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  1. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Shout out to @Phantom_Miriafor his ceaseless persecution of Eventhubs morons who whine because Marisa is supposedly some woke agenda ruining THEIR games. I'm still laughing. 😂
  2. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    You know the answer but you still can't accept it.

    Considering how feathers and warpaint ARE a touchy subject for ACTUAL Native Americans, trust me, they've done well.
  3. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    He's absolutely right.
    In Naoki Urasawa's Yawara! (1986), Belkins is the Belgian top model who ALSO is a jūdōka. She retires after Yawara soundly beats her, to dedicate herself only to modeling.
    Fujiko Itō is one of Yawara's friends, who is tall and practices ballet, which influences her movements.
    Lastly, the medal's ostentation recalls Sayaka, Yawara's rich, spoiled and ambitious rival, a classic drama queen who craves the limelight. While Manon doesn't seem so exaggerated, the inspirations are clear as crystal. Yawara is still a fountain of inspirations after more than 30 years...
  4. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Considering a created character was seen doing Kimberly's standard Bunshinryū combo LP-MP-HP-HK, you ABSOLUTELY can. It would make no sense otherwise.
  5. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from DarthEnderX in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    You know the answer but you still can't accept it.

    Considering how feathers and warpaint ARE a touchy subject for ACTUAL Native Americans, trust me, they've done well.
  6. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    You know the answer but you still can't accept it.

    Considering how feathers and warpaint ARE a touchy subject for ACTUAL Native Americans, trust me, they've done well.
  7. +1
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    You know the answer but you still can't accept it.

    Considering how feathers and warpaint ARE a touchy subject for ACTUAL Native Americans, trust me, they've done well.
  8. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Tbh with Lily seems they retreat with tail between their legs at first slight sign of internet outrage, changing drastically the design, basically different enough to be an alt:
    no feather, no face paint, different clothes
    I'm not even going to debate with people if was right thing to do, specially not with kind of "changed for teh better!" replies
    Capcom this time seems VERY cautious to not trigger american internet outrage, so guess make sense for them
    Personally i hope they pulled a SF6 Cammy and rather than eliminate original design they just switched default and alt, so i can still have original design as alternate costume and settle it as the default on my copy (hopefully this beautiful SFV feature is still a thing in SF6) while outraged people can have a more tolerable design as default... everybody win
  9. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to BornWinner in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    SF6 Juri feels like Capcom went full “I know what you are” to her audience and ramped everything up. The insane expressions, the victory pose, the costume which harkens back to her more favored SF4 look while also being as close to topless as they can probably do, and the MASSIVE emphasis on her bare feet. For fuck’s sake, one of her taunts has her turn around and beckon you with her foot.
    I don’t know how idiots can argue that Capcom is going woke for making 1 female have muscles (not even the first time they’ve done so), when Juri exists.
  10. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    @Phantom_MiriaConfirmation bias is an epidemic these days. Kimberly is thin but still double caked up. Juri's SF6 character model shits over all of her other character models. Chun Li's has more yams than Thanksgiving in a black household. WTF are they on? I mean Manon has Shermie level T&A. People are on crack actual crack not the beta @TWINBLADES
  11. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Yeah, i'm not fan of Marisa because it's not the character i wanted as italian rep, BUT there's nothing wrong with her design
    Imho they even actually used two female MMA fighters (one now actress) as inspiration
    To me she seems anime/SF version of Gina Carano face

    mounted over hulkish Gabi Garcia body (188cm/6'2, 95kg/209lbs of roids)

    don't even know the fuck gimmick is happening here, but she looks huge next to all the guys in this gif lol

    and she's been even more massive/heavy in the past, even if not as ripped
    Add all this with extreme stylization going on in SF (your pics were good example of freaks, but tbh almost everybody in SF have it lol) , and Marisa seems pretty coherent SF design
    Looks legit with SF way of design characters, even if break unwritten rule of use SF females as eye candy waifus
    Sticking to SF6 rather ask how Marisa can be that big would rather ask why Luke have two bowling-ball size cancers as forearms, that puzzle me more
  12. Love
  13. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Right? I mean it's ridiculous, when they make something for everybody, no one's losing! Capcom's not walking back anything with their designs, no censorship and they're introducing new waifus and given us new takes on returning ones, (hell everyone's got jiggle physics this time around. Adding a muscle lady isn't hurting anyone's fun, they need to chill. Marisa's awesome, I love her and I'm happy Capcom didn't just decide to waifu'ise her. Variety's good.
  14. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    "No bro, you don't get it. Marisa is weird because she doesn't look like a woman at all, and her proportions are all weird!"
    Meanwhile, what the men and their proportions look like in Street Fighter:

  15. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    It's crazy to me man. I mean have they seen Manon's design? Hell Manon and Kimberly both have the Ibuki "bare hips" element in their designs.
  16. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from ToreyBeans in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Shout out to @Phantom_Miriafor his ceaseless persecution of Eventhubs morons who whine because Marisa is supposedly some woke agenda ruining THEIR games. I'm still laughing. 😂
  17. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Shout out to @Phantom_Miriafor his ceaseless persecution of Eventhubs morons who whine because Marisa is supposedly some woke agenda ruining THEIR games. I'm still laughing. 😂
  18. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Chun-Li_Forever in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Shout out to @Phantom_Miriafor his ceaseless persecution of Eventhubs morons who whine because Marisa is supposedly some woke agenda ruining THEIR games. I'm still laughing. 😂
  19. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Shout out to @Phantom_Miriafor his ceaseless persecution of Eventhubs morons who whine because Marisa is supposedly some woke agenda ruining THEIR games. I'm still laughing. 😂
  20. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from ToreyBeans in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    He's absolutely right.
    In Naoki Urasawa's Yawara! (1986), Belkins is the Belgian top model who ALSO is a jūdōka. She retires after Yawara soundly beats her, to dedicate herself only to modeling.
    Fujiko Itō is one of Yawara's friends, who is tall and practices ballet, which influences her movements.
    Lastly, the medal's ostentation recalls Sayaka, Yawara's rich, spoiled and ambitious rival, a classic drama queen who craves the limelight. While Manon doesn't seem so exaggerated, the inspirations are clear as crystal. Yawara is still a fountain of inspirations after more than 30 years...
  21. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Dracu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    He's absolutely right.
    In Naoki Urasawa's Yawara! (1986), Belkins is the Belgian top model who ALSO is a jūdōka. She retires after Yawara soundly beats her, to dedicate herself only to modeling.
    Fujiko Itō is one of Yawara's friends, who is tall and practices ballet, which influences her movements.
    Lastly, the medal's ostentation recalls Sayaka, Yawara's rich, spoiled and ambitious rival, a classic drama queen who craves the limelight. While Manon doesn't seem so exaggerated, the inspirations are clear as crystal. Yawara is still a fountain of inspirations after more than 30 years...
  22. Insightful
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    He's absolutely right.
    In Naoki Urasawa's Yawara! (1986), Belkins is the Belgian top model who ALSO is a jūdōka. She retires after Yawara soundly beats her, to dedicate herself only to modeling.
    Fujiko Itō is one of Yawara's friends, who is tall and practices ballet, which influences her movements.
    Lastly, the medal's ostentation recalls Sayaka, Yawara's rich, spoiled and ambitious rival, a classic drama queen who craves the limelight. While Manon doesn't seem so exaggerated, the inspirations are clear as crystal. Yawara is still a fountain of inspirations after more than 30 years...
  23. +1
    Miðgarðsorm reacted to Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    interesting bits on Manon
  24. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Bigtochiro in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    ROTFL I hope that's Segata Sanshiro's exploding throw, Ryu's face and pose is killing me 😂

  25. LOL
    Miðgarðsorm got a reaction from Bigtochiro in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    Well, Luke doesn't have the pipe...
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