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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. She's really a national treasure. Her program providing books to children in NC is a wonderful public service. My wife actually got to meet her a few years back at an event. She also sang the song live. She still can hold a tune.
  2. I'll say that the one thing the show did that was pretty cool was play the intro for how our hero came to be along with showcasing his awesomeness. I've been pretty consistent in saying that it's Star Wars comfort food. There really isn't much there (at this point) in Season 3 to have me emotionally engaged to write something more lengthy. I'm engaged enough to keep tuning in though. Also the helmet thing, They replaced it with Bo-Katan, The Armorer, IG-11, and Scout Trooper. They are all characters who have more of a presence in this world than Kylo Ren. Now, do I rule out that KK was not briefed, no. However, this seems like people are really trying to make something out of nothing. It seems less like a gotcha and more of a creative shift (e.g, Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi, etc).
  3. Good in the Toy Story 4 kind of way. You had the perfect offramp but decided to go for one more and the conclusion (while decent) would have been a better break at the end of the last movie. That said, Michael B. Jordan's first run as director is pretty good. Also, Majors kills it with charisma anytime he is on screen. The final fight gave me some anime vibes in an endearing way. Overall, I'd recommend seeing it.
  4. Mando S3E1 It was fine. This show constantly reminds me that it would have been a stellar video game. The first episode is literally Cool Character intro Sets up main story quest Sets up two sub-quests End of Chapter 1 Oh - It's also on 30 min long.
  5. Disney is in the business of reselling our childhood at this point. Very little creative effort in giving something an HD filter.
  6. Hoteps and Maga-nauts are gonna have a field day with these videos.
  7. I'll base this around physical items in the home . . . Transformers Star Wars Back to the Future Welp, this is a thing we can do.
  8. Agreed. It seems like the statement about anti-bullying is that children are soft. It's one thing to coddle, but it's another to say "don't be a dick" is a bad thing. Identifying bad behavior and pointing out why it's wrong isn't a bad thing. I am sure all of us have realized (more often than not) hurt people hurt people.
  9. I will say that the character's appearance (from a VFX perspective) is either something you will be able to work with, or it will haunt you throughout the film I do respect the revised origin story though.
  10. Saw Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania I enjoyed it, but I do see the flaws. So far it's my third favorite post Endgame film. I can also confirm that Majors kills it anytime he is on screen. That said, you'd be fine to hold out for a matinee or D+.
  11. Bill Burr is gonna be seen as one of the greats in time - Here's that interview
  12. Very interesting video. I could see the argument, but if this moves the way that the family wants to go . . .
  13. It's about engagement. The other stories simply don't tug at the fear centers of your brain like the "impending threat going grocery shopping".
  14. He was one of the writers for the Chappelle Show. That special has so many gems. His "boy" referenced in that clip is Chappelle 🤣.
  15. This. . . all of this. As a side - Go watch his standup "Blocks" on Netflix.
  16. Honestly, I can't wait to go through Ragnarok again via NG+ (once it's announced). The Berserker fights are the rematches that I have the greatest interest in revisiting.
  17. BB shows as coming soon - Typically, that means the (initial) preorders have sold out. My tactic on stuff like this is the check the site again around 1AM the day of launch (e.g., 5/12/2023 1 AM). That's actually how I secured my PS5 and the more rare Marvel steelbooks at launch 😎. Granted, you'll likely have to do in store pick up.
  18. I saw this in action at TFCON 2022. It's a cool thing but not for me in the slightest.
  19. I really despise that platform. Low grade content has run rampant for far too long.
  20. This is a pretty solid body of work. The critique here would be finding the relevant examples quickly. Maybe a title bar that has the categories (e.g., Website design, Logos and Overlays, Packaging, Other Projects). This way someone could immediately see examples of what they are looking for instead of scrolling through the page. I love the color palette used for the text and background as it draws your eyes to your work and its minimalist. Great usage of spacing with the title text also.
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