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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. A synonym for bitch 🤣. WE DON'T NEED THIS I really don't see why this is necessary, especially if we are skipping the entire Greek pantheon. That poison armor was good for a while, but going bare handed just interrupted my flow once you get the other weapon. I went to the beserker cuirass for the perks. The realm shift gauntlets were for the dodge mechanic. I am only upset that now with the photo mode, I can't get those sweet kill animations with Kratos smiling.
  2. What I've been up to all year
  3. The answer to that riddle put me in an emotional well for about 10 minutes. This was my biggest complaint with the game. Something about the playstyle was honestly too easy.
  4. I preordered Tarn due to its uniqueness. I am somewhat worried about the MP line. I feel like the engineering and output of the mainline begs the question of what the MP line is out to do. If they just added a "Premium Finish" , I fear that many collectors would make that the focus.
  5. Every time that man talks it's two steps forward and 1 - 5 steps back.
  6. She run up and got done up. We all saw that she "retreated" to her corner and exited the situation on her own power. It was an immediate retaliation at that. I don't think violence is the way, but she assaulted him and he retaliated. Cross counter FTW. In that same vein, you should carefully think about using force as an option regardless of the person's size or stature. Don't become a measurable outcome.
  7. I've heard good things about the series. I'll check it out at some point.
  8. I'm gonna wait to purchase after year 1. I played SF4 religiously but with SF5, I played for about two months and didn't play it again until the Championship Edition dropped. It then proceeded to collect more dust. Still need to finish Replicant. Sigh . . . remember earlier how I said there wasn't anything coming out in 2023 that had my interest . . . March 2023. I also found it funny that I referenced Titanfall 3 and the team at Respawn is working on this one.
  9. EDIT - Returnal is not all that forgiving, but I can work with it.
  10. I really wanted to like the first game, but it played extremely slow compared to some other titles (e.g., SoR4). I felt like they moved like tanks,
  11. Randomly woke up and this was sitting on the porch (USPS delivers now around 10PM). It's a very cool and refreshing transformation for Prime. This better be reused for the Combat/Hero Variant of Prime.
  12. PS5. That's good to know. I have waaaay too many things to wrap up 🤣 EDIT- Dad of War apparently has an update for photo mode. Really wish I still had berserkers to kill. A smiling Kratos is far scarier when decapitating foes.
  13. The only reason I haven't gotten to Cyberpunk 2077 in the backlog is because of all the issues. I was extremely amped for the title. How is the game now?
  14. I'll certainly do that once I get started. Speaking of builds, I really hope they do a NG+ mode for Ragnarok. I want to try out a few things but there really isn't an incentive to play through the title again from the start especially knowing what Kratos is capable of. Also, I rebought GoT because of the issue with the Japanese dub lip syncing. To this day, it's got to be the best title card sequence for a video game.
  15. Speaking of that title. My Black Friday "haul" came in. I'm going to be dying . . . a lot. I honestly am going to have to put a cap on buying games for the next 18 months. Unless Titanfall 3 or a sequel to Viewtiful Joe drops, I don't think there is anything that's coming out that will divert my attention.
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