgy crap like EvilRyuOniDecapre in SF4, would have LOVED get Terry and Mai in sf4 instead lol)


Point finger at guest gimmick (rare case of respectful/well done guest gimmick while at it) to lessen Capcom responsibilities on long time bad choices handling SF has been embarassing collective hysteria tbh


Then sure, people were x10 angrier because thirsty and these 2 slots are precious... but then one should guess what caused that thirst to begin with lol



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For now Capcom decided to leave their names as is. But if you had a chance to plausibly change them, how would you do it?


Boxer is the easiest one - I'd call him Mike B. (like E. Honda, T. Hawk etc.) and would stop artificially separating SF1 and SF2 character.


I'd let Claw enter SF6 tournament as Geki, thus connecting him with SF1 character and adding a shuriken throw and teleport moves. His alternate costume would be his classic SF2 one. Thus the names Vega and Balrog would become obsolete andall three sub bosses from SF2 would be rooted in SF1.


For Dictator I have no idea so far. What would you do?

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2 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

please do greater effort understand what people say

Excuse you. I quoted the parts I felt I could add something to, more nuance or a parallel take.  If I didn't quote something in your post, it probably means I find it agreeable or doesn't contradict with my own opinions.

If we have a similar opinion on something, it doesn't mean I won't post mine.


2 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

It's not "SF2 group" is just that some single characters managed to become huge cash cows,

Again that's your take. I call them the SF2 group because it is occupied by 90% SF2 characters. Capcom said they don't see SF characters by series, and just group them all together. I say that's bullshit. There are 2 groups. Their actions speak louder than their words.


2 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

I'll try keep be honest whole post, call me forgetful but in years i've no personal memories of you asking for more SF3 lol

You are forgetful. I played Urien, Q, Remy, Chun, and Oro on and off for years between 2000 and 2007. I played because their gameplay meshes with me and they reminded me of SF2 characters. But do I want them in every game? Not necessarily. I do want the 4 OG Shadakings though, and most of SF2 in every game.

And yes I liked Urien from the get go because of the way he plays (which remains extremely original for the series), he's also a villainous charge character, which is practically a Shadaking. It's not a lore thing. Gameplay first always. Nobody in fighting game even comes close to playing like Bison and scratching that itch. That's the #1 reason I want him.

2 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

you can just go back some pages and you'll find tons of salt at Capcom as if use a singe slot for a legend like Terry Fucking Bogard

This has no bearing on what I said. I was clearly referring to the cult on social media platforms and their cries since the release of the Shadaloo Fighting Pass. Maybe take your own advice about reading effort? 🙂


35 minutes ago, martinitolove said:

But if you had a chance to plausibly change them, how would you do it?

Japanese names. But that would piss a lot of people of, so just keep the names as is, and just confirm that the M initial means different things based on location (Master and Mike) going as far as having the English and Japanese announcer saying the M out during gameplay - Like if M.Bison (Boxer) wins in Japan, the announcer says "Mike Bison wins!" and for English it would say "Master Bison wins" instead of simply "M.Bison wins". At least for a game or two so people adjust.

But ideally, Japanese names.


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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Excuse you. I quoted the parts I felt I could add something to, more nuance or a parallel take.  If I didn't quote something in your post, it probably means I find it agreeable or doesn't contradict with my own opinions.

If we have a similar opinion on something, it doesn't mean I won't post mine.

Your answer started with

"To be honest that's not how Capcom see it, even if that's what Nakayama claims.
The way it works actually is..."


I thought you implied i was saying something else and explaining me how it actually works (and saying same thing in different way)

If instead you wanted just express we agree on that, we can move on easily


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Again that's your take. I call them the SF2 group because it is occupied by 90% SF2 characters. Capcom said they don't see SF characters by series, and just group them all together. I say that's bullshit. There are 2 groups. Their actions speak louder than their words.

I recognize there's a privileged SF2 group that indeed get special treatment as a group, but to me is the SF2 group of 12, not even covering SSF2's 4 newcomers


The privilege they have is that some of them as single characters may even not have huge fanbase support (first coming to mind Honda, with LOT people bitching loud at his SF6 inclusion), yet being part of the 12 give them usually strong chance to be in, to the point after SF2 all in SFA, SF4, SFV chapters and likely will make it in SF6 too


Wich is fine by me, to various degree from love to like i appreciate all 12 (only SF2ers i dislike are Deejay and Akuma, neither being of the 12) and will ever welcome them

Any doubt i had and still have on Bison is related to Boss status (and devs lack of balls to look for new bosses), the char itself if like in SF6 so far stay in a corner without get story stuck on him, i'm ok with it


Others are money maker, sure i understand why we can consider Cammy or Akuma to be part of SF2 privileged ones , but reality is that they have earned their "adopted" status there because Cammy ass and Akuma demonshoto gimmick  make them easy money makers with huge fanbase, otherwise if Cammy and Akuma had Honda-levels reputation would have got same treatment of Deejay or T.Hawk with nothing guaranteed (as you mentioned before)


Sakura and Juri are just like them(Cammy/Akuma) in terms of "buy" their presence with guaranteed money + are'nt linked in any way to SF2 legacy so would not call them part of SF2 group, there's no "group" dynamic influencing their inclusion, just individual fanbase money


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

This has no bearing on what I said. I was clearly referring to the cult on social media platforms and their cries since the release of the Shadaloo Fighting Pass. Maybe take your own advice about reading effort? 🙂

Guess you speak with very specific tiny fraction of internet community then, i was using this forum as overall fans reaction example of people throwing insane amount of salt on Guest announcement too, since your painting felt like only poor Bison/SF2 was getting negativity... when on reality first reaction on teh internet over Guest were comments of fans mad about it, crying outrage for stolen slots and gone integrity


And seen same shit going on eventhubs section, other sites, YT comments and some X posts, everybody crying betrayal... when as said real betrayal is getting again only 4 chars in a whole year, when one of few super rare things 99% of the fans can agree on and has been vocal about is we would like more characters


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5 hours ago, martinitolove said:

For now Capcom decided to leave their names as is. But if you had a chance to plausibly change them, how would you do it?


What would you do?

My personal solution to fix the names problem in 2024 is recognize we have no names problem.


Or better, that after 30 years any cure would be much worse than the disease


Both Japanese and rest of the world SF communities got used to their respective names, let it be... SF canon absorbed this little imperfection long ago by splitting in two version 99.999% identical aside these 3 names being switched and few other things (Poison gender? FANG-AKI encounter story being kinda censored? Can't think any else)


Only attempt they did in SF6 WTM solved nothing and caused damage to the canon


In rare case we want/need avoid confusion we already found solution long ago, same you used in your post: Dictator, Claw, Boxer...



PS: only thing that kinda bother me is Dictator having Bison as name since sounds to me very american/english (wich make sense originally name was picked for Boxer), and of MANY nationalities that i can see working on him, i just can't consider him US american lol

Wish got different name... and HE DID being born as Vega, but i waaaaaay prefer spanish matador to own the "Vega" name, possibly only good decision west ever had about SF 😆


6 hours ago, martinitolove said:

I'd let Claw enter SF6 tournament as Geki, thus connecting him with SF1 character and adding a shuriken throw and teleport moves. His alternate costume would be his classic SF2 one. Thus the names Vega and Balrog would become obsolete andall three sub bosses from SF2 would be rooted in SF1.

With all respect your idea about Claw becoming Geki is madness

Vega and Geki have already their individual canon history as separated characters, you would deform one char and erase the other only to fix a localization name thing?


If anything after decades of nothing recently (SFV)  Geki's bio have been even updated to add that SF1 Geki "has been killed by another assassin during his activities in Asia" and that a Geki II took his place


This is interesting because can offer some lore for Vega and rare case of actual characters interaction between the two, since my guess is Vega is the assassin that killed original Geki.

Would not even be a random murder, we learned as canon thing that in the past Geki beated up Vega (my theory when Vega was still young/not as experienced during his training in Japan), so a Vega that with time/experience got better and took his life in a revenge rematch would make perfect sense


We also seen in SFV arcade ending that Vega fought Geki's successor too... not clear who was hunting who, but considering cage matches are Vega's thing and he's the one cheering the crowd, would guess Vega being home team and Geki2 is the one that after investigation work found and challenged him


The outcome so far is unknown, but still is interessing current canon give us 2 interactions between Vega and Geki clan (Vega vs Geki1 and Vega vs Geki2), maybe hinting even a third (Vega possibly being Geki1's assassin)



That's stuff i would like to see explored in SF6 WTM if Vega return (as likely will), we just know at some point Vega went to Japan to add ninjutsu to his spanish bullfighting abilities, and some obscure japanese source (translated by@Miðgarðsormiirc) said at some point Vega was fucked up by SF1 Geki


Geki clan being the one that teached him claw ninjutsu techniques during his japanese travel seems a kinda safe bet, but only capcom can confirm it


I even have a guess on why Vega does'nt throw shurikens* or smoke bombs like Geki, but that's entering even more in theory territory without previous ones getting confirmed lol


*but he's just as good at throw roses

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On 7/3/2024 at 9:28 PM, CESTUS III said:

Hugo replacement for Zangief (and as much i like SF3 Hugo he's no Zangief)

Of course he's not.  "Having a command grab" doesn't make you a Zangief.  Hugo's moveset is completely different from Zangief's.


Whereas Remy literally has a Sonic Boom and a Flash Kick.


On 7/4/2024 at 2:16 AM, Daemos said:

A-list - Ibuki, Alex, Dudley
B-list - Urien, Makoto, Elena

C-List - Yun/Yang, Hugo, Oro, Gill, (Kolin)

D-list - Everyone else*

You can compress A and B tier together and that's pretty close to my list.

A - Alex, Dudley, Ibuki, Elena, Urien, Makoto

C - Yun, Yang, Sean, Oro, Hugo, Remy

F - Necro, Gill, Q, Twelve


21 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

SF3 is geetting it's first character before SF1

I mean, that's factually untrue.  Ryu and Ken are already in the game.


21 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

- Manon as new french rep -> obstacle Remy inclusion in start cast

I'd say she's more of an Abel obstacle.  Since he's not only French, but also uses Judo.


16 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

All salt went against the two guest stealing our jobs, rather than at devs not releasing a 6 chars thing with full 4 SF + 2 guest as cherry on top

I can be pissed at both!


We should be getting 6 SF characters a year!


Edited by DarthEnderX
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14 hours ago, martinitolove said:

For now Capcom decided to leave their names as is. But if you had a chance to plausibly change them, how would you do it?

Currently, neither region gets it totally right.


Bison is the perfect name for Boxer.  Because he's big, dumb, muscle.  Point for JA.

Vega is the perfect name for Claw.  Because it's actually a Spanish name.  Point for NA.

Balrog is the perfect name for Dictator.  Because he's a demon of shadow and flame.  No points awarded.


14 hours ago, martinitolove said:

I'd let Claw enter SF6 tournament as Geki, thus connecting him with SF1 character and adding a shuriken throw and teleport moves. His alternate costume would be his classic SF2 one. Thus the names Vega and Balrog would become obsolete andall three sub bosses from SF2 would be rooted in SF1.

If I was going to do a Geki retcon, I'd make him Zeku, not Vega.  I'd just make it so Zeku wanted to participate in the SF1 tournament anonymously, so he took his "young" form, and called himself Geki.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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27 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

If I was going to do a Geki retcon, I'd make him Zeku, not Vega.  I'd just make it so Zeku wanted to participate in the SF1 tournament anonymously, so he took his "young" form, and called himself Geki.

IMHO I still prefer the Geki Ninja Clan of Udon


Yet here a question...

How about Mike and Balrog/MBison?


I myself wanted them to be one character


And also I wanted SF1 Birdie a different character his cousin and Birdie will be his surname thus explain the radical difference from SF1 to Alpha and SFV

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4 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:

IMHO I still prefer the Geki Ninja Clan of Udon

I think the idea of a SF character actually being a group of generic interchangeable mooks is stupid.


4 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:

Yet here a question...

How about Mike and Balrog/MBison?


I myself wanted them to be one character

They should 100% be one character.


The idea that Mike, the African-American boxer that was  banned from professional boxing for violence, and Mike Bison, the the African-American boxer that was  banned from professional boxing for violence, are two seperate characters is ridiculous.



Basically, if I was rebooting SF1:
Mike would be replaced by Balrog

Joe would be replaced by Cody

Geki would be Zeku in disguise
Lee would be replaced by Dorai

Everyone else would be the same, but matching their more modern designs.  So the only real playable newcomers would be Dorai and Retsu.

Edited by DarthEnderX
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2 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Of course he's not.  "Having a command grab" doesn't make you a Zangief.  Hugo's moveset is completely different from Zangief's.

Both are extremizations, of course he's not 1:1 Gief replacement, but is neither just "command grab" char... he was there to be the big slow muscle mountain pro wrestler with fuckton damage, basically filling to some extent the role previously handled by Gief


Btw his specials included

Giant damage spinning special throw -> Gief SPD

Big damage running throw -> Gief RBG

A lariat special -> different mechanic but still Gief had one

ground-to-air antiair special grab -> Gief had aerial slam in some games as super in some as special


Different aesthetic but in many ways was there to offer replacement to Gief, despite not be 1:1 copy

He was there as Gief replacement as much Necro despite different looking moveset was there to cover missing Sim/Blanka... some replacements were just loose, call it spiritual replacement


2 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Whereas Remy literally has a Sonic Boom and a Flash Kick.

Remy was indeed more in your face due factors you said

But as before would not go so extreme take, still Remy also had bunch of kinda unique stuff


His base moveset was pretty unique and based on a different and recognizable martial art

His most rip-off 2 specials had some uniqueness to:

His flash kick animation despite still being a backflip kick had pretty different and unique look (sure more differentiation effort than let's say Luke' getting a fucking jumping uppercut in a game filled with shoryukens)


if you change it to srk+K would feel like your classic anti-air kick special (kinda like Elena's) without instant scream at Guile being robbed


His projectiles were indeed the most in your face copy

If was up to me would change their look to don't remind "sonic booms" , while keeping most distinctive traits like high/low, multiple ones or crazy curved trajectories (EX versions, could become normal version, unique launch animation


Then he got this wich was unique to him


Then add some new specials to make him more unique

He got a Counter Super Art, that was pretty distinctive trait, could become special material too


4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I mean, that's factually untrue.  Ryu and Ken are already in the game.

Of course that's true, but they're literally in every single game, was counting them out of this

Doubt anybody would think "Ryu and Ken in? SF1 is getting some love!" 😆


Think rest of the cast, these that were exclusive of SF1 (Joe, Mike, Retsu, Lee, Geki) or these that got another chance (Sagat, Adon, Gen, Birdie, Eagle) nobody in neither groups are represented as playable chars in current SF6


4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I'd say she's more of an Abel obstacle.  Since he's not only French, but also uses Judo.

Of course she murder my boy Abel much more 🥲

But does'nt help Remy either, they can still consider France already covered an move on


4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I can be pissed at both!


We should be getting 6 SF characters a year!

I start with premise if was up to me i would have done just Terry, add Mai in a 4 slots season feels overkill, her legacy is not as legendary and i can get my fanservice bouncing boobs from Laura or Mika


But if was 4+2?

Keeping current entries, something like : Bison, Terry, Mai, Elena, Sagat(or Adon), Hugo


Would have been hell of a Season 2 to me

The +2 being guest would not disturb me because i would have took it as extra budget effort investment with them hoping to recover that extra cost by tapping into SNK audience


Problem is 4 slots being miserable, but i can understand if one just can't accept SNK presence as cool move (due Capcom-SNK history i love it) must feel like S2 have only 2 slots


For me is not problem, i find Terry cooler SF entry than respectable % of missing male SFers and while i would pick almost every missing SF female over Mai, i would still pick her 10 times out 10 over #1 "SF fans" pick Sakura or let's say Decapre lol


So don't consider these totally wasted slots, male is good addition, female could have been worse (and still got in S2 my personal #1 missing female pick in Elena)


Only problem to me is just not having 1-2 more additions this year

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9 hours ago, martinitolove said:

What's your guess? 😉

To put it simply Vega just LOVE the thrill of the bloody duel concept itself


He was already into spanish bullfighting as matador (deadly duel between man and beast), then as soon he integrated his skills with a man-vs-man style he started armed gladiator style cage fights lol


Even if was trained by Geki clan in all their ninjutsu arts would make sense him not using shurikens/smoke bombs as these would being ways to avoid direct confrontation have no place in his idea of dangerous duel


Throw roses (wich may be similar technique than throw kunai) get free pass because does no lethal damage, it more showboating move like matador's banderillas while is still the sword (claw) that have to inflict the deadly strike


Despite ninjutsu, Vega is exactly opposite of a ninja, he's more a modern gladiator who knows ninjutsu

Ninja want to not be seen, Vega want to put up spectacular show

Ninja want play safest as possible, Vega purposely put himself in danger

Ninja would avoid useless fighting and does it for a mission, Vega seek a duel even if he does'nt need it (he's rich noble) and does it only for fun of spill some blood lol


If we ever get canon confirmation of him having learned Geki clan ninjustu make sense he took just a part of it (claw fighting and hand-to-hand techniques) and dropped the rest

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1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

Of course that's true, but they're literally in every single game, was counting them out of this

Doubt anybody would think "Ryu and Ken in? SF1 is getting some love!" 😆


Think rest of the cast, these that were exclusive of SF1 (Joe, Mike, Retsu, Lee, Geki) or these that got another chance (Sagat, Adon, Gen, Birdie, Eagle) nobody in neither groups are represented as playable chars in current SF6

I see your point, although I'm actually inclined to agree with @DarthEnderXon this one. I tend to think of characters based on their playable debut first and foremost. So when I think of characters like Adon, Gen, and Birdie. I think of Alpha series. Sagat was the boss of SF1 but he wasn't playable until SF2 so that's what assocate him with. I have similar thoughts on characters like Kolin and Decapre. It's part of the reason I find leaving characters like Cody out of SF6 foolish. Even setting aside the Metro City aspect, he's both a Final Fight and Street Fighter Alpha 3 rep. Or in the case of Adon, you get a SF1, SFA, and a Muay Thai rep. When you are dealing with limited characer slots, picking characters that represent multiple things in the series is important IMO.

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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I see your point, although I'm actually inclined to agree with @DarthEnderXon this one. I tend to think of characters based on their playable debut first and foremost. So when I think of characters like Adon, Gen, and Birdie. I think of Alpha series. Sagat was the boss of SF1 but he wasn't playable until SF2 so that's what assocate him with. I have similar thoughts on characters like Kolin and Decapre. It's part of the reason I find leaving characters like Cody out of SF6 foolish. Even setting aside the Metro City aspect, he's both a Final Fight and Street Fighter Alpha 3 rep. Or in the case of Adon, you get a SF1, SFA, and a Muay Thai rep. When you are dealing with limited characer slots, picking characters that represent multiple things in the series is important IMO.


I don't have any problem with that 👍


Them being considered SF1 or SFA is same to me, ultimately what matters is if they make it into the game or not... also because one thing i agree with @Daemosis outside the 12 they don't give any particular fuck about from wich chapters they belong, devs do their pick without apparent attempt at chapters balance/distribution... they either pick who serve their purpose or who sells a lot


Would rather split characters between who have good chances and on other side all others (be them still possible but not having any hint yet, or those with almost no hopes due being unpopular/hated)


Picking hints here and there imho good/superior chances are, in random order


Vega - graffiti, SF6 WTM hint, part of the 12, WTM spanish flag

Rog - SF6 WTM hint, part of the 12, link with Ed (and art with whole Neo Shadaloo crew)

Sagat - his face was on a devs panel where was all SF6ers + Bison (now SF6er), part of the 12, game still missing Muay Thai, WTM Thailand flag, popular char

Sakura - it sells fuckton and rank #1 in popularity, graffiti, possible WTM hint there are developments with Ryu

Cody - Mayor of MC, super loved char, devs said to want him

R.Mika - Graffiti, WTM Zangief mentioning she's having great wrestler career, sex sells

Makoto- Missing for long time in combo with very high popularity

Seth - We see in WTM the whole SirN clones/cyborg bullshit and high chances all belong to her/him

Hugo - game still needs a giant and everybody hate Abigail, Hugo just returned in MC at the end of SFV (and they did'nt wanted reveal us new look)

Hakan - WTM Turkey flag, guess possible link to G lore together with Elena, Season have offered zero grapplers so far


Sure there are probably more and not necessary all these i just mentioned will appear, but imho decent chance is we will see most of them through next years

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I call BS on the devs saying they dont pick based on what series the character comes from, but how unique they are. Rose is unique and she aint in the game. Kolin is unique and she aint in the game. There's a reason they picked Dhalsim over Necro, Gief over Alex, Akuma over Sean, Guile over Remy. Popularity obviously counts, as does SF2 nostalgia.

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16 hours ago, mykka said:

I call BS on the devs saying they dont pick based on what series the character comes from, but how unique they are. Rose is unique and she aint in the game. Kolin is unique and she aint in the game. There's a reason they picked Dhalsim over Necro, Gief over Alex, Akuma over Sean, Guile over Remy. Popularity obviously counts, as does SF2 nostalgia.


To be fair they did'nt said "unique" iirc, they mentioned seek chars with nationality or martial art still not represented talking about Elena being first african (Kenya) char and repping Capoeira



Famitsu: You're also adding Elena from the Street Fighter 3 series. Was there any particular reason for bringing her back?


Nakayama: First of all, we didn't have a capoeira user at the moment and we also wanted to have someone who was from Africa, which were two big reasons for including her.

We were thinking about making a brand new African character, but we felt like if we did that'd leave no room for Elena later so we chose to bring her back instead.


Famitsu: You're working hard to not have overlapping nationalities and fighting styles, then?


Nakayama: That's right. We're always trying to bring in nationalities or martial arts that aren't represented yet. In Street Fighter 6, we added Snake Kung-Fu on our poison user A.K.I. and Drunken Fist with Jamie when we made new characters.


(kinda hilarious they seems to consider "africa" as one nation, japanese perspective i guess... wonder if Elena in may obstacle Menat at this point)


So going by that, Rose you mention would be kinda weak counter argument, since she's Italy wich is already repped by Marisa (🥲) and she rep no particular iconic martial art beyond thing of be OG Soul Power character

Kolin have no official nationality and Systema is a so obscure/niche martial art compared to some others still waiting to appear as well (fucking Muay Thai to begin with)


Example by that reasoning Menat is more deserving than Rose, as both use SP style but unlike Rose Menat's nation (Egypt) still have no rep


Also saying if they was telling truth Rose or Kolin are unique so they should already be in ignore slots are limited and many other unique chars are out as well, so Rose/Kolin in would not solve it as you would still have others out... why Hakan who is Turkey/Oil Wrestling who rep a real nation AND a real martial art should still be out despite fitting their "rule" better than both girls? See how it works


To test their word i think you should not check who's out (by sheer number of course many are out) but who they included

Let's just watch DLC seasons, since it's only thing we will get in future



Rashid -> Parkour is poor pick for "martial art", but key here is obviously him be only arab guy (SF6 behind closed door even admitted Saudi Arabia) so ok

AKI -> Reading interview they really wanted some chinese styles snake fist being one, plus poison user (i think +1 chinese style could have waited at least S2 but that's me)

Ed -> Boxing rep not be in was huge shame just as much Muai Thai not is still is. Plus they seem to consider Ed german even if not ingame lol

Akuma -> Bullshit, they just wanted money



M.Bison -> he's unique for sure, does'nt fit much nation/martial art thing since nation is unknown and if style is Lerdrit, it has never been pushed as trait

Terry -> Guest, money/marketing. And even as guest they did'nt even bothered seek one that would fill much SF6 missing pieces.

Mai -> Same as Terry

Elena -> The char they useed to explain the concept


Watching this i would not say they lie, SOME of their picks are done with that mindset, some not

To be fair must also recognize vanilla start cast itself already offered great variety of nations and styles, would say beside some ridicolous holes (boxing and muai thai) start cast is fucking well done SF cast


Iirc in another interview they said they would like as new characters Philipines (kali?) and Mongolia(mongol wrestling i guess)


Overall my 2 cents is as a whole SF6 reflect the reasoning they claim and will even more do it once full cast is released, but is also true they can ignore it any time they smell money opportunity pick



PS: guess with little variations we all agre SF2 privilege is a thing

But is also true that SF2 cast itself for most part incarnate that nation/martial art concept



Edited by CESTUS III
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8 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

With the renewed hype for the series due to SF6, I wanted to put it out there again, would you guys be down for organizing on getting the lore to a wider audience? I'd love to brainstorm and organize an effort. Part of me is extra motivated cause I keep seeing people get things wonky with the lore on Twitter, ack.

Same as reddit


Here is something to be exact


Which is are confirmed, unconfirmed and retconned info in 1-14? 







Edited by Shakunetsu
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1 hour ago, Shakunetsu said:

Same as reddit


Here is something to be exact


Which is are confirmed, unconfirmed and retconned info in 1-14? 





2- Rose did not rise to the top of the class. In fact, she was probably the youngest at the time that Bison never saw her as a threat, and may have instead wanted to instill fear and despair in her. Fodder for his appetite.

3- No mention of the Master regarding him as inferior. In fact, Bison was the most powerful Soul Power user before he discovered Psycho Power.

4- False. Bison turned to the Dark Side BEFORE he killed his master and fellow peers.

5- False. Bison never brainwashed Rose. Bison's relationship with Rose ended after the massacre.

6- False and bullshit.

7- False. Bison could always kill Rose. He just chooses not to everytime.

8- False.

9- She doesn't "remember" her final mission. She was told her "final mission" and the part she will play in the end of the world by Bison himself in Alpha 3.  Prior to this Rose's vision was clouded but she knew Bison was up to no good, and began sensing him once he started operating more publicly with Shadaloo.

10-13 Sure whatever. But nobody knows how much time Bison possessed Rose.

14- NO. The time travel nonsense is not canon. She is not Raiden and she may have alluded to something to sound of, could've been a metaphor, could've been something else.


Notice the minor liberties they take with the story. Little by little, this corrodes the foundations of the canon and is what lead us to madness of the Plot Guide in the first place. These people need be ruled with an iron fist!


6 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

With the renewed hype for the series due to SF6, I wanted to put it out there again, would you guys be down for organizing on getting the lore to a wider audience? I'd love to brainstorm and organize an effort. Part of me is extra motivated cause I keep seeing people get things wonky with the lore on Twitter, ack.

What would be the medium of choice for such an endeavor? Youtube?

Edited by Daemos
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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

Notice the minor liberties they take with the story. Little by little, this corrodes the foundations of the canon and is what lead us to madness of the Plot Guide in the first place.

Yeah with everyone floating around with loose interpretation everyone gets more confused of which is which.


Nowadays the term reddit becomes a more creadible source than YT videos. Im worried that everything posted in SF reddit is claim to be credible thus assuming its well research and canon 


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@Chun-Li_ForeverThink you may like this 😁

During lazy YT time was rewatching some HnK vids, end up realize the moment Urien kidnapped Li Fen and force Chun Li to a amusement challenge to free her is not casual, but likely another wink at HnK



We know Urien come from HnK Souther (fun thing at first SF3 devs identified him more with another HnK Nanto Master, calling Urien Yuda* in early development phase just as Gill was called Gemini after Saint Seya's villain)



In HnK Souther kidnap bunch of children and force benevolent Nanto Master called Shu to a challenge, he should bring the last missing tip stone on the top of Souther's pyramid to save their life



this is'nt even first time Shu confronted Souther to save a child, lot years before Shu gave his eyes to spare child Kenshiro life, at the end even carry Ken like Chun does with Li Fen in SFV


Chun Li opposing Urien to save Li Fen imho is wink at Shu opposing Souther to save children/Ken


While at it Shu dress azure and fight syle was all based on swift and quick kicks too but that's kinda irrelevant but fun coincidences



*despite visual look being more Souther in many ways Urien personality also in final current version have things of Yuda... huge inferiority complex, betrayal nature, being manipulated by higher ranked fellow Master of same "family" (Nanto school), blow up large structures to damage his enemy


Edited by CESTUS III
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