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    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    If only Capcom would take the chance to show Ryu finally enlarging Akuma's arse with the whole temple of his background, I'd be all for it.
    Too bad they'll never do so and we will be still plagued by Akuma as of SF36, and we'll just have to be grateful if they won't waste even another slot on Evil Ryu ever again. Oh well, as long as they keep giving me the best Zangief ever seen, I won't care.
    In the meantime, I discovered a new chapter in the novel "Capcom randomly jumbles cultures", but it's really like shooting fish in a barrel.
    Nakayama said Lily's weapons are called ポカモガン pokamogan. Aka the English pogamoggan, in turn from the Ojibwe bagamaagan "club" and the Cree ᐸᑲᒪᑲᐣ pakamakan or ᐸᑲᒫᑲᐣ pakamâkan, "club, sledgehammer". As @EvilCanadianalready pointed out once, the weapons have a very specific origin, and that's the Northeastern Woodlands. This contrasts with the Great Plains cultures which always were the primary inspiration for the Thunderfoot tribe since its inception, but we should remember that Capcom had (and still has) in mind the classic Hollywood stereotype about the Native Americans: basically, "all the Indians are the same", and that "same" is mostly "Lakota with totem poles" (no Plains culture had totem poles, which are an exclusive feature of the Northwestern Coast).¹ Indeed, we know the elder's name and is Singing Wolf, a blatantly classical English-translated Lakota name. And yet... we saw the Thunderfoot village from above during T.Hawk's ending in SFIV, and they dwelt in typical Lakota tipis. Why do they seem to live in caravans now? With a lot of Aztec imagery on top of that, such as the Sun Stone reproduction just in front above Lily. At least that is Mexican, as is the papel picado hung everywhere, the writings (Gente orgullosa, "proud people" lol, teléfono and, on the left, Lujo - La Fonda - cocteles, "Treat - The Tavern - cocktails"), the people and the coloured hill town in the background, which not only closely resembles the colourful houses of Mexican cities like Guanajuato but also doesn't make the Thunderfoot village seem so isolated anymore... I can't wait until we know the names of Lily's moves, her normals in particular. Also, the name of the wind spirit... What language is that?

    ¹ It's ironic that we use "totem poles", using an Ojibwe word (ᑑᑌᒻ doodem, "clan") for something that the Ojibwe never carved. Linguistically understandable, as most of the Native American words which entered English are from the Northeastern coast because they were the first people the European colonisers met, but still awkward. Well, it's also more pronounceable than the Haida gyáaʼaang, the Tlingit kootéeyaa or the Timsin pts'aan, gotta give them that.
  2. LOL
  3. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to bakfromon in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Hey @ScotiaGreat job on those translations. The one about Alex really struck me when I first read it a while ago because it made me realize something about his original design that went over my head for so long.
    The lines hes has on his shoulders in SF 3 aren't paint or scars but are a direct cause of him wearing his suspenders all the time during SF5. By the time of SF3 he has nearly permanent indents from the tightening straps against his shoulders. Because of this fact I also don't think the marks under his eyes are scars or paint of any kind but they are stylized eyebags. Alex trains too much and gets almost no sleep. 

    @Miðgarðsormand I had theorized that because Alex's hometown is New York city which has been dubbed "the city that never sleeps" Alex's sleep schedule must be horrible and he gets very little.
    His mentor Tom who resembles Jean Reno is also famous for having bags under his eyes as well🤣  I noticed that the shaded lines under Toms eyes in certain artwork have a similar outline to Alex's eye marks but are shaded a natural color unlike Alex's

    Alex's story in SF5 is also based around his horrible sleep schedule.  His attitude is very dreary and moody as if he's always tired. In fact he initially falls asleep of his own volition during lunch time (midday) in the beginning of his story. No need for sleeping gas from the Shadaloo soldiers, though they would use it later to subdue him and remove him from Shadaloo labs after testing. He probably wouldn't have been kidnapped by Shadaloo and forced to endure FANGs experiments had he not needed his mid day nap😴
    His story mode costume is the only one not to feature his eye bags because of the fact that he's basically at the start of his journey at this point. Its the youngest canon appearance he has. 

  4. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to Lord_Vega in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    The timeline in the new book is just a (slightly) modified version of the one presented in SF:Beyond the World.
    Pictures and tranlation by @Scotia. Thanks man!


    Another wasted oportunity to fix some things....
    And, as always, Nakayama and Matsumoto are REALLY dodgy about SF2 events... they even removed the entry mentioning that Vega wanted Ryu's body.
    And... once more... SFZ3 and SF2 are two separate events with the Psycho Drive being destroyed during it's events 3 years prior SF2.
    Also, Ryu defeats Sagat with a regular Shoryuken.
  5. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to Scotia in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Hey everyone, thanks for the kind words! I'm not a translator so I was a bit worried about messing some things up but I think I did a decent job getting across what Nakayama and the others were trying to say. Just popping my head in here to link a massive twitter thread I've just made of every SF5 character's developer comments from the Climax Arts book as I'm sure many of you will appreciate some of the stuff in them. 

  6. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to JustBooming in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    This Twitter account has a new Japanese artbook (Street Fighter V Climax Arts +Zero to 6), and is highlighting sections of interest from it (in Japanese). Thought some folk here would enjoy.
  7. Love
  8. +1
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  11. Thrilling
  12. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Left: огнеопасно - высокое напряжение  Ogneopasno - vysokoe naprjaženie, "FLAMMABLE - HIGH VOLTAGE"
    Up right: осторожно Ostorožno, "Caution"
    Low right: осторожно! злой зангиев Ostorožno! Zloj ZANGIEV, "CAUTION! EVIL ZANGIEF"
    I suppose it refers to Gief's heel persona, whom his two students (the ones similar to Gunloc and Biff behind Gief) reveal with their sandwich double lariat at the beginning.
    Also, the stage is called "Barmaley Steelworks". That's a reference to Barmaley Fountain in Volgograd, which in turn comes from the fictional pirate Barmaley. I call @-PVL93-to confirm that.
    Gief's students have 右王 migiō "right king" and 左 hidariō "left king" tattooed on their bodies.
  13. Love
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    It's all SPLENDID.
    Gief has his suplexes back.
    Lily is "clumsy" Hawk. Love her.
  14. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to bakfromon in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    SF6 is definitely the most brutal of the all the SF games so far. Between Jamie ripping tracheas out and Cammy performing Mortal Khiropractic on opponents it definitely brings a more mature feel that the series has been lacking recently. Plus it manages to keep all the lighthearted fun with newcomers like Lily and Kimberly. 
    There are some subtle differences between the anime version and SF6. Mainly in SF6 the opponents go along with the momentum of Cammy’s initial neck twist thus Cammy just turns them around violently and takes their knees out with the neck hold takedown. 
    In the anime the poor senators neck unfortunately just goes along with the momentum of Cammys neck twist and is completely turned 180 degrees. 
    Cammy the Chiropractor 🩻

    After that treatment JP should’t have to use his cane for the remainder of SF6. 
  15. Love
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to bakfromon in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    True but now we know for sure whose in the base roster and who isn’t. 
    Well if we got another anime out of it that would be cool. Obviously the rap theme for SF6 doesn’t translate well and they probably used this song for marketing as it’s featured in the movie only overseas. 

    Gief has his back scar from protecting Gorbachev! This game has too much detail 😮
  16. Love
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Left: огнеопасно - высокое напряжение  Ogneopasno - vysokoe naprjaženie, "FLAMMABLE - HIGH VOLTAGE"
    Up right: осторожно Ostorožno, "Caution"
    Low right: осторожно! злой зангиев Ostorožno! Zloj ZANGIEV, "CAUTION! EVIL ZANGIEF"
    I suppose it refers to Gief's heel persona, whom his two students (the ones similar to Gunloc and Biff behind Gief) reveal with their sandwich double lariat at the beginning.
    Also, the stage is called "Barmaley Steelworks". That's a reference to Barmaley Fountain in Volgograd, which in turn comes from the fictional pirate Barmaley. I call @-PVL93-to confirm that.
    Gief's students have 右王 migiō "right king" and 左 hidariō "left king" tattooed on their bodies.
  17. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Dracu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    It's all SPLENDID.
    Gief has his suplexes back.
    Lily is "clumsy" Hawk. Love her.
  18. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Left: огнеопасно - высокое напряжение  Ogneopasno - vysokoe naprjaženie, "FLAMMABLE - HIGH VOLTAGE"
    Up right: осторожно Ostorožno, "Caution"
    Low right: осторожно! злой зангиев Ostorožno! Zloj ZANGIEV, "CAUTION! EVIL ZANGIEF"
    I suppose it refers to Gief's heel persona, whom his two students (the ones similar to Gunloc and Biff behind Gief) reveal with their sandwich double lariat at the beginning.
    Also, the stage is called "Barmaley Steelworks". That's a reference to Barmaley Fountain in Volgograd, which in turn comes from the fictional pirate Barmaley. I call @-PVL93-to confirm that.
    Gief's students have 右王 migiō "right king" and 左 hidariō "left king" tattooed on their bodies.
  19. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Left: огнеопасно - высокое напряжение  Ogneopasno - vysokoe naprjaženie, "FLAMMABLE - HIGH VOLTAGE"
    Up right: осторожно Ostorožno, "Caution"
    Low right: осторожно! злой зангиев Ostorožno! Zloj ZANGIEV, "CAUTION! EVIL ZANGIEF"
    I suppose it refers to Gief's heel persona, whom his two students (the ones similar to Gunloc and Biff behind Gief) reveal with their sandwich double lariat at the beginning.
    Also, the stage is called "Barmaley Steelworks". That's a reference to Barmaley Fountain in Volgograd, which in turn comes from the fictional pirate Barmaley. I call @-PVL93-to confirm that.
    Gief's students have 右王 migiō "right king" and 左 hidariō "left king" tattooed on their bodies.
  20. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from DarthEnderX in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    It's all SPLENDID.
    Gief has his suplexes back.
    Lily is "clumsy" Hawk. Love her.
  21. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from bakfromon in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Left: огнеопасно - высокое напряжение  Ogneopasno - vysokoe naprjaženie, "FLAMMABLE - HIGH VOLTAGE"
    Up right: осторожно Ostorožno, "Caution"
    Low right: осторожно! злой зангиев Ostorožno! Zloj ZANGIEV, "CAUTION! EVIL ZANGIEF"
    I suppose it refers to Gief's heel persona, whom his two students (the ones similar to Gunloc and Biff behind Gief) reveal with their sandwich double lariat at the beginning.
    Also, the stage is called "Barmaley Steelworks". That's a reference to Barmaley Fountain in Volgograd, which in turn comes from the fictional pirate Barmaley. I call @-PVL93-to confirm that.
    Gief's students have 右王 migiō "right king" and 左 hidariō "left king" tattooed on their bodies.
  22. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from JustBooming in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Left: огнеопасно - высокое напряжение  Ogneopasno - vysokoe naprjaženie, "FLAMMABLE - HIGH VOLTAGE"
    Up right: осторожно Ostorožno, "Caution"
    Low right: осторожно! злой зангиев Ostorožno! Zloj ZANGIEV, "CAUTION! EVIL ZANGIEF"
    I suppose it refers to Gief's heel persona, whom his two students (the ones similar to Gunloc and Biff behind Gief) reveal with their sandwich double lariat at the beginning.
    Also, the stage is called "Barmaley Steelworks". That's a reference to Barmaley Fountain in Volgograd, which in turn comes from the fictional pirate Barmaley. I call @-PVL93-to confirm that.
    Gief's students have 右王 migiō "right king" and 左 hidariō "left king" tattooed on their bodies.
  23. +1
  24. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    It's all SPLENDID.
    Gief has his suplexes back.
    Lily is "clumsy" Hawk. Love her.
  25. Love
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    It's all SPLENDID.
    Gief has his suplexes back.
    Lily is "clumsy" Hawk. Love her.
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