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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. I've heard good things about the series. I'll check it out at some point.
  2. I'm gonna wait to purchase after year 1. I played SF4 religiously but with SF5, I played for about two months and didn't play it again until the Championship Edition dropped. It then proceeded to collect more dust. Still need to finish Replicant. Sigh . . . remember earlier how I said there wasn't anything coming out in 2023 that had my interest . . . March 2023. I also found it funny that I referenced Titanfall 3 and the team at Respawn is working on this one.
  3. EDIT - Returnal is not all that forgiving, but I can work with it.
  4. I really wanted to like the first game, but it played extremely slow compared to some other titles (e.g., SoR4). I felt like they moved like tanks,
  5. Randomly woke up and this was sitting on the porch (USPS delivers now around 10PM). It's a very cool and refreshing transformation for Prime. This better be reused for the Combat/Hero Variant of Prime.
  6. PS5. That's good to know. I have waaaay too many things to wrap up 🤣 EDIT- Dad of War apparently has an update for photo mode. Really wish I still had berserkers to kill. A smiling Kratos is far scarier when decapitating foes.
  7. The only reason I haven't gotten to Cyberpunk 2077 in the backlog is because of all the issues. I was extremely amped for the title. How is the game now?
  8. I'll certainly do that once I get started. Speaking of builds, I really hope they do a NG+ mode for Ragnarok. I want to try out a few things but there really isn't an incentive to play through the title again from the start especially knowing what Kratos is capable of. Also, I rebought GoT because of the issue with the Japanese dub lip syncing. To this day, it's got to be the best title card sequence for a video game.
  9. Speaking of that title. My Black Friday "haul" came in. I'm going to be dying . . . a lot. I honestly am going to have to put a cap on buying games for the next 18 months. Unless Titanfall 3 or a sequel to Viewtiful Joe drops, I don't think there is anything that's coming out that will divert my attention.
  10. Agreed. It's a talking point that I wondered about through my playthrough but never really impacted the experience.
  11. I would say that the novelty wore off. In a similar vein, GOWR is stellar in (mo-cap) performance and looks but is a more refined version of the previous entry. I feel the same way about GOWR. Its still great, but playing through the title, the first game had a much tighter story. The former was much less of a concern than the latter 🤣
  12. I feel so bad for the Guerilla Games team. Their last two big projects are stellar but are released in the same window as other well received titles. Their product team needs some black ops intel regarding what else is coming out around them. The only other game in recent memory with similar luck was Titanfall 2.
  13. I may get Needlenose. I have the other two and they are great figures. Especially Spinister (which is possibly the best TF name to date).
  14. I love that they kept Prime with the battle mask as a faceplate.
  15. Those guys started as YouTubers who gave somewhat decent physical training advice. The sentiment by Laura Ingraham was that people should work at in their lane.
  16. Reading through the thread reminded me of something. Seeing the HodgeTwins become thought leaders in the conservative space just add more fuel to how ridiculous the "shut up and dribble" stance was.
  17. Why would it even come to that? Also the folks saying they will buy a phone from Elon's shop have no real understanding of how those software platforms work.
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